Great Britain. Великобритания. Все самое интересное о Великобритании

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) occupies the British Isles and consists of 4 parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The country has the population of 60 million people within the land area of 244 thousand square kilometers. The isles are washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and in the west and by the English Channel in the south. The UK is separated from continental Europe by the North Sea. Great Britain is separated from Northern Ireland by the Irish Sea and the North Channel.

There are many beautiful lakes and mountains in Scotland and England. The highest point in the Highlands is Ben Nevis (1 340 metres). The longest river flows in England, it is the Severn. The main attraction in the north of England is the Lake District. Thanks to the warm waters of Gulf Stream the island is very green and the British climate is mild. Local summers are rather hot and winters are not cold. As the weather is very changeable in Britain, it is the favourite topic for discussion with the British.

The capital of Great Britain is London. It stands on the Thames river. The country is a constitutional monarchy and officially the Queen is the Head of state. But it is ruled by the Prime Minister and the government. The legislative body is the Parliament which consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

The UK is a highly developed industrial state. The chief industries are shipbuilding, fishing and mining, production of aircraft equipment, electronics, textile and chemicals. The country is the world’s largest exporter of iron and steel goods. The most important industrial cities of Great Britain are London, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, Liverpool, Leeds, Edinburgh.


Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии (СК) занимает Британские острова и состоит из 4 частей: Англии, Уэльса, Шотландии и Северной Ирландии. Страна имеет население в 60 млн. человек на территории 244 тыс. кв. км. Острова омываются Атлантическим океаном с севера и запада и проливом Ла-Манш с юга. СК и континентальную Европу разделяет Северное море. Великобританию и Северную Ирландию разделяют Ирландское море и Северный пролив.

В Шотландии и Англии находится много красивых озер и гор. Самой высокой точкой в горной местности является Бен Невис (1340 м). Самая длинная река протекает в Англии, это Северн. Главной достопримечательностью севера Англии является Озерный край. Благодаря теплым водам Гольфстрима, остров очень зеленый, а британский климат мягкий. Лето здесь довольно жаркое, а зима нехолодная. Поскольку погода в Британии очень изменчива, это любимая тема для обсуждения среди британцев.

Столица Великобритании – Лондон. Он находится на реке Темза. Страна является конституционной монархией, и официально королева считается главой государства. Однако им управляют премьер-министр и правительство. Законодательным органом является парламент, состоящий из палаты Лордов и палаты Общин.

СК – высокоразвитая промышленная страна. Основными отраслями промышленности являются судостроение, рыбная и горнодобывающая промышленности, производство авиационной техники, электроники, текстиля и химикатов. Страна стала крупнейшим мировым экспортером товаров из железа и стали. Наиболее важные промышленные города Великобритании – это Лондон, Бирмингэм, Манчестер, Глазго, Ливерпуль, Лидз, Эдинбург.

Урок – игра: “Великобритания“

Задачи урока:

Образовательная: отрабатывать фонетические навыки на конкретном примере; учить понимать иностранную речь в игровых ситуациях.

Развивающая: развивать умение применения полученных ЗУН в конкретной обстановке.

Воспитательная: прививать интерес к культуре, традициям, достопримечательностям англоязычных стран; воспитывать умение работать в коллективе (группе).


Карты Великобритании и Северной Ирландии, флаги и эмблемы стран Соединенного Королевства, аудиокассета (песни на английском языке), сигнальные карты, игровое поле, черный ящик, карточки для викторины, карточки с лексикой для разминки, песочные часы.


1. Организационный момент.
2. Фонетическая разминка.
3. Речевые упражнения.
4. Страноведческий тест.
5. Игра-викторина.
6. Подведение итогов.


1. Организационный момент.

а) приветствие;
б) сообщение правил игры;
в) представление команд (краткое сообщение об эмблеме команды – у каждой команды флажок или герб одной из стран).

2. Фонетическая разминка: прочитай английское слово, по его транскрипции. (1 слово – 1 балл). Время выполнения – 3 мин.

Teacher: London is full of parks and gardens. Here are the mixed names of some of them. Try to guess. (Ключ в приложении 1. )


3. Речевые упражнения

Teacher: Name these sights and say a few words about them. (Правильное название – 1 балл, описание – 1 балл. )

1. ... Park
2. ... Square
3. ... Gallery
4. ... of London
5. ... Cathedral
6. ... Bridge
7. ... Abbey
8. ... Palace
9. The River ...
10. The Houses ...

(Примерные тексты для описания достопримечательностей см. в приложении 2. )

4. Страноведческий тест

Цель : выявить, какая команда начнет игру. (Тест см. в приложении 3. )

Teacher: Well, my friends, and now we’ll see if you know geography and history well. Take your cards and put the number of the right answer. Those who are first, will start the game. You have only 3 minutes.
(Пока учитель объясняет правила игры, жюри подводит итоги и объявляет, какая команда начинает игру. )

5. Игра.

Teacher: You can see six parts on the field. The card on each part is of a different colour. On the cards there are tasks and questions on: Geography, Economy, Culture, Sport, Sightseeing; plus Puzzles and Musical Intervals. The team _________ is first. They will start the game.
(Четкое, правильное чтение вопроса – 1 балл, правильный ответ – 1 балл; отвечающего назначает капитан.)

Примечание: в зависимости от уровня подготовки учащихся можно давать по 2 карточки.



1. Give the name of the administrative area which consists of London and parts of the counties of Middlesex, Assex, Kent, Surrey, Hartfordshire, and is divided into 32 districts. Its total area is 1580 with a population of about 7 mln people. It was founded in 1965.

2. Give the name which is proper both for a mountain pony and for one of the countries of the UK. In the plural it means a mountainous area of that country.

3. Extra question: William Wordsworth, a popular English poet, wrote a poem about flowers which bloom in valleys. There are a lot of such flowers in this country and in the Lake District. This flower is the emblem of one of the countries of the UK. Name this country and the flower.

Answers: 1. Greater London; 2. Highland; 3. Wales, daffodil

ECONOMY (black boxes)

1. It is an island in the Pacific Ocean. And it is a name of a chocolate bar with coconut filling. And it is a prize (the benefit) for the army of volunteers. It is here, in the black box.

2. It is a type of car which was produced from 1900–1925. And a washing powder which is very popular has the same name. The washing powder is a product of the Proctor and Gamble Company.

Answers: 1. Bounty; 2. Ariel

1. It is a very famous theatre. First it was a wooden square surrounded with a fence. Then it was rebuilt of stone. It existed from 1599 – 1644. A famous English poet wrote plays for it and staged them there.

2. Their names are Elizabeth and David Emanuel. They were dress designers. They became famous due to one dress. What dress was it?

3. Extra question. The British are fond of flowers. Every year in May they organise an exhibition of flowers in this district in the Western part of London. This is also the name of a London football club. What is the name of the district?

Answers: 1. Globe Theatre; 2. a wedding dress for the Princess of Wales, still “Lady Diana”; 3. Chelsea

1. The one hundredth anniversary of this game was celebrated in 1963, but the game is really much older. The ball game did not take place in stadiums, but on squares and in the streets for many centuries. It was dangerous for windows and gates. One sort of coffee is also named after one of the most famous players of this game.

2. It is a national team sport game. It takes place on a grass field. Its aim is to hit the wicket of the opposite team. The players of the other team have to return the ball with a bat as far as they can and score points. This word means the name of an insect as well.

Answers: 1. football; 2. cricket


1. Name the garden not far from Hyde Park. There you can see the memorial to Queen Victoria’s husband and it was built in the years 1863–1876. In that garden one can see the statue of Peter Pan.

2. There are a lot of different museums, galleries and exhibitions in London. One of them was opened in 1824. It is situated on Trafalgar Square and it contains the greatest collection of fine arts. There one can see masterpieces of the most famous painters.

3. Extra question. This is a unique museum, named after its founder. It was opened in 1802. One can see there waxen figures of different famous people. In this museum there is a Chamber of Horrors, where they demonstrate figures of criminals.

Answers: 1. Kensington Garden; 2. National Gallery; 3. Madam Tussaud’s.

1. It is the name of a game and a soft-drink, made of red wine, sugar, water and ice. First it appeared in a town with the same name in Glostershire. Name this word.

2. This is a very dangerous game, when a child lies down on a road or rails in front of a moving transport. The winner is the child who gets up the last across. And it is also the name of a domestic bird’s child. What is this?

Answers: 1. badminton; 2. chicken

6. Подведение итогов игры.




covers an area of 360 acres. Beneath Hyde Park there is a car park for 500 cars and also a tube station. On the north of Hyde Park there is a very famous place called ‘Speaker’s Corner’ where, only on Sundays, any person can talk on any subject. One of the most famous speakers there is Lord Soper who is a politician. Here you will see what we call “hecklers”. They are people who try to upset the person speaking. It is well worth a visit on Sunday from 10.00 until they finish.

TRAFALGAR SQUARE is a very famous square where on New Year’s Eve people gather to celebrate. At midnight people jump into the fountains fully clothed and enjoy themselves. In the middle of the square there is a very famous statue “Nelson’s Column” which is over 170 feet high. The statue on the top is in memory of Lord Horatio Nelson who won the most famous sea battle at Trafalgar. This column is cleaned once every seven years. It is a very difficult job as they have to climb to the top and clean all the mess the pigeons have made on the statue. Trafalgar Square has become famous as a rallying point for all kinds of demonstrations, marches and political meetings.

NATIONAL GALLERY . The whole of the north side of Trafalgar Square is dominated by the National Gallery. It houses one of the finest art collections in the world. It includes paintings from British, Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, Flemish and other famous schools. It has a priceless collection of paintings by the famous artists Van Gogh, Reubens, Constable and any other painter you wish to name.

THE TOWER OF LONDON is a very old building, – nine hundred years old! In the early days of England the English kings lived in the Tower. Then it was a prison where many people died. Black ravens had much food near the walls of the Tower in those days. Now the Tower of London is a museum housing the National Collection of Armour and Royal Regalias, and many tourists from other countries come to see it. They see the dark stone halls with small windows and thick doors. Something that should not be missed is the Crown Jewels, a priceless collection of every jewel known. The Tower is still guarded by the Yeomen Warders, the famous Beefeaters, who wear a traditional sixteen-century uniform.

Was opened in 1894. It takes its name from the Tower of London. The hydraulic mechanism can raise and lower the bridge in about one and a half minutes. The covered walkway between the two towers is open to the public and offers a spectacular view of London.

ST. PAUL’S CATHEDRAL . The City’s greatest monument, St. Paul’s Cathedral was built by Sir Christopher Wren between 1675 and 1710 to replace the old Cathedral that was largely destroyed in the Great Fire of 1666. The Cathedral is second in size only to St. Peter’s in Rome. Between the two west towers rises the famous dome. It is 365 feet high and beneath it is the celebrated “Whispering Gallery”. Unfortunately Christopher Wren died before its completion. He is buried there. Among the many memorials to famous men within the Cathedral are the tombs of Wellington, victor of Waterloo, and Nelson, hero of Trafalgar.

BUCKINGHAM PALACE is the official residence of Her Majesty the Queen and her family. It isn’t open to the public. The first monarch who took residence there was Queen Victoria. When Her Majesty is in residence the Royal Standard flies over the east front of Buckingham Palace. It has 600 hundred rooms, a swimming pool, a cinema, a ballroom, a nuclear cellar and a garden, which is like a private park. In summer the Queen gives three garden parties for about 9,000 guests. The ceremony of the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace is a great tourist attraction. It take place daily in the forecourt at 11.30 a.m. and lasts half an hour. To the sound of music, the guardsmen in their traditional bearskins arrive and pass the palace keys to another group.

THE THAMES is not a long river. It is three hundred and thirty kilometres long and it flows into the sea. The English people call it “the Father of London”. London began on the Thames. When we go in a ship up the Thames we pass under London Bridge, the Tower Bridge and others. There is a museum of old ships on the Thames. These ships are from the history of Great Britain. One of these ships, the “Discovery”, went to the South Pole from 1901–1904. If we go down the Thames we pass the Port of London and arrive in Greenwich – a very old town. We can see the place where the Greenwich Meridian passes.

Is a symbol of English tradition at its best. The coronations of nearly all English kings and queens since William the Conqueror have taken place here. Many of them are buried within the Abbey. Beneath the roof of this Gothic building there are also the graves and memorial slabs of statesmen, philosophers, men of letters and other distinguished people. Here you can see memorials to Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Geoffrey Chaucer, Alfred Tennyson, Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy.

BIG BEN. The Houses of Parliament is a very large building which stands near the Thames. There are two tall towers at the corners of the building and one of them is the Clock Tower. It is 320 feet high and is famous for its immense hour bell. The English people built the tower and the clock in 1858. The clock has four faces and five big bells. The biggest bell is known as Big Ben. The bell weighs 13 tons. Originally, the man in charge of the building was Sir Benjamin Hall. He was very tall and the workers and his friends called him Big Ben. So they called the bell Big Ben too. Sometimes people call the clock and the Clock Tower Big Ben. The people of London who live near the Houses of Parliament can hear the sounds of the bell every hour. On New Year’s night people come to the Clock Tower to see in the New Year.

THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT . Once a royal palace, the Houses of Parliament are now the seat of the Government. In 1834 it was destroyed by fire. The new building was built between 1840–1852. It contains 500 apartments. Among them are the Central Hall, Clock Tower (St. Stephen’s Tower), the House of Lords, the House of Commons. The Houses of Parliament stretch for nearly 1000 feet along the north bank of the Thames. When the House is in session a Union Jack flies from the tower by day, and a light burns in the Clock Tower by night.

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17 Сен

Тема по английскому языку: Англия

Топик по английскому языку: Англия (England). Данный текст может быть использован в качестве презентации, проекта, рассказа, эссе, сочинения или сообщения на тему.

Страна Англия

Англия – это страна, являющаяся частью Соединенного Королевства. Она охватывает центральную и 2/3 южной части острова Великобритании, включая более 100 островов меньшего размера. Страна граничит с Шотландией и Уэльсом. Она омывается Ирландским морем, Кельтским морем и Северным морем. Пролив Ла Манш отделяет Англию от континентальной Европы. Население страны составляет около 51 миллиона человек.

Появление Соединенного Королевства

Изначально заселенная кельтами, Англия была завоевана римлянами, англами, саксонами, джутами, датчанами и нормандцами. Акты объединения Англии с Уэльсом в 1536, с Шотландией в 1707 и Ирландией в 1801 образовали Соединенное Королевство. Столица и крупнейший город Англии и Соединенного Королевства – Лондон.

В Англии умеренный морской климат. Погода в стране очень переменчива с частыми дождями, особенно в Лэйк Дистрикт.


Самые важные реки Англии – это Темза, Мерси и Тайн с портами соответственно в Лондоне, Ливерпуле и Ньюкасле.


Экономика Англии – одна из крупнейших в мире. Страна является лидером в химической и фармацевтической промышленностях, равно как в аэрокосмической и военной. Туризм также стал важной частью экономики Англии. Страну ежегодно посещают миллионы туристов.


В Англии много театров, музеев, библиотек и галерей. Среди наиболее значимых Лондонский Британский музей, хранящий коллекцию из более 7 миллионов экспонатов, Британская библиотека и Национальная галерея.


В Англии большое количество университетов. Самые известные – Оксфорд и Кембридж, привлекают студентов со всего мира. Общие похожие черты дали им название Оксбридж.


Стоит отметить еще один интересный факт: Англия – родина многих видов спорта, но самый распространенный из них футбол.


Англия – очень интересная и красивая страна.

Скачать Топик по английскому языку: Англия



England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It comprises the central and southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain, including over 100 smaller islands. The country borders on Scotland and Wales. It is washed by the Irish Sea, the Celtic Sea and the North Sea. The English Channel separates England from continental Europe. The population of the country is about 51 million people.

Acts of union

Originally settled by Celtic peoples, England was conquered by Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes, and Normans. Acts of union joined England with Wales in 1536, with Scotland in 1707 and with Ireland in 1801 to form the United Kingdom. The capital and the largest city of both England and the United Kingdom is London.


England has a temperate maritime climate. The weather in the country is very changeable and it rains a lot, especially in the Lake District.


The most important rivers in England are Thames, Mersey and Tyne with the ports respectively in London, Liverpool and Newcastle.

England’s economy

England’s economy is one of the largest in the world. The country is a leader in chemical and pharmaceutical industries as well as in aerospace and the arms industries. Tourism has also become an important part of England’s economy. The country is visited by millions of people every year.


There are lots of theatres, museums, libraries and galleries in England. Among the most notable are London’s British Museum, housing a collection of more than 7 million objects, The British Library and the National Gallery.


There are a great number of universities in England. The most famous are Cambridge and Oxford attracting students from all over the world. They have many common features and known as Oxbridge.


One more interesting fact to mention is that England is home to lots of different sports but the most played one is football.


England is a very interesting nice country.

Тема урока: "Великобритания. Англия"

Цели: социокультурный аспект - контроль знаний учащихся географических и политических особенностей Великобритании, достопримечательностей Лондона, культуры, традиций и обычаев страны изучаемого языка.

развивающий аспект- контроль уровня развития способностей к догадке, логическому изложению, к переключению внимания в упражнениях в разных видах речевой деятельности. воспитательный аспект- формирование адекватного восприятия и отношения к образу жизни и нормам поведения в стране изучаемого языка, воспитание самостоятельности.

учебный аспект - контроль основных навыков и умений, над которыми велась работа в данном цикле уроков.

сопутствующая задача - контроль умений учащихся самостоятельно оценивать себя в разных видах речевой деятельности.

Речевой материал: карта Великобритании, карта Лондона, тесты с заданиями по страноведению, лексико-грамматический тест, тематические тексты, карточки с пословицами, портреты знаменитых британцев, аудиокассета с записью песни "Yesterday".

Ход урока

1. Организация урока. Приветствие.

2. Фонетико-речевая разминка.

а) аудирование и фонетическая отработка пословиц по теме. Формат текста - matching, контролируется знание пословиц, умение соотнести русский и английский вариант;

б) ответить на вопросы по таблице "Under the Sun", касающиеся географических и политических особенностей Великобритании, её традиций и обычаев, контролируется умение высказываться по заданным вопросам.

3. Проверка знаний страноведческого материала (Cultural Awareness). Контролируется знание достопримечательностей Лондона (самоконтроль, самооценка).

4. Аудирование по теме (Listening Comprehension). Формат текста - true-false test (самоконтроль, самооценка).

5. Чтение текстов по теме (Reading Comprehension). Формат тек ста - putting in the right order. Контролируется детальное понимание.

6. Физкультурная разминка.

7. Выполнение лексико-грамматического теста (Grammar Vocabulary). Формат текста - multiple choice. Контролируется знание лексики и грамматики по теме.

8. Песня "Yesterday".

9. Подведение итогов урока.

10. Задание на дом. Домашнее чтение №8, выучить диалоги.

Procedure of the lesson

I. The beginning of the lesson.

T: Good morning, dear students and guests! I"m glad to see you. I hope, you"re very well today.

The subjects of discussion are Great Britain and its biggest country - England. You already know a lot about Britain and its countries, its people, its customs and traditions. But some things are easily forgotten. Let"s brush up our knowledge. We"ll revise the material, we"ve done this term.

Today"s Quotation

"Sunny thoughts make the whole day brighter".

II. Speaking.

T: Phonetic drills.

1. Let"s remember some English proverbs and then try to guess their Russian equivalents. Match Russian and English proverbs and complete the chart. Then you"ll check yourselves and give marks yourselves. "Under the Sun".

2. Let"s go over the material. Answer the questions. Give us the full answers.

III. Cultural Awareness.

T: You"ve shown deep knowledge about Great Britain. Well done! Let"s hove a trip around its capital.

1. Test "Do you know?" Decide which is correct: a, b or c.

2. Puzzle "How well do you know London?"

Match 1-15 with a - о and write down the answers. Check it yourselves and give marks yourselves. Complete the chart.

IV. Listening Comprehension.

T: On tape you"ll hear the text about Prince William. Listen to the recording and complete the chart. Check yourselves and give marks yourselves.

V. Physical Exercises.

VI. Reading Comprehension. T: Work in pairs.

1. The parts of the following texts are all mixed up. Put them in the right order.

2. Practice the dialogues.

T: Complete them in a suitable way according to the texts.

VII. Grammar. Vocabulary.

T: Brush up you grammar and vocabulary.

VIII. Let"s have a rest. Miscellaneous. Just for fun. Listen to the song and try to sing together.

IX. Conclusion

T: To sum up then.

Home task

T: I want you to write down your homework. Home reading №8. Thank you for the lesson.

It"s over.

How Are You Feeling Today?

1) Under the Sun.

1. What is Great Britain?

2. What seas is the UK washed by?

3. What is it separated by from the continent?

4. What are the main countries of the UK?

5. What are the capitals of the UK main countries?

6. How many people live in the UK?

7. What languages do the peoples of the UK speak apart from English?

8. What is the flag of the UK?

9. What are the symbols of the UK main countries?

10. Who is its Head of State?

11. Who is the Head of the government in the UK?

12. What are the" most important industries of the UK?

13. What are the largest cities of the UK?

14. What is the favourite topic of conversation in the UK?

15. What British traditional holidays can you name?

2)Match Russian and English proverbs.

1. East or West - home is best.

2. So many countries so many customs.

3. Every country has its customs.

4. When at Rome, do as the Romans do.

5. Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad.

1. В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят.

2. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

3. Сухой хлеб дома лучше, чем жареное мясо за границей.

4. Сколько стран, столько и обычаев.

5. У каждой страны свои обычаи.

Russian and Enslish Proverbs

English Proverbs

Russian Proverbs


Match 1—15 with a-o

1. The City of London

a. was built after the Great Fire of London.

2. Buckingham Palace

b. is for Queen Elizabeth " home where she often stays at Christmas and Easter.

3. Trafalgar Square

c. was a fortress, a palace, a prison, a zoo, and now it is a museum.

4. Royal Opera House

d. is where the Queen lives.

5. St Paul"s Cathedral

e. was built to remember the battle of Trafalgar.

6. Oxford Street

f. is London"s biggest art museum.

7. The National Gallery

g. is the lake in the middle of Hyde Park.

8. Windsor Castle

h. is one of the most famous libraries in the world.

9. Westminster Abbey

i. is Britain"s main banking centre.

10. The Speaker"s Corner

J. is London"s main shopping centre.

11. The Tower of London

k. is in Covent Garden.

12. Regent"s Park

l. is famous for its lake as well as for London Zoo.

13. The Serpentine

m. is the largest private collection in the world.

14. The Queen"s Gallery

n. is in Hyde Park where anyone can make a speech.

15. The British Museum

o. is famous for the Poet"s Corner.

Do You Know?

//. Decide which is correct: a, b, or c.

1 The population of London is about

  1. 10 million
  2. 5 million
  3. 7 million

2 An important date in English history is 1666 when

  1. the Normans of France conquered England.
  2. William the Conqueror became King of England.
  3. it was one of the worst fires in history, the, Great Fire of London.

3 The Fire of London burnt for

  1. 10 days and destroyed 20,000 houses.
  2. 4 days and destroyed 13,000 houses.
  3. 7 days and destroyed 16,000 houses.

4 The oldest part of London is

  1. the City
  2. Westminster
  3. the East-End

5 The Queen of England lives in

  1. Hampton Court Palace
  2. Buckingham Palace
  3. The Tower of London

6 In front of Buckingham Palace there is

  1. Nelson"s Column
  2. Albert Memorial
  3. the Queen Victoria Memorial

7 The Prime Minister lives in

  1. No 10 Downing Street
  2. Parliament Square
  3. Whitehall

8 Whitehall is

a. fine building

b. wide street leading to Parliament Square

  1. famous museum


"Do you know?”

1-c, 2-c, 3-d, 4-b, 5-b, 6-c, 7-a, 8-b.

Puzzle "How well do you know London?”

1-i, 2-d, 3-e, 4-k, 5-a, 6-j, 7-f, 8-b, 9-o, 10-n, 11-c, 12-l, 13-g, 14-m, 15-h.

Listening Comprehension.

"The Most Popular English Personalities”.

Prince William.

Prince William Arthur Philip Louis was twenty years old on June 21 st 2002. He is a very popular member of the Royal family and looks like his mother. Princess Diana. Like his father. Prince William went to Eton College, exclusive boys - only boarding school. He left it in 2000 and then went to Chile to help in charity project with Raleigh International. At the moment he is studying Art history at St. Andrew"s University in Scotland.

The Prince likes to be active and loves sport, especially swimming, tennis, skiing, rowing, and cycling. After University Prince William is going to join the army or navy. This is a family tradition. The prince does not want to become King, but one day in the future people will call him King William the 3 d of England.

True or False.

1. The public like Prince William very much.

3. Prince William is Irish.

4. Like his father and grandfather. Prince William is going to join the army.

5.The Prince wants to become King.


"The Most Popular English Personalities".

Prince William.

1. The public like Prince William Very much.


2. There are no girls at Eton College.


3. Prince William is Irish.


4. Like his father and grandfather, Prince William is going to join the army.


5. The Prince wants to become King.


I. The parts of the followins text are all mixed w. Put them in the risht order.

Getting around. By bus.

1. You can see double-decker buses in many other countries of the world: the USA, Australia and others. They say that one could see them in Moscow at one time hut double-deckers were found inconvenient especially at rush hours.

2. Fares are collected by a conductor or are paid to the driver on entering the bus. Double-decker bus has two levels of seating and is seen in all British towns.

3. One of the symbols of London is a red double-decker bus. The first bus service ran in London in 1829 and motorbuses were first used in 1899. However, the top level had no roof and passengers had to wait until 1925 for protection against the British weather.

II. Practice the dialogue.

- Would you like to travel by .........?

Yes, I think one can see a lot from ........ of it.

Can one travel by double-deckers only in .......?

Red double-decker buses are a typical picture in London but two-level buses run in many towns of...... of the world.

Reading Comprehension


Getting around. By bus.

3. One of the symbols of London is a red double-decker bus. The first bus service ran in London in 1829 and motorbuses were first used in 1899. However, the top level had no roof and passengers had to wait until 1925 for protection against the British weather. 2. Fares are collected by a conductor or are paid to the driver on entering the bus. Double-decker bus has two levels of seating and is seen in all British towns.

i. You can see double-decker buses in many other countries of the world: the USA, Australia and others. They say that one could see them in Moscow at one time but double-deckers were found inconvenient especially at rush hours.

II. Practice the dialogue.

-Would you like to travel by a double-decker bus?

- Yes, I think one can see a lot from the top level of it.

Can one travel by double-deckers only in London?

  • Red double-decker buses are a typical picture in London but two-level buses run in many towns of the UK and in other countries of the world.

/. The parts of the following text are all mixed up. Put them in the right order.

Getting around. By taxi.

1. London"s black taxis are nearly as famous as it red double-decker buses. The London black taxi is the first taxi in the world. Black cars are over 300 years old. Of course, once they were horse-driven carriages.

2. The traditional colour of the London taxi is still black, though in recent years red, blue and yellow taxis have appeared. Taxi drivers are a useful source of information as they know London inside out.

3. In their present form they appeared after the First World War. It was in 1694 when the Parliament passed the act which gave the right to carry passengers to 250 hired carriages.

II. Practice the dialogue.

Complete the dialogue according to the text and act it

- Are all London taxis .......?

The ............. is black, but there are taxis of other colours.

When did the ........ appear?

The first 250 ..... were given the ....... to carry passengers in

London in.........

Reading Comprehension

/. The parts of the following text are all mixed up. Put them in the right order.

Getting around. By taxi.

1 .London"s black taxis are nearly as famous as it red double-decker buses. The London black taxi is the first taxi in the world. Black cars are over 300 years old. Of course, once they were horse-driven carriages.

3.1n their present form they appeared after the First World War. It was in 1694 when the Parliament passed the act which gave the right to carry passengers to 250 hired carriages. 2, The traditional colour of the London taxi is still black, though in recent years red, blue and yellow taxis have appeared. Taxi drivers are a useful source of information as they know London inside out.

I. Practice the dialogue.

Complete the dialogue according to the text and act it

- Are all London taxis black?

The traditional colour is black, but there are taxis of other colours.

- When did the first taxis appear?

  • The first 250 hired horse driven carriages were given the right to carry passengers in London in 1694.

I. The parts of the followins text are all mixed up. Put them in the risht order.

Getting around. By the tube.

II. Practice the dialogue.

Complete the dialogue according to the text and act it.

- In which cities in Great Britain are there........?

Besides ......... there are also underground rail system in

Liverpool, Newcastle and ......... .

Yes, it is. If s a very ...... and ....... way of traveling

around London. It connects practically all parts of the capital.

Reading Comprehension

Getting around. By the tube.

2. There are underground rail systems in London, Liverpool, Newcastle, Manchester and Glasgow. The Underground in London called the London underground or more often the tube.

1. London has the oldest underground train system in the world. The Tube is the black bone of London"s transport system now. Many people choose to travel by the tube because it"s relatively cheap, convenient, quick and safe.

3. They prefer the tube also because people drive on the left in the UK unlike most other countries of the world. The system covers 249 miles and the tube carries over 2.5 million people each day.

II. Practice the dialogue.

Complete the dialogue according to the text and act it.

- In which cities in Great Britain are there underground rail system?

Besides London there are also underground rail system in Liverpool, Newcastle and Glasgow.

Is the London Underground widely used?

  • Yes, it is. It"s a very convenient and quick way of travelling around London. It connects practically all parts of the capital.

/. The parts of the following text are all mixed up. Put them in the right order.

Getting around. By plane.

1. Heathrow is London"s major airport. It was opened in 1929 as a small base for flight tests, and it became an international airport in 1946.

Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Luton and London city.

II. Practice the dialogue.

Complete the dialogue according to the text and act it.

- Which is the ...... airport in London?

The oldest and major airport is......

When was it opened?

In ......... It became an ....... airport in 1946.

  • It"s ........ and there are also Sansted and Luton.

Reading Comprehension

  1. The parts of the following text are all mixed up. Put them in the right order.
  2. Getting around. By plane.

2. How to get to the UK? The quickest and probably the most reliable way of traveling of the UK is by air. London has five airports:

Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Luton and London city. 1 .Heathrow is London"s major airport. It was opened in 1929 as a small base for flight tests, and it became an international airport in 1946.

3. Over 44,2 million people pass throw Heathrow each year and 1000 aircraft a day land and take off. There are many robberies from passenger"s luggage at the airport, and it is sometimes called "Thiefrow".

II. Practice the dialogue.

Complete the dialogue according to the text and act it

- Which is the oldest airport in London?

The oldest and major airport is Heathrow.

When was it opened?

- In 1929. It became an international airport in 1946.

Which is the second airport after Heathrow?

  • It"s Gatwick , and there are also Sansted and Luton.

I. The parts of the followg text are all mixed up. Put them in the right order.

Shops and Shopping.

1. Oxford street is probably London"s most well-known shopping street, renewed for its fasion, shoe shops and large department stores such as Selfridges and John and Lewis.

3. Marks and Spencer is Britain"s favourite store. Tourists love it too. It attracts a great variety of customers from housewife to millionaires.

II. Practice the dialogue.

The replies are mixed w. Put them in the right order.

- No, I prefer the other one.

I"m sorry but that was the only one. Miss.

I love this green dress. You haven"t got a bigger size, have you?

  • I am sorry, but we haven"t. That black is your size.

Reading Comprehension

L The parts of the following text are all mixed up. Put them in the right order.

Shops and Shopping.

2. London is a wonderful place to go shopping. Here you can find everything from designer clothes to children"s toys. Normal shopping hours in Central London are 7-17.30 Mondays to Saturdays.

I. Oxford street is probably London"s most well-known shopping

street, renewed for its fasion, shoe shops and large depart

ment stores such as Selfridges and John and Lewis. 3. Marks and Spencer is Britain"s favourite store. Tourists love it

too. It attracts a great variety of customers from housewife to


II. Practice the dialogue.

The replies are mixed ud. Put them in the right order.

- I love this green dress. You haven"t got a bigger size, have you?

I am sorry, but we haven"t. That black is your size.

No, I prefer the other one.

  • I"m sorry but that was the only one, Miss.

Phonetic Drills.

Перед вами топик о характере англичан. Топик переведен на русский язык.

English national character – topic

It’s difficult to speak about a nation as a whole, as in every nation there are both good and bad, honest and dishonest people. Speaking about the national character of the English , one can note the following features:

  • conservatism,
  • pride,
  • love of their home and pets.

The English are very conservative . They have many customs and traditions. They distrust unusual things and like stability.

Their love of home is a symbol of personal independence. However, English people have a real passion for adventure . In the heart of every proud Englishman, there is always a beckoning call of the sea, a romantic craving for distant shores.

The English are considered a very curious nation. For example, in foreign countries, they like to try new cuisine. However, they will not cook new dishes at home, as they are very conservative.

The English are a bit sluggish but strong-spirited. They can easily bear cold and hunger, overcome pain and fear.

English people are extremely friendly and helpful. If you ask an Englishman how to get to the nearest library, he will be glad to show you the way using different “visual techniques”, repeating the same thing several times.

English people are hard working. They work extremely hard, but always find time for rest. Money is the idol of the English. Their first concern is to work hard to earn more.

In addition, the English have a great sense of humor. It is the ability to laugh at oneself. Humor is highly praised in Britain.

Английский национальный характер – тема на английском

Трудно говорить о нации в целом, так как в каждой стране есть хорошие и плохие, честные и нечестные люди. Говоря о национальном характере англичан, можно отметить следующие черты:

  • консерватизм,
  • гордость,
  • любовь к своему дому и домашним животным.

Англичане очень консервативны. У них много обычаев и традиций. Они не доверяют необычным вещам и любят стабильность.

Их любовь к дому является символом личной независимости. Однако у англичан есть и настоящая страсть к приключениям. В сердце каждого гордого англичанина — манящий призыв к морю, романтическая тяга к далеким берегам.

Англичане считаются очень любопытной нацией. Например, в зарубежных странах им нравится пробовать новую кухню. Однако они не будут готовить новые блюда дома, так как они очень консервативны.

Англичане тяжелы на подъем, но сильны духом. Они могут легко переносить холод и голод, преодолевать боль и страх.

Британцы очень дружелюбны и всегда рады помочь. Если вы спросите у англичанина, как добраться до ближайшей библиотеки, он будет рад показать вам путь, используя разные «визуальные методы», повторяя одно и то же по несколько раз.

Англичане трудолюбивы. Они много работают, но всегда находят время для отдыха. Деньги – главное для англичан. Они упорно трудятся, чтобы заработать больше.

Кроме того, у англичан отличное чувство юмора. Это способность смеяться над собой. Юмор высоко ценится в Великобритании.

Надеюсь, Вам понравилась эта тема о Британском характере.