Топик о себе для студента. Топик About Myself. Учебное задание «About Myself» в формате беседы

First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Taras. I’m seventeen years old. I’m at 11-th grade. There are two more kids in the family besides me - my elder brother Oleg and my younger sister Marija. Oleg is twenty-one, he attends a

University, he will be a dentist. Marija is only twelve, she is a schoolgirl. I forgot to mention one more member of our fa­mily. It’s our favourite poodle Tim

My parents are not old at all. My Mum is forty, she works for a newspaper. My Dad is forty-four, he is an engineer in computers. My parents love their jobs very much.

I’m doing quite well at school. My parents are proud of my marks. I go in for sports. I play basket-ball. In summer time I like yachting and windsurfing. I take part in different basket-ball competitions. In a year I shall finish my school and I have to decide what occupation to choose. I have been studying English for seven years. I want to be a military interpreter.

My grandparents are already retired. They like gardening and spend all their time growing tomatoes, potatoes, onions, strawberries, raspberries.

About My Family

My family is not very big, just a typical family: Dad, Mom, me, my brother and sister and our cat. My Mummy is forty-one, she is a teacher of Spanish at the University. She is a born

teacher. She has teaching abilities. My Dad is forty-two, he is .a professional painter, he works for a design company. My parents both like their work very much.

My elder sister Natasha is nineteen, she goes to the Uni­versity, she wants to be a teacher of history. She is fond of reading books on history and fiction.

My younger brother Igor is only six years old, he goes to the kindergarten. He is very funny, I like to spend my free time teaching him something. Igor likes to play with our cat.

My grandparents are retired. They like gardening. They spend a lot of their time in the garden. They grow vegetables and fruits. We enjoy having fresh vegetables and green on our dinner table.

I love my family very much. We always help each other. Everyone in my family is my best friend.

Choosing a Career

Let me introduce myself. My name is Masha. I have left school this year. It is my dream to become a student of the English department. I want to study English, German and maybe French.

Knowledge of a foreign lanquage opens a new world for us. If you know a foreign language, you can speak with foreigners and it is a way to better understanding. If you know a foreign language you can read books in the original, and it is a way to better understanding of other people’s nature and culture.

In our country children study different foreign languag­es. At school I took up English. I read stories by English, American and Australian writers. It has become my habit to read English books in adapted form every day. I learn poems and do a lot of grammar exercises. Now I know I must work hard to master English. Studying the English language un­der the guidance of the University teachers I want to learn much about the history of words, their origin and usage in ancient times. For example, the word «window» is made of two very old Anglo-Saxon words, such as «wind’ and «eye». The word «window» means «the wind’s eye». It tells us of the time when a window was only a hole in the wall, and the wind used to come through it.

When I finish my studies, I’ll begin teaching in a second­ary school. I think I’ll enjoy the work greatly. Teaching is a noble profession. In modern times all kinds of specialists need foreign languages in their work - teachers, doctors, engineers and people in many other professions. If a special-

ist doesn’t know a foreign language he can’t use all the for­eign books which he needs in his work. I want to teach my pupils to read English books in the original, so they won’t depend on translations.

How I Can Help My Parents

I live with my mother and father. I like to help them. Every Sunday I clean my room. I take the vacuum - cleaner and clean the carpets. I sweep the floor, dust the sofa and the chairs, I try to dust the furniture in a proper way. We have got many flowers at home. Twice a week I water them. I like flowers very much.

But best of all I like to lay the table. I do it carefully. I spread the table cloth and then I put out table - mats to protect the table from hot plates and dishes. A small mat for each guest and larger ones for the hot dishes. I put out the cutlery, which clean and polish every week, and I sharpen the carving-knife. The cutlery is kept in a drawer in the side­board. The wine-glasses are kept on shelves in the sideboard. I take out of the drawer in the sideboard all the cutlery - a fish-knife and fork for the fish, a large knife and fork for the meat, a small knife for the butter and fruit-knife for the des­sert. Then there is a pudding-spoon and a fork for the sweet, and a soup-spoon for the soup.

I put the knives and the soup-spoon on the right-hand side and the forks on the left, except the pudding-spoon and fork which I put across the top. Then I put the serving - spoons and forks, the carving-knife and fork, the bread-board and a knife to cut the bread. On the left of each guest I put a small

plate for bread and on his right a wine-glass if we are having wine. And I am ready for the guests to come.

My Household Duties

This is my last year at school, and I work hard to pass my final exams successfully. As I am very busy, I can’t help my parents much in keeping the house. But still I have some household duties.

Every day I do my room and my bed, wash up dishes, dust the furniture and usually go to the baker’s after I haye din­ner. I buy some brown and white bread, biscuits and cakes there. The shop is not far from our house and it doesn’t take me long to do everyday shopping.

Once a week I help my mother to do all other work about the house. We wash our linen, iron and mend it, clean the flat. We beat the dust out of the carpets, vacuum the floors and polish them. It’s not difficult to keep the flat tidy if you do your rooms regularly. This is my usual round of duties.

But sometimes I have some other things to do. When my mother is ill or away from home, I do the cooking and the wa­shing up, the buying of food and the planning of meals. I am not a good cook, but my vegetable soup is always tasty. I can also boil an egg or fry some meat. I also lay the table and clear away the dishes. If I’m too busy or can’t do these things, all the duties are organized among other members of our family.

Sometimes I have to visit everyday services: hairdresser’s, shoemaker’s, dry-cleaner’s, photographer’s. At the hairdres­ser’s I have my hair cut and waved. At the shoemaker’s I have my shoes and boots repaired, at the photographer’s I have my photos taken. Service is generally good, but in some cases it leaves much to be desired.

My brother has his own duties at home. He helps to fix and repair some things. For example, he repairs electrical ap­pliances when they are out of order. He has already repaired our mother’s electric iron, my desk lamp and his own shaver.

Last year I was at my grandparents. They are elderly people and need care and attention. During my stay there, I swept the floors and washed them, fed the chickens, collected the eggs and weeded the vegetable-beds. I don’t know how to milk the cow but I helped to feed the other animals: lambs, sheep and pigs. I enjoyed this work very much.

My Daily Routine

As a rule, I get up at half past six. I puton my dressing-gown, go into bathroom and turn on the bath taps. Good health is better than wealth, so I do my morning exercises. I get breakfast at seven-thirty and listen to the news over the radio. I like to begin the day well, so my breakfast is always a good one. For breakfast I usually have hard-boiled eggs or an omelette, bread and butter, tea or coffee; I read my news­paper with my last cup of coffee before I leave home.

Then, I say «Good-bye» to my mother, take my school-bag and go to school. I don’tlive far from my school, so it doesn’t take me long to get there.

The lessons start at half past eight. Each lesson lasts for 45 minutes. The classes are over at two o’clock. I come back home, have dinner, wash up and go shopping. I buy food­stuffs for the family. Coming back. I begin to clean the house and get the vegetables ready for supper. We have sup­per at seven.

I do my homework for the next day. It usually takes me several hours to prepare well for the lessons.

In the evening, I always try to spend at least an hour at the piano. As a rule my parents and I sit and talk, watch a film on TV, read newspapers and magazines. Sometimes, we go to the cinema or to the theatre. Once or twice a month, I visit exhibi­tions in my home town.

I go to bed at about eleven o’clock, but my parents like to sit up late and write letters or read.

My Day off

When a school-girl I always envied those students who went to school five but not six days a week, as we did. So you may guess, I had the only day off - Sunday. On Sunday, I didn’t have to hurry anywhere, that’s why, I got up at nine or ten o’clock. I wasn’t an early riser. I did my bed, washed myself and went to the kitchen. In the kitchen the table had already been laid and I always had something tasty on Sun­day: fried potatoes, meat salad or my favourite apple-pies.

After breakfast, if the weather was sunny, I usually didn’t stay indoors, I went to see my friends. We often played volley­ball or basket-ball in the yard and in winter if there was much snow out-of-doors we went skating and skiing in the woods.

But sometimes the day happened to be rainy and gloomy. I preferred to be in watching TV, listening to music, reading books, speaking over the phone or just lying on the sofa idling away the time. Some of my classmates could watch all TV-programmes from morning till night, but I think it’s rather boring, and I always felt sorry for those TV-addicts. It’s much more interesting to play a game of chess with your grandfather, or help your mother about the house, or argue with your father about the latest events at home and abroad.

In the evening, when all the family were together, we had some tea with a cake or biscuits, we listened to my younger sister playing the piano, sometimes we sang folk songs.

Every Sunday, when I went to bed, I was thinking that the day had flashed past and the next week would bring new problems and their solution.

My Family’s Meals

My family isn’t large. It consists of four members. But each member of our family has his own tastes and interests. For example, my brother is fond of sports. So early in the morning he goes jogging. That’s why he has nothing to eat before it, because it would be bad for him to eat before exerci­ses. But when he comes back, he has a shower and is more than ready for breakfast. He always needs a cup of coffee to really wake him up. His breakfast usually consists of a bowl of cereal with milk and sugar. This he follows by toasts and juice. My father eats the same as my brother.

My mother has a lighter breakfast of just youghurt and a grapefruit. As for me, a cup of tea is enough for breakfast. And my mother sometimes scolds me for it, because it’s impor­tant to have a really goods breakfast.

We don’t have our main meal at lunchtime. My father takes sandwiches with him to work. To be healthy, he also eats fruit. My mother is able to be more varied in her lunches, because she is a housewife. It means that she can prepare what she likes. Her favourite dish is roast meat. As she likes to bake, there is always something tasty at home.

Our evening meal is usually eaten at 7 o’clock. The main course is often meat with vegetables. Sometimes we eat pizza or pasta with delicious sauce. We try to eat our main meal together. In our busy lives it is the one time of day when we sit down and have a good talk.

My Favourite Actor. Kevin Costner - Actor Come Producer

Kevin Costner, a famous araerican actor, was born in Los Angeles. He spent his childhood often on the move, changing schools frequently, owing to his father’s job at the regional electricity company. As a teenager, he developed a keen liking for football, baseball and basket-ball and was also interested in singing and writing poetry.

He married his college sweetheart Cindy wilst still at Ca­lifornia State University and came out with a business degree in marketing. In his spare time he appeared in local theatre productions. Theatre became increasingly important to him and after having worked six weeks in a marketing company, he gave the job up to become an actor.

He played in many small part roles before his princi pie role which was not a success. However Costner himself was given good reviews. In 1987 his starring role in «The Untouch­ables » and «No Way Out* really introduced him to interna­tional fame. Indeed, he won the Star of Tomorrow prize from the U. S. National Association of Theatre Owners. Then in 1988 came «Bull Durham* which was a huge hit movie in the States about baseball. His subsequent film «Field of Dreams* was also a success and touched baseball again.

I like this actor because the characters he plays are strong personalities, wise people who are worthy of my admiration. In my opinion, this is the reason of his growing popularity in many, countries. He is not only a talented actor, who’s acting draws your attention from the very moment you see his face on the screen. But he is also a successful producer and continues work­ing at his new films which are certain to amuse the people.

My Favourite English Painter

From early times Englishmen have been great collectors and travellers. The general level of art in Great Britain has always been high. But it has never reached that of France and Italy. Many greatest foreign masters were attracted to Britain by lavish rewards and honours. Among them were the Flemish Anthony Van Dyck, Harts Holbein of German

extraction. They were the originators of the brilliant school of English painting.

As for me, William Hogarth is the most colourful figure, whose paintings attract by their singular originality. Hogarth wrote series of paintings which, like acts of a drama, were bound together by a plot. His famous series are *A Harlot’s Progress*, «A Rake’s Progress* and «Marriage a la Mande*. In a few years came another series «Elections». In them Hog­arth displays the English state system, her statesmen and the evil practices going on during election campaigns.

Hogarth didn’t want to follow the vogue and copy the old masters: the truth of life, the every day reality seemed to be of greater importance. He breaks off with the old style. Hogarth is the creator of his own method. His contemporaries called Hogarth’s style the «modern moral subject*. Hogarth’s rea­lism paved new ways for English art.

William Thackeray in his book «The English Humourists of the 18th century* describes William Hogarth in the follo­wing way: «…he’s a jovial honest London citizen, stout and sturdy man, who has a proper bourgeas scorn for everything pretentious and false.

My Favourite TV Program

Many people watch TV at leisure. One can choose the pro­gramme one likes best. Those who like music can listen to vari­ous concerts. Sport fans can watch football or hockey match­es. Television extends our knowledge about the world in which we live. Millions of people can see different lands, new plants, unusual animals and birds, mountains and valleys.

My favourite TV programme is one made by D. Krylov. It

is a weekly programme. It is broadcast on Sunday. This programme is very popular. They show many historical places, tell interesting facts about different countries and cities, broad­cast interviews with famous people. I like this programme and try not to miss it.

I prefer to watch youth programmes such as «While Everybody’s at Home» on Sunday and «The Morning Star». In addition I like to see interesting films. They might be feature, adventure, scientific, horror, cartoon and other films. I enjoy seeing Walt Disney’s cartoons.

Now and then I like to see cognitive programmes: «What? Where? When?», «Brain-ring». They are enjoyable and enter­taining programmes.

My Future Profession

Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school leavers. Manyroads are opened before them: vocational and technical schools, institutes and universities. But it is not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2,000 existing in the world. Some pupils follow the advice of their parents, others can’t decide even after leaving school.

As for me, I made my choice long ago. I want to become a teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature. My choice of this occupation didn’t come as a sudden flash. During all school years literature was my favourite subject. I’ve read a Lot of books by Ukrainian and foreign writers.

I understand that reading books helps people in self-edu­cation and in solving different life problems. I would like to teach my pupils to enjoy reading, to encourage them to learn our national language and literature, which is the source of national culture.

It is known that teaching is a very specif ic and difficult job. It shouldn’t be taken easily. The teacher is a person who is lear­ning as well as teaching all his life. Most jobs can be done within the usual office hours from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m., but teacher’s work is never done and evenings are usually spent in marking exer­cise-books and preparing for the next lesson.

Teachers do not only teach their subjects. They develop their pupils’ intellect, form their views and characters, theii attitudes to life and to other people. It’s a great responsibility and the teacher must be a model of competence himself. It’s not as easy as it may seem at first. But I think that love for children combined with the knowledge I’ll get at the Universi­ty would be quite enough to succeed in my work. I’m apply ing to the philological department and I am sure my dream will come true sooner or later.

My Hobby

Tastes differ. Different people like different things, dif­ferent people have different hobbies.

I go in for sports, I like to play tennis. I go to play tennis every day.

Sport is very important part of our life. Many people go in for sports, they jogging, walking, swimming, skating, skiing, train themselves in clubs and different sections.

Physical training is an important subject at scool. Pupils play volleyball, football, basketball.

I have been playing tennis for 5 years. Tennis became very popular now. I take part in different competitions.

To be in a good shape I’m jogging every morning and do my morning exercises.

Everyone should do all he can to stay healthy and choose the sport he is interested in. I do not understand people who say that they like sport, but they only watch sport on TV.

If one goes in for sports he feels much better, looks much better, sleeps much better. Your physical appearance will change too. You will be slimmer and trimmer. And what is even more important you will not get sick often.

Why do I go in for sports? Because I think that it is very important for a man to be strong and well-built. Sport is not for weak, because, you have to learn how to lose, and it’s not easy.

My favourite proverb says: «A sound mind in sound body».

My School (1)

As you become older you realize that there are several essen­tial things and places you always long to come back to. They are your birthplace, your home and the school you went to.

My school was a three-storeyed building situated in one of the residential districts of our city (town, settlement). All the children from the neighbourhood went there because it was a walking distance from their homes. There was a sports ground behind the school-building and a green lawn with flower-beds in front of it.

The school was built a few years ago. That’s why its classrooms were light and spacious. There were three large windows in each classroom with flower pots on the window-sills. It was pupils’ (especially girls’) responsibility to water the flowers. And they did it with utmost care. There were maps and portraits, tables and charts on the walls of the classrooms.

Our classroom was on the second floor. Its windows faced the school-yard.

Our form was the only one at school who had a form-master, but not a form-mistress. He appeared to be a very kind and knowledgeable teacher who spared no time to take us to different places of interest and exhibitions. He taught us Russian and Russian literature. We respected him very much.

Our lessons began at eight o’clock in the morning and lasted till one thirty in the afternoon. We had six lessons a day.

Every pupil had a day-book where the teachers wrote down the mark each pupil had earned for his answers. The teacher also wrote down the mark in the class register. When the teach­er asked a question, the pupils who could answer it raised their hands, and the teacher called out oneof them to answer the ques-

tion. The pupils were often called to the blackboard to do some exercises or to write some sentences. When they made mistakes, other pupils were called out to correct those mistakes or the tea­cher corrected them herself. After every lesson the teachers gave us some home assignments both written and oral.

At the next lesson the teachers checked them up. The teachers often took our exercise-books home to check them up. If there were any mistakes she corrected them and gave us marks.

At the end of each quarter we got our report cards which our parents signed. At the end of the study year we were promoted, to the next form.

My School (2)

My school is a three-storeyed building. It is quite big with sport ground behind it, inside swimmingpool.

On the groundfloor there are the classrooms for the pri­mary-school pupils, workshops, library. There are all kinds of tools and machines in the workshops. The boys of our school have a woodwork room too. There is a room for manual works for girls. Teachers teach them how to cook, sew and design clothes. Our school library is nice and clean. Two librarians help pupils to find books they need. There are many bookcases and bookshelves with a lot of books there.

If you enter the school and turn right you see a big light dining-room.

It is always busy and noisy, but it is clean. Here pupils and their teachers have their lunch. There are blue curtains on the windows and beautiful pictures on the walls.

There is a gymnasium on the ground floor as well. Our phys­ical training lessons are held there. Pupils like to go there even after the lessons, becauseit has alot of sport equi pment.

Our school has many classrooms. The classrooms are light and spacious. There are three large windows in each class­room with flower pots on the window sills. Each room has teacher’s table, pupils desks, blackboard, tables and charts on the wall, maps and portraits.

There are special classrooms for Chemistry, Physics, Biology, History, Geography, English, Ukrainian and Russian.

On the third floor there is a big nice assemble hall. A lot of meetings, concerts, festivals are held there.

Our classroom is on the second floor. Its windows face the school-yard. Our form-misteress is a teacher of Russian language and literature. We respect her very much, she is a kind and knowledgeable teacher. She teaches us Russian and is so fond of her subject, that each of us can not help liking too.

When I think about my school I don’t remember its walls and desks; it is my teachers and school-mates who will be always with me. I am so thankful to our teachers for what they have done for us.

My Week-day (1)

I get up at a quarter to seven. I jump out of bed, switch on the radio and do my morning exercises to the radio music. Then I go to the bathroom, wash myself and clean my teeth with a tooth-brush. This does not take me much time, not more than ten or fifteen minutes. Then I dress and sit down

to table to have my breakfast. I usually have a cup of tea or coffee, an egg and bread and butter.

After breakfast I go to the technical school. As I live far away, I go by bus or by metro. It takes me more time to go by bus. If I have little time, I go by metro. My lessons begin at 9 o’clock. We have six lessons every day. At a quarter to one we have a lunch hour.

As I cannot get home for lunch, I take it at the dining-room of our technical school.

For lunch I have meat or fish with potatoes and a cup of strong tea or coffee with a pie. At ten minutes to three the lessons are over, and I go home. When I get home from the technical school, I have dinner. My dinner usually consists of three courses.

For the first course I have some soup, then some meat or fish. For dessert I have stewed fruit or ice-cream. After din­ner I help my mother to wash up the dishes. Then I do my lessons. This usually takes me about two hours.

At eight or nine o’clock I have supper. I have some salad, a slice of sausage and bread, sour milk or cereal.

In the evening I listen to the radio or watch TV. If the programme is not interesting, I go to the cinema or to the theatre. Sometimes, I go for a walk with my friends. We talk about different things and usually have a good time.

My Week-day (2)

My week-days didn’t differ much one from another. I went to school six days a week. That’s why, I had to wake up at 7 o’clock every morning. Sometimes I wanted to stay in bed for some more time but my mother always insisted on my getting up. I put on my bathrobe and slippers and unwilling­ly went to the bathroom. A cold shower made me feel not so sleepy, then I dried myself on a towel and hurried to the bedroom. I switched on a TV-set, it was just the time for a cartoon. You may ask me why I didn’t do my morning exer­cises. From time to time, when I saw smiling slim girls on TV briskly doing their exercises to music, I swore I should get up earlier and do my morning exercises every day, but it didn’t last long and soon I forgot about it.

Then I did my bed, dressed myself and had my breakfast. At a quarter to eight I rushed to school, it usually took me 10 minutes to get there. My classes began at 8 o’clock, and every day I had seven or eight lessons.

At 3 o’clock the classes were over, and I went home. After dinner, I did some work about the house (washed dishes, swept the floor, went shopping) and sat down to my lessons. I spent a great deal of time on them. At 8 o’clock all my textbooks and notebooks were put into a bag, and I could-watch TV or read a book, look through papers and magazines. Sometimes, when my friend called for me we went for a walk. At eleven o’clock, tired after a long working day, I went to bed and in some minutes fell asleep.

Teacher of English

It is not easy to decide what profession to choose. Usual­ly, p»upils’ plans for the future change many times during the school years. There are so many people who influence you in choosing your occupation. Parents and friends, play a very important role in your choice. Teachers’ influence on pupils’ minds is also great.

My favosmrite subject is. English. And I think this is my teacher who matte it so. I understand; the importance of know­ledge of a: foreign language. It enables people from different countries to eeiamiamicate with each other, to read forei?n literature in the original, to broaden their outlooks,

So I decided for myself to become a teacher of English. Of course, I know that it is not easy and takes much patience and effort. A teacher has to know bow to teach, how t© make difficult things understandable, haw to get students interes­ted in the subject. And of course a teacher ought to have perfect knowledge of his subject. I think the ideal teacher is the one who can combine all these. My present teacher is just like this. She is a great specialist and also a nice personality. I hope in future I can become as good teacher as she is.

The Subjects We Do at School. My Favourite Subject (1)

We did quite a lot of subjects at school. They were: Phy­sics, Mathematics, Biology, Ukrainian and Russian Litera­ture, Chemistry, English, History of this country and many other subjects. It was rather difficult to go to school when a school-leaver, we had so much to do. I know that all the subjects are important and they all must be payed much at­tention to, but still I didn’t like exact sciences. I spent much time on doing them at home. However hard I tried, all those formulas and definitions were mixed up in my head and I couldn’t make it out after all. So I had nothing to do but sit for two or three hours swotting Physics, Chemistry and Maths.

My favourite subjects were Literature, History, English. Most of all I liked English. I read English books, tried to translate some stories from newspapers from English into Ukrainian and vice versa. I had some English handbooks and they were of great help to me when I studied English Grammar and did some exercises. At our English lessons we read quite a lot of dull texts from our textbooks. But in my view, written texts and textbooks are not important. The best way to improve your language skills and habits is to work at a language laboratory. But there was no good language labo­ratory at our school. And I spent plenty of time at home listening to the tapes, imitating the sounds and intonations of the native speakers of English. I was working hard at my pronunciation because my teacher said that it was my weak point. Sometimes I spoke English with my friends after class­es and they said I was making good progress in the lan­guage.

I decided to take my entrance exams to the Institute be­cause I want to know English. Nowadays, it’s impossible to do without foreign languages because of .expanding economic, cultural ties of this country with other countries of the world. Besides, one can’t be a learned and well-educated person if he doesn’t know at least one foreign language. As for me, I’d like to read English and American Literature, to understand it Without resorting to anybody’s help.

Привет! Чтобы ваш рассказ не вышел сухим и простым изложением фактов, постарайтесь вложить в него эмоции и впечатления.

Обратите внимание на слова и фразы, которые часто встречаются в рассказе о себе на английском языке.

План вашего рассказа:

  1. Общая информация. (General information about myself)
  2. Место, где я живу. (The place where I live)
  3. Моя семья. (My family)
  4. Мое образование. (My education)
  5. Моя работа. (My job)
  6. Мои хобби и интересы. (My hobbies and interests)
  7. Мой характер. (My character)
  8. Мои планы на будущее. (My plans for the future)

Полезные фразы для рассказа о себе:

Фраза Перевод
It is hard to speak about myself as only people surrounding me can see me objectively . Трудно говорить о себе, потому что только люди, которые меня окружают, могут видеть меня объективно.
Let me introduce myself . Позвольте представиться.
My name is … / I am Меня зовут…
I was born on the (date ) of (month ), (year ). И родилась такого-то числа, такого-то месяца в таком-то году.
I am from … (city /village ). Я из города/деревни…
I have a large /small family with brothers /sisters . У меня большая/маленькая семья, у меня … братьев/сестёр.
I am an only child in my family . Я единственный ребенок в семье.
My father (mother /brother /sister /grandmother ) is a doctor /pilot . Мой папа (мама/брат/сестра/бабушка) работает доктором/пилотом.
I am a pupil/student of from , school # … or university. Я ученик/студент… класса школы №… или университета.
My favorite subjects are Мои любимые предметы…
Now I am getting a proper training in such subjects as Сейчас я усиленно изучаю такие предметы, как…
I like these subjects because I am interested in Мне нравятся эти предметы, потому что я увлекаюсь…
In future I would like to become В будущем я хочу стать…
When I was a child I dreamt to be Когда я был ребенком, я мечтал стать…
When I look at myself in the mirror I see (describe appearance )… Когда я смотрю на себя в зеркало, я вижу (опишите внешность)…
My friends and family members say I am (describe character )… Мои друзья и члены моей семьи считают, что я (опишите характер)…
I appreciate /like when people are (describe positive traits of character )… Я ценю в людях / мне нравится в людях, когда они (опишите положительные черты характера)…
I hate it when people are (describe negative traits of character )… Я ненавижу, когда люди (опишите отрицательные черты характера)…
As for my interests, I am fond of Что касается моих интересов, я увлекаюсь…
I am interested in Мне интересно…
I adore Я обожаю…
I devote much time to Я посвящаю много времени…
Thank you for your attention . Спасибо за внимание.
It is nice to meet you . Приятно познакомиться.

Рассказ о себе шаблон

My name is … I am seventeen (sixteen, eighteen). I live in Moscow (Samara, Novgorod, Sochi…). My address is … My telephone number is… I am tall (not very tall, short, middle-sized). I am thin (not very thin, rather fat). My face is round (square, oval). I have a fair (dark) complexion. My forehead is narrow (broad) and low (high).

I have a straight (turned up, crooked, aquiline) nose and a protruding (round) chin. My eyebrows are bushy (penciled), my eyelashes are thick (thin) and long (short). I have large (small) blue (hazel, black, gray) eyes. My hair is black (fair, dark, blond, chestnut), straight (curly) and long (short, not very long). I have just left school and now I am going to enter the University (Institute). I am going to be a teacher (a lawyer).

I like my future profession and I am going to do my best to become a good specialist. I live with my family. It is large (small, not very large) and very good. We love each other very much and always try to help each other and to spend as much time together as we can. I have a lot of friends too. I am fond of reading and playing computer games. My favorite sport is football (swimming, tennis, hockey).

My friends and I often get together to play different games, to go for a walk or to the disco or simply to talk.


Меня зовут … Мне семнадцать (шестнадцать, восемнадцать). Я живу в Москве (Самара, Новгород, Сочи …). Мой адрес … Мой номер телефона … Я высокий (не очень высокий, короткий, средний). Я тонкая (не очень тонкий, а жир). Мое лицо круглое (квадратные, овальные). У меня есть справедливая (темный) цвет лица. Мой лоб узкий (широкий) и низкой (высокой).

У меня есть прямая (появился, криво, орлиный) нос и выступающие (круглый) подбородок. Мои брови кустистые (карандашом), мои ресницы толстый (тонкий) и длинных (коротких). У меня есть большие (малые) Синий (Желто-коричневый, черный, серый) глаза. Мои волосы черные (справедливая, темные, светлые, каштан), прямой (вьющиеся) и длинных (коротких, не очень долго). Я только что закончила школу и теперь я собираюсь поступить в университет (институт). Я собираюсь быть учителем (юрист).

Мне нравится моя будущая профессия, и я собираюсь сделать все возможное, чтобы стать хорошим специалистом. Я живу со своей семьей. Это большой (маленький, не очень большой) и очень хорошим. Мы любим друг друга очень сильно и всегда стараемся помочь друг другу и тратить столько времени вместе, как мы можем. У меня есть много друзей тоже. Я люблю читать и играть в компьютерные игры. Любимый вид спорта является футбол (плавание, теннис, хоккей).

Мои друзья и я часто собираются вместе, чтобы играть в разные игры, чтобы пойти на прогулку или на дискотеку или просто поговорить.

Рассказ о себе / About myself

Let me introduce myself, my name is Olga Petrova. I was born in the 19 th of February, 1994 in Kursk, which is the town of Russia. I am sixteen. I am a pupil. I study in the 11 th form. Our family is big. There are four of us: mother, father, little brother and me.

My brother`s name is Anton. He is 11. Anton is nice and funny.

My parents are young. My mom is a good-looking woman. She is 39. She has two high educations. She works as economist. My mother likes reading books and magazines and she knows a lot of interesting things. She always helps me with my problems.

My father is 41. He is a journalist. He likes his work very much. My father cooks well too. He always makes new dishes and they are very tasty.

In the evening all members of our family like to watch TV. Sometimes we go to the theater or concert. We are a friendly family. We are deeply attached to each other, and we get on very well.

I study well. My favorite school subjects are English, Russian, Literature and others. I want to learn Spanish and French too.

It is important to have friends. My friends name is Oksana. She lives not far from me. It’s not easy to meet a true and faithful friend. I am happy that I have got Oksana. I trust her and I’m sure that I can rely on her in any situation. She is the single person who can ask for help and advice in unhappy moments of my life and whom I can tell all my problems. She never lets people down. I miss Oksana when we don’t see each other for a long time. I think our friendship makes me feel confident; share to over feelings and opinions. Personally, I think that friendship is a great force.

There are many interesting and exciting things to do when you are spending your free time. Each person has his interests and hobbies such as reading books, watching TV, going in for sports. As for me, I have many hobbies: they are – cooking, dancing, singing, and English language. I also fond of reading books. My favorite books are adventures and horror, love stories. When I am reading book I live the character`s life, suffer, and enjoy with them. My favorite hobby is studying English. I think it is necessary to have a hobby. Your free time is not wasted.

Everybody likes music – some people enjoy classical music, others are fond of popular music. Open-minded, I like all kinds of music. I am a meloman. Some music is happy, and some is sad. Some is serious, and some can make people laugh.

My family likes holidays a lot. We usually celebrate each of them with a lot of food and presents and big groups of relatives and friends.

I like New Year very much. My mother and I usually decorate a New Year tree with colorful glass balls and toys. I also cook New Year supper, especially salads. At night we have a real feast.

My other favorite celebration is my birthday which is in February. This day I am in the centre of attention. My parents and friends give me presents, and I usually have birthday party. I invite my friends and we have fun together. I really enjoy holidays and celebrations.

In early childhood it does not take children much time to answer the question «what do you want to be when you grow up?». They mentioned many interesting and exciting professions, the most popular ones are a pilot, a cosmonaut, a businessman. As the years pass, they change their minds.

I know there are many interesting and useful professions but most of all I like the profession of an interpreter. Why? Because I like English language. It is necessary to learn foreign languages. That is why pupils have got such subject as a foreign language at school. Everybody knows his own language but it is useful to know foreign languages too. I want to read in original literature.

I like to travel, but it is difficult to visit countries, when you do not know the language spoken there. If I know the language of the country which I am going to visit it will be easy to travel there. If I want to ask something, I can do it in English. There are international friendship camps in the world. If you can speak foreign languages, it will be easy for you to visit such camps and speak with people there. I think that English will be my future career because I am good at this language.

Рассказ о себе перевод

Позвольте представиться, меня зовут Ольга Петрова. Я родилась 19 февраля 1994 года в городе Курск в России. Мне шестнадцать лет. Я ученица. Учусь в 11м классе.

Наша семья большая. Это мама, папа, мой маленький братик и я. Брата зовут Антон. Ему 11. Антон приятный и смешной.

Мои родители молодые. Моя мама красивая женщина. Ей 39. Она имеет две высших образования. Она работает экономистом. Моя мама любит читать книги и журналы, и она знает много интересных вещей. Она всегда помогает мне с моими проблемами.

Моему отцу 41. Он журналист. Он любит свою работу очень сильно. Мой отец тоже хорошо готовит. Он всегда делает новые блюда, и они очень вкусные.

Вечером все члены нашей семьи любят смотреть телевизор. Иногда мы идем в театр или на концерт. Наша семья дружная. Мы привязаны друг к другу и у всех друг с другом хорошее отношение.

Я хорошо учусь. Мои любимые предметы в школе английский, русский, литература и другие. Я хочу выучить испанский и французский тоже.

Иметь друзей очень важно. Моего друга зовут Оксана. Она живет не далеко от меня. Сейчас нелегко встретить истинного и верного друга. Я рада, что у меня есть Оксана. Я доверяю ей и я уверена, что могу на нее положится в любом ситуации.

Она тот человек, к которому я могу обратиться за помощью и советом в самые трудные минуты в моей жизни, и которому я могу рассказать обо всех своих проблемах. Она никогда не думает о людях плохо. Я скучаю по ней, когда мы не видим друг друга в течение длительного времени. Я думаю, что наша дружба позволяет мне чувствовать себя уверенно, уважать чувства и мнения других людей. Лично я считаю, что дружба является большой силой.

Есть много интересных и захватывающих вещей, которыми можно занять свое свободное время. У каждого человека есть свои интересы и увлечения такие как чтение книг, просмотр телевизора, занятия спортом. У меня много увлечений. Это кулинария, танцы, пение, и английский язык. Также я люблю читать книги. Мои любимые книги жанров приключения и ужастики, любовные истории. Когда я читаю книги, я наслаждаюсь процессом. Моим основным хобби является английский. Я думаю, что каждому необходимо иметь хобби.

Всем нравится музыка. Некоторые люди любят классическую музыку, другие любят популярную музыку. Что касается меня, я люблю все виды музыки. Я меломан. В некоторых видах музыки можно обнаружить счастье, в некоторых даже печаль. Какая-то музыка серьезная, а другая может заставить людей смеяться.

Моя семья любит праздники. Обычно мы отмечаем каждый праздник за столом и дарим подарки родственникам, друзьям.

Я люблю Новый год очень сильно. Моя мама и я обычно украшаем новогоднюю елку с красочными стеклянными шариками и игрушками. Я также готовлю новогодний ужин, специальный салат. В эту ночь мы устраиваем настоящий праздник.

Мой другой любимый праздник — мой день рождения, который в феврале. В этот день я нахожусь в центре внимания. Мои родители и друзья дарят мне подарки, и я, как правило, устраиваю вечеринку. Я приглашаю своих друзей, и мы весело проводим время вместе. Я очень люблю праздники и торжества.

В раннем детстве многие дети не понимают, как ответить на вопрос «кем ты хочешь стать, когда вырастешь». Они говорят о многих интересных и захватывающих профессиях, наиболее популярные из которых летчик, космонавт, бизнесмен.

С годами их мнение меняется. Я знаю много интересных и полезных профессий, но больше всего мне нравится профессия переводчика. Почему? Потому что я люблю английский язык. Необходимо изучать иностранные языки. Именно поэтому ученики изучают в школе иностранные языки. Каждый знает свой собственный язык, но полезно знать и иностранные языки. Я хочу читать книги на языке оригинала.

Я люблю путешествовать, но трудно посетить страны, когда вы не знаете языка, на котором там говорят. Если я буду знать язык страны, которую собираюсь посетить, то мне будет легко. Если я хочу что-то спросить, я могу сделать это на английском языке. Существуют международные лагери дружбы в мире. Если вы говорите на иностранных языках, это будет легко для вас посетить такие лагеря и говорить с людьми оттуда. Я думаю, что английский язык будет моей будущей карьерой, потому что я чувствую себя в нем уверенно.

Рассказ О СЕБЕ — Изучаем Слова и Фразы

Let me introduce myself. My name is Katya. I’m 16 years old. Moscow is my native town. I live in Izmaylovo district with my parents.

About my parents

My mother’s name is Ekaterina, too. She is a dentist; she says that she has always wanted to be a dentist since her childhood. My father’s name is Viktor. He is a businessman, which is why I, unfortunately, don’t see him quite often.

About my school

I study at school in the 10 th grade. I can’t say that it is difficult for me to study: I find most of the subjects easy and useful. My favorite ones are English, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology.

I enjoy learning English, because I like speaking with foreigners when I am abroad on summer holidays. I find Chemistry very interesting as I’ve always been fascinated by the way substances interact.

About my goals

My father has always been telling me that in order to succeed in life one has to have a developed analytical thinking that is why I am keen on working with mathematical problems.

So, if you ask me who I want to be in the future, I will tell you that I want to become a specialist in research and development in a cosmetic company.

About my hobbies and interests

Nevertheless, there are not only studies in my life. In my free time I meet with my friends. We usually go to cinema or to some café and chat over a cup of coffee or tea.

I am fond of sports, and I go to a gym on a regular basis where I do aerobics and cardio to keep fit.

Moreover, I like to dance and listen to music. Dancing to my favorite beats, I relax. Dance helps me to express my feelings and emotions.

So, I have a very diverse and interesting life.

О моем родном городе

Позвольте представиться. Меня зовут Катя, мне 16 лет. Москва – мой родной город. Я живу в районе «Измайлово» с родителями.

О моих родителях

Мою маму тоже зовут Екатерина. Она стоматолог; мама говорит, что хотела стать стоматологом с самого детства. Моего папу зовут Виктор. Он бизнесмен, поэтому, к сожалению, я вижусь с ним не часто.

О моей школе

Я учусь в школе в 10 классе. Не могу сказать, что мне тяжело учиться: большинство предметов мне кажутся легкими и полезными. Мои любимые предметы – английский, математика, химия и биология.

Мне нравится учить английский, потому что я люблю общаться с иностранцами, когда я за границей на летних каникулах. Химия мне кажется очень интересной, потому что меня всегда поражало то, как взаимодействуют вещества.

О моих целях

Мой папа всегда говорит мне: чтобы преуспеть в жизни, необходимо обладать развитым аналитическим складом ума, поэтому я увлекаюсь решением математических задач.

Если вы спросите меня, кем я хочу стать в будущем, я отвечу, что хочу стать специалистом в сфере научных исследований и разработок в косметической компании.

О моих интересах и хобби

Однако в моей жизни есть и другие интересы, помимо учебы. В свободное время я встречаюсь с друзьями. Обычно мы ходим в кино или кафе и болтаем за чашечкой кофе или чая.

Я увлекаюсь спортом и регулярно хожу в спортивный зал, где занимаюсь аэробикой и кардио, чтобы быть в форме.

А еще я люблю танцевать и слушать музыку. Танцуя под любимые ритмы, я расслабляюсь. Танец помогает мне выразить свои чувства и эмоции.

В целом, у меня разнообразная и интересная жизнь.

From the very start I should say that it is not an easy thing to speak about myself as it is hard to have a look at yourself from aside, but at the same time who knows you better than you yourself do?

I am a girl of sixteen. When I look at myself in the mirror I see a blond girl with short straight hair, dark eyes and slander figure. As to my appearance I"m rather tall and slim. I have never thought I"m a beauty I whish I were more beautiful. I think that I"m even tempered, rather reserved, calm and modest. But sometimes I can lose my tempo and become either angry or sad. I like staying alone and sometimes I retire into my shell. But at the same time I like my friends, I like to laugh and joke. I have got a sense of humour. It means I understand humour and appreciate it.

There are many things in our life I like and some I dislike. I like when everything is OK. Being happy is one way of being wise. I like to study because knowledge is useful sometimes. I"m fond of reading as it gives not only knowledge, but wonderful moments of joy and pleasure. I am neither short nor tall, so I like to wear highheeled shoes, trousers or jeans.

I was born on the 25th of April 1985 in the town of Molodechno where I live now together with my parents and my younger sister (older brother). My early years which I remember badly, were typical of a child living in a town. I was born in a family of a teacher and a doctor. I was sent to a kindergarten at the age of three as both the parents were working. As all the children of Belarus I went to school at the age of six. Here I should say that it was my lucky chance to study for 11 years at the school of fine arts in the town of Molodechno . it turned out to be the best school in our town. There I got a proper training in such subjects as English, Russian and Belarusian literature and world culture. I usually did a lot of home preparation for them and I liked everything I was doing in them. I really tried hard in them. But despite my efforts I was not good at Math.

School for me was not only lessons and learning I had a lot of friends there. We organized extra class activities such as parties and other social activities. I actively participated in most of them.

I am sociable, so I have got a lot of friends among my schoolmates. As for me I appreciate people"s hornesty, kindness, sense of justice and intelligence. I don"t like when people are rude and aggressive.

I am stubborn at times. But to my mind being persistent is not always a bad thing. It means my aim, I never leave things half done. At times I feel dissatisfied with myself, especially when I fail to do something or can"t do things the way they should be done. At the same time I think I am hard-working and diligent. My greatest problem at school was talking in front of the class. I always blushed and went red.

Very soon I"ll pass my final exams at school and after a farewell party at the end of the June I"ll say good-bye to my teachers who are very well-educated people with broad outlook and deep knowledge of the subjects. They encouraged me in my disire of choosing my future career. School meant a lot to me and it wasn"t just learning and studying. I had made good friends there and met many interesting people. I faced a new life without school with a mixed feeling of sadness and joy.

I had asked myself a lot of times what I wanted to be when I left school. A few years ago it was difficult to give a definite answer. As the years passed I changed my mind several times. But it was only in my last year at school that I finally made up my mind what profession I would most like to have in future. I realized that my strongest desire was to continue specializing in humanities and learn foreign languages in particular. I hope my dream will come true. If I fail in my exams I"ll try to enter the University again.

And now a few words about my inclinations. I haven"t got any special hobby, like collecting something but I"m fond of reading books. They give me more knowledge of their people"s lives and feelings and broaden my outlook. In my opinion, books are a source of emotional inspiration and romantic feeling . besides, books help me to continue my own education. The time spend on a good book is never wasted. Reading is a rewarding pasting.

And of course I like music! I"m fond of music of the 60-s, like the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Elvis Prestly. The songs of the Beatles give me much delight and pleasure. Besides, I am a great theatre-goer. Whenever I have some time to spare, I go to the theatre. I"m not keen on television.

Sometimes I play different sport games for health and pleasure. I usually play such games as volley-ball, basketball, tennis, and sometimes football.

And the last thing I would like to tell you about things I hope to achieve in my life are: to have a very successful career, so this year after finishing school I try to enter the University, to build the home of my dreams and to find someone in my life to share all that with.

Очень важно уметь рассказать о себе на английском языке, особенно если вы устраиваетесь на работу либо хотите, чтобы англоязычные коллеги либо друзья узнали о вас больше. Рассказ о себе на английском языке (about myself) изначально построен на некоем «шаблоне», вокруг которого можно построить повествование. Достаточно выучить «шаблон» — остальное сделает за вас ваш словарный запас разговорного английского.

Так, если вы переписываетесь с иностранцами, рассказ о себе на английском должен быть более развернутым. Если вы устраиваетесь на работу и проходите собеседование, рассказ о себе должен быть более сжатым и насыщен фактами. Если вы пишите сочинение о себе, то стоит больше рассказать о своих родителях, о своих хобби и планах на будущее.

Как построить рассказ о себе на английском (introducing yourself)

Все топики about myself начинаются с представления себя. Для начала подойдет фраза “Let me introduce myself” (позвольте мне описать себя).

Также, при желании можно указать где вы родились. К примеру — I was born in Russia in Volgograd City .

Если рассказывать о себе на английском более подробно, также можно упомянуть о составе (I have a large family with two brothers and two sisters — у меня большая семья — 2 брата и 2 сестры).

Также можно указать род деятельности родителей, к примеру — My mother Svetlana is a dentist (моя мама Светлана стоматолог) и т.д.

Если вы школьник, и вам нужно составить рассказ о школьной жизни, можно оговорить, в каком классе вы учитесь (I am a pupil of 5 form — я ученик 6 класса). Можете указать, какие уроки вам нравятся больше всего — my favourite subjects are maths, geography, literature and history (мои любимые уроки — математика, география, литература и история).

Также можете сказать о — I would like to become a teacher (я хотел бы стать учителем).

В ходе рассказа о себе на английском языке нужно также описать ваши личностные качества, внешность.
К примеру, для того, чтобы описать себя работодателю, нужно указать advantages — достоинства и drawbacks — недостатки. Отметьте ваши качества — qualities (к примеру — I am polite and inteligent ).

В конце можно указать свои хобби, увлечение — hobby , interests . К примеру — I fond of football (я увлекаюсь футболом). Можете указать то, что вам нравится делать и заниматься.

В самом конце рассказа о себе (about myself) можете обозначить, что вы стремитесь стать хорошим человеком — I want to become a good person .

Рассказы — топики о себе на английском с переводом на русский язык

Вариант 1 — Короткий рассказ о себе и своём дне

My name is Sveta. I want to describe my daily routine . I wake up at 5.30. Then I go to a bathroom, I wash, I brush my teeth. Then I do my body exercises. Then I put on a make-up. Then I go to the kitchen and make a breakfast to all family. At 6.30 I leave the house and go to work. It takes me 15 minutes to get there. The working day comes to an end at 16.00 and I go shopping. Then I go home. At home I wash hands and go to the kitchen to make supper. After supper I watch I sit in front of the computer and work under my sites. At 22.00 I take a bath, I brush my teeth and go to bed at 23.00. I love my life.

Вариант 1. Перевод на русский

Меня зовут Света. Я хочу рассказать о моем распорядке дня. Я просыпаюсь в 5.30. После чего иду в ванную, умываюсь, чищу зубы. После чего я делаю зарядку. Затем наношу макияж. Потом иду на кухню и готовлю завтрак всей семье. В 6.30 я выхожу из дома и иду на работу. Мне требуется 15 минут, чтобы добраться на работу. В 16.00 заканчивается рабочий день и я отправляюсь в магазин за покупками. Потом я иду домой. Дома я мою руки и иду на кухню готовить ужин. После ужина я смотрю сажусь за компьютер и работаю над своими сайтами. В 21.00 я принимаю ванну, чищу зубы и ложусь спать в 22.00. Я люблю свою жизнь.

Вариант 2 — Небольшой рассказ о себе школьницы

My name is Regina. I am 14. I study at school № 18 in the town of Oktyabrskiy. My favorite hobby is painting. I’ve been doing it since I was 8. I study Russian, English language, mathematics and geography in school. It is not always I have time to walk. And if I am in time, I like walking with my friends and have fun time. I want to become a teacher of painting. I want to become a good person.

Вариант 2. Перевод на русский

Меня зовут Регина. Мне 15. Я учусь в школе № 18 в городе Октябрьском. Моё любимое хобби — танцы. Я начала заниматься этим, когда мне было 8. Я изучаю русский, английский язык, математику и географию в школе. У меня не всегда есть время прогуляться. И когда выдается свободное время, я гуляю с моими друзьями и весело провожу время. Я хочу стать учительнице рисования. Я хочу стать хорошим человеком.

Вариант 3 — Подробный рассказ о себе

I am a boy of seventeen . When I look at myself in the mirror I see a boy with short black hair, brown eyes. As to my appearance I’m rather tall and slim. I think that I’m calm and modest. I like my friends, I like to laugh and joke. I have got a good sense of humour. There are many things in our life I like and some I dislike. I like when everything is good/

I was born on the 15th of February 1996 in the town of Samara where I live now together with my parents and my two sisters and elder brother. I was born in a family of a builder and a doctor.

I am a pupil of 10 form. I like to study because knowledge is useful sometimes. I’m fond of reading.

My favourite subjects are English, Russian and literature. I usually did a lot of home preparation for them and I liked everything I was doing in them. I really tried hard in them. I am sociable, so I have got a lot of friends among my schoolmates. As for me I appreciate people’s hornesty, kindness, sense of justice and intelligence. I don’t like when people are rude and aggressive. I am stubborn at times. Also I never leave things half done. I think I am hard-working and diligent.

Soon (after a one year) I’ll pass my final exams at school and after a farewell party at the end of the June I’ll say good-bye to my teachers. They help me to chooses my future profession. School is a good place for me. I had made good friends there and met many interesting people.

I had asked myself a lot of times what I wanted to be when I left school. A few years ago it was difficult to give a definite answer. I changed my mind several times. But at the end I realized that my strongest desire was to continue learn foreign languages. I hope my dream will come true. If I fail in my exams I’ll try to enter the University again.

And now a few words about my inclinations. I have got a hobby — I’m fond of reading books (also I read books on computer after dowload it from Internet). They give me more knowledge. In my opinion, books are a source of emotional inspiration and romantic feeling. The time spend on a good book is never wasted. Reading is a rewarding pasting. And of course I like music! I’m fond of modern pop music of nowadays.

Besides, I am a like to go to the cinema. Whenever I have some time to spare, I go to the cinema. I’m not keen on television. Sometimes I play different sport games for health and pleasure. I usually play such games as football, volleyball. I like to wear shoes, trousers or jeans.

And the last thing I would like to tell you about things I hope to achieve in my life are: after finishing school I try to enter the University, to have a very successful career, to build the home of my dreams and to find someone in my life to share all that with.

Вариант 3. Перевод на русский

Я мальчик 17 лет. Когда я смотрю на себя в зеркало, я вижу парня с короткими черными волосами, карими глазами. Что до моей внешности, то я высокий и худощавый. Я думаю, что я спокойный и скромный. Я люблю моих друзей, я люблю смеяться над шутками. У меня хорошее чувство юмора.

Я родился 15 февраля 1994 года в Самаре, где я сейчас живу с моими родителями и моими двумя сестрами и старшим братом. Я родился в семье строителя и доктора.

Я ученик 10 класса. Я люблю учиться потому что знания иногда нужны. Я люблю читать.

Мои любимые предметы — Английский, русский и литература. Я обычно дома много по ним готовлюсь и я люблю все, что их касается. Я очень стараюсь в них преуспеть. Я общительный, так, у меня много друзей среди одноклассников. Что до меня, я ценю в людях честность, доброту, чувство справедливости и интеллигентность. Мне не нравится, когда люди грубы и агрессивны. Я временами упрям. Также я никогда не бросаю дела на полпути. Я думаю, что я трудолюбивый и прилежный.

Скоро (после одного года) я сдам школьные экзамены и после выпускного вечера в конце июня я скажу до свидания своим учителям. Они помогли мне выбрать мою будущую профессию. Школа — хорошее место для меня. Я обрел хороших друзей и встретил здесь хороших людей.

Я спрашивал себя много раз — чего я хочу, когда окончу школу. Несколько лет назад это было трудно — дать точный ответ. Я менял свои решения несколько раз. Но в конце концов я осознал, что сильнейшим желанием было продолжить изучать иностранный язык. Я надеюсь, моя мечта сбудется. Если я провалю мои вступительные экзамены, я снова попытаюсь поступить в Университет.

А сейчас немного о моих наклонностях. У меня есть хобби — я люблю читать книги (также я читаю книги на компьютере после их скачивания из интернета). Они дают мне больше знаний. По моему мнению, книги — это источник эмоцинального вдохновения и романтических чувств. Время, проводимое за хорошей книгой, никогда не потеряно. Чтение впоследтсвии вознаграждется. И конечно, я люблю музыку! Я люблю современную музыку.

Кроме того, я люблю ходить в кино. Как только у меня выдается свободное время, я иду в кино. Я не поклонник телевидения. Иногда я играю в различные спортивные игры для здоровья и удовольствия. Я обычно играю в такие игры, как футбол, воллейбол. Я люблю одевать туфли, брюки и джинсы.

Хотите ещё один уникальный рассказ о себе?

Вариант 4 — короткий рассказ о себе студента

I am a girl of 19. I am a student. I am very emotional, sensual, intense, very creative person. I have very extra-ordinary interests. And I want to find somebody, who can share them with me. I am very fond of travelling, especially in hot exotic countries.

Вариант 4 Перевод на русский язык :

Я девушка 19-ти лет. Я студентка. Я очень эмоциональная, чувственная, впечатлительный, творческий человек. У меня очень экстраординарные интересы. И я хочу найти кого-нибудь, кто может разделить подобного рода интересы со мной. Мне очень нравится путешествовать, особенно в теплые экзотические страны.

Таким образом, рассказ на английском языке о себе может быть как лаконичным, так и более развернутым — в зависимости от того, какая у вас цель.