Как разработчики выбирают время для релиза

Everyone has played a skating game at some point in their life. Whether that is Tony Hawk or one of the Skate games. One of the greatest Skating games of all times (in my opinion) is Skate 3. I played hours of the game and never got bored of it. However Skate 3 was released all the way back in 2010. 8 Years later we might now be seeing the rebirth of the franchise.

One of the biggest hints that has come about around the potential release of Skate 4 is that it has been listed on a Swedish retailers website seen below.

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The image featured for Skate 4 could even be the real box art for the game as well. Although we wouldn’t say that it was as it looks unfinished and could just be a placeholder until the game is finally revealed.

Another huge hint is that the Sr. Manager at EA tweeted this at the end of January. This was first seen as a bit of a troll as there was no other proof that Skate 4 was even in development. Now we have something else to go on it is looking increasingly likely.

EA might be staying silent about Skate 4, but the internet refuses to let it die. The rumoured sequel to the fabled sports action series may or may not be in development, depending on how you interpret various signs and leaks to appear in recent years, but it"s been almost a decade since the release of Skate 3 in 2010.

Who knows? Perhaps Skate 4 will be a surprise launch title for the or in a few years time? Or perhaps we"re all just chasing an illusory pipe dream that will never come to fruition. Regardless, you"ll find all the rumours, news, and potential information about Skate 4 in our frequently updated guide below, including the official statements that EA itself has made about the game (spoilers: they"re not very promising).

What the games are saying

On the evening of June 4, out of nowhere, Skate 3"s online servers came back online, mere days before the start of EA Play. Sadly, Electronic Arts had nothing to say during its E3 conference, undermining the significance of that server reboot, but the fact that it happened could still be interpreted as a signal of future intent nonetheless.

It’s not just at the grassroots level either. Last year, a skateboard retailer known as The Berrics launched an official online campaign to “Make EA Skate Again” (ah, I see what you did there), telling its Instagram followers to “join the movement to echo our declaration against the nonexistence of Skate 4.”

Even international rapping superstar Tyler, the Creator has repeatedly taken to Twitter to express his desire for a new Skate game. What more will it take, EA?!?!

Meanwhile, an independent developer has taken matters into its own hands by working on a spiritual successor to Skate 3, heavily inspired by the simulation-focused mechanics of the series itself. Entitled Sessions, many have decided to declare this upcoming game as the unofficial Skate 4 that people have been yearning for, and it’s due for a 2019 release on Xbox One and PC.

Despite EA’s insistence that nothing is happening, the internet has still been actively discussing what they’d like to see in a hypothetical Skate sequel, right down to the nitty gritty details of its currently non-existent design. The main request is more of the same, with a slight return to the responsive realism of Skate 2.

“I just want them to remember what they set out to do with the Skate franchise,” says Redditor cvbk12 , “It wasn"t meant to be a full on casual game. I don"t want to have to unlock tricks; the more you play, the better you get.”

Realistic, seamless locations are an important benchmark for Skate veterans, too, as the series’ open environments set its games apart from the more arcade-like zones of Tony Hawk titles. Notable requests in this category include atmospheric cities, online worlds free of loading screens, and “super parks with mega ramps”, because who doesn’t love a good mega ramp?

Alternatively, others are aching for an engaging, narratively substantial story to contextualise all those heelflips and halfcabs, with one commenter even asking for the incorporation of real world skaters like “Guy Mariano, Mike Mo, Corey Duffel, Stefan Janoski, Shane O"Neill.”

At the end of the day, as long as EA doesn’t turn Skate into a free-to-play mobile game (which, sadly, can’t be ruled out of the question), it’ll be satisfying the desires of many fans who are just dying to see the return of the franchise after seven years of being ignored.

What we"re saying

We"re of two minds about Skate 4. Of course we"d love to see another entry in the series but, at the same time, EA has changed a lot since 2010. If the reality of a Skate 4 game is one which features an overpriced season pass, walled-off pre-order bonuses and distasteful micro-transactions, then we"d instead prefer to just theoretically enjoy the ideal version of Skate 4 that currently exists in our imagination, thank you very much.

To be fair, upcoming EA titles like suggests that the publisher is making a move away from the faustian profiteering of its past and towards a more consumer-first business model, so perhaps there’s hope for a truly fan-servicing Skate game yet.

After all of this build-up and drama, then, Skate 4 absolutely has to be worth the wait, but we"re willing to give EA the benefit of the doubt if it eventually wishes to make a four-wheeled comeback in the future.

What would you love to see in Skate 4? How could EA reinvent the game for current consoles? Let us know what you think by tapping the "see comments" button below.

Дата выхода - это та временная черта, после которой игра считается вышедшей, что обычно подразумевает, что ее уже можно скачать и опробовать в случае приобретения лицензионной копии. Например, дата выхода Skate 4 - когда-то в 2020.

В последнее время все чаще девелоперы позволяют купить игру заранее - совершить предварительный заказ. В ответ на поддержку со стороны потенциальных покупателей, которые настолько верят в успех проекта, что отдают деньги за него еще до релиза, разработчики делятся различными бонусами и эксклюзивными материалами. Это может быть саундтрек, артбук или какие-нибудь мини-аддоны для игры.

Таким образом, предзаказ фактически позволяет купить игру до ее официального выхода, однако это не значит, что заявленная дата выхода теряет свое значение, так как полноценно поиграть можно только после релиза.

Почему нужно знать даты выхода игр?

Хотя бы потому, что так удобнее планировать свое время и финансы. Если вы знаете, например, когда выйдет Skate 4, то вам будет проще сориентироваться: заранее отложить деньги на ее покупку, распланировать дела так, чтобы иметь возможность погрузиться в игру сразу, как только она выйдет.

Очень многие геймеры отслеживают даты выхода игр с помощью специальных календарей и тематических статей о самых важных релизах месяца или сезона. И то, и другое вы можете найти и на нашем игровом портале сайт

Как разработчики выбирают время для релиза?

Они руководствуются сразу множеством факторов. Во-первых, им важно знать, что их целевая аудитория сможет сразу же влиться в игровой процесс, поэтому игры реже выходят в сезон отпусков, а также в те месяцы, когда на работе обычно аврал, а у студентов - сессия.

Во-вторых, для успешного релиза разработчики стараются сопоставлять свои планы с анонсами потенциальных конкурентов. Например, если речь идет о шутере, то выпускать его одновременно с новой Battlefield или Call of Duty не очень разумно.

В-третьих, дата выхода обозначает так называемый дедлайн - ту самую черту, после которой игра уже готова. Это означает, что ее нужно успеть доделать в заявленный срок. Увы, это не всегда получается, и потому дата выхода игры может сдвигаться один или даже несколько раз.

Вдобавок к этому, выход Skate 4 на PC и консолях может отличаться - часто разработчики стараются сначала выпустить одну версию, а уже потом перейти к следующей.