О шерлоке холмсе на английском языке. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Артур Конан Дойл. Приключения Шерлока Холмса. Пёстрая лента. Артур Конан-Дойл - параллельный перевод

Дженнифер Линн Лопес (в переводе на английский Jennifer Lynn Lopez) – известная американская певица, актриса, танцовщица, модельер, продюсер и бизнес-вумен.


Дженнифер Лопес родилась 24 июля 1970 года в Бронксе в семье эмигрантов из Пуэрто-Рико. Ее мать Гваделупа Родригес была воспитательницей в детском саду, а отец Давид Лопес – программистом. Кроме Дженнифер в семье было еще две дочери – Линда и Лесли. Семья Лопес жила довольно бедно, но родители старались обеспечить дочерей всем самым лучшим.

Пытаясь оградить Дженнифер от негативного влияния улиц, родители отправили девочку в католическую школу и записали ее на кружок бальных танцев . Уже в семь лет Дженн принимает активное участие в городских концертах, а вскоре поступив на уроки пения, стала одной из лучших во всех школьных постановках.

Все занятия Дженнифер родители воспринимали как хобби и увлечения, и мечтали о том, чтоб их дочь поступила в колледж и стала знаменитым адвокатом. И в 1988 году, занимаясь в танцевальной школе Манхеттена, Дженн поступает в колледж, но, несмотря на противостояние родителей, бросает его. Как только Дженнифер исполнилось 18 лет, она покидает родной дом и начинает сниматься в видеоклипах, зарабатывая по 20-50 долларов за съемку, однако очень часто девушке отказывали по причине ее пуэрто-риканского происхождения. В течение восьми месяцев Дженн не могла найти хорошую работу, но вскоре ей улыбнулась удача. Молодую девушку пригласили в тур «Золотые мюзиклы Бродвея», где спустя девять месяцев Дженнифер гастролировала по Японии с мюзиклом «Синхронность».


Через 2 года Дженн приглашают в комедийное телешоу «Живые цвета» на роль танцовщицы, однако для этого ей пришлось пройти кастинг, где она смогла победить среди двух тысяч соперниц. Затем Дженнифер впервые снялась как актриса в сериале «Южный Централ», продюсером которого был муж ее подруги. Благодаря участию в шоу, молодой актрисе предлагают роль еще в двух сериалах – «Вторые шансы» и «Дорога Малибу».

В 1993 году Дженнифер впервые пробует себя на роль в художественном фильме режиссера Грегори Нава под названием «Моя семья», что позволило ей стать знаменитой. В 1996 году актрису приглашают на небольшую роль в комедии «Джек» Френсиса Копполы, однако фильм был не совсем удачным, но это никак не повлияло на дальнейшую карьеру Дженнифер. В 1997 году Дженн проходит прослушивания среди 20 дебютанток и утверждается на главную роль в фильме «Селена». За участие в данной картине Дженн заработала миллион долларов, и с этого момента актриса стала самой высокооплачиваемой латиноамериканской актрисой за всю историю Голливуда.

Сразу после фильма Лопес нашла свое долгожданное счастье, выйдя замуж за Оджани Ноа, который был официантом в Майами. Однако их брак продлился недолго, через год пара развелась. Но карьера актрисы на этом не закончилась, вскоре Дженн приглашают в проект «Анаконда», затем в триллер «Кровь и вино» Боба Рафельсона, где она играет в паре с Джеком Николсоном, а чуть позже в паре с Шоном Пенном в картине «U-Tum». В 1998 году Дженнифер играет роль в криминальной драме Стивена Спилберга «Вне видимости», следующая роль актрисы в фильме жанра фэнтези «Муравьи». В 1999 году Дженнифер увлеклась музыкальной карьерой, и выпускает альбом латиноамериканских песен «On the 6», который пользовался большой популярностью и разошелся тиражом в восемь миллионов. А первый сингл «If you had my love» был одним из первых в хот-листах в США в течение 5 недель. Со следующим хитом «Waiting for tonight» Дженнифер стала популярна и в европейских странах, а также новой звездой MTV.

В 2001 году певица выпускает второй альбом под названием «J Lo», он не пользуется большим спросом, но благодаря синглу «My love don’t costa things», диски раскупались.

В настоящее время Дженнифер Лопес также играет главные роли в фильмах, выпускает новые альбомы, а ее синглы находятся на вершинах хит-парадов не только в США и Европе, но и в России. Кроме того, Лопес является лицом косметической линии L’Oreal .

Дженнифер в фильме "Госпожа Горничная"

Бренд Дженнифер Лопес

Бренд Дженнифер Лопес включает не только фильмы с ее участием и ее песни, но и дизайнерскую одежду, и модные ароматы. В 2001 году звезда стала выпускать одежду под собственной маркой «Sweetfase» совместно с Andy Hilfiger. Компания предлагает молодежи духи, одежду, аксессуары (часы, сумки, браслеты и другие) и обувь.

В 2003 году звезда совместно с компанией Warnaco выпустила первую линию нижнего белья. Вскоре было открыто несколько мини-магазинов с продукцией Дженн, а в мае 2004 года в Москве открылся первый бутик J.Lo by Jennifer Lopez. Совместно с Lancaster Group Дженн выпускает свои ароматы.

Личная жизнь

После того как звезда рассталась с первым мужем Охани Ноа личная жизнь Лопес была довольно бурной. Сначала Дженн встречалась с Шоном Комбсом, затем случился неудачный брак с Криом Джаддом. В 2002 году Дженнифер стала встречаться с актером Беном Аффлеком , пара даже объявила о помолвке, но свадьба, запланированная на 14 сентября 2003 года, была отменена за пару часов до церемонии.

Чуть позднее Дженн встретила Марка Энтони , они поженились 5 июня 2004 года, а 22 февраля 2008 года Лопес родила двойню – дочку Эмми и сына Макса. Через несколько лет, а именно 15 июля 2011 года пара подала на развод, инициатором которого стала Дженнифер. С 2012 года звезда встречалась с Каспером Смартом.

В 2017 стало известно о романе Джей Ло с Алексом Родригесом - лучшим бейсболистом Американской лиги. С тех пор Дженнифер и Алекс - самая обсуждаемая пара в СМИ.


Дженнифер с двойней Эмми и Максом

  • My Little Girl (Моя маленькая девочка) (1987)
  • Nurses on the Line: The Crash of Flight 7 (Медсестры на линии: катастрофа рейса 7) (1993)
  • My Family (Моя семья) (1995)
  • Money Train (Денежный поезд) (1995)
  • Jack (Джек) (1996)
  • Blood and Wine (Кровь и вино) (1997)
  • Selena (Селена) (1997)
  • Anaconda (Анаконда) (1997)
  • U Turn (Поворот) (1997)
  • Out of Sight (Вне поля зрения) (1998)
  • Antz (Муравей) (1998)
  • The Cell (Клетка) (2000)
  • The Wedding Planner (Свадебный переполох) (2001)
  • Angel Eyes (Глаза Ангела) (2001)
  • Enough (С меня хватит) (2002)
  • Maid in Manhattan (Госпожа горничная) (2002)

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The biography Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez

The biography

Jennifer Lopez was born in Bronx on July, 24, 1970 at emigrants from Puerto Rico - Guadeloupe Rodriguez and David Lopez. The birth she has joined two sisters - to Linda and Лесли. Family lived poorly. Parents tried to provide daughters and to give them the best. They have saved up money and have sent Jennifer in Catholic school. Guadeloupe aspired to protect the daughter from influence of streets. And for this purpose, has written down her in school of dances as soon as small Jenny it was executed five years. There Jenn studied in ball dances and flamenco. Also has reached in favorite elements of such successes, that in two years took part in city concerts.

In the course of time the love to dance and a song at young Jennifer Lopez only has amplified. Jennifer Lopez since fourteen years began to take lessons of singing and with pleasure acted in all school statements. However mum perceived its hobbies only as a hobby. Guadeloupe wanted, that the daughter has acted in college and became the lawyer. Therefore Jenny it was necessary to leave dreams of career of the singer and to obey will of parents. Under their insisting in 17 years she goes for work in legal office. Here on eyes the announcement of reception of students in dancing school of Manhattan where Jennifer Lopez and acts comes across it. So, in the afternoon - work, and evenings and at night she dances. Then Jennifer Lopez acts in college. But also she visits school of dances with not smaller eagerness. After all a semester, finally having decided to become the dancer, the future star throws college. And for this reason she leaves a house as parents did not understand its aspirations.

The first what Jennifer Lopez in the big world has collided, - absence of habitation. The house to it becomes a hall of dancing studio. At that time Jennifer was removed in cheap clips, receiving for dance twenty dollars. And every day she went on tests, but attempts were vain. Because of пуэрториканского origins Jennifer anywhere did not take. So has passed eight months of unsuccessful attempts to find work, and Jennifer has run into depression. She has lost hope, that something will turn out, while.... While to it was not executed nineteen. Then Jennifer for the first time has smiled success. Jennifer Lopez, always desiring to become an actress, started scenic career of the dancer from musicals. She was taken in round with " Gold musicals of the Broadway ". Nine months later she already went on tour across Japan with a musical "Synchronism" and was madly happy.

After two years (she continued the triumphal ascention to musical Olympus) one of managers of show " Alive color " has called Jennifer Lopez and has offered test for a role of the dancer. Jennifer has bypassed two thousand competitors and has received a role. Only one has saddened happiness Jennifer Lopez: she was very lonely. She did not have the friends, the close person. Dances for Jennifer of steel everything, having replaced her private life...

But career of her moved ahead. Jennifer Lopez has soon got to Hollywood - after show " Alive color " she has received the invitation to a role of one of dancers in a comedy " In alive light ", having won preliminary huge competition. Already then she wanted to play serious drama roles. After several seasons of participation in a commercial serial on motives of a picture " In alive light " Jennifer Lopez for the first time was removed as an actress in a serial " Southern Center", the producer and which script writer the husband of her girlfriend was. Show has become obsolete still before began, but it has cleared for an actress road to roles in two more serials: " the Second chances " and " it is dear Malibu.

Jennifer Lopez has finished career on TV in 1993, having solved completely to devote itself to the big screen. The next year she has received a role in a feature film of director Greg Nava " my family ". Film has been enthusiastically met by criticism and showed new actor"s talent to film directors of Hollywood. Jennifer Lopez in 1996 due to this role has received a small role in comedy of Fransis of the Coppola "Jack". The picture turned out not too successful, but it in any way has not damaged Jennifer Lopez.

To receive a leaging role in "Selenium" (1997), she had to pass through the extremely intense listenings: from twenty thousand debutants for a role it has been authorized Lopez. Jennifer has received one million dollars for the actor"s gift shown in a picture. So she became the most highly paid Latin American actress for all history of Hollywood.

"Selenium" has marked the beginning of a new life for Jennifer not only by way of career. After steadfast attention of chambers there has come long-awaited personal happiness. Jennifer Lopez began to meet with Odjany Ноа, the waiter from Miami. And once on a banquet her beloved has taken a microphone and has proposed her directly on a platform for dances. The pair has got married in the beginning of 1997. And if Jennifer Lopez till now was not sure in the star soon she has received chance to be convinced of it when after two months of a marriage false hearings about approaching divorce have spread. (Have divorced Lopez and Ноа only one year later.) Fortunately, found popularity Jennifer Lopez not only has presented unpleasant surprises. For "Selen" the project "Anaconda" which has beaten records of cash gathering has followed. In a word, 1997 appeared significant for Jennifer Lopez.

In a thriller of Bean Rafelson " Blood and wine " she has played in pair with Jack Nicholson, and in Olivera Stone"s picture "U-Tum" - with Shonom Penn. By the way, Jennifer Lopez has been chosen from all star actresses for a role in criminal Stephen Soderberga"s to drama " Outside of visibility " (1998). There she has played a role security guard which falls in love with one of prisoners, made plays her the captive during runaway. Jennifer has received the following role in film of a genre of a fantasy "Ants".

Jennifer Lopez became known not only as a film actress: in 1999 the former dancer has given due propensities to music, having let out a priest - album of Latin American songs On the 6 which has gone away on the world in circulation in eight millions. And her first single " If you had my love " was present at hits - sheets the USA within five weeks. The following single - " Waiting for tonight " - became a hit number one even on other party{side} of Atlantic, and Jennifer became new star MTV. In the beginning of 2001 Jennifer has let out the second album - J Lo, and though firstly this disk had no big success, after the first single " My love do not cost a thing " the new creation became platinum.

Now the name Jennifer Lopez became a legend. Its her actor"s career grows, its her person is person L ` Oreal, she with quiet heart speaks, that dreams of her were carried out. The girl from Bronx became queen of Hollywood, and the main thing - queen of hearts of millions true admirers worldwide.

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Jennifer Lynn Lopez is an American actress, author, fashion designer, dancer, producer, singer, and songwriter. She became interested in pursuing a career in the entertainment industry following a minor role in the 1986 film My Little Girl, to the dismay of her Puerto Rican parents, who believed that it was an unrealistic career route for a Hispanic. Lopez gained her first regular high-profile job as a Fly Girl dancer on In Living Color in 1991, where she remained a regular until she decided to pursue an acting career in 1993. She received her first leading role in theSelena biopic of the same name in 1997. Lopez became the first Latina actress to earn over $1 million for a role the following year, with the film Out of Sight. She ventured into the music industry in 1999 with her debut studio album, On the 6.

With the simultaneous release of her second studio album J.Lo and her film The Wedding Planner in 2001, Lopez became the first person to have a number one album and film in the same week. Her 2002 remix album, J to tha L–O! The Remixes, became the first in history to debut at number one on the U.S. Billboard 200, while her fifth studio album,Como Ama una Mujer (2007), received the highest first-week sales for a Spanish album in the United States. With past record sales of 55 million and a cumulative film gross of over $2 billion, Lopez is regarded as the most influential Hispanic performer in the United States, as well as its highest paid Latin entertainer. As of 2014, she has an estimated net worth of $400 million.Along with Pitbull and Claudia Leitte, she recorded "We Are One (Ole Ola)", which served as the official song of the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

Beyond entertainment, Lopez enjoyed a highly successful business career, consisting of various clothing lines, accessories, fragrances, a production company, television shows and a charitable foundation among other business interests. Lopez"s personal relationships have attracted worldwide media attention; she has been married three times. Following the breakdown of her first marriage, Lopez dated rapper and entertainment mogul Sean Combs. Following the breakdown of her second marriage to husband Cris Judd, she dated actor Ben Affleck. Their relationship was the subject of much media interest; their planned wedding was cancelled four days before the ceremony. Lopez then wed longtime friend Marc Anthony; they separated after seven years of marriage. Lopez gave birth to their twins, Emme and Maximilian, in 2008.

Дже́ннифер Линн Ло́пес - американская актриса, певица, танцовщица, модельер, продюсер и бизнес-вумен.

За свою карьеру Дженнифер имеет множество различных достижений, в том числе две номинации на «Грэмми», две победы на премии «Латинская Грэмми», три статуэтки American Music Awards. Она продала более 55 миллионов альбомов по всему миру. Billboard поставил её на 27 строку среди артистов 2000-х годов. В 2010 году Лопес стала членом жюри американского телевизионного конкурса American Idol. 20 июня 2013 года Дженнифер Лопес была удостоена звезды на голливудской «Аллее славы» (№ 2500).

Дженнифер Лопес достигла успеха в ряде профессиональных амплуа: она одна из самых успешных певиц своего поколения; одна из самых высокооплачиваемых голливудских актрис и талантливая бизнесвумен, сумевшая обратить свою популярность в успешный фэшн-бренд J.Lo; кроме того, она одна из самых богатых женщин мирового шоу-бизнеса и одна из самых влиятельных испаноговорящих персон мира.

Дженнифер Лопес также активно занята общественной деятельностью: ратует за всеобщую вакцинацию, поддерживает Лос-Анджелесский детский госпиталь и выступает как правозащитник.

Jennifer Lopez (born 24.07.1969) - American singer and actress.

Jennifer Lopez" s first serious screen role in Gregory Nava"s 1995 Latino melodrama My Family followed years of training in television movies and series. Like Rosie Perez, Lopez began her career as a Fly Girl a dancer on the sketch comedy series, In Living Color and appeared in music videos by Puff Daddy and Janet Jackson. Her big break came in 1997 when she appeared in the title role of Nava"s Selena, the story of the successful Tejano singer who was tragically murdered in 1995.

Lopez was at first cast as a femme fatale due in no small part to her classic Latina beauty (she was born in the Bronx to parents of Puerto Rican descent) and worked almost exclusively with acclaimed directors: Francis Ford Coppola (Jack, 1996), Oliver Stone (U-Turn, 1997), and Bob Rafelson (Blood and Wine, 1996). In 1998, she had one of her most acclaimed roles, starring opposite George Clooney in Out of Sight, Steven Soderbergh"s adaptation the Elmore Leonard novel. Cast as a deputy federal marshal who falls for a charming criminal (Clooney), Lopez won raves for her tough, sexy performance, and in the process, she became the highest paid Latina actress in Hollywood history. That same year, she earned an introduction to a new generation of fans by lending her voice to the popular Antz (1998). The lavish but much more adult-oriented thriller The Cell (2000) followed shortly thereafter, bringing Lopez one of her first number-one openings.

In an attempt to curry favor from the rom-com crowd, Lopez lightened things up a bit opposite Matthew McConaughey in 2001"s romantic comedy The Wedding Planner. Though Lopez was consistently smooth in her frequent transitions from actress to songstress, her next role in the supernatural romance Angel Eyes (2001) failed to click with audiences and critics alike, and her role in the cathartic revenge thriller Enough (2002) likewise disappeared from theaters shortly after its release. Though Maid in Manhattan (2002) was ultimately relegated to a similar fate as her last few films, few could anticipate the outright hostility with which her 2003 comedy Gigli would be greeted. In the movie, Lopez was cast as a female gangster assigned to keep an eye on a kidnapper (played by then-real-life-boyfriend Ben Affleck) who is holding a psychologically challenged young boy hostage. The harsh public backlash against the film was likely due (at least in part) to over-saturated media coverage of the duo"s tumultuous off-screen relationship. Though the film"s failure wasn"t exactly what one would call a career-ender for either star, their shoddy onscreen dynamic reportedly led director Kevin Smith to excise most of Lopez" role in the Affleck-starrer Jersey Girl.

Finally, in 2005, it appeared the actress" string of bad box-office luck had possibly reached its end. Teaming up with Jane Fonda for the latter thespian"s first feature in over a decade, Lopez scored a modest hit with the comedy Monster In-Law. The Lasse Hallstrom-helmed drama An Unfinished Life followed later the same year with Lopez opposite heavy-hitters Robert Redford and Morgan Freeman.

In addition to her screen work, Lopez has also enjoyed a successful singing career on the dance/Latin pop circuit. Denise Sullivan, All Movie Guide.

Sherlock Holmes and the Sport of Kings адаптированная аудиокнига на английском языке. Первый уровень — 400 основных слов.

Детективы должны видеть, слышать и помнить всё. Они должны интересоваться погодой, обувью людей, цветками в шляпе женщины, коробкой спичек в кармане человека. Они должны понять людей; они должны знать о собаках, и овцах и лошадях. Они должны даже знайть о скачках, спорте королей… Когда Серебряное Пламя, известная скаковая лошадь, исчезает, Шерлок Холмс и доктор Уотсон посещают до его конюшни в Дартморе. Серебряное Пламя — фаворит в большой гонке через неделю, и его владелец, г-н Росс, надеется выиграть эти гонки. Но сначала, он должен найти его лошадь. Есть также случай с трупом — Джоном Стакером, тренером Серебряного Пламени. Его жена нашла его тело в грязи недалеко от конюшен. И Инспектор Грегори должен найти убийцу. Но он и г-н Росс получают неправильные ответы на их вопросы. Так, говорит Шерлок Холмс, что действительно происходило в конюшнях в понедельник ночью? И, настолько же важно, что не происходило?

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ACTIVITIES (Упражнения):

Before Rending

1 Read the back cover of the book, and the introduction on the first page. How much do you know now ahout the story ? Yes or No:
1 Silver Blaze is a racehorse.
2 Sherlock Holmes is the owner of Silver Blaze.
3 Racehorses make money when they win races.
4 Silver Blaze’s trainer is dead.
5 Mr Ross found John Straker’s body.
6 John Straker’s body was in the stables.
7 Inspector Gregory knows all the answers.
8 Sherlock Holmes goes, down to Dartmoor.
2 Some of these things are helpful for finding the answer to the mystery. Can you guess which? l ick nine of the sixteen boxes.
? a betting book ? some hair
? somebody’s dinner ? a horseshoe
? somebody’s breakfast ? a chicken
? a box of matches ? a dog
? a woman’s shoes ? a cat
? a woman’s hat ? some sheep
? a man’s hat ? a knife
? a man’s shoes ? a letter

While Reading

Read Chapters 1 and 2. How much do we know now about the mystery? Which of these sentences are true, and which are possibly true, but we don’t really know yet?
1 Someone killed John Straker on Monday night.
2 Silver Blaze disappeared the same night.
3 Silver Blaze is dead.
4 Before Monday, Silver Blaze was the favourite to win the Wessex Cup.
5 Ned Hunter did not take Fitzroy Simpson’s money.
6 John Straker found Fitzroy Simpson in the stables in the middle of the night.
7 Fitzroy Simpson put opium in Ned Hunter’s curry.
8 Edith Baxter put opium in Ned Hunter’s curry.
9 Ned Hunter slept all night because of the opium.
10 Fitzroy Simpson killed John Straker.
Before you read Chapter 3, can you guess what Holmes does
next? Choose one answer for each question.
1 Which of these people does Holmes talk to?
a) Ned Hunter b) Mrs Straker c) Fitzroy Simpson
2 What does Holmes find in the mud on the moor?
a) an envelope b) a horseshoe c) a broken match

Read Chapters 3 and 4. We can answer some of these questions now, but not all of them. Answer the questions when you can, and write ‘Don’t know yet’ for the others.

1 Why did Simpson have a ten-pound note in an envelope?
2 Why did John Straker take a doctor’s eye knife with him that night?
3 What was the dress-maker’s bill for?
4 Why did Mr Darbyshire’s letters come to Straker’s house?
5 How did Holmes know that the tracks on the moor were Silver Blaze’s?
6 What did Silas Brown do to Silver Blaze?
7 Why did Holmes want to go back to London that night?
8 Why wasn’t Mr Ross happy with Holmes’s promise?
9 Why did Holmes want a photograph of John Straker?
10 What was important about the lame sheep?
11 What did the dog at the stables do in the night-time?
12 Why was that strange?
Before you read Chapter 5 (A day at the races), can you guess
what happens? Choose one answer for each question.
1 What happens in the Wessex Cup race? Silver Blaze. ..
a) wins the race. c) comes last. b) comes second. d) falls and breaks a leg.
2 Who docsn’r go to the races?
a) Sherlock Holmes. c) Inspector Gregory. b) Dr Watson. d) Mr Ross.

3 Where is John Straker’s killer on that day?
a) In the Dartmoor stables b) In a police station. c) At the races. d) In London.
Read Chapter 5. Choose the best question-word for these questions, and then answer them.
What / Why
1 … was Mr Ross very pleased with Sherlock Holmes?
2 .. . was the name of John Straker’s killer?
3 . . . did Holmes want to talk about it later?
How does the story end? Before you read Chapter 6, look at these sentences. Can you guess how many are true? Choose as many as you like.
1 The dog did not bark because it did not hear the midnight visitor.
2 The midnight visitor to the stables was John Straker.
3 John Straker wanted to kill Silver Blaze.
4 John Straker wanted Silver Blaze to win the Wessex Cup.
5 John Straker wanted to win a lot of money on the Wessex Cup race.
6 Straker used the eye knife to cut Silver Blaze’s leg.
7 In London Holmes visited a dress-maker.
8 Mr William Darbyshire was a good friend of Straker’s.
9 Sherlock Holmes tells Mr Ross all about Silas Brown.

After Reading

1 Match the names with the sentences. Then use the sentences to write about the people. Use a pronoun (he) and linking words (and, but, so, because ) where possible.
Mr Ross / Silas Brown / John Straker / Fitzroy Simpson
Example : Mr Ross wanted Sherlock Holmes to find his horse, but he did not understand detective work and .. .
1 ____ changed the colour of Silver Blaze’s coat.
2 ____ made his money taking bets at the races.
3 ____ needed money for the expensive Mrs Darbyshire.
4 Mr Ross wanted Sherlock Holmes to find his horse.
5 ____ went down to King’s Pyland stables.
6 ____ tried to make Silver Blaze a little lame.
7 ____ was afraid of the police.
8 Mr Ross did not understand detective work.
9 ____wanted to ask the stable boys some questions.
10 ____ went to the stables in the middle of the night.
11 ____ told Sherlock Holmes everything.
12 ____ took Silver Blaze out onto the moor.
13 ____ wanted answers to the mystery at once.
14____ took Silver Blaze to Winchester races.
15 ____ never came home again.

2 Here is a new illustration. Answer the questions, and then find
a good place in the story to put the picture.
1 What is happening in this picture?
2 What is not happening in this picture?
3 What does the answer to the second question tell us?
A good place for the picture is on page ____.

Now write a caption for the illustration.

3 What did Sherlock Holmes say to Silas Brown? Put their conversation in the right order, and write in the speakers’ names. Sherlock Holmes speaks first (number 3).
1 ____ ‘A different colour? The police are going to find that very interesting, Mr Brown.’
2 ____ ‘And how do you know that?’
3 ____ ‘Now, Mr Silas Brown, I want to see Silver Blaze.’
4 ____’Yes, I have. He’s round the back. He’s . .. er .. . well, he’s a different colour now.’
5 ____ ‘Yes. And he must win it! With your help, Mr Brown. Now, listen carefully,..,’
6 ____ ‘The tracks … Oh. Oh dear.’
7 ____ ‘My name is Sherlock Holmes, and I know that the horse is here.’
8 ____ ‘Don’t tell the police, sir. Please! I can change the colour back very quickly.’
9 ____ ‘Yes, Mr Brown, oh dear! Now, have you got the horse here?’
10 ____ ‘Yes, very well. He’s a wonderful horse, sir. He can still win the Wessex Cup, you know.’
11 ____ ‘Because I found the tracks of your shoes on the moor, next to the tracks of Silver Blaze, and the tracks came here.’
12 ____ ‘He’s not in my stables! And who are you}’
13 ____ ‘Then you must do it today. Is the horse well?’

4 Here is a newspaper report about Silver Blaze. Use these words (one for each gap) to complete the passage.
before, bets, cut, disappeared, found, good, horse, horseshoes, kicked, killed, killer, knows, leg, mystery, owner, races, where, won
At Winchester ____ today Silver Blaze ____ the Wessex Cup — ____ news for the ____ Mr Ross and all the people with ____ on the horse. The detective Sherlock Holmes ____ Mr Ross’s horse, and he ____ the name of John Straker’s ____ too. So who ____ John Straker? The_did! Straker tried to make a ____ in a tendon in Silver Blaze’s ____, and the horse _____ out. The ____ hit Straker on the head and killed him. The horse then ____ until today. And ____ was Silver Blaze in the week ____ the Wessex Cup race? That is still a ____.

5 Find the fourteen words (three letters or more) in this word search. Words go from left to right, and from top to bottom. Which four words make a headline for the newspaper report?