Неопределенный артикль в английском языке упражнения. Упражнения на тему артикль

  1. A dog is an animal.
  2. A potato is a vegetable.
  3. A pencil is like a pen.
  4. A ruler is a thin rectangular wooden or plastic strip.
  5. A test-tube is a hollow glass tube.
  6. A writer writes a book.
  7. The man who is sitting there is my friend.
  8. The girl in that room is my sister.
  9. The boy does his work well.

II. Поставьте существительные в единственное число, сделав все необходимые преобразования в предложении.

  1. Horses are animals.
  2. Boots are kinds of shoes.
  3. Watches are small clocks.
  4. Novels are books.
  5. Children are not always good.
  6. Stockings are long socks.
  7. Schools are large buildings.

III. Поставьте а/an, где необходимо.

а/an а/an
1 I haven’t got computer. Do you keep record of the results?
2 I am not chemist, I am biologist. I work in theoretical research team.
3 You made very bad mistake. I’ve got very good idea.
4 It is convincing result. It is standard method.

IV. Поставьте the , где необходимо.

  1. Which city is ___ capital of ___your country?
  2. What is ___largest city in ___world?
  3. Our apartment is on ___third floor.
  4. Help! Fire! Somebody, call ___fire brigade.
  5. Who was ___first man to walk on ___moon?
  6. "Where is ___your dictionary?" " It"s on ___top shelf on ___right."
  7. We live in ___country, about five miles from ___nearest village.
  8. ___Prime Minister is ___most important person in ___British government.
  9. I don"t know everybody in ___this photograph. Who is ___man on ___left?
  10. It was a very nice hotel but I don"t remember ___name.
  11. I didn"t like her ___first time I met her.

V. Поставьте a/an, the , где необходимо.

  1. I turned off ___ light, opened ____ door and went out.
  2. Excuse me, can I ask ____ question, please?
  3. Alan is ____ best player in our football team.
  4. How far is it from here to ____ airport?
  5. Enjoy your holiday and don’t forget to send me ____ postcard!
  6. Have you got ____ ticket for ____ concert tomorrow night?
  7. Yesterday I bought ____ jacket and ____ shirt.____ jacket was cheap but ____ shirt was expensive.
  8. What is ____ name of ____ director of ____ film we saw ____ last night?
  9. “Where are _____ children?” “They’re in ____ garden.”
  10. My sister’s _____ teacher in ____ school near Leicester. She has three children, two girls and ____ boy. ____ girls are in her class at school, but ____ boy isn’t old enough for school yet.
  11. Jane and Bill are ____ very nice couple. She has ____ clothes shop, and he works in ____ office in ____ centre of town.
  12. “Where are my shoes?” “On ____ floor in ____ kitchen.”
  13. “How much are the driving lessons?” “Fifteen pounds ____ hour.”
  14. When you come to bed, can you put ____ cat out and turn off ____ light?
  15. I went to ____ restaurant last night.
  16. What’s _____ name of ____ restaurant we went to last night?

VI. Выберите правильный вариант употребления артикля the.

Potatoes / The potatoes are not expensive.

  1. This is a good meal. Potatoes / The potatoes are very nice.
  2. Everybody needs friends / the friends.
  3. Jan doesn"t go to parties / the parties very often.
  4. Children / The children learn things / the things very quickly.
  5. I enjoy eating in restaurants / the restaurants.
  6. I enjoy taking photographs / the photographs. It"s my hobby.
  7. I must show you photographs / the photographs I took when I was on holiday.

Если перед такими существительными, как method, theory, effect, device и т.п. стоит имя собственное в притяжательном падеже, то артикль не употребляется:

Seitz"s hypothesis, Whipple"s model.

Если имя собственное стоит в общем падеже, то употребляется определенный артикль:

the Holl effect, the Boltzman factor, the Gerrish drive, the Coulomb field etc.

VII. Поставьте the, где необходимо.

  1. 1. The DNA was examined by ____ Klein-Smith method.
  2. 2. ____ Wilson"s model has been applied.
  3. 3. ____ Hodgkin-Huxley equations modified by Dodge have been solved.
  4. 4. The system is studied by ___ Smith"s method.
  5. 5. Measurements performed on Bi-Te alloys are compared with Seeback coefficients (S) using ___ Kelvin"s second relation P=ST.

VIII. Поставьте a/an, где необходимо.

1. It is ___ pleasure to do ___ business with such ___ efficient organization.

2. I have ___ headache. I have ___ pain in my shoulder.

3. You must be strong in ___ mind and body.

4.If they had ___ mind to, they could easily get it published.

5. Oh, I know there’s no danger, but I’m ____ little frightened all the same. ___

6. Little of the equipment was standardized.

7. It is possible to make ___ very good living from being a businessman.

8. The quality of ___ urban living has been damaged by excessive noise levels. 9.

He was one of ___ few men of science who never terrified me, probably because he never behaved like ___ doctor.

Здравствуйте, мои дорогие.

Надеюсь, все вы знаете мое основное правило «выучил теорию - сделай упражнения»? Если нет, то запоминайте его поскорее и начинайте «вживать» в практику. Оно вам очень поможет. А если да - то добро пожаловать на новый урок под названием «упражнения на артикли в английском языке».

Сегодня, мои дорогие, мы сделаем общие упражнения, чтобы закрепить выученную теорию, но чтобы ваши знания были более полные, вы можете сделать упражнения на отдельные темы, что я для вас подготовила:

Сегодня же мы будем практиковать общее правило на употребление артикля, как для начинающих, так и для тех, кто уже хоть что-то знает. С ответами вы можете ознакомиться в конце урока.

Упражнение 1.

Это упражнение отлично подойдет для детей во 2 классе, когда их знания еще очень ограничены.

I had dinner in _ café. _ Café was very beautiful.

There were _ lot of people on _ street.

I have _ lot of animals at home: _ cat, _ dog, _ parrot, _ golden fish.

There isn’t _ airport near our home.

I am going to visit grandmother in _ week.

My friend lives in _ beautiful house. It has _ big garden.

I don’t want _ ice-cream. I would prefer _ sandwich.

Упражнение 2.

Это задание уже подойдет деткам постарше - для 4-го или для 5 класса и, в зависимости от школьной программы.

Would you like _ grapefruit?

Man and _ woman were sitting in a restaurant. _ man seemed to be Italian, and _ woman seemed to be American.

Do you have _ car?

I was busy yesterday. I was cleaning _ car.

Our plane delayed. So we went to _ hotel to spend one more night there.

We had _ good evening. We were playing _ football, and my father was playing _ guitar.

Упражнение 3.

Когда ученик приходит в 6 класс, у него уже есть хорошая лексическая база, да и грамматика уже должна быть на каком-либо уровне. Это мы сейчас и проверим.

When was the last time you went to _ dentist?

Excuse me, where is _ nearest bus station?

We rent _ apartment in _ city center.

House was beautiful and _ park near it was enormous.

How much sleep do you need? - About 10 hours _ night.

Can you turn off _ light, please?

I don’t know who is _ owner of _ big car outside our house.

Упражнение 4.

Ну что, давайте проверим, кто из вас сможет справиться с заданиями для 11 класса .

Where did you go for _ holidays? - We went to __ Canada. These were _ best holidays I’ve ever had.

Tom works as __ cleaner in _ school.

My uncle went to _ hospital to visit my sister. She is in _ hospital after _ car accident.

Apples are good for you.

I like _ skating but I still don’t do it well.

Most people believe that _ marriage is _ essential part of every person’s life.

Do you know _ people living _ next door?

In my opinion government doesn’t do enough to help _ poor. They should create something to help _ homeless and _ unemployed.

Упражнение 5.

Amsterdam is _ main city of _ Netherlands.

We spent the summer travelling across _ North America. We stated in _ Canada and set off to _ north.

She went to _ station to buy _ tickets for our trip.

Which river flows in _ USA? - _ Mississippi.

Asia is larger than _ Africa, isn’t it?

He gave up his job to go to _ Nepal and climb __ Everest.

We went to _ Black Sea last summer. It was _ most exciting trip I’ve ever had.

Caribbean Islands attract lots of tourists every year.

What is _ highest mountain in the world?

In _ morning we need to see _ doctor. I am afraid you have _ flu.

Ну как, мои хорошие, протестировали себя? Уверена, что вы довольны своими результатами, ведь вы у меня очень старательные. Но помните: если не будете поддерживать свой уровень языка, не будете выполнять упражнения в книгах или онлайн, все быстро забудется.

Поэтому двери моего блога всегда открыты для вашей практики. Здесь вы найдете достаточно материалов, чтобы не забросить свой английский. А я буду помогать вам еще больше и регулярно выкладывать новые материалы. Подписывайтесь на мою рассылку, чтобы всегда получить все первыми.


Упражнение 1.

Упражнение 2.

А, а, the , the.

Упражнение 3.

Упражнение 4.

Упражнение 5.

Упражнение 1.
Вставьте нужный артикль там, где это необходимо.
1. Mrs. Green likes … coffee and milk .
2. We make … butter from … milk.
3. We make a bottle of … glass.
4. … cow eats … grass in … field.
5. We make … table of … wood.
6…..cat has …. long tail.
7. … dog likes … meat and … bones.
8. We make … ring of … gold or … silver.
9. … snow is white and soft.
10. Mothers make … sweaters of … wool.
11. … fish swims in … water.
12. We write … letter on … paper in … ink.
13. … piano makes … music.
14. He writes about … love and … hatred.
15. We make … bread from … flour.
16. … orange grows on … tree.
17. …car runs on …. petrol.
1 8. … sugar is nice in … cup of … tea.
19. We eat … soup with … spoon.
20. We cut … bread with … knife.
21. .. .cow is … domestic animal.
22. … tiger is … wild animal.
23. He likes … jam on … piece of … bread.

2. We make butter from milk.
3. We make bottle of glass.

5. We make a table of wood.
6. A cat has a long tail.

9. Snow is white and soft.

11. A fish swims in water.

13. A piano makes music.

17. A car runs on petrol.

2. We make butter from milk.
3. We make bottle of glass.
4. A cow eats grass in a field.
5. We make a table of wood.
6. A cat has a long tail.
7. A dog likes meat and bones.
8. We make a ring of gold or silver.
9. Snow is white and soft.
10. Mothers make sweaters of wool.
11. A fish swims in water.
12. We write a letter on paper in ink.
13. A piano makes music.
14. He writes about love and hatred.
15. We make bread from flour.
16. An orange grows on a tree.
17. A car runs on petrol.
1 8. Sugar is nice in a cup of tea.
19. We eat soup with a spoon.
20. We cut bread with a knife.
21. A cow is a domestic animal.
22. A tiger is a wild animal.
23. He likes jam on a piece of bread.

Упражнение 2.

Вставьте артикль там, где необходимо.

1. This is … pen. That is … pencil.
2. This is … book. It is my … book.
3. Is this your … pencil? - No, it isn’t my … pencil, it is my sister’s … pencil.

5. This is … girl. This … girl is their … daughter. Their daughter’s … name is Vera. - I have a sister. My sister is an engineer. My sister’s husband is a doctor. They have got two children.
6. That is … boy. That … boy is her … brother. Her brother’s … name is Nick.
7. This is our … flat. 8. We have got … car. Our … car is not very expensive but reliable.
9. I have no … pet.
10. My granny has got… headache. She has no … idea what to do.
11.I have … friend. His … name is Mike. My … friend is very good.
12. It’s … cat. Its … tail is long and bushy. It’s Mike’s … cat.

4 .I have … sister. My … sister is … engineer. My sister’s … husband is … doctor. They have got two … children.

1. This is … pen. That is … pencil. - This is a pen. That is a pencil.
2. This is … book. It is my … book. - This is a book. It is my book.
3. Is this your … pencil? - No, it isn’t my … pencil, it is my sister’s … pencil. - Is this your pencil? - No, it isn’t my pencil, it is my sister’s pencil.
4 .I have … sister. My … sister is … engineer. My sister’s … husband is … doctor. They have got two … children.
5. This is … girl. This … girl is their … daughter. Their daughter’s … name is Vera. - This is a girl. This girl is their daughter. Their daughter’s name is Vera.
6. That is … boy. That … boy is her … brother. Her brother’s … name is Nick. - That is a boy. That boy is her brother. Her brother’s name is Nick.
7. This is our … flat. - This is our flat.
8. We have got … car. Our … car is not very expensive but reliable. - We have got a car. Our car is not expensive but reliable.
9. I have no … pet. - I have no pet.
10. My granny has got… headache. She has no … idea what to do. - My granny has got a headache. She has no idea what to do.
11. I have … friend. His … name is Mike. My … friend is very good. - I have a friend. His name is Mike. My friend is very good.
12. It’s … cat. Its … tail is long and bushy. It’s Mike’s … cat. - It’s a cat. Its tail is long and bushy. It’s Mike’s cat.

Упражнение 3.

Вставьте артикль там, где это необходимо.

1. He’s looking for … plain shirt, but all … shirts are striped.
2. I’m looking for … pair of … black pants.
3. She’s looking for … blouse. Polka-dot … blouses are very popular this … summer.
4 . I bought … new hat yesterday. … shop assistant said it was … latest style.
5 . I want to ask you to accompany me to … shop. I must buy … dress.
6. Where did you buy this overcoat? - I bought it a t … big store in Nevsky Prospect on … Tuesday.
7. My sister bought … blue hat on … Wednesday. … colour suits her very nicely as she has got … blue eyes.
8. I must buy … pair of … new gloves.
9. Where is … shoe department? - It is on … third floor.
10. I think … coat is a little tight.
11. We came to … big tailor’s shop to find out if we could have … business suit made to order.
12. I don’t like … hat you have chosen. … colour is not becoming to you.
13. Here is … department of ready-made clothes. Let’s go in and see if we can buy … nice pair of … trousers for you.
14. I am going to give him … silk tie as … birthday present. He likes … ties.

1. He’s looking for a plain shirt, but all the shirts are striped.
2. I’m looking for a pair of black pants.
3. She’s looking for a blouse. Polka-dot blouses are very popular this summer.
4. I bought a new hat yesterday. The shop assistant said it was the latest style.
5. I want to ask you to accompany me to the shop. I must buy a dress.
6. Where did you buy this overcoat? - I bought it at a big store in Nevsky Prospect on Tuesday.
7. My sister bought a blue hat on Wednesday. The colour suits her very nicely as she has got blue eyes.
8 . I must buy a pair of new gloves.
9. Where is the shoe department? - It is on the third floor.
10. I think the coat is a little tight.
11. We came to a big tailor’s shop to find out if we could have a business suit made to order.
12. I don’t like the hat you have chosen. The colour is not becoming to you.
13. Here is the department of ready-made clothes. Let’s go in and see if we can buy a nice pair of trousers for you.
14. I am going to give him a silk tie as a birthday present. He likes ties.

Упражнение 4.

Заполните пропуски артиклями.

1. … water is precious in this area and must be paid for. Don’t drink from this pond … water is stale.
2. They built … fire to mark the place for the plane to land.
3. Suddenly I felt… sharp pain in my side. … pain was really terrible.
4. What we need now is … time. … time we have is certainly not enough.
5. It was … great joy for … old woman to have all her children back home.
6. Paul found Russian literature … most interesting subject there.
7. How long have you been in … hospital? There was… hospital in this building a year ago.
8. Father has promised to give me … watch for my birthday. Look at … watch, what’s the time?
9. What letters arrived by … yesterday’s mail? 10. He had … opportunity to get… interesting work, but he refused.
11. … Petrovs are … friendly family.
12. He was bom on … bank of … Volga river.
13. I don’t like … life he lives. The book is about… man who lived … double life.
14. I often go to … Pushkin Theatre.

1. Water is precious in this area and must be paid for. Don’t drink from this pond, the water is stale.
2. They built a fire to mark the place for the plane to land.
3. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my side.The pain was really terrible.
4. What we need now is time.The time we have is certainly not enough.
5. It was a great joy for the old woman to have all her children back home.
6. Paul found Russian literature the most interesting subject there.
7. How long have you been in hospital ? There was a hospital in this building a year ago.
8. Father has promised to give me a watch for my birthday. Look at the watch,what’s the time?
9. What letters arrived by yesterday’s mail?
10. He had an opportunity to get interesting work, but he refused.
11. The Petrovs are a friendly family.
12. He was bom on the bank of the Volga river.
13.I don’t like the life he lives. The book is about a man who lived a double life.
14.I often go to the Pushkin Theatre.

Упражнение 5. *
Поставьте, где надо, правильный артикль (а где не надо, не ставьте).

1. “Is this your … friend?” - “No, it isn’t my … friend, it is my sister”.
2. I have … sister. My … sister is … teacher. My sister’s … husband is … pilot.
3. I have no … car.
4. She has got … terrible … headache.
5. They have … dog and two … cats.
6. My … cousin says he is going to be … manager one … day.
7. Would you like … apple?
8. This is … tree. … tree is green.
9. I can see three … children. … children are playing in … yard.
10. I have … car. … car is white. My … friend has no … car.


3. I have no car.

7. Would you like an apple?

1. “Is this your friend?” - “No, it isn’t my friend, it is my sister”.
2. I have a sister. My sister is a teacher. My sister’s husband is a pilot.
3. I have no car.
4. She has got a terrible headache.
5. They have a dog and two cats.
6. My cousin says he is going to be a manager one day.
7. Would you like an apple?
8. This is a tree. The tree is green.
9. I can see three children. The children are playing in the yard.
10. I have a car. The car is white. My friend has no car.

Упражнение 6.

Вставьте артикль (если необходимо), в поговорку.

1. … apple … day keeps … doctor away.
2. … appetite comes with eating.
3. … good beginning makes … good ending.
4. … bird in … hand is worth two in … bush.
5. Among … blind … one-eyed man is king.
6. … brevity is … soul of wit.
7. … cat has nine lives.
8. … charity begins at … home.
9. … clothes make … man.
10. … curiosity killed … cat.


7. A cat has nine lives.
8. Charity begins at home.
9. Clothes make the man.

1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
2. The appetite comes with eating.
3. A good beginning makes a good ending.
4. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
5. Among the blind the one-eyed man is king.
6. Brevity is the soul of wit.
7. A cat has nine lives.
8. Charity begins at home.
9. Clothes make the man.
10. Curiosity killed the cat.

Упражнение 7. ***

Вставьте артикль, если это необходимо.

1. ………. teachers are like weather, one minute good, one minute bad.

2. Opening ………. fridge door, Jake took out ………. beer, opened it and drank ………. cold beer from ………. bottle, enjoying it; ……….
beer always tasted better from ………. bottle.

3. She is on ………. diet, so she ordered ………. calorie-free dinner.

4. ………. evidence of ………. happy marriage is when ………. husband and ………. wife obviously enjoy each other’s company.

5. We’d like to have ………. wedding in ………. fall, in ………. early October, just as ………. foliage begins to turn yellow.

6. Emma’s eyes rested on ………. memorandum again. Here was ………. opportunity she had been waiting for and she seized it.

7. ………. red suits her; she’s got ………. great style. It’s ………. special kind of chic only ………. French seem to have.

8. ………. plane now was climbing up through ………. sky, so blue that its clarity hurt ………. eyes. It’s ………. sky from ………. Turner painting in ………. National Gallery, Emma thought, ………. Yorkshire sky on ………. spring day when ………. wind has driven ………. fog from ………. moors.

9. He is ………. music man and makes ………. constant travels from one end of ………. globe to ………. other.

10. After ………. light supper she went to ………. bed early. Almost immediately she fell into ………. sound sleep, and it was ………. dreamless sleep for most of ………. night. Then just as ………. dawn was breaking she awakened with ………. start and sat bolt upright in ………. bed.


1. Teachers are like weather, one minute good, one minute bad.

2. Opening the fridge door, Jake took out a beer, opened it and drank the cold beer from the bottle, enjoying it; beer always tasted better from a bottle.

3. She is on a diet, so she ordered a calorie-free dinner.

4. The evidence of a happy marriage is when a husband and a wife obviously enjoy each other’s company.

5. We’d like to have the wedding in the fall, in early October, just as the foliage begins to turn yellow.

6. Emma’s eyes rested on the memorandum again. Here was the opportunity she had been waiting for and she seized it.

7. Red suits her; she’s got a great style. It’s a special kind of chic only the French seem to have.

8. The plane now was climbing up through the sky, so blue that its clarity hurt the eyes. It’s the sky from a Turner painting in the National Gallery, Emma thought, the Yorkshire sky on a spring day when the wind has driven the fog from the moors.

9. He is a music man and makes constant travels from one end of the globe to the other.

10. After a light supper she went to bed early. Almost immediately she fell into a sound sleep, and it was a dreamless sleep for most of the night. Then just as dawn was breaking she awakened with a start and sat bolt upright in bed.

Упражнение 8.

Вместо точек вставьте, где требуется, артикли:

1. Lomonosov, … great Russian scientist, was born in … small village, on … shore of … White Sea.
2. Chkalov was … first man to fly over … North Pole.
3. … great Russian writer Gogol was born in … Ukraine in 1809.
4. Leningrad is situated on … Neva.
5. … Elbrus is … highest peak of … Caucasian Mountains.
6. … Crimea is surrounded by … Black Sea.
7. … Caucasus separates … Black Sea from . . Caspian Sea.
8. … rice and … cotton grow in … Ukraine now.
9. … people who live in … Holland speak … Dutch.
10. … Europe and … America are separated by … Atlantic Ocean.
11. … Morocco is in … North Africa.
12. They were born on … same day and in … same town.
13. I want to write … letter to my sister. Have you … fountain pen?
14. … last page of … book is torn.
15. They met at … gate of … school.
16. I am leaving for Leningrad … next week.
17. He read … letter … second time.
18. My room is on … second floor.
19. What … silly mistakes I have made!
20. … large steel bridge joins … two banks of … river.
21. In our part of … country … November is … stormy month.
22. What … cold weather we are having!
23. All hooks must be returned to … library before … next Monday.
24. … next train leaves at 8.20.
25. What … beautiful music they are playing!
26. What … strange idea!
27. My daughter will go to … school … next year.
28. There is … large school in … village.
29. They reached … Pacific Ocean by means of … Panama Canal.
30. Has Helen returned … book she borrowed … last month? I saw her on Monday and she said she would return it … next day.
31. I called on … Stepanovs yesterday, but did not find them at home as they had already left for … Crimea.
32. He lives in … country in … summer.
33. I spent … summer of 1949 in … Sochi.
34. I like … autumn in Moscow.
35. He said that he would call on us … following Sunday.
36. … West Indies are in … Atlantic between … North America and … South America.
37. … last evening … sunset was beautiful.
38. … view from … top of … mountain is excellent.
39. We saw … ship sailing near … coast.
40. Both … copper and … lead are found in this mine.
41. In … department store you can buy … food, … shoes, … clothing, and …other goods.

26. What a strange idea!

или the*) summer.

это лето.
34. I like autumn in Moscow.

или a*) mountain is excellent.

1. Lomonosov, the great Russian scientist, was born in a small village, onthe shore of the White Sea.
2. Chkalov was the first man to fly over the North Pole.
3. The great Russian writer Gogol was born in the Ukraine in 1809.
4. Leningrad is situated on the Neva.
5. Elbrus is the highest peak of the Caucasian Mountains.
6. The Crimea is surrounded by the Black Sea.
7. The Caucasus separates the Black Sea from the Caspian Sea.
8. Rice and cotton grow in the Ukraine now.
9. The people who live in Holland speak Dutch.
10. Europe and America are separated by the Atlantic Ocean.
11. Morocco is in North Africa.
12. They were born on the same day and in the same town.
13. I want to write a letter to my sister. Have you a fountain pen?
14. The last page of the book is torn.
15. They met at the gate of the school.
16. I am leaving for Leningrad next week.
17. He read the letter a second time.
18. My room is on the second floor.
19. What silly mistakes I have made!
20. A large steel bridge joins the two banks of the river.
21. In our part of the country November is a stormy month.
22. What cold weather we are having!
23. All hooks must be returned to the library before next Monday.
24. The next train leaves at 8.20.
25. What beautiful music they are playing!
26. What a strange idea!
27. My daughter will go to school next year.
28. There is a large school in the village.
29. They reached the Pacific Ocean by means of the Panama Canal.
30. Has Helen returned the book she borrowed last month? I saw her on Monday and she said she would return it next day.
31. I called on the Stepanovs yesterday, but did not find them at home as they had already left for the Crimea.
32. He lives in the country in (или the*) summer.
33. I spent the summer of 1949 in Sochi.
* Если имеется в виду конкретное, это лето.
34. I like autumn in Moscow.
35. He said that he would call on us the following Sunday.
36. The West Indies are in the Atlantic between North America and South America.
37. The last evening the sunset was beautiful.
38. The view from the top of the (или a*) mountain is excellent.
* Если имеется в виду с любой горы.
39. We saw a ship sailing near the coast.
40. Both copper and lead are found in this mine.
41. In a department store you can buy food, shoes, clothing, and other goods.

Чтобы закрепить теорию употребления артиклей мы должны поработать с материалом практической части. Для этого приглашаем вас на курсы английского Левобережной

Для того, чтобы правила усваивались более эффективно и не вызывали чувства однообразия, мы поделили упражнения на 5 групп.

Если вы не готовы к тесту вам сюда:
Артикли в английском языке — использование и употребление

5 групп упражнений на артикли английского языка:

Первая группа – это артикль + слово .

1. ___ arm 9.___old woman 17.___ hour

2. ___ animal 10.___theatre 18.___ insect

3. ___ seaside 11.___orchid 19.___North Pole

4. ___actress 12. ___ jungle 20.___ finger

5. ___ dog 13. ____ billion 21.___ ant

6. ___ Netherlands 14. ____ monkey 22. ___ woman

7. ___ actor 15. _____ earache 23. ___eagle

8. ___ iPhone 16. _____ Pacific Ocean 24. ___e-book

Вторая группа – это словосочетания.

1. Listen to ___ radio 5. History of ___ media

2. ___ romance of ___ busy broker 6. As___ result of my work

3. ___ Christmas Presents 7.___adventure of her husband

4. ___ great fire of London 8.___busy day

Третья группа – это предложения, в которые нужно вписать артикль the или же ничего .

1. In ___last two years things have got very tight.

2. ___ Normans also brought with them ___ French language.

3. All she knew was that he was ___ very ill and they were completely out of ___money.

4. She was just eleven years of age, and ___ moon was shining brightly in ___ gardens of ___ palace.

5. Please, state your destination clearly and have ___ exact fare ready.

Четвертая группа – это предложения, в которые нужно вписать артикли a/an или the.

1. You know, it’s ___ very expensive smartphone.

2. Korinna is ___ doctor.

3. She paid fifty euro of rent ___ month.

4. Give ___ fool горе enough, and he will hang himself.

5. ___ train leaves tomorrow at three o’clock.

6. I am ___ important woman now.

7. Their stems lay in ___ water, on which there floated ___ large tulip petal.

8. In ___ small town ___ man stole some money from ___ house.

9. ___ man wrote a story and sent it to ___ publishing house.

10.___ driver in ___ American bus is ___ unique figure.

Пятая группа – вписать в предложения артикли a/an, the или оставить нулевой артикль.

1. ___bird in___hand is worth two in___bush.

2. In autumn when it is raining hard ___ umbrella is necessary.

3. ___ dogs bark, but ___ caravan goes on.

4. What is ___ Miracle’s Cost?

5. One day he saw something in ___ newspaper about ___ fair in ___park near his house.

6. ___ train leaves tomorrow at three o’clock.

7. ___ goal of this course is to help you become ___ better teacher.

8. So young Peter Munk used to ___sit all through ___ week tending ___ wood-kiln.

9. He was ___ handsome, ___strong and ___very smart.

10. ___enemy will agree, but ___ friend will argue.

11. They told in ___ newspapers that ___ big stage-coach was lifted off ___ road and thrown aside like ___ rag.

12. Late one night ___ shoemaker sat cutting his leather with ___ snip, snip, snap, watched by his wife and watched by his cat.

13. Big Ben is ___bell in ___ clock tower in London.

14. Whidbey Island may be only ___ ferry ride from Seattle, but it’s ___ world apart.

15. On January 26, 1948, ___ man posing as ___ public health official arrives at ___ bank in Tokyo.

16. ___ beggar found ___ leather purse that someone had dropped in ___ marketplace.

17. ___ father came home from ___ long business trip to find his young son riding ___ brand new bike.

18. Pure white snow and ice covered ___ Earth for as far as he could see.

19. John had been taught to carry his Master’s dinner in ___ basket, every day, to ___ place where he worked.

20. Upon arriving home in eager anticipation of ___ leisurely evening, ___ husband was met at the door by his sobbing wife.

А теперь давайте проверим свои ответы!


1) an; 2) an;3) the; 4) an; 5) a; 6) the; 7) an; 8) an; 9) an; 10) the; 11) an; 12) the; 13) a; 14) a; 15) an; 16) the; 17) an; 18) an; 19) the; 20) a; 21) an; 22)a; 23) an; 24) an.

1) the; 2) the,a; 3) the; 4) the; 5) the; 6) a; 7) the; 8) a.

1) the; 2) the,the; 3) 0,0; 4) the,the,the; 5) the; 6) 0, the.

1) a; 2) a; 3) a; 4) a; 5) the; 6) an; 7) the, a; 8) a,a,a; 9)a, the; 10) the, an,a.

1)A,the,the ; 2) an; 3) the,the; 4) the; 5)the,a,the; 6) the; 7) the, a;

8) 0, the,the; 9) 0,0,0; 10)an,a; 11)the,the,the,a; 12) a,a;

13) a,the; 14)a,a; 15)a,a,a; 16)a,a,the; 17)a,a,a;

18) the; 19)a,the; 20)a,the.

После проверки результатов своих тестов, мы видим на что нужно сделать еще раз упор и что повторить. Команда NES желает вам плодотворного дня и приглашает на английский по выходным в Киеве.

Выполните следующие упражнения, проверьте свои ответы

1. Choose the correct variant.

I. …Smiths have a dog and a cat.
a) … b) The c) A
2. He knows how to work on … computer.
a) a b) an c) …
3. She was the first woman to swim across … English Channel.
a) a b) … c) the
4. Go down … Kingston Street and turn left into Oxford Street.
a) the b) a c) …
5. I don’t like milk in … tea.
a) … b) the с) а
6. At the end of… busy day, sleep is the best way to restore your energy.
a) the b) a c) …
7. We’ll go for a walk if … weather is fine.
a) a b) … c) the
8. Could you give me … information I asked for in my letter?
a) the b) … c) a
9. …war is a terrible thing.
a) The b) … с) А
10. I spent … very interesting holiday in England.
a) the b) a c) …

2. Fill in the correct article.

2. I have ... sister. My ... sister is ... teacher. My sister’s ... husband is ... pilot.
3. I have no ... car.
4. She has got ... terrible … headache.
5. They have ... dog and two ... cats.
6. My ... cousin says he is going to be ... manager one ... day.
7. Would you like ... apple?
8. This is ... tree. ... tree is green.
9. I can see three ... children. ... children are playing in … yard.
10. I have ... car. ... car is white. My ... friend has no ... car.

3. Fill in the articles in the proverbs if necessary.

1. … apple … day keeps … doctor away.
2. … appetite comes with eating.
3. … good beginning makes … good ending.
4. … bird in … hand is worth two in … bush.
5. Among … blind … one-eyed man is king.
6. … brevity is … soul of wit.
7. … cat has nine lives.
8. … charity begins at … home.
9. … clothes make … man.
10. … curiosity killed … cat.

Правильные ответы:

1. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. b | 2. a | 3. c | 4. c | 5. a | 6. b | 7. c | 8. a | 9. b | 10. b

2. Вставьте правильный артикль.

1. “Is this your ... friend?” - “No, it isn’t my ... friend, it is my sister”.
2. I have a sister. My ... sister is a teacher. My sister’s ... husband is a pilot.
3. I have no ... car.
4. She has got a terrible … headache.
5. They have a dog and two ... cats.
6. My ... cousin says he is going to be a manager one ... day.
7. Would you like an apple?
8. This is a tree. The tree is green.
9. I can see three ... children. The children are playing in the yard.
10. I have a car. The car is white. My ... friend has no ... car.

3. Вставьте артикли в пословицах, если требуется.

1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
2. The appetite comes with eating.
3. A good beginning makes a good ending.
4. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
5. Among the blind the one-eyed man is king.
6. Brevity is the soul of wit.
7. A cat has nine lives.
8. Charity begins at home.
9. Clothes make the man.
10. Curiosity killed the cat.