Английский язык тема reading books. Reading (топик на английском). Сообщение на тему «Мой любимый писатель — О. Генри. My Favourite Writer O.Henry»

My hobby is reading. It has been a great pleasure for me since my childhood. The world of literature is fascinating and infinite. It certainly doesn’t mean that I love all the books. To tell the truth, finding a good book is not so easy. I prefer historical novels, classical and informative literature and some professional books concerning business and management as I am going to run a business of my own in future. I never choose a book only by its colorful cover. As a rule, I look through its pages, read about the writer and his awards. My favorite writers are Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas and Dan Brown.

It goes without saying that some of the books have become my favorites. When I open one of them I immerse in the world of my favorite heroes at once. A book is able to make me laugh or cry because I start feeling exactly what the characters feel. I experience somebody’s pain or joy and I understand that the art of the word in some books is extremely powerful. The book gives me a chance to look at our life through the author’s eyes, to analyze and agree or disagree with his point of view. Sometimes a book can completely change my way of thinking or help me to solve some serious personal or psychological problem.

Unfortunately today most of people and teenagers are not fond of reading. They would rather prefer going to night clubs or just watching TV. They find reading a bit boring or a waste of time. To my mind everything depends on the book. I am sure that without reading one cannot become an intelligent and educated person. People would consider him to be ignorant, illiterate or even ill-mannered, his vocabulary would be quite poor.

I should say that I enjoy reading not only books. I read magazines and I also surf the net and subscribe to interesting sites. These media can undoubtedly provide me with boundless and useful knowledge too. And by the way I often read e-books instead of the paper ones.

The book is my best and precious friend and it’s always with me. I devote most of my free time to reading. I read in transport or when I have to wait in a queue. I always take a good book with me when I travel or go on holidays. And I usually read before going to bed because it helps me to unwind at the end of a long and stressful day. I never feel lonely when I have a great book in my hands.


Мое хобби - чтение. Оно доставляет мне огромное удовольствие с детства. Мир литературы увлекателен и бесконечен. Разумеется, это не означает, что я люблю все книги. Честно говоря, найти хорошую книгу не так-то и легко. Я предпочитаю исторические романы, классическую и познавательную литературу и некоторые профессиональные книги, касающиеся бизнеса и менеджмента, так как я собираюсь руководить собственным делом в будущем. Я никогда не выбираю книгу только по красочной обложке. Как правило, я перелистываю страницы, читаю об авторе и его наградах. Мои любимые писатели - это Виктор Гюго, Александр Дюма и Дэн Браун.

Разумеется, некоторые книги стали мои фаворитами. Когда я открываю одну из них, я сразу же погружаюсь в мир моих любимых героев. Книга способна заставить меня смеяться или плакать, потому что я начинаю чувствовать именно то, что чувствуют герои. Я испытываю чью-то боль или радость, и я осознаю, что искусство слова в некоторых книгах обладает исключительной силой. Книга дает мне возможность взглянуть на нашу жизнь глазами автора, проанализировать и согласиться или нет с его точкой зрения. Иногда книга может полностью изменить мой образ мышления или помочь мне разрешить серьезную личную или психологическую проблему.

К сожалению, сегодня большинство людей и подростков не увлекаются чтением. Они предпочитают походы в ночные клубы или же просто просмотр телевизора. Они считают чтение скучным или пустой тратой времени. По-моему мнению, все зависит от книги. Уверен, что без чтения человек не может стать умным и образованным человеком. Люди будут считать его невежественным, безграмотным и даже невоспитанным, его словарный запас будет бедным.

Следует отметить, что я люблю читать не только книги. Я читаю журналы и также брожу по интернету и регистрируюсь на интересных сайтах. Эти средства информации также могут бесспорно обеспечивать меня безграничными и полезными знаниями. И, между прочим, я часто читаю электронные книги вместо бумажных.

Книга - мой лучший и бесценный друг, и она всегда со мной. Я посвящаю большую часть свободного времени чтению. Я читаю в транспорте или когда мне нужно ждать в очереди. Я всегда беру с собой хорошую книгу в путешествие или в отпуск (на каникулы). И я обычно читаю перед сном, так как это помогает мне отвлечься в конце длинного, стрессового дня. Мне никогда не бывает одиноко, когда в руках есть классная книга.

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Reading plays a very important role in the life of people. It educates a person, enriches his intellect. Books help to mould a person"s character, from his moral values. Besides, books bring pleasure and delight. It"s a wonderful way of spending spare time. Sometimes we read the same book again and again.

Thanks to books we learn to express our thoughts and feelings more exactly. The book is faithful and understanding friend. It can be put aside and taken up again at any moment. There are books which have been our favorites since childhood.

People are fond of reading different kinds of books. Some people enjoy reading detective stories, adventure stories, novels, biographies, other prefer classics. Fairy tales are enjoyed and read by children, books about adventures and journeys are enjoyed by those who are fond of travelling. Legends and myths are read by those who are fond of history. Some people developed much time to reading books and reading becomes their free time occupation, their passion.

Throughout the centuries books had an enormous influence on the minds and hearts of people. Books bind together ages, personalities. Thanks to books we can talk to people who lived in different countries and ages. Through reading books we hear their voices, thoughts and feelings.

The book is the surest way to bring nations together. It helps people achieve understanding, trust, cooperation and friendship. Books awaken the young reader"s imagination. They develop literary taste, arouse interest and curiosity, the reader"s laugher as well as his tears. They teach the readers to be truthful, friendly, honest decisive, conscientious, frank, firm, fair and serious.

Libraries play an important part in the cultural development of people. People like reading, they have a desire learn they seek a knowledge. Books sat this desire. There are a lot of books in our country, in our flats. But it is difficult to buy all the books which we want to read. That is why we get books in public libraries.

Books shouldn"t be read only by pleasure. Reading books helps us in our education. We can fond all kinds of books in the libraries. Books offer romance history adventure, autobiographers science fiction and humor in the form of short stories and novels, poetry, prose and plays as well as reference books, encyclopaedias, dictionaries and so on.

In some libraries we can find books in many foreign languages. When a reader comes to a library for the first time he feels in library card and the librarian helps to chose something to read. The reader is allowed to borrow books for a certain number of days. The catalogues help the reader to find the books and not damage them in any way. Readers come to the reading rooms to study and prepare materials for their reports or for their scientific work.

Топик Книги и чтение рассказывает о том, как важно много читать и развивать свои навыки чтения, в том числе, и при чтении литературы на английском языке. Как и в любом деле, нужно целенаправленно практиковаться: читать быстро, вникая в суть предмета. Для успешной учебы, чтение – один из самых важных навыков.

Books can fit almost every need, temper, or interest. Books can be read when you are in the mood; you don’t need to do it all the time. Books are both more personal and more impersonal than professors. Books have an inner confidence which individuals seldom show; they rarely have to be on the defensive. Books can afford to be bold, and courageous, and explanatory; they don’t have to be so careful of boards of trustees, colleagues, and community opinion. Books are infinitely diverse; they run the gamut of all human activities. Books can express every point of view; if you need a different point of view, you can read a different book.

Reading is probably the most important skill you need for successful studies. You will have to read lengthy assignments in different subjects with varying degrees of detail and difficulty. If you you read inaccurately, you will fail to understand some of the information and ideas you read. If you read slowly, you will have to spent too much time reading your assignments and the rest of your work may suffer.

Poor reading may be a problem for you, but it can be solved. Like other skills, your abilty to read English fast and accurately demands careful instruction and purposeful practice. You must keep practising on your own to improve your reading skills.

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Reading plays a very important role in the life of people. It educates a person, enriches his intellect. Books help to mould a person"s character, form his moral values. Besides, books bring pleasure and delight. It"s a wonderful way to spend spare time. Sometimes we read the same book again and again. Thanks to books we learn to express our thoughts and feelings more exactly. The book is a faithful and understanding friend. It can be put aside and taken up again at any moment. There are books which have been our favorites since childhood. People are fond of reading different kinds of books. Some people enjoy reading detective stories, adventure stories, novels, biographies, other prefer classics. Fairy tales are enjoyed and read by children, books about adventures and journeys are enjoyed by those who are fond of travelling. Legends and myths are read by those who are fond of history. Some people developed much time to reading books and reading becomes their free time occupation, their passion.

Through out the centuries books had an enormous influence on the minds and hearts of people. Books bind together ages, personalities. Thanks to books we can talk to people who lived in different countries and ages. Through reading books we hear their voices, thoughts and feelings. The book is the surest way to bring nations together. It helps people achieve understanding, trust, cooperation and friendship. Books awaken young readers" imagination. They develop literary taste, arouse interest and curiosity, the reader"s laugher as well as his tears. They teach the readers to be truthful, friendly, honest decisive, conscientious, frank, firm, fair and serious.

Libraries play an important part in the cultural development of people. People like reading, they have a desire to learn, they seek for knowledge. Books sate this desire. There are a lot of books in our country, in our flats. But it is difficult to buy all the books which we want to read. That is why we get books in public libraries. Books shouldn"t be read only for pleasure. Reading books helps us in our education. We can fond all kinds of books in the libraries. Books offer romance, history, adventure, autobiographies, science fiction and humor in the form of shot stories and novels, poetry, prose and plays as well as reference books, encyclopaedias, dictionaries and so on. In some libraries we can find books in many foreign languages. When a reader comes to a library for the first time he fills in his library card and the librarian helps him to choose something to read. The reader is allowed to borrow books for a certain number of days. The catalogues help the reader to find the books. We should not make notes in library books or dog"s ears in the pages. The reading rooms in the public libraries are open to all who wish to work there. Except books we can get periodical newspapers and magazines to read there. Readers come to reading rooms to study and prepare materials for their reports or for their scientific work.

Every school in our country has a library. A school library is a collection of textbooks and books for reading. Our pupils and teachers go there to read, to find some magazines or newspapers or to prepare for a report. Sometimes teachers prepare for lessons at our school library.

Child psychologists believe that reading is one of the best habits that should be encouraged in children. Ninety percent of the things we learn during our lifetime come through books; therefore if we can"t read, we can"t learn.
Books appeared long ago. At first they were written by hand, but after printing was invented, it became easier to publish books. There are two large groups of books: fiction and non-fiction books. Fiction books are most popular with readers and include short stories and novels of different genres and poetry. Non-fiction books are dictionaries, reference books, historical books, biographies, encyclopaedias and others.
In my childhood, my mother read different books to me and that helped me to love reading. When I learnt to read, I was really happy because I could read books which I wanted and liked. At first, they were fairy tales, adventure stories and comics. Later, I was fond of detective stories and thrillers. Now I read historical novels and I realise that I do not know many things from history and it is so wonderful that I can learn them now and understand facts that I could not understand in my childhood. During my studies I also use non-fiction books like dictionaries and encyclopaedias to find necessary information.
Today television and the Internet have almost replaced books because these resources provide any information one wants and some people think that in the modern world we do not need books at all. I think, however, that books will never disappear, because reading gives us pleasure.
Modern technologies also made it possible for us to use electronic readers instead of paper copies of books. On the one hand, such readers are very convenient as you do not have to carry a thick book in your bag: you just take the reader and upload text files into it, so instead of several books you just
carry one light electronic device! In addition, you may also keep pictures and even music files on it. Lastly, it is more environmentally friendly to use an electronic reader - cutting down trees is not needed for their development unlike the process of producing paper copies.
However, everything has its disadvantages. To begin with, such readers are rather expensive and not everyone can afford them. One point against it is that free electronic texts to download are hard to find. Finally, paper books are more pleasant to hold in hands: touch their pages, turn them over, feel their smell. I have an electronic reader and it is convenient, but I still read paper copies of books too.
To sum up, it is impossible to live without reading and even if paper books may disappear in the future, people will never stop reading.

1. Вступление (the importance of reading, if we can"t read, we can"t learn, etc.).
2. Рассказать кратко об истории книгопечатания и двух группах книг (appeared long ago, were written by hand, printing was invented, two large groups, fiction: short stories and novels of different genres and poetry; non-fiction: dictionaries, reference books, historical books, biographies, encyclopaedias).
3. Рассказать о том, что вы читали в детстве, какие книги предпочитаете читать сейчас (In my childhood, fairy tales/adventure stories, etc.; Now I read...; During my studies I also use...).
4. Рассказать о чтении и книгах в современном мире и современных технологиях (television and the Internet, do not need books at all, modern technologies, electronic readers: advantages and disadvantages, etc.).
5. Заключение (То sum up, it is impossible to live without reading and even if paper books may disappear in the future, people will never stop reading.).

1. Do you read much?
2. What sort of books do you read?
3. Do you enjoy reading?
4. Should children be encouraged to read?
5. What are the advantages of reading? Are there any disadvantages? What are they?
6. Is it good to get the reading habit?
7. Do you read in English or in your own language?
8. Does reading help to learn a language?
9. When do you usually read?
10. Do you read newspapers?
11. Do you read magazines or journals?
12. What books do you usually use to get ready for your classes?
13. Do you think people should read more?
14. What will happen if we don"t read?
15. When should we start reading?
16. Do you think that people don"t read so much because they are busy watching television or surfing the Internet?
17. What would you do to encourage people to read? Is it difficult to encourage yourself to read? Why (not)?
18. What was your favourite book in your childhood? What is your favourite book now?
19. What is your favourite genre of books?
20. Do you read electronic books or prefer paper copies of books? Why?
21. What are the advantages and disadvantages of electronic readers?
22. Do you think that books may disappear in the future? Why (not)?
23. Where do you usually buy books?
24. Do you borrow books from a library or do you buy them?
25. Do you think that libraries may disappear in the future? Why (not)?

Fiction Художественная литература
action and adventure боевики и приключения
children"s книги для детей
contemporary современная проза
crime детектив
fantasy фэнтези
graphic novels/comics комиксы
historical fiction исторический роман
horror ужасы
humour юмористическая проза
mystery детективный роман
romance любовный роман
science fiction научная фантастика
short story collection . сборник рассказов
thrillers триллеры
young adult литература для подростков
Non-Fiction Научно-популярная литература
almanac альманах
art & photography книги по искусству
biography & memoirs биография/мемуары
blueprint план, чертёж
booklet буклет, брошюра
brochure брошюра
business & finance бизнес и финансы
cookbook кулинарная книга
dictionary словарь
encyclopaedia энциклопедия
gardening садоводство
gift books подарочные издания
guide гид, путеводитель
handbook справочник, руководство
history книги по истории
"how-to" инструкция
journalism журналистика
manual руководство пользователя
medical health & fitness медицина и фитнес
nature & ecology природа и экология
periodical периодические издания
pets о домашних животных
picture book словарь в картинках
psychology психология
reference справочник
self-help книги «помоги себе сам»
sports спорт
textbook учебник
travel книги о путешествиях