Моды на майнкрафт 1.7 10 witchery. Установка мода Witchery

TWEAK: Witch Hunters no longer attack, nor are attacked by Minecraft Comes Alive villagers.
TWEAK: Villagers are now immune to arrows from village guards and witch hunters.
TWEAK: Demons from other mobs are affected by Harm Demon potion effects.
TWEAK: Increased the height ceiling of Winged monkeys carrying creatures to 32 blocks above the target block.

FIX: Sticky Item custom potion effect now works correctly again.
FIX: Brews of Erosion had an inverted block protection effect (meaning they only worked in block protected areas, Derpy McDerpderp).


TWEAK: Vampire knockback effect only triggers if sneaking when striking.
TWEAK: Hobgoblins will flee village guards if not in a pack.
TWEAK: Moon Charms may be repaired in an anvil with a gold ingot.
TWEAK: Purified Milk may also be made from a Cake (don"t ask...) since some mods remove milk buckets.
TWEAK: Placed Garlic Garlands will now be rendered at the top of the block, and allow click-though below them, this allows players to place them before a door to prevent vampire entry, and still look good.
TWEAK: Dream Weavers now work for vampires sleeping though the day in a coffin.
TWEAK: Coffin should not now open when there is a block above it.

FIX: Open coffin lid was being inappropriately culled.
FIX: Sun was burning a vampire separated from the sun by a single block, if the vampire was only 1 block high (bat or shrunken) and directly below the block.
FIX: Guards will no longer shoot at Witch Hunters.
FIX: Enchantment effect on Cane Sword model was being shown even if the sword was not enchanted.
FIX: Added a workaround for the Ars Magica 2 issue with resized players suffocating under a block, when in bat form.


NEW: Winged Monkeys - Tameable, dyeable, creature made by mutating a dog with and owl. Can pick up and carry players to places, or fetch players or other mobs.
NEW: Town keeps - a small keep structure for villages, comes with some town guards.
NEW: Watchtowers - a structure for villages, comes with some town guards.
NEW: Book Shoppe - a structure for villages, contains a bunch of basic books from various mods on its walls.
NEW: Town Walls - a curtain wall circling a village, comes with town guards.
NEW: Village Guards - beefy, armored, patrolling villagers, that shoot arrows at mobs and players who attack the village/villagers. Village guards will defend high reputation players, if attacked by another player.
NEW: Village mayors - Players with high reputation can assign villagers guard duty, making them into Village Guards.
NEW: Larger villages - villages can now generate to span a much larger area.
NEW: Villages in more biomes.
NEW: Snowy villages - new snow theme for villages that generate in snowy biomes.
NEW: Sleeping villagers - Villagers will now go to sleep if they are inside at night. They will regenerate health, and other stats, if they sleep long enough.
NEW: Aguamenti mystic branch effect will now also fill kettles and witches" cauldrons
NEW: Higher level werewolves now transform faster when using the Moon Charm
NEW: Vampires - Blood sucking mobs
NEW: Vampirism - Players can become vampires and level up. Extra hotbar with skills, suck blood (for hunger refill and power for abilities), transfix victims, run like the wind, swarm of bats form, fear the sun!
NEW: Vampire Clothing - Gives some buffs to vampires, looks the part.
NEW: Cane Sword - A sword in a cane!
NEW: Garlic - Multi stage plant
NEW: Meaty Stew - Very nourishing, made with garlic
NEW: Garlic Garland - Place around to keep vampires at bay
NEW: Garlic potion effect for witches" cauldrons, weakens vampires
NEW: Hunter Dawn Armor - extra protection from vampires
NEW: Coffin - Allows vampires to sleep though the day
NEW: Sunlight Grenades - Sun in a sphere, vampires beware!
NEW: Sunlight Collector - For charging sunlight grenades
NEW: Blood-stained Wool - Decoration block, used for making vampire clothes
NEW: Boss - Lilith
NEW: Book Observations of an Immortal .
NEW: Glass Goblet - For drinking.
NEW: Blood Crucible - For charging high-level vampire powers.
NEW: Shaded Glass - Very similar to stained glass until it receives a redstone current, then it darkens to prevent sunburn to undead under it.
NEW: Wooden Stake - Use on a sleeping vampire to kill them.
NEW: Mod Pack support for controlling vampire quests, config options to disable the vampire ritual and questing, and two non-craftable items: Bottle of Warm Blood (that refills two drops of the player"s blood bar) and Bottle of Lilith"s Blood (that increases the players vampire level by 1, or makes them into a vampire otherwise, if they are at max level it fills their blood bar by 8 drops).

TWEAK: Interacting with a Hobgoblin that his holding something, will now add it to the players inventory instead of just dropping it.
TWEAK: The Creative Wolf Token now cycles vampire levels if sneaking when used.
TWEAK: Modpacks and servers can now specify which blocks can be replaced by the Rite of Natures Power in the config file using the list under: NaturesPowerReplaceableBlocks
TWEAK: Hobgoblins may despawn more frequently when out in the wild.
TWEAK: Lowered the default spawn weight of Hellhounds and reduced their default despawn protection time.
TWEAK: Lord of Torment is once again weaker to the Ingianima mystic branch spell.
TWEAK: Added block protection check to normal Brew of Erosion (made in a kettle)
TWEAK: Werewolf"s wolf form fast dig ability now requires the player to be sneaking to use it.
TWEAK: Snow slab recipe is now made from snow layer blocks.
TWEAK: Added a default despawn time for disease blocks, config option to reduce this further.
TWEAK: Added herbology book page for Wolfsbane.
TWEAK: Werewolf villagers now keep their trades when converting to and from wolfman form
TWEAK: Preventing forced item drops if an item GUI is shown, since some mods don"t handle this correctly leading to dupe side-effects.
TWEAK: Killing hobgoblins in a village no longer decreases reputation, killing baby hobgoblins does though.
TWEAK: Wolfman rend armor ability now better detects regenerating armor.
TWEAK: Witch Hunters will no longer damage each other
TWEAK: Clearing the area of blocks when entering torment.
TWEAK: Disable visits from your Coven Witches to you base by setting the config key: B:AllowCovenWitchVisits=false

FIX: Hunter armor would damage werewolves, even if not silvered.
FIX: Stack overflow error when using some block from Ganys Nether Mod next to a silver vat, both blocks would generate and react to each others change events.
FIX: Some invalid cast exceptions in Fume Funnels when another mod has not cleaned up tile entities correctly.
FIX: Removed some biome types from spirit spawning, seems to cause issues with Twilight forest to register in most biomes even if generation is later blocked, may also have had some effect on mob spawning in modded nether biomes. Issue seems to be related to any mobs registered as Ambient type.
FIX: Null Pointer Exception could occur when using the village detection rite
FIX: Null pointer exception could occur when a hellhound converts to a normal wolf under some circumstances
FIX: It was not possible to decant a custom brew in a cauldron unless a altar was near, even if the brew did not need altar power, derp.
FIX: Prevented an index out of bounds exception in poppets when another mod breaks somethings with rendering.
FIX: Protego mystic branch effect no longer destroys placed mob heads.
FIX: Player dying and a certain combination of spirit related events could leave a Shade of Leonard invulnerable until the chunk he is in is reloaded.
FIX: Prevented null pointer exception on log-in when certain potion ids have not been assigned correctly, this is still a breaking bug, but at least you can log in properly now.
FIX: Null pointer exception fixed in disease blocks.
FIX: Rare null pointer exception fixed in brew gas blocks (when another mod leaves tile entities around).
FIX: Deaths Hand now works as it should in boss fights.
FIX: Exception could occur when using the new instant waystone rituals across dimensions.
FIX: Incorrect message saying not enough space, when summing a demon in a circle magic ritual, and the demon is still summoning is no longer shown.
FIX: Modified the furnace recipe registration for witchery logs, may help with solving a Thermal Expansion dupe issue.
FIX: Players in wolf or wolfman form appeared as their normal model if a player was very far away in the same world and then came to them.

NEW: Backported to Minecraft 1.6.4.
NEW: Twisting Band : Made from Koboldite and worn on the head. Mobs who look at the wearer are weakened, players who look at the wearer get butterflies in their stomach and must look away. Otherwise it is iron armor with the durability of diamond armor.
TWEAK: Hobgoblin taglocks given to a Treefyd or Fetish will now apply the exclusion to all hobgoblins (like is done with villagers).
TWEAK: Koboldite Pickaxe now will auto smelt about half the time with a chance to double or triple the resulting item.
FIX: Teleporting to a player using a blooded waystone using the Rite of Transposition causes a Null Pointer Exception if the player was not logged in.

TWEAK: Rowan Doors will no longer break when the block below them is removed.
TWEAK: Rowan Doors will open so long as the player has the key somewhere in their inventory.
TWEAK: Rowan Doors will break into sticks unless the player has they keys in their inventory.
TWEAK: Changed the witches oven to prevent the insertion of clay jars into the cooking slot, this means it is possible to automate the oven with hoppers now.
TWEAK: Hobgoblin miners will be much less likely to dig down twice now.
TWEAK (1.7.x only): Updated all book recipes to use any ore dictionary dyeBlack instead of just ink sacs.
FIX: Hobgoblin miners will no longer mine unbreakable stone/ground blocks.
FIX: Worked around an issue where if another mod creates TileEntities while the Hobgoblins are looking for chests a ConcurrentModificationException occurred.

NEW: Add Italian language support.
NEW: Infinity Egg , creative only block that give an altar a huge energy boost.
TWEAK: Changed recipe for Koboldite Pickaxe to include some lava.
TWEAK: Changed Koboldite Pickaxe equipped hobgoblin to autosmelt doubled ore.
TWEAK: Increased Koboldite Pickaxe equipped hobgoblin mining animation speed.
FIX: Tooltips were missing for Boline and Huntsman"s Spear.
FIX: Recipe for Trent Effigy incorrectly used planks instead of logs.
FIX: Placing a Pentacle, Arthana or Mystic Branch on an altar would replace an existing item if one were already there.

FIX: InvalidCastException occured when goblins try to get jiggy.


NEW: Added Chinese, German and Russian translations for 0.20 features.
TWEAK: Infernal Infusion Zombie Pigman buffs have been reduced to level III. Zombie attack buff has been reduces to level I.
FIX: Stockade blocks were always dropping as oak instead of the actual wood they were made from.
FIX: Worked around an issue with Thaumcraft golems that seem to use an incomplete GameProfile for their fake player causing the Equals method to throw a NPE.
FIX: Rite of Moving Earth was only raising by one block (this seems to be a general 1.7 migration bug).

NEW: Bind a Waystone to a player or creature in a Rite of Binding , creating a Blooded Waystone .
NEW: Transpose to the location of a player. Rite of Transposition using a waystone can now take the occupants of the circle to a player/creature bound Blooded Waystone .
NEW: Deliver objects with Owls . Give a tamed Owl an item and use a Bound Waystone or Blooded Waystone on the owl (the waystone does not get consumed). The owl will fly to the appropriate location, drop the item and return back to where it started from (it may take a while). If given a splash potion or brew, it will throw the potion instead of just dropping it.
NEW: Mob: Hobgoblin . Spawns in forest, plains and swamp biomes. Can be led with a Leash. Can form villages like normal villagers do (build huts for them). Will trade if part of a village. Hobgoblins do not like villagers, and will attack if there are enough Hobgoblins nearby (Hobgoblins are too cowardly to fight when not in hordes).
NEW (1.7.x only): Worldgen: Hobgoblin Huts . Almost always contain a Hobgoblin .
NEW: Hobgoblin Miners . Leash a Hobgoblin to a post and give it a pickaxe and it will begin mining nearby blocks.
NEW: . Leash a Hobgoblin to a post near a chest and it will pick up nearby dropped objects and place them in a nearby chest.
NEW: Koboldite dust . Hobgoblin miners have a small chance to find Koboldite Dust, this can be crafted by certain Hobgoblins to nuggets and finally ingots (they may require some gold or emeralds to do this however!).
NEW: Koboldite pickaxe . Like a diamond pickaxe, but in the hands of a Hobgoblin Miner (and only a Hobgoblin miner) will turbo speed its mining, and cause its dropped ores to multiply.
NEW: Pentacle , made from Koboldite, when placed on an altar will double its recharge rate.
NEW: Statue of Hobgoblin Patron . A witch may create this statue and bind it to themselves. When placed, nearby hobgoblins will probably start venerating this new patron. Boosting the powers of whomever that is. The more hobgoblins the more powerful the results.
NEW: Passive infusion power regen in the area around hobgoblin worshipers with a small number of worshipers.
NEW: Boost Mystic branch powers through hobgoblin worshipers. Drawing larger versions of a symbol will result in some effects having becoming AOE, or with even more worshipers, larger or more powerful effects. E.g. Defodio increases to a 3x3 or larger dig effect, Aguamenti spawns more water, or even a small amount in the nether.
NEW: Wrath of the Hobgoblin gods. Causing Hobgoblins to worship the player can (very small chance, but it increases with more worshipers) cause two avatars: Mog and Gulg (read boss fight) to be sent to deal with the witch.
NEW: Mog"s Quiver , epic loot sometimes dropped by Mog. Worn in the chest slot, functions as leather armor (with much higher durability and repaired with leather). Provides unlimited arrows for an equipped bow. Fired arrows travel much faster, and cause extreme damage to airborne (or jumping) creatures. Being close to another player wearing Gulg"s Gurdle, grants a resistance buff.
NEW: Gulg"s Gurdle , epic loot sometimes dropped by Gulg. Worn in the legs slot, functions as leather armor (with much highter durability and repaired with leather). Causes 4 damage (2 hearts) when striking with an empty hand, and launches the target into the air (Shoryuken!!!). Being close to another player wearing Mog"s Quiver, grants a resistance buff.
NEW: Stockade block. Crafted from logs and Exhale of the Horned One. These spiky blocks make excellent outer walls that are rather hard to chop down. Also falling onto them causes damage, making them excellent for spike traps.
NEW: Add config option for non-PVP servers to prevent taglock collection for other players by clicking on the player or player"s bed. In this way taglocks must be given by their owner.
NEW: Added a config option to prevent taglock collection from OPs.
TWEAK: Rite of Icy Expansion now generates ice that does not melt.
TWEAK: Added a new block for Torment flooring. This will only generate if the Torment dimension is newly created.
TWEAK: Changed the pattern for the Mystic Branch Incendio effect to left, up, up, down, down.
FIX: Restored auto wake up when heading to the nether from the spirit world .
FIX: Issue where cooldowns on spells like Tormentum become extremely long when going to MystCraft worlds.
FIX: Sending a player to Torment from the nether, made them appear in the wrong location.
FIX: TileEntities such as the candelabra that do not require update ticks now no longer schedule themselves for requiring them. Basically means an extremely, microscopic (i.e. almost not noticeable) improvement in performance.

Witchery – интересный и увлекательный мод для вашего использования. Многим нравится разная магия, и другие мистические вещи. Специально для таких игроков и был создан данный мод. Он преподнесет много интересных нововведений. Если быть точней, то в игре появится немного колдовства. Но, вы не увидите разные волшебные палочки, зачарованную броню, или же другие подобные предметы. Вам придется стать колдуном (или колдуньей) и следить за магическим садом.

Это достаточно непростой сад. С его помощью вы и сможете колдовать. Как уже стало многим ясно, вам придется следить за ростом необычных растений. И после этого, вы сможете их собрать. Они являются ингредиентами для вашего будущего колдовства.
В общем, этот мод достаточно интересный. С его помощью вы сможете значительно улучшить свое настроение. Ведь не часто можно встретить подобные вещи в модах. А теперь же и колдовство в Майнкрафте возможно. Если же вы не знаете, как установить этот мод, то посмотрите небольшой мануал, который расположен ниже.

Небольшой видеообзор мода Witchery

Магический сад

Если быть немного точней, то примерно такие вещи вы сможете увидеть в своей игре, после установки данного дополнения:

Если же вам понравился этот мод, то обязательно скачивайте его себе. Он не оставит вас равнодушным. Ведь полностью все дополнения этого мода являются полноценными. Иными словами – работают без сбоев. Поэтому уже сейчас вы сможете насладиться модом Witchery. Только не забывайте, что для каждой версии игры есть отдельный мод. Поэтому, перед скачиванием мода, посмотрите версию игрового клиента. А потом можете смело подходящий мод Witchery. Далее, двухминутный процесс установки, и все, можете заходить в игру.

Установка мода Witchery

В первую очередь посмотрите, присутствует ли у вас Minecraft Forge. Если нет, то скачайте его, и установите;
Затем, как Forge установился, посмотрите игровую версию, и скачайте подходящий мод;
Далее, архив, который вы загрузили, скопируйте, и в таком же виде переместите в папку.minecraft/mods;
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