

В 1987 году группа воссоединилась на непродолжительное время. Синди провела с ними один концерт. После этого группа распалась окончательно.


Единственный альбом, названный по имени группы, вышел в 1980 году. В США он не пользовался особой популярностью, несмотря на хорошие отзывы критиков. Тем не менее, в Европе альбом стал немного более успешным. Сингл I"m Gonna Be Strong попал в хит-парад Нидерландов . Maybe He"ll Know , ещё одна песня с альбома, была включена в 1986 году во второй сольный альбом Синди True Colors .

В 1980 году Blue Angel записали второй альбом, который никогда не увидел свет из-за кадровых перестановок в звукозаписывающей компании Polydor Records . Более того, новое руководство расторгло контракт с группой. Коллектив продолжал выступать в Нью-Йорке до 1982 года, когда они выступили с прощальным концертом в Студии 54 .

Альбом Blue Angel был переиздан в 1984 году после успеха дебютной работы Синди She"s So Unusual , а также в 2005 году.


  • Blue Angel (англ.) на сайте Allmusic


  • Музыкальные коллективы по алфавиту
  • Рок-группы США
  • Музыкальные коллективы, появившиеся в 1978 году
  • Музыкальные коллективы, распавшиеся в 1982 году

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Смотреть что такое "Blue Angel" в других словарях:

    Blue Angel - might be used to refer to several different things:Movies* The Blue Angel , a 1930 movie starring Marlene Dietrich as Lola and Emil Jannings as Prof. Rath, based on Heinrich Mann s 1905 novel Professor Unrat * The Blue Angel (1959 film), a remake … Wikipedia

    Blue Angel - Ange bleu Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Ange bleu peut désigner: l Association L Ange Bleu, Association Nationale de Prévention et d Information Concernant la Pédophilie En… … Wikipédia en Français

    blue angel - noun the sodium salt of amobarbital that is used as a barbiturate; used as a sedative and a hypnotic Syn: amobarbital sodium, blue, blue devil, Amytal Hypernyms: amobarbital * * * noun or … Useful english dictionary

    blue angel - Slang. See blue heaven. * * * … Universalium

    Blue Angel (band) - Blue Angel was the band that featured Cyndi Lauper before her rise to fame as a solo singer. The lineup also included John Turi on keyboard instrument and saxophone, Arthur Rockin A Neilson (guitar), Lee Brovitz (bass guitar) and Johnny Morelli… … Wikipedia

    Blue Angel Resort - (Косумель,Мексика) Категория отеля: 4 звездочный отель Адрес: Carretera Costera Su … Каталог отелей

    Blue Angel Villa - (Тира,Греция) Категория отеля: Адрес: Kato Fira, Тира, 84700, Греция … Каталог отелей

    Blue Angel (groupe) - Blue Angel était un groupe de rock composé de Cyndi Lauper, John Turi, Arthur Rockin A Neilson, Lee Brovitz et Johnny Morelli formé vers la fin des années 1970. Biographie Le groupe se forme vers la fin des années 1970, et joue dans quelques bars … Wikipédia en Français

    Blue Angel (banda) - Para otros usos de este término, véase Blue Angel (Desambiguación). Blue Angel Datos generales Origen Nueva York Estado Separado Informació … Wikipedia Español

    Blue Angel (Strawbs album) - Infobox Album Name = Blue Angel Type = studio Artist = Strawbs Released = 2003 Recorded = start date|2002|10 Genre = progressive rock Length = 55:58 Label = Witchwood Producer = Dave Cousins, Brian Willoughby, Chas Cronk Reviews = *All Music… … Wikipedia

Энджел Блю родилась 3 мая 1984 года в Калифорнии (California). В 2005-м она окончила со степенью бакалавра в области музыки Университет Редлендс (University of Redlands), а в 2007-м получила степень магистра в исполнении оперы в Калифорнийском Университете в Лос-Анджелесе (UCLA). Кроме того, Блю – выпускница специализированной школы Los Angeles County High School for the Arts, где девушка занималась вокалом и изучала игру на фортепиано. Она участвовала в программе для молодых артистов "Domingo-Thornton Young Artist Program" при Опере Лос-Анджелеса (Los Angeles Opera) в 2007-2009, а с 2009 года училась по программе "Artistas de la Academia Placido Domingo" оперного театра в Валенсии, Испания (Valencia, Spain), под началом Альберто Дзедды (Alberto Zedda), Лорина Маазеля (Lorin Maazel) и Зубина Меты (Zubin Mehta).

В 2009-м Блю стала финалисткой конкурса "Опералия" и заняла 1-е место в исполнении сарсуэлы и 2-е в исполнении оперы. Она также была отмечена на "Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions" и "Redlands Bowl Competition" и выиграла премию "Dorothy Chandler Pavilion"s Emerging Young Entertainers Award".

Любопытно, что рост новой оперной дивы - 180 см, и в юности она участвовала в конкурсах красоты и была моделью. Энджел стала первой и единственной афроамериканкой, носившей титул "Miss Apple Valley California". Она принимала участие в конкурсах "Miss Empire America 2003", "Miss Hollywood 2005", "Miss California 2005", "Miss Southern California 2006" и "Miss Nevada 2007". На конкурсах талантов она нередко использовала свой вокальный дар.

Энджел Блю исполняла ведущие партии и выступала в качестве солистки в Опере Лос-Анджелеса и Сан-Франциско (San Francisco Opera) и ряде концертных залов. В ее оперном репертуаре имеются такие роли, как Виолетта (Violetta) в "Травиате" (La Traviata), Мюзетта (Musetta) в "Богеме" (La Boheme), Микаэла (Micaela) в "Кармен" (Carmen), главная партия в "Лючии ди Ламмермур" (Lucia di Lammermoor), Елена (Helena) в "Сне в летнюю ночь" (A Midsummer Night"s Dream), Лю (Liu) в "Турандот" (Turandot), Манон (Manon), Графиня Альмавива (Contessa Almaviva) в "Свадьбе Фигаро" (Le Nozze di Figaro), Джульетта (Giulietta) и Антония (Antonia) в "Сказках Гофмана" (Tales of Hoffmann), Дидона (Dido) в "Дидоне и Энее" (Dido and Aeneas) и Донна Анна (Donna Anna) в "Дон Жуане" (Don Giovanni).

Она исполняла национальный гимн на Пограничной конференции губернаторов (Border Governors Conference), в качестве хозяина которой выступал бывший калифорнийский губернатор Арнольд Шварценеггер (Arnold Schwarzenegger), и на Калифорнийской женской конференции (California Women"s Conference), которую провела первая леди штата Мария Шрайвер (Maria Shriver).

В сезоне 2008-2009 Блю дебютировала в Опере Сан-Франциско в роли Клары (Clara) из "Порги и Бесс" (Porgy and Bess); в качестве солистки выступала с Симфоническим оркестром Валдосты (Valdosta Symphony) в Джорджии (Georgia); а также исполнила сцены из "Травиаты" в сопровождении Корейского симфонического оркестра (Korean Symphony Orchestra) в Сеуле (Seoul) и Пусане (Busan).

В следующем сезоне она была солисткой Риверсайдского филармонического (Riverside Philharmonic) и Адрианского симфонического оркестров (Adrian Symphony); гастролировала по Италии (Italy) с Альберто Дзедда; выступала на концерте в пользу пострадавших от землетрясения на Гаити (Haiti) в Мадриде, Испания (Madrid, Spain); пела на гала-концерте в Будапеште, Венгрия (Budapest, Hungary); и дебютировала на сцене Дворца искусств королевы Софии (Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia) в Валенсии.

В сезоне 2010-2011 Блю часто пела в Валенсии, выступала в сопровождении Американского молодежного (American Youth Symphony) и других оркестров и вышла на сцену венского театра Ан дер Вин (Theater an der Wien). В 2011-м она гастролировала с Пласидо Доминго, открывая центр Кауфмана (Kaufmann Center) в Канзас-Сити, штат Миссури (Kansas City, Missouri), и побывала в Омане (Oman), Китае (China) и Хорватии (Croatia).

В нынешнем сезоне Энджел ждут выступления с Берлинским филармоническим оркестром (Berlin Philharmonic), Франкфуртская опера (Frankfurt opera) и вагнеровская "Гибель богов" (Götterdämmerung), Английская национальная опера (English National Opera) и концерты в Европе (Europe).

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  • ✪ My Blue Angels Ride Along Flight




The mission of the United States Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron is "to showcase the pride and professionalism of the United States Navy and Marine Corps by inspiring a culture of excellence and service to country through flight demonstrations and community outreach."

Air show

The Blue Angels" show season runs each year from March until November. They perform at both military and civilian airfields, and often perform directly over major cities such as San Francisco"s "Fleet Week " maritime festival, Cleveland"s annual Labor Day Air Show, the Chicago Air and Water Show , Jacksonville "s Sea and Sky Spectacular, Milwaukee Air and Water Show, and Seattle "s annual Seafair festival.

The parameters of each show must be tailored in accordance with local weather conditions at showtime: in clear weather the high show is performed; in overcast conditions a low show is performed, and in limited visibility (weather permitting) the flat show is presented. The high show requires at least an 8,000-foot (2,400 m) ceiling and visibility of at least 3 nautical miles (6 km) from the show"s centerpoint. The minimum ceilings allowed for low and flat shows are 3,500 feet (~1 km) and 1,500 feet (460 m), respectively.

Origin of squadron name, insignia and paint scheme

When initially formed, the unit was called the Navy Flight Exhibition Team . The squadron was officially redesignated as the United States Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron in December 1974. The original team was christened the Blue Angels in 1946, when one of the pilots came across the name of New York City"s Blue Angel Nightclub in The New Yorker magazine; the team introduced themselves as the "Blue Angels" to the public for the first time on 21 July 1946, in Omaha , Nebraska. [ ]

The official Blue Angels insignia was designed by then team leader Lt. Cmdr. R. E. "Dusty" Rhodes and Virginia Porter (Illustrator for Naval Air Advanced Training Command), then approved by Chief of Naval Operations in 1949. It is nearly identical to the current design. In the cloud in the upper right quadrant, the aircraft were originally shown heading down and to the right. Over the years, the plane silhouettes have changed along with the squadron"s aircraft. Additionally, the lower left quadrant, which contains the Chief of Naval Air Training insignia, has occasionally contained only Naval Aviator wings. [ ]

Originally, demonstration aircraft were navy blue (nearly black) with gold lettering. The current shades of blue and yellow were adopted when the team transitioned to the Bearcat in 1946. For a single year, in 1949, the team performed in an all-yellow scheme with blue markings.

Current aircraft

The Blues" McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornets are former fleet aircraft that are nearly combat-ready. Modifications to each aircraft include removal of the aircraft gun and replacement with the tank that contains smoke-oil used in demonstrations, and outfitting with the control stick spring system for more precise aircraft control input. The standard demonstration configuration has a spring tensioned with 40 pounds (18 kg) of force installed on the control stick as to allow the pilot minimal room for uncommanded movement. The Blues do not wear G-suits , because the air bladders inside them would repeatedly deflate and inflate, interfering with the control stick between the pilot"s legs. Instead, Blue Angel pilots tense their muscles to prevent blood from rushing from their heads and rendering them unconscious.

In July 2016, Boeing was awarded a $12 million contract to begin an engineering proposal for converting the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet for Blue Angels use, with the proposal to be completed by September 2017.

The show"s narrator flies Blue Angel 7, a two-seat F/A-18D Hornet, to show sites. The Blues use this jet for backup, and to give demonstration rides to VIP civilians. Three backseats at each show are available; one of them goes to members of the press, the other two to "Key Influencers". The No. 4 slot pilot often flies the No. 7 aircraft in Friday"s "practice" shows.

Team members

All team members, both officer and enlisted, pilots and staff officers, come from the ranks of regular Navy and United States Marine Corps units. The demonstration pilots and narrator are made up of Navy and USMC Naval Aviators . Pilots serve two to three years, and position assignments are made according to team needs, pilot experience levels, and career considerations for members.

The officer selection process requires pilots and support officers (flight surgeon, events coordinator, maintenance officer, supply officer, and public affairs officer) wishing to become Blue Angels to apply formally via their chain-of-command, with a personal statement, letters of recommendation, and flight records. Navy and Marine Corps F/A-18 demonstration pilots and naval flight officers are required to have a minimum of 1,250 tactical jet hours and be carrier-qualified. Marine Corps C-130 demonstration pilots are required to have 1,200 flight hours and be an aircraft commander.

Applicants "rush" the team at one or more airshows, paid out of their own finances, and sit in on team briefs, post-show activities, and social events. Rushes are asked to tell a joke prior to the brief and are graded by the team as part of the rigorous selection process. Team members vote in secret on the next year"s members, with no accountability to the higher Navy authority why an applicant was or was not selected. Selections must be unanimous. There have been female and racial minority staff officers as official Blue Angel members. The most recent minority Blue Angel pilot was LCDR Keith Hoskins on the 2000 team. Flight surgeons serve a two-year term. They act as the team recorder during air shows and help oversee emergency response planning with the various air show planners. The first female Blue Angel flight surgeon was LT Tamara Schnurr, who was a member of the 2001 team.

The team leader (#1) is the Commanding Officer and is always a Navy Commander, who may be promoted to Captain mid-tour if approved for Captain by the selection board. Pilots of numbers 2–7 are Navy Lieutenants or Lieutenant Commanders, or Marine Corps Captains or Majors. The number 7 pilot narrates for a year, and then typically flies Opposing and then Lead Solo the following two years, respectively. The number 3 pilot moves to the number 4 (slot) position for his second year. Blue Angel No. 4 serves as the demonstration safety officer, due largely to the perspective he is afforded from the slot position within the formation, as well as his status as a second-year demonstration pilot. There are a number of other officers in the squadron, including a Naval Flight Officer , the USMC C-130 pilots, a Maintenance Officer, an Administrative Officer, and a Flight Surgeon. Enlisted members range from E-4 to E-9 and perform all maintenance, administrative, and support functions. They serve three to four years in the squadron. After serving with the Blues, members return to fleet assignments.

  • Flying Blue Angel No. 1, Commander Ryan Bernacchi, USN (Commanding Officer/Flight Leader)
  • Flying Blue Angel No. 2, Lieutenant Damon Kroes, USN (Right Wing)
  • Flying Blue Angel No. 3, Lieutenant Nate Scott, USN (Left Wing)
  • Flying Blue Angel No. 4, Lieutenant Lance Benson, USN (Slot)
  • Flying Blue Angel No. 5, Commander Frank Weisser, USN (Lead Solo)
  • Flying Blue Angel No. 6 Lieutenant Tyler Davies, USN (Opposing Solo)
  • Flying Blue Angel No. 7, Lieutenant Brandon Hempler, USN (Advance Pilot/Narrator)
  • Events Coordinator, Blue Angel No. 8, Lieutenant Dave Steppe, USN
  • Flying Fat Albert, Major Mark Hamilton, USMC
  • Flying Fat Albert, Major Mark Montgomery, USMC
  • Flying Fat Albert, Major Kyle Maschner, USMC
  • Executive Officer, Commander Matt Kaslik, USN
  • Maintenance Officer, Lieutenant Samuel Rose, USN
  • Flight Surgeon, Lieutenant Juan Guerra, USN
  • Administrative Officer, Lieutenant Junior Grade Timothy Hawkins, USN
  • Supply Officer, Lieutenant Bryan Pace, USN
  • Public Affairs Officer, Lieutenant Joe Hontz, USN

Commanding officer

Commander Ryan Bernacchi joined the Blue Angels in September 2015. He has accumulated more than 3,000 flight hours and 600 carrier-arrested landings, and is a graduate of the U.S. Navy Fighter Weapons School (TOPGUN), NAS Fallon, Nevada. After graduating, he joined the TOPGUN staff as an instructor pilot and served as the Navy and Marine Corps subject matter expert in GPS guided weapons. Ryan served as a Federal Executive Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Cambridge, Massachusetts . His decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal, one Individual Air Medal with Combat "V" (three Strike Flight), four Navy Commendation Medals, one with Combat "V," and numerous unit, campaign, and service awards.

Training and weekly routine

On 25 August 1946 the squadron upgraded their aircraft to the Grumman F8F-1 Bearcat . In May 1947, flight leader Lt. Cmdr. Bob Clarke replaced Butch Voris as the leader of the team and introduced the famous Diamond Formation, now considered the Blue Angels" trademark.


The "Blues" continued to perform nationwide until the start of the Korean War in 1950, when (due to a shortage of pilots, and no planes were available) the team was disbanded and its members were ordered to combat duty. Once aboard the aircraft carrier USS Princeton the group formed the core of VF-191, Satan"s Kittens .

The Blue Angels were officially recommissioned on 25 October 1951, and reported to NAS Corpus Christi , Texas. Lt. Cdr. Voris was again tasked with assembling the team (he was the first of only two commanding officers to lead them twice). In 1953 the team traded its Sky Train for a Curtiss R5C Commando .

In September 1956, the team added a sixth aircraft to the flight demonstration in the Opposing Solo position, and gave its first performance outside the United States at the International Air Exposition in Toronto, Ontario , Canada . It also upgraded its logistics aircraft to the Douglas R5D Skymaster . [ ]

In January 1957, the team left its winter training facility at Naval Air Facility El Centro , California for a ten-year period. For the next ten years, the team would winter at NAS Key West , Florida. For the 1957 show season, the Blue Angels transitioned to the supersonic Grumman F11F-1 Tiger , first flying the short-nosed, and then the long-nosed versions. The first Six-Plane Delta Maneuvers were added in the 1958 season. [ ]


In July 1964, the Blue Angels participated in the Aeronaves de Mexico Anniversary Air Show over Mexico City , Mexico, before an estimated crowd of 1.5 million people.


The Blues received their first U.S. Marine Corps Lockheed KC-130F Hercules in 1970. An all-Marine crew manned it. That year, they went on their first South American tour. In 1971, the team conducted its first Far East Tour, performing at a dozen locations in Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Guam, and the Philippines. In 1972, the Blue Angels were awarded the Navy"s Meritorious Unit Commendation for the two-year period from 1 March 1970 – 31 December 1971. Another European tour followed in 1973, including air shows in Tehran , Iran, England, France, Spain, Turkey, Greece, and Italy.

In December 1974 the Navy Flight Demonstration Team downsized to the subsonic Douglas A-4F Skyhawk II and was reorganized into the Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron. This reorganization permitted the establishment of a commanding officer (the flight leader), added support officers, and further redefined the squadron"s mission emphasizing the support of recruiting efforts. Commander Tony Less was the squadron"s first official commanding officer. [ ]


On 8 November 1986 the Blue Angels completed their 40th anniversary year during ceremonies unveiling their present aircraft, the McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet , the first multi-role fighter/attack aircraft. The power and aerodynamics of the Hornet allows them to perform a slow, high angle of attack "tail sitting" maneuver, and to fly a "dirty" (landing gear down) formation loop, the last of which is not duplicated by the USAF Thunderbirds.


In 2006, the Blue Angels marked their 60th year of performing. On 30 October 2008 a spokesman for the team announced that the team would complete its last three performances of the year with five jets instead of six. The change was because one pilot and another officer in the organization had been removed from duty for engaging in an "inappropriate relationship". The Navy stated that one of the individuals was a man and the other a woman, one a Marine and the other from the Navy, and that Rear Admiral Mark Guadagnini, chief of Naval air training, was reviewing the situation. At the next performance at Lackland Air Force Base following the announcement the No. 4 or slot pilot, was absent from the formation. A spokesman for the team would not confirm the identity of the pilot removed from the team. On 6 November 2008 both officers were found guilty at an admiral"s mast on unspecified charges but the resulting punishment was not disclosed. The names of the two members involved were later released on the Pensacola News Journal website/forum as pilot No. 4 USMC Maj. Clint Harris and the administrative officer, Navy Lt. Gretchen Doane.

The Fat Albert performed its final JATO demonstration at the 2009 Pensacola Homecoming show, expending their 8 remaining JATO bottles. This demonstration not only was the last JATO performance of the squadron, but also the final JATO use of the U.S. Marine Corps.


On 22 May 2011, the Blue Angels were performing at the Lynchburg Regional Airshow in Lynchburg , Virginia, when the Diamond formation flew the Barrel Roll Break maneuver at an altitude that was lower than the required minimum altitude. The maneuver was aborted, the remainder of the demonstration canceled and all aircraft landed safely. The next day, the Blue Angels announced that they were initiating a safety stand-down, canceling their upcoming Naval Academy Airshow and returning to their home base in Pensacola, Florida, for additional training and airshow practice. On 26 May, the Blue Angels announced they would not be flying their traditional fly-over of the Naval Academy Graduation Ceremony and that they were canceling their 28–29 May 2011 performances at the Millville Wings and Wheels Airshow in Millville , New Jersey.

On 27 May 2011, the Blue Angels announced that Commander Dave Koss, the squadron"s Commanding Officer, would be stepping down. He was replaced by Captain Greg McWherter, the team"s previous Commanding Officer. The squadron canceled performances at the Rockford , Illinois Airfest 4–5 June and the Evansville , Indiana Freedom Festival Air Show 11–12 June to allow additional practice and demonstration training under McWherter"s leadership.

On 9 April 2013, the U.S. Navy released a statement that it was cancelling all remaining 2013 performances due to budget constraints, which ends the 2013 Blue Angels season after 2 of 35 scheduled shows were performed. The Navy also stated it continues to believe the value of inspiring future generations, and that the 2014 Blue Angels Schedule has not been subject to any cancellations, the schedule itself was released in September 2013.

In June 2014, Captain Greg McWherter, flight leader of the Blue Angels for 2008-2010 and 2011-2012, received letter of reprimand from Adm. Harry Harris after an admiral"s mast for “failing to stop obvious and repeated instances of sexual harassment, condoning widespread lewd practices within the squadron and engaging in inappropriate and unprofessional discussions with his junior officers" during his second tour with the team.

In July 2014, Marine Corps Capt. Katie Higgins, 27, became the first female pilot to join the Blue Angels.

Aircraft timeline

The "Blues" have flown eight different demonstration aircraft and five support aircraft models:

Demonstration aircraft

  1. Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat : June–August 1946
  2. Grumman F8F-1 Bearcat : August 1946 – 1949
  3. Grumman F9F-2 Panther : 1949 – June 1950 (first jet); F9F-5 Panther: 1951 - Winter 1954/55
  4. Grumman F9F-8 Cougar : Winter 1954/55 - mid-season 1957 (swept-wing)
  5. Grumman F11F-1 (F-11) Tiger : mid-season 1957 – 1968 (first supersonic jet)
  6. McDonnell Douglas F-4J Phantom II : 1969 – December 1974
  7. Douglas A-4F Skyhawk : December 1974 – November 1986
  8. McDonnell Douglas F/A-18A/B/C/D Hornet (F/A-18B/D are #7 aircraft): November 1986 – present
Support aircraft
  1. Douglas R4D Skytrain : 1949–1955
  2. Douglas R5D Skymaster : 1956–1968
  3. Lockheed C-121 Super Constellation : 1969–1973
  4. Lockheed C-130 Hercules "Fat Albert": 1970–present
Miscellaneous aircraft
  1. North American SNJ Texan "Beetle Bomb" (used to simulate a Japanese A6M Zero aircraft in demonstrations during the late 1940s)
  2. Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star (Used during the 1950s as a VIP transport aircraft for the team)
  3. Vought F7U Cutlass (two of the unusual F7Us were received in late 1952 and flown as a side demonstration during the 1953 season but they were not a part of their regular formations which at the time used the F9F Panther. Pilots and ground crew found it unsatisfactory and plans to use it as the team"s primary aircraft were cancelled).

Performance routine

The following is the Blue Angels" standard routine as performed in near-perfect to perfect weather conditions as of 17 May 2008. However, maneuvers requiring high-level flight may be altered or completely omitted from the performance depending on ceiling levels.

  • Fat Albert (C-130) – High-Performance Takeoff (Low Transition)
  • Fat Albert – Parade Pass (Photo Pass--the aircraft banks around show center.)
  • Fat Albert – Flat Pass (A low-level pass over show center)
  • Fat Albert – Head-On Pass
  • Fat Albert – Short-Field Assault Landing
  • F/A-18 Demonstration Pilot Walkdown (The six demonstration pilots walk in a side-by-side single-file line and peel off, one at a time, to approach and man their aircraft as they are introduced by the narrator.)
  • F/A-18 Engine Startup and Taxi-Out
  • Diamond Takeoff (Either a low-level transition with turn, loop on takeoff, a half-Cuban 8 takeoff, or a Half Squirrel Cage--depending on ceiling level.)
  • Solo Takeoff (Blue Angel No. 5: Dirty Roll on Takeoff; Blue Angel No. 6: Low-level transition to high-performance climb)
  • Diamond 360: Blue Angels 1 through 4 bank around over show center in their signature 18" wingtip-to-canopy Diamond Formation.
  • Opposing Knife-Edge Pass: The solos approach each other on a "collision course" and turn their aircraft on a 90-degree angle as they cross each other over show center.
  • Diamond Roll: The Diamond Formation rolls as a single entity.
  • Opposing Inverted to Inverted Rolls
  • Diamond Aileron Roll: Each of the Diamond Formation aircraft perform simultaneous aileron rolls .
  • Fortus: The solos pass in carrier landing configuration with Blue Angel No. 5 inverted, establishing a "mirror image" effect.
  • Diamond Dirty Loop: The Diamond performs a loop with the aircraft in the carrier landing configuration.
  • Minimum Radius Turn (Highest G-force maneuver--Blue Angel No.5 executes a low-level "horizontal loop," pulling 7 Gs to maintain a tight radius)
  • Double Farvel: Diamond Formation flat pass with Blue Angel Nos. 1 and 4 inverted.
  • Opposing Minimum Radius Turn: The solos approach show center side-by-side from behind the spectator area, perform a roll and cross each other into a radius turn, crossing each other again before completing the turn.
  • Echelon Parade: The Diamond aircraft bank around over show center in the Echelon Formation.
  • Opposing Horizontal Rolls
  • Left Echelon Roll: The roll is made in the Echelon Formation, which is somewhat difficult for the outside aircraft.
  • Sneak Pass: The fastest maneuver of the show is about 700 mph (just under Mach 1 at sea level), which is performed at low-level over show center by Blue Angel No. 5. Immediately after, Blue Angel No. 6 approaches show center from behind the spectator area at or about the same speed and transitions into a vertical climb with a series of rolls. Video
  • Line-Abreast Loop – The most difficult formation maneuver to successfully execute: Blue Angel No.5 joins the Diamond aircraft to form a five-jet side-by-side straight line as they execute a loop.
  • Opposing Four-Point Hesitation Roll: The solos approach each other executing the four-point hesitation roll, crossing each other halfway through the roll over show center.
  • Vertical Break
  • Opposing Vertical Pitch
  • Barrel Roll Break
  • Section High-Alpha Pass: (tail sitting), the show"s slowest maneuver Video
  • Low Break Cross
  • Inverted Tuck Over Roll
  • Tuck Under Break
  • Delta Roll
  • Fleur de Lis
  • Solos Pass to Rejoin, Diamond flies a loop
  • Loop Break Cross (Delta Vertical Break): The Delta Formation enters into a loop, and as they begin their downline from the top, all six jets separate in different directions in the manner of a compass. After they level off away from show center, each jet simultaneously performs a half Cuban Eight to turn back toward show center, where all six jets cross over one another with minimal separation.
  • Delta Breakout: The Delta Formation approaches show center facing the spectator area. As they reach show center, all jets except Blue Angel No. 4 separate in the manner of a seashell, while Blue Angel No. 4 maintains a straight and level flight overhead.
  • Delta Pitch Up Carrier Break to Land: As the Delta Formation passes show center; each jet, one at a time, pitches up and peels off to the downwind , where they lower their landing gears and reduce their speed for the landing.
  • Taxi-Back and Engine Shutdown
  • Demonstration Pilot Walkback: After exiting their aircraft, the demonstration pilots, one at a time, walk away from their aircraft as they are reintroduced by the narrator, reforming the side-by-side single-file line. The pilots then officially end the performance with a salute and handshake.


During its history, 27 Blue Angels pilots have been killed in air show or training accidents. Through the 2006 season there have been 262 pilots in the squadron"s history, giving the job a 10% fatality rate.

  • 29 September 1946 – Lt. Ross "Robby" Robinson was killed during a performance when a wingtip broke off his Bearcat, sending him into an unrecoverable spin.
  • 1952 – Two Panthers collided during a demonstration in Corpus Christi , Texas and one pilot was killed. The team resumed performances two weeks later.
  • 2 August 1958 - Lt. John R. Dewenter landed, wheels up at Buffalo Niagara International Airport after experiencing engine troubles during a show in Clarence, NY . The Grumman F-11 Tiger landed on Runway 23 but exited airport property coming to rest in the intersection of Genesee Street and Dick Road, nearly hitting a gas station. Lt. Dewenter was uninjured, but the plane was a total loss.
  • 14 October 1958 – Cmdr. Robert Nicholls Glasgow died during an orientation flight just days after reporting for duty as the new Blue Angels leader.
  • 15 March 1964 – Lt. George L. Neale, 29, was killed during an attempted emergency landing at Apalach Airport near Apalachicola , Florida. Lt. Neale"s F-11A Tiger had experienced mechanical difficulties during a flight from West Palm Beach , Florida to NAS Pensacola , causing him to attempt the emergency landing. Failing to reach the airport, he ejected from the aircraft on final approach, but his parachute did not have sufficient time to fully deploy.
  • 2 September 1966 – Lt. Cmdr. Dick Oliver crashed his Tiger and was killed at the Canadian International Air Show in Toronto .
  • 1 February 1967 – Lt Frank Gallagher was killed when his Tiger stalled during a practice Half Cuban 8 maneuver and spun into the ground.
  • 18 February 1967 – Capt. Ronald Thompson was killed when his Tiger struck the ground during a practice formation loop.
  • 14 January 1968 – Opposing solo Lt. Bill Worley was killed when his Tiger crashed during a practice double immelman.
  • 30 August 1970 – Lt. Ernie Christensen belly-landed his F-4J Phantom at the Eastern Iowa Airport in Cedar Rapids when he inadvertently left the landing gear in the up position. He ejected safely, while the aircraft slid off the runway.
  • 4 June 1971 – CDR Harley Hall safely ejected after his Phantom caught fire and crashed during practice over Narragansett Bay near the ex-NAS Quonset Point in Rhode Island.
  • 14 February 1972 – Lt. Larry Watters was killed when his F-4J Phantom II struck the ground, upright, while practicing inverted flight, during winter training at NAF El Centro.
  • 8 March 1973 – Capt. John Fogg, Lt. Marlin Wiita and LCDR Don Bentley survived a multi-aircraft mid-air collision during practice over the Superstition Mountains in California.
  • 26 July 1973 – 2 pilots and a crew chief were killed in a mid-air collision between 2 Phantoms over Lakehurst, NJ during an arrival practice. Team Leader LCDR Skip Umstead, Capt. Mike Murphy and ADJ1 Ron Thomas perished. The rest of the season was cancelled after this incident.
  • 22 February 1977 – Opposing solo Lt. Nile Kraft was killed when his Skyhawk struck the ground during practice.
  • 8 November 1978 – One of the solo Skyhawks struck the ground after low roll during arrival maneuvers at NAS Miramar . Navy Lieutenant Michael Curtin was killed.
  • April 1980 – Lead Solo Lt. Jim Ross was unhurt when his Skyhawk suffered a fuel line fire during a show at NS Roosevelt Roads , Puerto Rico. LT Ross stayed with and landed the plane which left the end of the runway and taxied into the woods after a total hydraulic failure upon landing.
  • 22 February 1982 – Lt. Cmdr Stu Powrie, Lead Solo was killed when his Skyhawk struck the ground during winter training at Naval Air Facility El Centro, California just after a dirty loop.
  • 13 July 1985 – Lead and Opposing Solo Skyhawks collided during a show at Niagara Falls, killing opposing solo Lt. Cmdr. Mike Gershon. Lt. Andy Caputi ejected and parachuted to safety.
  • 12 February 1987 – Lead solo Lt. Dave Anderson ejected from his Hornet after a dual engine flameout during practice near El Centro, CA.
  • 23 January 1990 – Two Blue Angel Hornets suffered a mid-air collision during a practice at El Centro. Marine Corps Maj. Charles Moseley ejected safely. Cmdr. Pat Moneymaker was able to land his airplane, which then required a complete right wing replacement.
  • 28 October 1999 – Lt. Cmdr. Kieron O"Connor, flying in the front seat of a two-seat Hornet, and recently selected demonstration pilot Lt. Kevin Colling (in the back seat) struck the ground during circle and arrival maneuvers in Valdosta , Georgia. Neither pilot survived.
  • 1 December 2004 – Lt. Ted Steelman ejected from his F/A-18 approximately one mile off Perdido Key after his aircraft struck the water, suffering catastrophic engine and structural damage. He suffered minor injuries.
  • 21 April 2007 – Lt. Cmdr. Kevin J. Davis crashed his Hornet near the end of the Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort airshow in Beaufort , South Carolina, and was killed.
  • 2 June 2016 – Capt. Jeff "Kooch" Kuss, (Opposing Solo, Blue Angel No. 6), died just after takeoff while performing the Split-S maneuver in his F/A-18 Hornet during a practice run for The Great Tennessee Air Show in Smyrna, Tennessee . The Navy investigation found that Capt. Kuss performed the maneuver at too low of an altitude while failing to retard the throttle out of afterburner, causing him to fall too fast and recover at too low of an altitude. Capt. Kuss ejected, but his parachute was immediately engulfed in flames, causing him to fall to his death. Kuss" body was recovered multiple yards away from the crash site. The cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head. The investigation also cites weather and pilot fatigue as additional causes to the crash. In a strange twist, Captain Kuss" fatal crash happened hours after the Blue Angels" fellow pilots in the United States Air Force Thunderbirds suffered a crash of their own following the United States Air Force Academy graduation ceremony earlier that day.

Non-airshow incidents involving former Blue Angels

In the media and popular culture

Notable alumni


In November 2011, the Blue Angels received $37 million annually, out of the annual DoD budget.

All 2013 shows after the Naval Air Station Key West, Fla. Southernmost Air Spectacular on 23–24 March 2013 were canceled due to the sequestration .

See also


  1. ^ "History of the Blue Angels" . Blue Angels official site.
  2. ^ "Blue Angels: Frequently Asked Questions" 3 March 2012 .
  3. "United States Navy: The Blue Angels History" . Navy.mil. Retrieved 3 March 2012 .
  4. Military spending cuts ground Blue Angels, Thunderbirds 1 March 2013 NBC News; U.S. Navy Cancels Blue Angels 2013 Performances 10 April 2013, U.S. Navy
  5. "Thunderbirds, Blue Angels to Resume Air Shows" . ABC News.
  6. "What determines high show vs. low show for Blue Angels? | KING5.com Seattle" . King5.com. 6 August 2010. Archived from the original on 1 August 2013. Retrieved 3 March 2012 . CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (link)
  7. http://a4skyhawk.org/3e/blues/blues.htm
  8. Campbell, War Paint , p. 171.
  9. "Blue Angels Frequently Asked Questions" . Blueangels.navy.mil. Retrieved 3 March 2012 .
  10. "Contracts for July 25, 2016" . U.S. Department of Defense. 25 July 2016. Retrieved 26 July 2016 .
  11. "Flights with the Blue Angels" . Flyfighterjet.com. Retrieved 3 March 2012 .
  12. McCullough, Amy (9 November 2009). "Abort Launch: Air shows to do without Fat Albert"s famed JATO". Marine Corps Times . Gannett Company . p. 6. |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  13. "Thousands Honor Fallen Blue Angel As Remains Come Home" . 7 June 2016. Retrieved 11 April 2017 .
  14. "Remains of fallen Blue Angels pilot arrive in Colorado for funeral" . Retrieved 14 April 2017 .
  15. "Capt. Jeff Kuss" remains come home to Durango" . The Durango Herald. Retrieved 28 May 2017 .
  16. "Gosport article, March 02, 2012, "Blue Angels Seek Officer Applicants", page 2" (PDF) . Gosport NAS Pensacola Base Newspaper. [permanent dead link ]
  17. "Blue Angels Alumni 2000" . blueangels-usn.org.
  18. "Blue Angels Alumni 2001" . blueangels-usn.org.
  19. Fort Walton, Florida, ""Blue Angels" To Pensacola – Navy Flight Exhibition Team Is Transferred ", Playground News, Thursday 14 July 1949, Volume 4, Number 24, page 2.
  20. "2005" . ejection-history.org.uk. Retrieved 16 November 2014 .
  21. Wilcox, R.K. (2004). First Blue: The Story of World War II Ace Butch Voris and the Creation of the Blue Angels . St. Martin"s Press. pp. 2–237. ISBN . Retrieved 16 November 2014 .
  22. "BLUE ANGEL EJECTS AT HIGH SPEED", Naval Aviation News October, 1952, republished at http://www.blueangels.org/NANews/Articles/Oct53/Oct53.htm
  23. Gall, Sandy. "How well do you know the Blue Angels?" . CHIPS: the Department of the Navy"s Information Technology Magazine . Department of the Navy. Retrieved 14 December 2016 .
  24. "Blue Angels Monumental Moments" . Navy.com. Retrieved 3 March 2012 .
  25. Moon, Troy (31 October 2008). "Blues Angels Pilot, Other Grounded" . Pensacola News Journal . Archived from the original on 4 December 2008. Retrieved 4 November 2008 .
  26. Griggs, Travis (2 November 2008).

Клематис Blue Angel (Блю Ангел) в переводе означает «Голубой ангел », находясь в окружении этого растения, действительно наслаждаешься красотой и нежностью этого чуда природы. Клематис Blue Angel -благодаря необычно нежному оттенку является прекрасным цветком для вертикального озеленения сада. С подробным описанием сорта и фото клематиса Блю Ангел Вы можете ознакомиться в нашем каталоге.

Сорт клематиса Блю Ангел цветёт изумительными, нежно-голубыми цветами, напоминающими новогодние снежинки! Цветок, при полном распускании, достигает 10-15 см. Чаще всего имеет по 4 прекрасных чашелистика с волнобразными краями и желобком по середине. В центре этой прекрасной звезды расположены нежно-желтые тычинки.

Обильным цветением клематиса Blue Angel , Вы будете восхищаться начиная с июля и до самого сентября! Вырастает клематис сорта Blue Angel около 3-4 метров в высоту, чудесным образом преображая ваши вертикальные строения, будь то беседка, оградка или балкон. С этим растением ваш сад будет по истине райским уголком для отдыха. Положительные отзывы о клематисах Блю Ангел получили широкое распространение по всей России. Подходит как для опытных садоводов, так и новичков.

Для обрезки клематисов 3го типа необходимо производить сильную обрезку, оставив побеги с 2-3 парами почек длинною 20-50 см над землёй. Такая обрезка позволяет быстро набрать силу растению в период цветения.

Перед посадкой необходимо подробно ознакомится с сортом клематиса: предпочитает тенистые или солнечные места. Нельзя забывать, что врагом всех клематисов является ветер, поэтому места надо выбирать мало продуваемые. Нужно обязательно подумать об опорах, по которым будет карабкаться Ваша лиана, они должны быть не менее 1,5 м. Посадка производится в заранее подготовленную яму 50х50, если почвы лёгкие, и 70х70 для более плотных, предварительно удобрив суперфосфатом и перегноем. Расстояние между саженцами также необходимо соблюдать, не менее 70 см между ямками.

Доставка саженцев клематиса Blue Angel (Блю Ангел) осуществляется с помощью услуг почты России и транспортных компаний, возможна доставка авиа- почтой и курьером.

Для того, чтобы заказать и купить саженцы клематиса Blue Angel (Блю Ангел) в нашем интернет-магазине саженцев и цветов воспользуйтесь кнопкой "В корзину", после наполнения которой, нажмите "Оформить заказ".

Вид упаковки: стандартный корень в пакете с торфом, этикетка с указанием сорта.

Условия заказа: корни клематисов доступны к заказу по-штучно, минимальный заказ 1 шт одного сорта.

Отправка заказов с клематисами производится только в весенний период (ограничения по отправке в соответствии с климатической зоной заказчика).