Игра растения против зомби вики

Plants vs. Zombies - двухмерная компьютерная игра от компании PopCap Games, так же называется и вся серия подобных игр, составляющих антологию Plants vs. Zombies .



В процессе игры дом атакуют зомби, а игрок его защищает путем выращивания и размещения разнообразных растений на газоне рядом с домом. Отсюда и название игры - зомби атакуют растения. Для роста растений нужно «солнце» (своеобразный ресурс в игре), оно днем падает с неба, а кроме того производится некоторыми растениями. Есть определенные растения, которые применяются против зомби, чтобы замедлить их продвижение и т. д противника и других целей. Локации игры: газон перед домом, задний двор(с бассейном, в котором могут расти водные растения) и крыша. Скат крыши помогает стреляющим растениям. На игровой процесс влияет время суток, а также наличие или отсутствие тумана.

Дополнительные режимы в игре включают мини-игры, ребусы, выживание и «сад Дзен», за их прохождение присваиваются достижения. На более высоких уровнях становится доступным альманах растений и зомби, багажник машины у Безумного Дейва с возможностью покупок, появляется зомби йети, уровень бесконечного выживания с Гаргантюа.

Во второй части игры появляются другие боеприпасы, препятствия и другие виды зомби, изменены и сами уровни игры.

Интересный факт: игру сначала намеревались выпустить под названием «Lawn of the Dead»(Газон мертвецов), по созвучию с культовым фильмом Джорджа Ромеро «Dawn of the Dead» (Рассвет мертвецов), но этого не произошло из-за юридических трудностей, и название игры изменили на Plants vs. Zombies.

Bloom "n" Doom Seed Co. plants are your primary line of defense against the brains-hungry zombies. There are a 48 plants in total, each with their own strengths, weaknesses and associated tactics. You initially start with a small amount of plants, but most levels in Adventure mode will reward with a new type of plant when won.

The order of the plants on this page is as it appears in "The Suburban Almanac"; the in-game bio of each plant and zombie and serves as a rough order of which each plant is obtained.


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  • Type: Offensive
  • Damage: Normal
  • Cost: 100 sun
  • Recharge: Fast

The peashooter is your first weapon against zombies. Once you place it, if a zombie appears in its row, it fires a pea every two or so seconds at the zombie. The Peashooter is quite cheap and it recharges quickly, so it is quite easy to get many on field in a short period of time. Generally peashooters should be used as a start-up unit. As the level progresses, gradually replace them with stronger units and plant peashooters in the next row.

How can a single plant grow and shoot so many peas so quickly? Hard work, commitment, and a healthy, well-balanced breakfast of sunlight and high-fibre carbon dioxide make it all possible.

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  • Type: Economic
  • Sun Production: Normal
  • Cost: 50 sun
  • Recharge: Fast

The sunflower is your backbone daytime gathering unit. Sunflowers produce extra sun, allowing you to plant more plants. The more sunflowers you have, the faster you will get sun. Since sunflowers have no attack, they are best kept as far away from zombies as possible.

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  • Purchase price: 5000 coin
  • Sun Production: Double
  • Cost: 150 sun
  • Recharge: Very slow

The twin sunflower upgrade card is used to convert sunflowers to twin sunflowers, which effectively counts as the production rate two sunflowers taking up the space of one. You must plant a normal sunflower first, then plant the twin sunflower over the top.

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  • Type: Instant-effect
  • Damage: Kills most zombies instantly
  • Cost: 150 sun
  • Recharge: Very slow

The cherry bomb is a plant that explodes a split second after it is placed, immediately destroying all zombies within a one-square radius around it. The Cherry Bomb is useful when you want to thin out a horde of zombies, or for use as an insurance policy when your defences are breached. Detonating Cherry Bombs do not affect your plants, but do require a clear square to be placed.

No, let"s detonate instead!

After intense discussion, they agree to explodonate.

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  • Type: Barrier
  • Toughness: High
  • Cost: 50 sun
  • Recharge: Slow

The wall-nut is your first passive-defensive weapon. The wall-nut serves only as a barrier to slow down approaching zombies. It takes a zombie about two to three times longer to eat a wall-nut than it does most normal plants. This is very useful when you would normally have insufficient firepower to take out a zombie before it reaches your offensive plants. Wall-nuts are ideally placed a square or two in front of your forward lines.

People wonder how I feel about getting constantly chewed upon by zombies. What they don"t realise is that with my limited senses all I can feel is a kind of tingling, like a relaxing back-rub.

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  • Type: Trap
  • Damage: Kills most zombies instantly
  • Cost: 25 sun
  • Recharge: Slow

The potato mine is a great little trap weapon, and due to the fact it costs only 25 sun, it"s great for saving up sun in the early stages of each round. When planted, the potato mine does nothing, but after a few seconds, it sinks into the ground and explodes on contact with a zombie. Its explosion range is limited, but can take out two or three close-together zombies on the same row. However, before it arms, it is vulnerable to zombie attack. An ordinary zombie can cross three squares in the time it takes a potato mine to arm, so place it ahead of zombies for maximum efficiency.

Potato Mine on detonation

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  • Type: Offensive
  • Damage: Normal, but slows zombie movement
  • Cost: 175 sun
  • Recharge: Fast

The snow pea looks similar to the Peashooter, except it has a blue head. However, unlike the Peashooter, the Snow Pea shoots icy peas which slow the movement speed of the first zombie it hits. Snow Peas thus get more hits in because of this, and a singular snow pea can easily destroy a Cone-head Zombie. They work best when paired with other types of offensive plants; there is usually little point of having more than one Snow Pea in any row.

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  • Type: Offensive
  • Damage: Instantly kills one zombie
  • Cost: 150 sun
  • Recharge: Fast

Think of the Chomper as a re-usable Potato Mine of sorts. The Chomper will instantly eat the first zombie it encounters, but it takes a while to digest each zombie, and it is vulnerable for fifteen to twenty seconds. The Chomper has a range of about one square, so it works best when planted just behind a barrier plant like the Wall-nut. It also works well as a backup or when one zombie has gotten past your front defences.

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  • Type: Offensive
  • Damage: Normal (for each pea)
  • Fire rate: Twice as fast as the Peashooter
  • Cost: 200 sun
  • Recharge: Fast

The repeater is the bigger brother of the Peashooter. Where the Peashooter fires one pea, the Repeater fires two. When playing this plant, use it to gradually replace your Peashooters. The extra firepower that they provide is well worth it.

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  • Purchase Price: 5000 coins
  • Damage: Normal (for each pea)
  • Fire rate: Four times faster than Peashooter
  • Cost: 250 sun
  • Recharge: Very slow

The Gatling Pea upgrade is pretty much the ultimate Peashooter. It fires four peas where the Peashooter fires one. This plant must be planted over the top of the Repeater, bringing its total cost to 450 sun per unit. However, the reward is well worth the effort and sun, but really only comes into play in later levels and survival mode.

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  • Type: Offensive
  • Damage: Normal
  • Cost: 0 sun
  • Recharge: Fast
  • Sleeps during the day

The Puff-shroom is great for front-line night time defence. It"s totally free and recharges quickly, so getting a couple of columns of them is a relatively quick thing to do. However, the tradeoff is that the Puff-shroom only has a range of 3 squares, so it needs to be planted in the midfield up to a maximum thickness of 3 columns. You need 3 to take out a cone-head zombie, but you will always lose one in the process. Since they"re free, gradually replace them with more powerful units and keep advancing the line of Puff-shrooms forwards. But be warned that they"ll fall asleep during the day, so they"re only really useful at night.

I only recently became aware of the existence of zombies. Like many fungi, I"d just assumed they were fairy tales or move monsters. This whole experience has been a huge eye-opener for me.

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  • Type: Economic
  • Sun Production: Low, then normal
  • Cost: 25 sun
  • Recharge: Fast
  • Sleeps during the day

At night time, you should use Sun-shrooms instead of Sunflowers. The main reason is because sun doesn"t drop randomly at night, so you"re entirely reliant on your sun-producing plants. With the 50 sun that"s usually given at the start of normal matches, you could have produced 2 Sun-shrooms for the same price of one Sunflower. Initially, Sun-shrooms produce only 15 sun, but after about a minute, they switch to producing 25 sun, like a Sunflower.

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  • Type: Offensive
  • Cost: 75 sun
  • Recharge: Fast
  • Sleeps during the day

The Fume-shroom shoots fumes that can deal direct-damage to zombies using protective shields like the Screen-Door Zombie and Ladder Zombie. It has a limited range of only 5 squares, but unlike spores or peas, it is able to attack all zombies within its range. The Fume-shroom is best used as an incremental upgrade for the Puff-shroom.

I was in a dead-end job producing yeast spores for a bakery. Then Puff-shroom, bless "im, told me about this great opportunity blasting zombies. Now I really feel like I"m making a difference.

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  • Type: Offensive
  • Purchase Price: 7500 coin
  • Cost: 150
  • Recharge: Very Slow
  • Sleeps during the day

The Gloom-shroom is an upgrade for the Fume-shroom. The Gloom-shroom sends fumes out to all adjacent squares in a 5x5 radius.The fumes will do high damage instead of normal. The Gloom-shroom must be planted over a Fume-shroom. They are very useful in the levels of survival (the night) and the Last Stand minigame, if protected by pumpkins. Can destroy some zombies (paper, screen door and ladder) without breaking their shield.

"I"ve always enjoyed releasing heavy fumes," says Gloom Shroom. "I know a lot of people aren"t cool with that. They say it"s rude or it smells bad. All I can say is, would you rather have your brain eaten by zombies?"

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  • Type: Special purpose
  • Effect: Destroys gravestones, single use.
  • Cost: 75 sun
  • Recharge: Fast

The Grave Buster is only used during the first night rounds, when gravestones appear on the lawn. During the final wave event, extra zombies rise from the gravestones, plus they take up space that could be used for planting. When planted on a grave, the Grave Buster will destroy the grave, usually leaving behind a silver or occasionally gold coin. However, it takes five seconds to actually take out the grave, so you must defend it from zombies when used.

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  • Type: Trap
  • Cost: 75 sun
  • Recharge: Slow
  • Sleeps during the day

When eaten the Hypno-shroom will make a zombie turn around and fight for you. "Converted" zombies are easily distinguished (dark blue) and are not fired upon. The stronger the zombie you convert, the more effective it will be. Football player zombies are recommended.

Zombies are our friends. They"re badly misunderstood creatures who play a valuable role in our ecology. We can and should do more to bring them round to our way of thinking.

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  • Type: Offensive
  • Damage: Normal
  • Cost: 25 sun
  • Recharge: Fast
  • Sleeps during the day

The Scaredy-shroom has a long range, so it is able to fire at zombies from a long way away. However, if the zombies get within 2 squares in front of the Scaredy-shroom it will duck down and stop shooting. These plants are best kept away from zombies to be effective, and they complement the Fume-shroom and Puff-shroom well.

Who"s there? Go away, I don"t want to see anybody. Unless it"s the man from the circus.

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  • Type: Instant-effect
  • Damage: Very light, immobilises zombies
  • Cost: 75 sun
  • Recharge: Very slow
  • Sleeps during the day

The Ice-shroom doesn"t damage zombies as such, rather upon planting, it immediately freezes all the zombies on screen. The zombies will gradually speed up again, but your plants will have ample opportunity to destroy them long before that happens.

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  • Type: Instant-effect
  • Damage: Kills most zombies instantly
  • Cost: 125 sun
  • Recharge: Very slow
  • Sleeps during the day

The Doom-shroom is essentially a supercharged cherry bomb. The Doom-shroom has a larger area-of-effect than the Cherry Bomb, but the trade off is that it creates a crater in the square it was planted in, which cannot be planted on. The crater does eventually disappear, but Doom-shroom is mostly for emergencies.

  • Если прокрутить меню достижений до конца, можно увидеть много предметов и героев других игр компании PopCap Games. В самом низу будут зомби-китайцы.
  • Если в главном меню нажать на цветы во второй вазе, то один её лепесток улетит, а второй — упадёт. Аналогично и в третьей вазе — улетит один лепесток.
  • На крыше старых мобильных версиях игры можно было заметить облака в виде мозгов, а в саду — в виде головы зомби.
  • Когда Безумный Дейв пытается объяснить, как победить Доктора Зомбосса, среди его болтовни можно услышать Код Konami, который активирует звуковой эффект.
  • В машине Безумного Дейва есть коробка с надписью "War and Peas" (рус. Война и Горошины). Это отсылка к произведению Льва Толстого «Война и Мир».
  • В игре Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare на карте Логово Зомбосса в лесу, покрытом туманом, в ветвях можно отыскать фигуру Тонкого человека, а также существует другая вариация его появления, где он поглощён Зубастиком. Ему нельзя навредить, и он будет просто стоять и смотреть на вас. Это является отсылкой к серии игр связанных с Тонким человеком.
  • В Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare режиме Сады и Кладбища на карте Прибрежная Дрейфующая Древесина будет остров, похожий на остров из игры Legend of Zelda. Попасть на него невозможно. Также там есть ларек с вывеской: "Что случилось, док?" — коронной фразой Багза Банни.