Shadows of the damned прохождение. Гид по достижениям

  1. A new chapter and a new weapon, run down the alley and open the door into an open corner. Shoot the lamp across with the light shot. A single demon will retreat while a whole group of them will charge you.
  2. Take out the masked demons first, they’re the only ones that can walk through the light. The rest of the demons will cower when they step into the light, making them easy to dispatch. A few blaster demons will show up too.
  3. Moving on, there’s a door ahead. Inside you’ll find a drink before knocking down a wooden door. Check out the storybook here if you want to hear some of George’s back story. When you’re done, turn right and jump out the broken window.
  4. On a raised sidewalk, take the steps down and turn to follow the street towards a goat lamp. A new demon will spawn, the crawling demons will douse the goat lamps in darkness. Shoot the crawling demons as they wall-crawl, or shoot the goat lamp with a light shot to return the bright light and ward off the darkness.
  5. More crawling demons will appear. If they enter the darkness, they’ll gain a darkness shield. Make sure they don’t, blast them before they shut off the goat lamp. The crawling demons are fast on the ground, they only slow down when they try to climb walls. Dodge when the demons scurry close to Garcia, and be quick with your aim.
  6. When the demons are dead, the door inside will light up. Enter the house and jump out the window in the back. Turning left, you’ll see a lot of rubble. Run past the rubble to initiate a demon encounter.
  7. Inside the little rubble square, after the fly-through, run towards the wooden door and knock it down. Shoot the crawling demon through the iron fence before it douses the goat lamp. One demon will harass you, followed by two more, and another two in order as they’re defeated.

Clean up and enter the glowing gate up the steps – you’ll only find blue ammo and a demon inside the house. Run past a ladder around the corner and turn right to find some ammo with a strawberry. On the back wall there’s another poster, read it if you like before climbing the aforementioned ladder. Up the ladder, run through the disgustingly decorated demon house and jump out the window. On the street, turn right and run under the archway to find a bonus red gem. Run back to where you started, there’s a vending machine through the alley. Run towards the vending machine and you’ll be greeted with the sound of a phone ringing. Run towards the ringing phone. Just another vision, scare off Willy up the steps and overlook the next area you’ll have to trudge through. When you’re all ready and stocked up with drinks, jump down the ledge overlooking the darkness below. Jumping down, Johnson will point out the fireworks launcher. Interact and mash the prompted button to launch fireworks – the bright light of the fireworks will chase away the darkness for a short time after they’re launched. Launch the first firework display, then turn around and run for the door. Open it, ahead you’ll find your first instance of the meat doors. Meat doors raise when hit with your light shot. Some meat doors are connected with others, when one meat door raises, another lowers. For now, shoot the first meat door with a light shot – that lowers the second meat door. Just shoot the second meat door with a light shot too, no problem yet. Darkness will flood in as you try to shoot the second meat door. You’ll want to get out of the nasty darkness fast, so shoot the meat door with a light shot, then shot the third meat door leading into a pool of blood. In the blood pool, two demons shielded by darkness will attack, followed by a crawler. Take care of them like a good demon hunter. You’ll have to enter the darkness again, so shoot both meat doors ahead to reach Willy. Run up the steps past Willy, then down the steps into the darkness. Turn left and jump off the broken ledge into a square. Activate the only source of light around, the fireworks launcher, to keep yourself save for a time. Demons will ambush you in the light, so fight them off as quickly as you can. After destroying a crawling demon, a big guy will show up with the eyeball you need to escape. During this fight, you’ll know when darkness will return when the arena turns a dark blue. You may have to use the fireworks launcher two or three times during the course of the fight, the demons and darkness won’t hurt you while you activate the fireworks launcher. Feed the baby seal the eyeball, and run into the deep darkness ahead. Use the fireworks launcher at the top of some steps to clear that ugly darkness away, then continue up more stairs. Under the arches, you’ll find a door covered in darkness vines. Wait near the door and turn around, down the walkway is the dark core. Wait for the darkness to return, then shoot the dark core. Simple as that! The door is now open, get yourself back into the light and continue forward. Up the steps, you’ll find a creature called Christopher. This guy will sell you items for white gems; things like ammo, drinks, and red gems. Buying red gems for upgrades is your best investment here, but if you ever need ammo or drinks, Christopher is your demon-man. You can always find Christopher near glowing blue flowers. Ahead, you’ll find your first sushi lamp. The sushi lamp will move and protect you from demons and darkness by generating bright light. Shoot the sushi lamp with a light shot to get that sucker moving, and stick close to take advantage of the light. The sushi lamp will lead you into a tunnel filled with three demons. Blast them and shoot the light barrels in your path. Up the steps, you’ll find a cemetery. Run to the back right corner to find recently dug grave. Look closer and a demon-spawner will appear in the center of the cemetery. The demon-spawner is a large monster that generates a field of darkness around it. The creature fires darkness blasts from its mouth, but otherwise only spins in place. It spits out new demons to harass you while you take the monster on. To kill it, destroy all three of the dark cores between the giant faces.

The dark cores can only be damaged while Garcia is inside the darkness itself. Step into the darkness and shoot those dark cores! Don’t stay for long, remember to hop out to refill your soul meter. When the demon-spawner is destroyed, it will drop two huge white gems and a brain. Feed the brain to the baby seal to continue on your way. Use the vending machine then continue down the street towards the tower. Pry open the door through the tunnel to enter the tunnel.

After a quick loading screen, run towards the center of the giant tower. Interact with the chandelier to ride it. You’ll get a quick tutorial for controlling the chandelier, controls the swing, while moves the chandelier up or down. Swing the chandelier to destroy the dark cores on the tower walls. As you destroy the cores, the darkness will rise, allowing you to move higher. Nothing too complicated here, and nothing can kill you, so move up and destroy the core while collecting some of the many white gems floating around the tower. At the top of the tower, Garcia will jump off. Run towards the door and pry it open to complete the chapter.

  1. Big boss fight time! Shoot the barrel on the left side of the street for a free drink, then continue through the open gate to find Christopher. Buy some red gems or whatever you need if you can afford them.
  2. When you’re ready, run towards the arena ahead to initiate the fight. This is George’s Beast form, and he starts by riding his demonic horse around the arena while whipping magic at you. The arena is surrounded by boxes of ammo, so if you ever need a refill, you know where to look.
  3. Dealing with phase 1 of Beast-George, dodge any incoming attacks and don’t stand in George’s way as he rides past you. Keep a good distance, and wait for the horse to crap. No kidding, the demon horse’s crap generates darkness.
  4. Wait for Beast-George to ride through the darkness, wait in the darkness yourself, and shoot the dark core on his back. The dark core can only be damaged while inside darkness, just don’t stand in the darkness too long.
  5. After shooting Beast-George’s dark core, he’ll fall and be stunned. Run to face the horse’s stomach, that’s where the core is. Shoot the core, after several seconds Beast-George will rise and jump to the center pedestal where he’ll throw magic spears. Dodge the spears while shooting Beast-George’s horse in its core.
  6. Shoot the core of the horse enough, and George will return to the ground and circle the arena again. Follow the pattern, keep your distance, dodge projectiles, and shoot the dark core while in the darkness generated by the horse crap. Shoot the core of the demonic horse, then shoot the horse’s core while on the pedestal.
  7. Run through this process three or so times to defeat phase 1 of Beast-George. With the horse defeated, Beast-George will grow to gargantuan size.

Phase 2 of Beast-George can be a little tricky, you need to destroy all the blood cores on the monster’s body. You’ll find a blood core on each arm, two on the front and back of his legs, plus three on his lower back. Beast-George’s main attacks are stepped on you and stomping the ground to create a shock wave. The shock wave is very large so keep a long distance and dash away while he rears back to stomp. Beast-George is slow in his new monstrous giant form, just run past him to shoot the blood cores on the back of his ankles and the three above his hip. After breaking a core, Beast-George will be stunned. Take this opportunity to shoot the blood cores on his back. I recommend the Teether to break the cores quickly. Stunned Beast-George will vomit on the ground, generating weird acid slugs that jump out of holes in the ground. Don’t walk on the green blotches and you’ll be safe. Destroy all of Beast-George’s cores, and he’ll piss into the fountain, generating pure darkness. Also, Beast-George’s guts will crawl out and wave at you. Shoot the bright red guts to finish the battle. Pick up the blue gem to unlock the Skullcussioner. Have fun!

Act 3

  1. Starting the chapter on another eerie street, look on the left wall just ahead for a poster. Through the arch, look right to find a garden housing the always lovable creature Christopher. Check the back left corner of the garden for a free red gem.
  2. Down the main street you’ll see a wall of gross meat. Demons will crawl out of the… sphincters, and attack in groups. Retreat and use the man barrels along the walls to blow up the incoming demons. Faster and stronger demons will spawn after the previous wave until the tower door opens.
  3. Pry open the tower doors just left of the meaty wall. Step onto the stairs, and darkness will begin to rise. Just keep running up the steps, demons will drop down in front of you, but just ignore them. Kick through the wooden door at the top to reach the roof.
  4. Johnson and Garcia will trade banter until a giant demon with a spinning blade attacks. These creatures are still tough, remember to roll away from their fast swings and hit them with light shots to reveal the blood cores on their backs.
  5. Fight the bladed demon and his little demon sidekicks, when they’re dead you’ll need to shoot the goat lamp up in the bell tower. Run down the bell tower steps and jump into the hole in the ground floor.

One loading screen later, and you’ll find yourself in the stinky sewers. Take a deep breath and run through the first doorway. Nearing more meaty sphincters, crawling demons will attack at the junction. Fight the crawlers and the door to the right will unlock. Before opening the meat door, run to collect some ammo and a free drink near the sphincters. Then, when you’re ready, open the meat door with a light shot. The lights will activate as you run into the darkness, jump into the water down the tunnel. To your right is a baby seal you can’t open yet. Continue forward up the steps to collect the strawberry at the end of the tunnel. Crawling demons will appear, try to draw them out of the water where they’re easier to see. To the right of the strawberry is another tunnel leading towards some free ammo and a red gem. Backtrack to the baby seal. Open the meat door in your way with a light shot and feed the baby seal. Past the seal is another meat door. Just as you shoot it, darkness will flood into the tunnel. In the dark, shoot the dark core to the right of the darkness vines. The darkness vines will recede, allowing you to open the next two meat doors. Through those two meat doors is another dark core connected with darkness vines protecting the exit. Shoot the dark core to the left of the door, and open the door to escape the dark. I said there’d be a lot of dark, didn’t I? Light, light at last. A demon-spawner will dig out of the ground and attack. Use the Skullcussioner to blast all three of the dark cores while in the darkness surrounding the demon-spawner to destroy it. The Skullcussioner will make short work of all three dark cores. Collect the white gems and clean up any remaining demons to unlock the door out of this miniature arena. There’s a vending machine down one of the tunnels, the neon green lit tunnel, if you’re in need. Open the door to the exit. Through the door, darkness will flood into the tunnel. Shoot the first meat door, followed by a second, followed by a third. Look right and kick through the wooden fence where a dark core is set up high against the wall. Turn around and open the meat door protecting a darkness hand. Shut down the darkness hand by interacting up close, and you’ll be free of darkness once again. Further down the tunnel is a sushi lamp. Hit it with a light shot to get it moving. Follow the lamp down the tunnel, you’ll have to deal with some normal demons on the way, but they’re no problem. The lamp will stop at a slightly smaller tunnel, you’re going in alone. Not counting Johnson. Hop down into the water below, run through the tunnel, and jump into a square arena. Crawlers will ambush you inside, four of them, and they’ll go for the goat lamp. Protect the goat lamp at all costs, as long as you keep moving the crawling demons won’t be able to land a hit on you.

The arena itself is loaded with goodies. You’ll find light barrels, ammo, and drinks scattered around – some of which are hiding under the arches. After destroying the crawlers, regular and armored demons will enter the fray. Armored demons are slow but tough, carefully aim and shoot their chests to hurt them. When the regular demons are dealt with, you’ll have a boss fight! Maras Grim is the first of the Sisters Grim. Don’t take her lightly, this battle can be tricky if you don’t know what to do. Maras Grim teleports around the arena and throws a wave of scythes forward. Hide behind a pillar or dodge twice to the left or right to avoid the attack. Don’t bother shooting her yet, just keep dodging. After two or three of the scythe attacks, Maras Grim will summon darkness. The darkness can be warded off by shooting the goat lamp, but that’s only if you’re really desperately low on health. What you need to do is back-up against one of the corners and wait for Maras Grim to charge you – she’ll fly towards you while glowing brightly. Shoot her with a light shot as she closes in, if you miss she’s likely to swing her scythe and damage you. If you’re able to hit her with a light shot, she’ll be stunned and her core will reveal itself. Blast the core until the light returns. She’ll try to weave around your aim, so it’s best to wait for her to charge. Run through the process three or four times to defeat the first Grim Sister. Collect your blue gem, you’ve earned it. The Boner is now the HotBoner. Let’s give this sucker a test drive, open the exit door and run down the tunnel, you’ll find a vending machine on the way. Up the stairs, you’ll find a large cracked wall. Before breaking it down, look right – fire an explosive HotBoner shot at the smaller cracked wall. Shoot the HotBoner shot to make it explode, destroying the wall and revealing a red gem. Break the crate too for a large white gem. The cracked wall requires seven HotBoner shots. Fire one at each of the seven red circles, then shoot them to set off a chain reaction that’ll bring the whole wall down. Run through the wrecked wall and pry open the door to exit.

  1. Just as the chapter begins, Paula will begin chasing Garcia! She’ll kill you instantly if she so much as touches you, so sprint down the path ahead. Shoot the first inactive lamp you see, and turn left.
  2. Further ahead, you’ll find a cracked log blocking your path. Destroy it with a HotBoner explosive and activate the lamp just beyond that with a light shot. Activate the next two lamps as you run, and you’ll eventually find an arena ahead.
  3. Run into the circular opening to initiate a boss fight. The second of the Grim sisters, Kauline Grim is a far trickier fight than Maras. Kauline is very similar; she floats around while throwing scythes, teleports around to attack in melee range, and can only be stunned by a light shot after she summons darkness.
  4. First, to dodge her scythe throw, dodge to the left or right twice. There’s no cover here, so there’s nothing to hide behind. Don’t get caught between the two scythes she throws.
  5. Second, when Kauline summons darkness, she’ll split up into decoy versions of herself. Back up against a corner and wait – at first, you’ll know the real Kauline from the decoy because the real Kauline always charges to attack. Do enough damage to her, and the decoys will attack too.
  6. Later in the fight, Kauline will spawn a dozen copies and you’ll have to pick the real one out of the crowd. Look for the Kauline with a bright red spot in her torso, that’s the blood core you need to hit with a light shot. When she’s stunned, blast the core until the whole process begins again.
  7. Destroy Kauline’s blood core four times to complete the battle and collect your blue gem as a reward. Except, as you approach the gem, Fleming’s hand will steal it and drag it into the darkness. Go after it!
  8. In the pure darkness, run straight forward to find the blue gem, or turn right at the junction to find a bonus red gem. The soul boosters will keep Garcia alive. If the demons on the path block your way, dodge through them.
  9. The Teether is now the TeethGrinder! The gun fires at twice the speed but with half the precision. Still, all those barrels look bizarre enough. The weapon is great for crowd control, but not so great at long-range shooting.

Follow the path around the corner and past the baby seal. Take a step past the seal to activate a swarm of demons to hop the fence in the darkness ahead. Waves of demons will attack Garcia, so take advantage of the TeethGrinder now for a little fun. The swarm of demons ends with two armored demons. You know what to do, blast off the armor with a HotBoner shot and take the slow demons down. Collect your eyeball as a reward and feed it to the baby seal. Just through the baby seal is a sushi lamp. Activate it and stick close, this sushi lamp gets tricky. Enemies will attack from all sides as the lamp slowly works it way in circles around the field. Masked demons will get in close – a good blast from the Skullcussioner will destroy their masks, even the armored demons’ masks aren’t immune to the Skullcussioner. While following the sushi lamp, a new appear will attack you without warning. The amputated demons are fast creatures that attack with their bladed arms and legs, while looking real ugly doing it. Their arms, legs, and head have been replaced and are immune to damage. Shoot the torso to kill those demons. The sushi lamp will lead you towards a barred door, blast all the barrels quickly. The lone barrel to the right contains a red gem, it’s your lucky day. Eventually the sushi lamp will lead you to the steps of a cabin. Clean up the remaining demons from the safety of the porch. When all the demons are defeated, Paula will run towards you. Quickly open the door inside to escape her! Inside the cabin, you’ll find a few crates and barrels. Break them for a free drink and ammo.

Before long, demons will burst through the window and fight Garcia at close range. Use the Johnson attack to bat the demons away, and use light shot to stun and brutally destroy the demons while you’re near. Destroy enough demons, and Garcia will fall into the basement. There’s another story book if you’re up for a fairy tale, or just exit through the unlocked door. Up the stairs you’ll find good ol’ Christopher. Leaving through the open fence, Paula will begin chasing you again. This chase is a little trickier, turn left in the darkness ahead and hit the lamp with a light shot. Just down the road is a cracked log, destroy it with a HotBoner explosion and continue dashing forward. Running into a larger open area, a demon will appear. Past him is the strawberry you’ll need to open the baby seal forward. Through the baby seal is a much larger open area where two demons will attack and a sealed cabin. This is the tricky part, you need to destroy both demons while avoiding Paula, then collect the food to feed the baby seal to escape. It sounds easy, but Paula is faster than she looks, and you’ll have to dash and dodge to escape her grasp. If she so much as brushes against Garcia, he’s dead. When both demons are dead, collect the eye and feed the baby seal. Inside the cabin, after a cutscene, break the barrels and check out the poster if you want. When you’re ready, leave through the unlocked door. Back outside, Paula is gone, but the amputee demons are back and they’ve got new tricks – they can teleport now. Follow the smokey darkness and fire a light shot to stun them long enough to destroy them.

Take out the demons and a cutscene will trigger. After the cutscene, Mr. X has defeated the boss for you and left behind a blue gem. The gem upgrades your shotgun, turning it into the SkullFest 9000! The SkullFest 9000 can load up to four skulls to fire at once, just by holding the trigger down. This is a very handy gun for large or slow opponents, or just for doing lots of damage in one blast. Continue forward through the arch, turning left you’ll see a cave entrance with a group of demons milling around. They’ll stalk towards you, now is as good a time as any to give the SkullFest 9000 a test run. Inside the cave, you’ll find Christopher and his many goods. Prepare for a boss fight next chapter, and pry open the door to complete the chapter.

  1. Welcome to the Underworld’s red light district. Featuring big demons and bigger boners, this chapter is one long shooting gallery. Run to the ledge to get a good look at the giant demons before using the telephone.
  2. Apparently Johnson is really into phone sex. Just a reminder is enough to get him going.
  3. The shooting gallery begins now, there isn’t a lot of strategy to any of these sections – you just need to shoot the giant demons are they appear. Quickly change between the three lanes and shoot the giants. Each giant takes three shots to kill, or one perfect shot to their core.
  4. Quickly switch lanes to check for giant demons. The first demon appears down the central lane, you can tell when a demon is dead when it reaches for the sky. The death animation is long, so you don’t want to waste time checking to make sure each giant demon is dead before looking down the other lanes.
  5. One two appear during this first section, but some of the giant demons will run instead of walk. These fast giant demons should be your first priority. If any of the giant demons reach you, it’s instant death for Garcia.
  6. Here’s a partial list of where and what order the giant demons will appear; center, left, right, center, right, left, center, right (fast), left (close), center (fast), right.
  7. That completes the first of three waves. Jump into the billboard and run through the darkness. Wait for Paula’s giant, partially nude body to create a bridge (?!) for Garcia before running over her to find the exit.
  8. Use the phone on the other end to activate the next shooting sequence. You still have three lanes to deal with, but this sequence will be markedly tougher.
  9. A (hopefully) complete list of where and in what orders the demons appear for the second shooting gallery: right (fast), center, left, left (close, fast), center, right (fast), right, center, center (close), left (fast), right, right (close, fast), left (close).
  10. Another complete shooting gallery, jump into the billboard again. Run through the pure darkness and use Paula as a bridge, again, luckily this time you won’t have to wait for her.

One last shooting gallery, with five lanes this time. Use the phone to get started. Here’s the wheres and whens: center, far right, right (fast), far left, left, left (fast), right, center, far left, right (fast), right (close), far left, far right, far right, far right (fast), far left, center, left, right. That’s the last gallery, jump through the billboard to complete the first chapter of this act.

Chapter 2: Great Demon World Village

  1. Now… Garcia is in his own side-scrolling shoot-em-up game. Yeah, weird, but we’ll make it through this strangeness together. Start by getting used to the controls.
  2. Mostly, Garcia will only need to shoot straight forward, but aiming does help. Garcia is a big target, and slow. He can move forward okay, but he’s downright sluggish trying to move backwards.
  3. Follow the instructions, aim up and down, shoot your gun, and use light shot. To escape the tutorial, shoot the red core of the projector.
  4. Demons will pop up to attack you as the stage scrolls forward. Stay near the back and never let go of the trigger. There’s no reason to stop shooting, at least, there’s no reason to stop shooting yet.
  5. White gems will sometimes appear, often leading you towards deadly areas. Go after the gems as they appear, but if the screen scrolls too far, just give the white gems up.
  6. Garcia will constantly take damage when touching a demon, destroy or avoid them to stop taking damage. In this form, Garcia isn’t very tough, his clothes will come off before he starts bleeding.
  7. As you near a building, grab the health if you’ve taken damage. Smash the glass window with a steady stream of pellets and fly inside. For the next section, you’ll be flying in and through buildings, if you don’t smash the glass you’ll die as the screen scrolls over you.
  8. Leaving the second building, a special weapon will appear. Special weapon pick-ups grant Garcia a powerful special weapon with limited ammo. Don’t waste it just shooting randomly, target the demons ahead and blast them.
  9. Stick near the back of the screen as a rule of thumb. Demons will pop out everywhere, mostly around the front or center of the screen.
  10. Ahead, you’ll seen Justine holding a torch. Shoot her to activate a checkpoint. Past her you’ll find your first goat lamps. Shoot the goat lamps with light shot to banish the darkness. Any demons that touch the darkness will gain a darkness shield that also needs to be banished, which is a real pain in this side-scrolling perspective.
  11. Activate all the goat lamps and kill the demon blocking the window. Inside the building, a group of demons block your path while shielded in darkness. Fly up and activate the goat lamp, then destroy all the demons in your path after deactivating their darkness shields.
  12. Shoot the checkpoint as you break out of the building, then smash the window to enter another. Now you have a switch, a shielded demon, and darkness to deal with. Shoot the two demons that drop down from above and fly into the alcove below. A crawler will attack, hit it with a light shot and destroy it.
  13. The opening to the goat lamp is now clear, fire a light shot and destroy the demon blocking the switch. Hit the switch with a light shot to activate the elevator.
  14. Fly to the third floor and stay near the back as demons drop down. Collect the drink and ride the elevator down. Use the special weapon you’ll collect and shoot through the hanging demons. Two demons will drop down into your path as you try to move backwards. You’ll have to fly under them and shoot up to destroy them.
  15. Fly backwards, up and around to shoot the goat lamp with a light shot. Destroy the hanging demon and the screen scrolling will speed up. You’ll collect another special weapon, use it to destroy the hanging demons in your path and break open the three windows.
  16. Outside, swarms of demons will jump through the area. Shoot through or around to until you find white gems in the shape of a heart. Every shoot-em-up stage ends with white gems in a heart pattern, which means this chapter is almost over.
  17. A little screen scrolling leads you to the end of the chapter.

Chapter 3: Ghost Hunt

  1. The next chapter starts with a new and shocking enemy type. The electric demons will teleports to the cracked plugs scattered around th

Chapter 1 – Take me to Hell

As you reach the gate and try to open it, a demon will welcome you. You need to shoot it a couple of times to get rid of it. Open the door second time and you will find yourself in a street. Move along to another gate and you will meet one-eyed William. This will be the instance throughout the game where you will save your game.

Light the lamp hanging up the gate there to reduce the darkness as said by Johnson. You will have some company. They aren’t that tough so all you need to do is impair them with light attacks and then destroy them with melee. Resources are important so don’t forget to explore the area for white gems or ammo.

Head inside the gate now (pull the crank) to another gate ahead. The gate cant be opened yet. Enter the door to the left and you will see Paula inside. You need to follow it although it will prove to be a a deception. Collect the strawberry at the end. Give it to the demon to open the door. Demons seem to like the fruit a lot.

As you enter the building, Paula ain’t there but you need to grab the bottles of “sake” which serve to restore your health. After you hear the sound, enter the building and then get to the other building. As you exit the room (where you also hear some shrieks), you need to light the goat’s head above the gate (to dispel darkness) to open the door.

You will soon face enemy. You will soon find that they are cluttering under a lamp. Doing you a favor? Light the lamp to get rid of them. Always remember that light is a good source to disrupt demons. As you proceed further, prevailed darkness again. This time you have nothing to get rid of it and to make things bad, demons will attack. You need to head inside the building to your right.

You will find a goat’s head inside, light it to remove darkness. To dark demons will now enter the building. You can’t just kill them with bullets’ You need to use light attacks against them. You can use Johnson’s bash attack to get rid of them. After you have dealt with them, look down the street through the window to spot a goat’s head.

Shoot it to illuminate the area so that you can continue your journey. Another diversion and this time she leaves you in the darkness. You cant dispel it. What now? Run for the exit at the end of the path. By now, you must have understood that light is your savior from demons.

As you light up the alley and just before the corner, masked demons now ill attack. It’s better that you shoot their legs and then go for stomping. Shooting their heads won’t help your cause that much. Further ahead, there will be a patch of another darkness. There is a goat’s head though on the other side of the street. Shoot it and enter the plaza beside.

After dispersing the crows inside deal with another demon variant, crowzer demons. You need to get rid of them (your guns will work) fast as the crows spit by them will suck your blood.

More enemies await down the street. Your shotgun will prove handy. After dealing with them, you will find a gate you need to open using the lust of strawberries. You will find them inside the bar along with other useful items.

As you pass through the baby demon gate, more enemies will appear. Regulars they are, use your shotgun to finish them off and then gather the loot (the eyeball too). Also don’t forget to gather the red gems under the bridge archway.

They are important to improve your attributes. More gems you collect, more powerful you will be. Fetch the eyeball to the baby demon’s gate and once you get the strawberry there, head to the other gate guarding the bridge.

As you cross the bridge, stay sharp to dodge the big hand that try to grab you. This will put you into a dark cave. Proceed further inside the cave to find your way out. Soul boosters you find inside will replenish your soul shield. Both the paths will lead you to a courtyard where you can collect some white gems and ammo.

Past the statue, a baby demon gate needs to opened first. To remove the purple vines blocking the other path, you need to destroy the core powering these vines. You can shoot the generating source by standing in the darkness. Move through the opened passage now and enter the house ahead through a window.

Guess what, Paula appears again. Not the real one ofcourse. Follow till you find that it’s another trap. Shoot the goat to dispel the darkness. Back to the house, collect the brain on the table (not hard to spot) and a some white gems from the bedroom. Move to the baby demon gate and use the skull to open the door. After some distance, bells sound again, indicating demons’ onset.

Get rid of the darkness first by shooting the goat and then you can focus on the demons. If you haven’t used the barrel of light yet (it is recommended that you don’t use them before enemy appearance), blast them now to inflict damage to the demons. After you are done with them, process through the door.

Explore the area near the pillar for a red gem. As you moved down the slopped path and climb back up the ladder. You don’t have the strawberry yet so proceed through the archway. After the stairs, darkness along with more demons. Shoot the goat for some light.Make sure that you hit the dark demons with a light attack first before shooting them.

Explore the stalls along the street form the strawberry and other items. Fetch the strawberry to the baby demon gate and get the gem inside the door. Next, proceed through the again till you find the exit. On the other side, you will face another demonic form. This one has blades to cut off your limbs.

Normal gunshots won’t work till you use a light attack. Shoot it’s weak spots on the back to knock it out. Move through the exit and then climb up the ladder. As you reach the blood pool, more demons will attack. A couple of shots and you can be free to reach the dry land. You aren’t free here now as more demons enter entertain (not exactly).

Keep in mind that you can use the exploding barrel against these demons. A couple of more demons will interrupt along the walkway, shoot them and start moving till you reach the small square through the fence. As you fight your way through the demons (either shoot them directly or use the light attacks first), explore the surrounding for your next heading.

First, you can remove the vines by shooting the core powering them. As you move through the opened entrance, darkness won’t be over yet. Grab the soul shield for some support. Ultimately you will find a goat you can shoot. Further ahead, you will find a brain on some stairs. It’s for the baby demon.

As you drop down into the dark square, demons will approach. Light is your friend. In the dark these demons are a tough nut to crack. Fetch baby the brain. For the other baby you need an eyeball. Climb up the stairs and plug in the hand with a little help from Johnson. Drop down to the streets and use the exit for the next stage.

Chapter 2 – Cannibal Carnival

In the carnival, you are searching for the music entity you just saw. His name is George. Before you can meet the guy, Paula will haunt you yet again. You need to take him down strategically. Shoot the barrel of light nearby (make sure that he is in the damage radius) to reveal its weak spot. You need to fire the exposed area as fast as you can so shotgun wont help (use the Boner).

As he stands up again, move away and keep your distance till you find another barrel. Use the same strategy. How many barrels you require to take him down? Will depend on the difficulty you are playing in. After sufficient damage, he will retreat. You can use the red beacon above to trace him. Gather any souls boosters you find along the path to stay sharp. Shoot the goat head to force George out of the darkness.

Use the same barrel strategy till and he will run yet again. Trace him for the second time now and light another goat. This time he will be crippled permanently (not dead though). Collect the blue gem on the side walk which will render you a new gun. It is more or less a machine gun to chop demons quickly. You will soon get a chance to try your new gun out. Head through the doors to the next level.

Chapter 3 – What a Wonderful World

Move through the alley into a street filled with darkness. Shoot the lamp for some light and expect some demonic forces heading your way. Your main concern should be the crowzer first and then other enemies. You can use any weapon. It’s a good time to use the power of your newly acquired weapon. Otherwise the shotgun is also a good option.

As you enter the house, pick the bottle form the floor. Move to the study room by breaking the wooden straps on the left wall. You will find some ammo in the side room beside the book on the rack. As you move down from the balcony, crawler demons will attack. They look like insects and have the ability to hide light (from goat’s head) with gloomy darkness.

You can’t fight with them in dark so your first task should be to dissipate the darkness near the goat head by light shots. Crawlers are efficient demons to pounce on you so you need to be sharp while you shoot as a miss hit can lead you vulnerable to their attacks. After you are done with them, enter the gate under the goat head (you can’t fetch the baby yet). Move through the house and exit to reach a courtyard.

A crawler will appear. Like before, remove the darkness form the goat first and then shoot the foe. Move to the alley now and light the goat ahead. A fence blocks your path. Don’t worry, you can still knock out the demon. The light from the demon will sufficient for you for the time being at least.

If the crawler manages to gloom goat’s head, you will be attacked by demons behind you. The light bash attack will buy you some time from the dark demons even in the dark. Your machine gun will prove handy in the situation. Enter the house first to find some ammo on the second floor. After a couple of alleys ahead, (there is a red gem stone in the back alley under the shelter.

The bell rings and Paula appears yet again. By now, you might have been seduced by here recurring transparent appearances. Another deception though. You can use firecrackers for temporary light sufficient for you to get past that gate. In the second courtyard, open the meet gates by shooting (light attack) the switch (some sort of medallion).

Darkness will prevail along with demons ahead. In the flooded area, the crawler may give you tough time. Deal with the dark demons first and then focus on shooting the crawler.

From the ledge, you will spot a fire cracker launcher on the plaza. Reach it quickly and activate the launcher for some lightening in the sky. You can reignite the launcher as the darkness starts to come back.

With a limited light, you need to change your strategy and focus on one foe at a time. The barrel near the baby demon gate should be utilized at the right time. Grab the eyeball dropped by the last demon and fetch it to the baby demon.

Keep on moving till you find another firecracker launcher. Activate the launcher upstairs and grab some ammo and a bottle of sake just ahead. The light form the crackers will be dimmed soon so that you can shoot the core to remove the vines blocking the door.

Christopher can give you alcohol, ammo and red stones. You should your gathered white stones with red stones so that you can have some upgrades that are very useful as things will get tough and tougher with time.

After the upgrading task is over, move through the door opposite to the garden. Keep on moving till you reach a unique fishing lamp. Shot it and will become mobile and start glowing. Follow it through the different sections of the cave to the graveyard.

You will find Gracia’s grave in the graveyard. Strange? Yes but not the first thing that is weird in this demonic world. Anyhow, focus on your foe for the time being. Move away from the darkness if your soul shield runs out. You can shoot the cores from within the cylinder so you will have to continuously enter and leave the darkness.

This is not it as boss’ minions will try to prolong the fight. Here you need to adjust according to the situation. They won’t stop spawning till you have destroyed all three cores. Gather the brain and white gems that result after it’s defeat. Move on to reach a the tower.

Destroy the series of dark spheres as you move the platform. Exit won’t be revealed till you have destroyed all the spheres. So make sure that you explore each section carefully till you reach the top. You can also earn some red stones from the tower. You can attain one before the exit from the tower to the next section if you have 56 white gems collected from the tower.

You can also earn two red stones if you destroy each demon lurking along the walls as you reach top of the tower.Remember that if you missed any demon behind, you won’t be able to go back. So if you want the stone, make sure you kill each demon. First section has two, second has 4 and there are 4 more before you reach the top of the tower.

Chapter 4 – Riders of the Lost Heart

Time to meet George again. Before the big battle, replenish your tanks. Christopher in the courtyard will have some trade items for you. Buy the red stone if you have sufficient white stones that is. Ammo won’t be that important as you will have ample supply during the fight. As George enters, wait some till you find the his weak spot.

You need darkness before you can spot it’s weak point. George’s horse will do the favor for you. You can’t stay in the darkness for a long time though and George will not act as a sitting duck. So don’t forget to move away from the darkness when required. Use teether to spray quick round of bullets at his exposed parts.

As he falls down, be quick and accurate to shoot the core appeared under the fallen horse. The battle isn’t over yet as the horse will stand on it’s hind legs in center of the arena. Target the red core again while you dodge the spears from the sky.

You will have to repeat the pattern a couple of time to bring George to his knees. You aren’t done yet as George now will be transformed into a massive beast. Now there are 9 cores you need to shoot on his huge body. If you rupture one of the cores, he will drop down with pain of a while so yo can shoo other cores in succession. If you are a sharp shooter, there is a possibility that you destroy every core in one downfall.

Keep a safe distance from him or his stomp attacks will inflict a lot of damage. The small creatures emerging from land will hinder your objective. Keep on moving to increase the probability of survival. At the final stage, George will spill out darkness. Before the darkness takes you out, shoot (be accurate) the tubes spilling the goo. After you have defeated the beast, collect the weapon (Skullcussioner) as your reward which will also conclude this act.

Act 3

Chapter 1 – It’s a Bug Hunt

After some strolling and shopping from Christopher, head to the bell tower where you will find hear Paula’s screams once again. It should not be a surprise that the chase ends in a demon confrontation. It’s time to unleash the force of your newly acquired shotgun. Move through the opened door now to the base of the bell tower.

Use the stairs and get to the rooftop. Your path will be interrupted by some weak demons which by now won’t be a problem for you. On the rooftop, grab the bottle of tequila and some ammo before you confront the dominator demon next. Focus on the strong foe first. Stun it using the light attack and then use teether to destroy it’s revealed core.

Deal with the rest of the demons and remove the darkness inside the tower by shooting the goat head near the bell at the top. Paula again. Head back downstairs and you will find a hole now. Enter the hole as you don’t have any other option for now.

In the sewers, three crawlers will approach. Steady your aim as you shoot these fast dwelling demons. A door will unlock but before you proceed, gather ammo and a tequila bottle. Baby needs a strawberry now. You can find it just ahead. Your shotgun will be sufficient for the crawlers that stop you form taking the strawberry. Don’t come back yet rather move further to find a red gemstone.

Across the gate now, as the darkness prevails, you don’t have anything to dispel it. Run through a series of meat gate till you find some light. Shoo the cores to free the door entrances from the vines. Now shoot the medallion to open the meat gates.

Next, you will have to face a Mikami head along with it’s minions. Focus on destroying it’s head as you can’t do anything about the dark demons in the darkness. Once the big head is destroyed, light will return and you can deal with the rest of the two easily.

As you enter the corridor partitioned again with a series of meat gates, darkness come back again. To free the passage, smash through the wooden straps and find the core to destroy it. After the entrance is free from the vines, move through it and plug the hand on the other side.

After you activate the sushi lamp, follow its light across the sewer. Demons that appear will be taken care of by its light. As you enter further down passage in the sewers, save your progress and refill your liquid tanks form the vending machine. Some crawlers will appear next in a room with column towers.

In such a small space the amount of crawlers can be overwhelming but the shotgun is really effecting in these close conditions. Use it take them out quickly before they can spread the darkness. The barrels there can also be used as advantage.

Leave some for the next wave. Armored demons though tough are slow to react. Target their heads for effective removal. After this close combat with the demons, another novel demon will appear (a female this time).

Dodge her till her weakness is revealed. In the darkness, stun her with the light attack first and then hit the revealed red spot. Teether will be more effective in neutralizing her quickly. As she falls, Paula will appear again and disappear into the sewers again.

This time she leaves you a blue stone which is an upgrade to your current boner which will allow you to charge explosives to destroy walls and also act as mines against the object you might be stuck with.

As you proceed further along the sewers, you will end up in a path blockage. Before you destroy the wall to exit, there is a red stone you can collect by destroying the wall that is to the right side of the gut wall. Now to open the exit, fill the glowing spots in the wall with the sticky shots of your upgraded boner. When you explode them (make sure to keep a safe distance), exit will be revealed.

Chapter 2 – Dying Concubine

Out of the sewers now and into the forest. Grab the bottle of tequila and follow the trail to the woods. Before you head deeper, explore the cave area for any useful items. To the left of the cave, a path (clear it using your boner) will lead you to a red stone, some ammo and a bottle of sake.

As you follow the trail to a clearing, a roaring demon will appear. Its red core is visible. Use teether to damage the beast. Don’t miss the opportunity of clear shots as it falls on the ground. The demon on the other hand won’t act like a sitting duck you can just shoot. You need to evade its attacks. You need to roll away at the right time to dodge its attacks.

Gather the loot and cross the bridge. Paula screams for help again. You may want to cross the bridge quickly to save her. A baby demon gate will hinder your progress. No, you can’t jump into the water from the bridge yet as it will only result in your demise rather than a rescue effort. So head back quickly to find a skull to fetch the kid.

You will find it at the center of a clearing. Don’t forget to light the firework launcher. The hand of darkness will appear. You can’t grab the skull without destroying its minions. You have few moments of light (from the fire cracks), so quickly destroy the demons using your shotgun and get back to hand the skull over to the kid. Not yet. Too early to be a true hero.

She disappears again. Instead of being sorry or sad, quickly head to the firecracker launcher to get some light. Beware that demons can attack you while you ignite the launcher. Your shotgun will have a couple of targets needed to be shot.

As you try to ignite the second launcher, two more demons will appear. Quickly ignite it to weaken your foes and then you can get rid of them easily. Light the goat head beside the vending machine to dispel the darkness. Another deceptive Paula.

As you try to cross the wooden bridge, it will break and you will fall into the water below. Head for the shore and then to the forest. You can find a red stone in the cave area to the left. It can be found at the lamp post past the second cave in the series.

You will find your path blocked by the vines. The core is not hard to find embedded In the wall but you need darkness to shoot it. Release the crawler in the cage which can cause darkness for you. Shoot the core to open the gate.

Shoot the goats head to remove the darkness again which will also make the demon vulnerable. Across the gate, another virtual glimpse of drowning Paula.

The darkness will arrive shortly along with some dark demons and a Hammerkop. You can’t harm them in darkness so start searching for light. You will find a goat’s head on the far side of the clearing. Light is back? Time for some payback. The cyber demon that appears next is heavily armored. You can destroy the armor with sticky shots of your boner.

Once its armor is down, shoot It directly and then proceed through the opened door. You will drop again from the wooden bridge ahead. Paula will accompany you in the water and will move to the other side of the lake first before she is drowned again. You will have to face enemies along your path as you strive to save her.

Grab the strawberry and fetch it to the baby demon ahead.
Before that, you can collect a red gemstone on the other side where a big tree trunk blocks the path.

Use the sticky shot from your boner to free the path that will lead you to the stone now. As you leave the lake and after you save your progress, you will find another demon baby crying for human organ. To find a skull move through the door on the left side.

Before you can collect the skull, two Hammerkop demons will appear. Short way to deal with them is that you release the crawler held inside the cave that will call in the darkness acting as a source to get rid of the two strong demons.

The darkness has always some drawbacks though. This time it will be in the form of dark demons that appear afterwards. Quickly now shoot the goat head to dispel the darkness before it is too late. Collect the brain and bring it back to the baby demon.

There she is again. Follow her to the cave. A short path to the right side leads to a gut wall which you can destroy using the sticky shots. There is a red stone up for grabs behind the wall. After you have trade with Christopher, exit through the doors ahead.

Chapter 3 – As Evil as Dead

As you move through the forest again, Paula wants a kiss this time. A kiss of death. You need to run of course. Save your progress and some enemies to deal with before you can ignite the lamp. If you shoot the barrel beneath the lamp, you will spot a red stone.

The path blocked by the wooden log can be cleared using your hot boner’s sticky shot. Shoot the lamp ahead to brighten the area. As you move past the lamp, you will find darkness again but that won’t last long as there will also be a lamp to dispel it.

Don’t forget to grab the bottle of sake on the floor. As you move further through the forest and find another lamp (don’t ignite it yet), Paula will come back but this time she assumes the state of a grim sister (Kauline).

She wants to take revenge which means some trouble for you. Shoot her with the light attacks as she summons the darkness first and then fire some bullets as her weak points are revealed. That was for attack. For defense, you need to dodge scythe attacks.

The darkness she summons also brings her clones that will surround you. Which is the real one? Look for the red blushing clone. As the battle progresses, number of clones will increase making it difficult for you to spot the red clone.

You need to stay sharp or you don’t have any other option as the wrong selection of clone will result in a scythe attack kissing your body. If choose the right one, her red core will reveal and then you know what to do next.

Once she is down, she will leave a blue gem as your reward but a scoundrel hand will appear and will deprive you of your right. Follow the hand to the darkness to claim your reward. The blue gem is on a pedestal in the dark chamber.

Hurry towards it as darkness starts sucking your soul. Don’t forget to take the soul boosters to stay on the safe side. Forget the demons for now and roll away from them to the stone. You can also find a red stone up the stairs to the right side of the path.

The stone offers more damage and a bigger clip. As you grab the stone, you don’t need to worry about the demons as you will be teleported to other place. Baby demon needs an eyeball. Start looking for it. Demons won’t make the task easy for you.

You can use light bash attacks and the sticky shots of your hot boner to clear multiple weak foes. Two Cyber demons will follow the weaker ones. They can’t be dealt with the light bashes only so you need to switch to your sticky shots.

Take out their armor and then you can use your upgraded teether to crush them. Grab the eyeball ahead and fetch it to the baby demon. After the gate, you will spot a sushi lamp. Follow its light and grab a red stone by destroying a barrel along the path.

Enemies might be lurking in the dark so you need to stay put. Collect the red stone along the stone house while following sushi.As you reach the wooden house, some demons need to be punished before your love will appear again. Enter the house.

At first, it may sound a safe place for you but soon you will be overwhelmed with demons coming from different directions. In this close quarter combat use light charge and the finishing moves to remove the demonic creatures effectively.

Paula will appear again, she will push you to the basement where you will find an ammo crate. Christopher will meet you at basement stairs. It’s time to purchase some red gems. Start searching for your lady again.

Soon you will find her on the path leading to the forest. As you move along, ignite the lamp and collect the strawberry near the demon. You don’t need to face the demon. Just pick it up and run away. Fetch it to the baby demon ahead.

You need to be fast as Paula is still at your tail. To make things worse, you need to deal with an enemy group to get an eye ball that can be fetched to the demon baby then.

Your shooting skills will be tested here as if you are late, she will catch up with you and rest won’t be any great. Get the eye to the baby to enter a cabin. The man with the machine gun won’t shoot you so there Is no need to be worried yet.

As you step down from the porch, a new demonic variant (Ninja Demon) will approach. It can teleport and has blades as weapon of destruction. Deal with them fast before they can utilize darkness for teleporting.

After another short sequence (horrible one) with Paula, the butcher demon needs to be confronted. After you have dealt with it, collect the blue stone for another weapon upgrade. Your shotgun will be able to fire 4 shots at once.

As move through the gates to the clearing demons rather test samples for your upgraded weapon will arrive. Up next is Christopher waiting for you to buy some upgrades and stones etc. Exit the level through the door.

Chapter 4 – The Bird’s Nest

As you cross the bridge, Elliot will be your foe. The weak spot is the red core on its belly. Shoot it as fast as you can. Make sure that you dodge his tongue attacks. After you have destroyed the core on the belly, he will expand his wings and more red cores will appear.

You goal remains the same but only this time he will be more aggressive. To dispel the darkness, you need to shoot the red crystals on both sides of the bridge. After his two wings are destroyed, he will fall into the magma but not dead yet. He is a demon so he will get back to the bridge again.

You now need a sticky shot at the base of the feathers to reveal its weak point again. Your upgraded machine gun will work effectively on the red cores. After you have dealt with this crow type creature, you will be awarded a blue stone (like many times before).

It isn’t a weapon upgrade rather a pervert demonic number. No more action except for some erotic female demons to close the chapter.

Act 4

Chapter 1 – The Big Boner

Hammerkop demons are imminent. Johnson will make a new gun which can inflict a lot of damage but has some limitation like the fire rate and it can be fired from a fixed position (no mobility). A well placed of this Big Boner can take out a Hammerkop demon though. Keep an eye on the arrows at the side of the screen to know the the direction of upcoming wave so that you can aim the direction easily.

You can explore the city now if you feel like so. As you move through the darkness, don’t forget to collect the soul booster or you can be consumed by it. Soon you will have a distant glimpse of Paula. After you have passed the shiny exit, you will find a telephone booth. Make a call and then trigger Johnson’s Big Boner again.

The street alignment this time will be different somewhat. The demons will appear on the streets at varied distances making it a bit tough for you to set priorities. Obviously the ones near you need more attention than those which are at distance. And if the road blocks disturb your shooting, aim for the core in the head to get rid of them.

After you have these demons, leave the portal and you will end up In a rocky dark area. Puala will be there to help you set on the right path again. Back to the streets again with a similar case scenario. Johnoson’s Boner’s length is important to slay bigger foes. You can use the same strategy here too but only this time the demons will approach at a faster rate and double in number.

After you have dealt this final wave in the district streets, enjoy the dance ahead and follow into the dark portal for the next level.

Chapter 2 – Great Demon World Village

Like it not, you need to play this 2D section as it isn’t a side quest. Follow the on screen instructions to get used to the new controls functionality now. You must have played side scrolling games? They are easy, aren’t they? Just shoot and move with no real puzzle to solve. You need to do the same thing here. You adjust your aim and shoot at demons as they appear along your path.

You can estimate your health by looking at Garcia’s clothes. If they are worn out, then it is a symbol that you are running short of health. Make sure that you don’t get entangled in any structure in the building as it will be life threatening. This 2D section won’t be short of collectibles though so keep an eye on them too. There are a total of 50 white gems you can collect in this stage and trade them with the white stones.

You can get rid of the cloud of darkness by lightening the goat head. Nothing new except for the fact that it is in a 2D section. You need to shoot Justine to save your progress otherwise if you just fly past her, your progress won’t be saved.

Chapter 3 – Ghost Hunter

As you complete the 2D section of the game, you meet a novel enemy (Antenna Demon) in the library. They can teleport and have strong electric attacks you need to dodge. You need to destroy the plugs first of you want to stop their teleportation. Rest can be taken care of by your Hot Boner. Explore the area for any goodies and leave through the door near the vending machine.

Move to the second floor now (first circle of hell) and deal with the two hollow demons and mask demon first. Even the lamp is lit, there will be darkness to support your foes. You need to focus on one enemy at a time to get rid of the successive waves. You know how to deal with the cyber demon, right? Shoot the head with a sticky shot to remove the armor and then the exposed head is all yours.

Refill your ammo and head for the third floor. You need to open the door at the far end of the balcony for which you need to arrange the bookshelves from the balcony at the lower floor.You can shoot the light bolts to set shelves moving. You need to move them in an order; The extreme left shelve should be moved right and then move it towards your direction (downwards).

Now the third shelf on the left needs to be moved to the right and then downwards in your direction. Now the second shelf on the right should be moved to the left and then away from you. Now the shelve to the extreme right should be first moved to left and then towards you. Then move the same shelve to the right hence it connects to the platform on the second floor.

The shelve now farthest from you should be moved towards you. Move the second shelve to the left now to the right to complete the connecting bridge. Once the shelves are aligned, move through the opened door to the stairs that lead to the second floor. Vines block your passage. Enter the darkens and follow the red lines to the cores which you need to destroy to open the door.

Again, you can’t afford to stay in the darkness for long, so you should take a break after you destroy each core. You can also collect a red gem stone while you destroy the third core. You can find it along the left pathway beside the goat head. Proceed through the door to the second floor. After small enemy waves will approach a Cyber demon. You know now what to do. The armor first and then the fleshy head.

You are not done yet as some more enemies including more another cybershot will appear. Nail them and leave the section through the door. As you move across to the bridge to the other side of the library, Justine will summon two antenna demons.

Destroy the 6 cores first to stop their teleportation and the then shoot your targets. Watch out for their electric shocks though. And yes, there a red stone you can collect before moving across the bridge in the dark section to the right side before the bridge.

Crawlers are back. Don’t allow them to cover the goat head with the darkness. You can use multiple ways to get rid of them. Choose the gun that suits you the most. A Ninja Demon will follow crawlers. Use the light attack first to slow it down and then you can use your shotgun to destroy the creature.

More crawlers will arrive. Light the second goat head as you deal with this second wave. After you are done with these creepy demons, move through the exit revealed to the next floor. Don’t forget to grab the bottle of tequilla though.

Candles, a lot of these. Head to the right to explore the sheleve area. Grab some ammo and crack the growing walls for some extra items along with a red stone. Justine will force you to move to the the first floor. A Giltine Grim makes an appearance. She is ready to chop you down into pieces. Now the strategy is to target the core in her head first and then the one in the abdomen.

After you destroy the first core, darkness will prevail and some fellow demons will also join in the party. A tough time of course and you skills you have gathered so far in the game will be tested. Stay focused and ultimately you will get rid of her. You need to dodge her blade attacks and the soul boosters will serve as life line for you.

If you shoot the goat on the wall In haste, it will prolong the battle as the second core will be visible only in darkness. You can also maker her to kill the accompanying demons for you. Stand in their horde and mock at her, she will strike at you in rage but before her attack hits you, you need to move away at the right time. This will remove the side forces without any major trouble and you will be able to concentrate on your main foe.

After you have killer the troublesome female demon, you will receive another weapon (The Dentist). Its an upgraded version of Teethgrinder and is effective due to its automatic targeting. Move through the opened door to the basement. You need to fetch baby demon something to open the door.

As you explore shelves in search of the required item, keep a low profile till you find a sushi lamp around the corner. You will face some demons which will attack you as you follow sushi’s light. You will find a red stone in between the two shelves if you move forward from the first turn taken by Sushi.

As the gate opens (It is slow) you will be attacked by demons. I will say that they are here to kill your leisure time . In a narrow combat zone, shotgun is always a good option. Christopher is here for some trade. After you are done with buying and selling, proceed furhter along the hallway beside to find the skull. Some enemies will try to hinder your objective but that should not be a big problem for you.

You have the skull now, feed it to the baby demon to open the gate an advance to the next level.

Chapter 4 – Great Demon World Forest

It was a village before and now it’s a forest. You can either go forward or backwards. Just focus your aim and grab the collectibles. There will be a couple of tough sections in this area but you will clear them if you just shoot effectively. You know the tricks of the trade and the nature of the enemies you face. This will help you proceeding this section fast. Still stuck? Mention it in comments and I will look into your trouble.

Chapter 5 – Suburban Nightmares

To get to the suburban area, you need to pass through a series of caves crawling with enemies. Cross the small bridge and you will face the first enemy resistance in the level. First paralyze by shooting at their legs and then stomp these creatures for some white gems. More will attack at the next bridge. Beware of the slash attacks of pyschoarm demon.

The network of the wooden bridges ahead will be crawled by the crowzers. They will spit bloody crows of course. Shoot them one by one. Be quick to knock them out before the crows overwhelm you. Your newly acquired automatic weapon will prove handy as you can shoot these crowzers behind the cover from distance. But remember that you need to have a lock on first before you can shoot them.

Move down the plateau and move across the long bridge to reach the other side of the cave. Destroy the wall and after saving your progress, guess what? More crowzers will enter the arena. Take the first one with your hot boner while the rest (which are distant from You) can be dealt with the dentist.

As you move to the clearing now, guts wall will block the passage. That is not it as more of those creepy crow spitting demons will appear. Be evasive and take them out with your shotgun. Break the wall now (don’t forget to grab the red stone inside the barrel near the bridge.

It will be guarded by a crowzer though. Sushi lamp at your service inside the cave. Follow its light to exit the cave and finally reach the suburb area. Head left from the exit and move along till you find that the path is blocked by a baby demon gate. As you enter the yard, tombstones will raise hinting a tough closed fight. Witchdog demons at your service.

There is no use of shooting its body as these creatures are well protected by a case. It’s weak point (belly) is the option then. You will have to roll away quickly as it spins towards you. You can use the light attacks to stun them and then use the tombstones as cover. They will try to attack you and be smashed by the tombstone walls.

Once the witchdog is history, head into the house to use the vending machine. A demon will attack so watch out as you enter the house. Head to the backyard now and as you move towards the catwalk there, you will spot a Cyber demon along with gloomy darnkness.

You can’t fight the demon in the dark so avoid it and move on reach a fireworks launcher. You will have to break the wooden fence to reach it. Dispel the darkness through it . Beyond the gate covered with darkness vines is the source of darkness. So, you need to find the cores first to get rid of the darkness.

Move up to the ramp and use another firework launcher. You know how to find the cores right? Follow the red veins originating from the door and you will pinpoint the location of each core. With each core destroyed, the door will open and then you can plug the darkness hand with Johnson’s help.

Move into the house behind the hand for some trade with Christopher. Explore the area behind Christopher’s shop to find a red stone behind the darkness vines.Then move along the street to the chapel where you catch sight of Paula again. She will be dragged by Justine. Not fair? There has been nothing fair so far. You need to find a way around to get inside the chappel.

Head to the graveyard to the left side of the chappel. Baby demon wants an eyeball. Demons will spawn as you enter the graveyard. To make the masked demons among them more visible, you should the light lamp just beside the entrance. Three crowzers will attack afterwards. Toss a sticky shot on them and then detonate it to get rid of all three at once. The remnants if any can be dealt with simple shots.

Behind the gut wall is the strawberry you are looking for. Wait, there are a couple of witchdogs first you need to deal with. Expose their weak spots by tossing sticky shots at them or forcing them to hit a hard surface. You still can’t enter the church yet as you need a skull now for another demon baby.

Move back to the baby gate beside the entrance from the cave to the suburb area. Inside the house, you will find an eyeball. After collecting the loot in the house, head back to the chapel’s gate to the right side closest to Christopher’s shop. Your short trips will be accpmpanied by demons.

Enter the door to reach the garden. Before you grab the skull there, a seizing hand will appear which will surround the skull. It’s not for the first time though. That’s not it, you will have to fight a series of demons finding their way toward you. Stay put and use the light attacks to stun the stronger foes before inflicting the final blows.

After the long tiring encounter, grab the skull and feed it to the baby to finally enter the chappel. It’s Paual again, no it isn’t. Its Justine in her disguise. Whatever, as she leaves you in darkness, shoot the cores to opent he dark vines gate to proceed to the next level.

Chapter 6 – Justine For All

It’s the final 2D section now. So bare a little more if it offends you. For the most part it will remain same as most of the other 2D sections you have played before with small variations. Beware of Justine as she floats towards you. If you touch her, you will loose health. The advantage of choosing one path through the clouds is that you don’t have to face only demons that are along your chosen path.

It’s time to close the chapter with a fight with Justine. She will transform into a large monster. Don’t waste time being shocked rather start shooting at the glass case covering her skull. Destroy the three plugs and the helmet will be yellow. Now it’s time that you toss her some light shots which will force her to remove the helmet.

Don’t forget that you need to shoot the rain droplets falling from above to avoid the damage. Her grasp may look threatening but it won’t harm you. Keep on shooting at her till she is done and dusted.

You will be rewarded with a Skullblaster (you can combine 4 skulls into one massive shot with this weapon) and a way outside this creepy section. If you have been able to acquire all 50 white gems in the level, you will be rewarded with a red stone.

Act 5

Chapter 1 – Twelve Feet Under

Move through the corridor to reach a room with multiple chambers. There are few demons behind the bars that are quite for now. As you approach them, an electric shock will smoke life into Electrodiode demons. These new variants use rush attacks which you need to dodge.

You can use your dentist to auto aim the red diodes at its back. It’s wise that you use the short burst attacks to keep an eye on its charged attacks. If you get caught, make sure that you press the onscreen buttons quick enough before it is too late. Don’t forget to grab the red stone in the barrels beside the chamber holding the demons.

Grab the eyeball and feed it to the baby demon you saw in the corridor. You will face a little resistance though so keep that in mind. After you grab the strawberry for another demon gate in the section where you just fought the Electrodiode demon, witchdog will enter the arena. Make it smash against the wall during its spin attack and then quickly fire a couple of skullshot rounds to bring it down.

Before you fetch the strawberry to the baby demon, you need to deal with two more witchdogs. Stick to the basic strategy we used earlier and you won’t have any trouble. In the next section, as you trace the red line from the darkness of vines gate to the core, you will find that some force won’t let you reach the core. Here you can use your skullshot’s new upgrade and launch and explosive charge toward the core to destroy it.

Paula will disappear again as you move downstairs. There is a baby demon gate which requires an eyeball across the stairs. Some stairs also lead to an open door to the right. Head inside to reach a room with a skull inside. As you proceed further towards the skull, a Dominator Demon will interrupt your progress. Stun it with light attack and then use the skullshot to get rid of it in no time.

Break the wooden crate there to reveal a red stone. You have the eyeball now. Get back upstairs and give it to the crying demon. Across the gate, you primary task is to thin down darkness by lighting the goat’s head. It’s bowling time now so standing on the wooden platform, use skullshot (skulls) charges to hit the pins on the far side.

You will receive a skull as a reward which you can use to open the gate in the rotunda downstairs. But before you can cross the gate, a group of different enemies will attack. Use the light attacks followed by Skullshots to remove them effectively. You can also use the hot boner though. The choice is yours.

Across the gate, you will soon see Willie so that you can save your progress. Paula is scary this time; you need to run away from her. You can use light attack to stun her for a moment to give yourself a breathing space. Quickly remove the blockage along your path and get across the door to leave her behind. As you move through the corridor, grab the tequila bottle standing on the coffin.

Several plugs in the room indicate that the Antenna Demons are imminent. They are accompanied by the dark demons and a crawler. You can’t let crawler to spread darkness so deal with it first. Then, Antenna demons should be your target. You need to destroy the plugs first so that their teleportation is stopped first.

After you are done with them, move through the door to a series of dark catacombs. Follow the red vein and shoot the core before you move downstairs.

You need to power up the blindness hand above and the source is somewhere behind the gates covered with darkness vines. Red veins from these gates are intersecting each other at one point. You can trace the cores of these gates though. You will find a red stone where you use the skullbuster charge to destroy the core inside a barrel. Make sure that you collect any soul boosters in the section to keep moving through the darkness.

Destroy the source of powering the blind hand to free the goat’s head from its grip. Ignite it now for some light. This will also reveal your further pathway. At the end of the hall past the door, turn right to meet Christopher and for some purchasing and selling. Just when you feel that you have reached the dead end, Hammerkop demon will enter through the wooden wall.

To take it down, you can use the alternate strategy. Destroy the generator first to free the goat’s head from the blindness hand. Now, free the crawler behind the bar so it can spread the darkness. It will kill the demon. You now can deal with the crawler. If you find it hectic then engage it directly and target it’s red spots with your dentist.

A bottle there beside the generator will be useful to replenish your health when needed. There is still no way out? Notice the baby demon gate enclosing a skull. It needs a strawberry though to open the gate. Head back to the place where you met Christopher earlier. You will find an opened door there. The strawberry you are seeking is near another baby demon gate. You can fetch this baby demon the skull you will find after opening the other gate downstairs.

You won’t be able to grab it straight away though as Paula won’t allow you to. Move away from her and grab it quickly before she pounces on you. Pop this strawberry to the baby demon downstairs and get the skull behind it. Head back upstairs (no more Paula) and open the gate to reach Fleming’s castle.

Chapter 2 – Different Perspectives

You are at Fleming’s courtyard. As you open the door, you will find the section full of demons. No, it’s not a dream but reality you need to face. As you enter the gate, deal with the Punkgut enemies that attack you first. You can use the barrel strategically to knock out a group of demons at the right time.

After you deal with the first wave, two witchdogs will enter. You can force it to strike the wall (use taunting like before) or you can smack it’s back with your skullshot. At the end, two Electrodiode enemies will appear. Use the Dentist for auto-aiming the cores at their backs. Once you are done with them, you can enter the castle through the opened door.

Keep on moving till you reach a room with multiple stone blocks inside. You can’t move each block. Red blocks are of your interest. Move the T shaped block first to make a connection to another control box.

Using this box now, move the stairs near the main platform There is some ammo in the crates. Also don’t forget to grab the red stone as you position the red block.

Through the gate above the stairs and you will be attacked by as masked demon and crowzer. Skullshot or hot boner are sufficient for them. Continue down to the stairs to the left. The barricaded door can be opened by lighting the goat. So, adjust the block such that you can reach the stairs leading to the goat.

There is also a bottle of tequila on the block beside. Now readjust the gate such that you can reach the gate. A set of two stairs, one will lead to the block while other to the gate. After sometime of exploration, Punkgut demons will appear. You skullshot should deal with them. After that, Pyschoarms will enter the arena followed by Masked demons. Shotgun all the way.

Hold your ground as more enemies including the crowzer will test your skills. Keep it cool and use the shotgun for the most part. To proceed through the section, you need to align the two arbitrary blocks along the door.

After the first one, cyber demon will attack. After dealing with it, align the second block. The gate will open if the blocks are aligned correctly and a bridge formed will lead you to it. A couple of enemies will attack after the gate. Combination of hot boner with the skullshot will be worthy.

The darkness is inevitable. So leave the cyber demon for the time being and search for light. Look at the spinning block to the right of the bridge. As it rotates, you will find the goat head you need to light.

You can also find a couple of gem stones in the area where stairs connect the blocks. You will have to reposition the block at the far side to make way for yourself where it apparently seems to be a dead end.

As you try to adjust the block to reveal an opening, darkness will prevail. You can’t get rid of it just yet so be quick to align the platform. There are no soul boosters in the section so you will have to rely on your health which means that if you don’t liquor, you are done for this task. You can use the vending machine to grab some drinks.

Once you are successful in revealing the exit, Christopher will meet you on the other side. It’s for the final time that you will see Christopher so spend everything you have to buy useful items.

Chapter 3 – Castle of Hassle

You need to get to the top of the tower to face your ultimate foe. You can remove the blockage by stone walls using the sticky shots. Move through the door to the right and grab the bottle of tequila in the center of the room.

Demons of dark will join in the party. Cyber demons along with some other demons will attack next. Leave the cyber demons first and deal with the other foes. For cyber demons obviously, you need to break the armor and then shoot to get rid of them. Move through the opened door to a dark portal. You can’t stay here for longer so hurriedly move towards the exit.

Before you get back to the tower path to the top, it’s time to play the game. Shoot the skullbuster to destroy the cores at the base first. You may have to try a couple of times before you can successfully lodge the grenade inside. There is also some ammo beside so feel free to take your shots. You can also earn a red stone if you kill the two demons inside. You can collect them from the exit portal.

Move through the door and move then the dark section to get back to your main path. Keep on moving till you end up in a room with two punkguts and an electrodiode. Punkguts are first in queue and then you can deal with the electric demon.

Beware of its charge attacks though. Baby demon needs a strawberry. You can find it behind one of the gates of dark portals present in the room. As you explore the portal to the right with filthy environment, the middle opening at the end of the room has a strawberry inside the cage along with three demons.

A couple of skullshots will be sufficient for these demons. The cage door will open. Grab the strawberry now and fetch It to the baby demon to open the door. After a dark section, you will reach an elevator that will lead you to Fleming. Before you enter the elevator, make sure that you refill your tanks using the crates in the area.

Chapter 4 – The Final Chapter

The six eyed freak is finally in front of you. Of course, you are the good guy but this villain won’t go down that easily. You start off with dodging his basic attacks. Roll away at the right moments or you will be tossed. Moving along the perimeter of the room will give you some advantage in dodging his attacks.

Keep an eye on his for-head as it turns pin, he will launch massive bolt attacks which you also need to dodge. You can’t damage his yet so don’t waste your bullets. He will summon darkness. His attacks won’t stop though. You can hit him with your skullblaster in between the attacks. Splattering of blood indicates the damage.

After you have inflicted sufficient damage (use hot boner at the end), his body will shatter into three parts which you need to take care of. You will have to destroy his body two more times into pieces to bring him down. His attacks will become more intense after each cycle. For the green field he sets up to shield your attacks has holes above which you can exploit to shoot. The darkness hand he summons is real tough task to avoid.

Roll away at the right time to avoid being sucked by the darkness. Once you have destroyed the final piece of his body, your long tiring effort will bear fruit and you finally will get to meet Paula, for real this time. The happiness is short lived though.

Chapter 5 – Till Death Do Us Part

She thinks you as a devil and wants her revenge. What? Yes, true. Now if you are out of shock already, grab the eye ball and feed it to the baby crying for it. As Paula follows you, you should hit her red wings. You can dodge her attacks by rolling away at the right moment.

The dark demons summoned by her will hinder your primary target. The best thing to do is avoid them as much as you can and focus on shooting her wings. After you have destroyed her wings, she will move through the white portal. Pursue her and you will find her back on the wings (4 remaining).

As you target her 4 wings simultaneously with the dentist, make sure that you keep on walking and rolling forward so that the darkness behind you does not catch up. Keep on shooting at her wings and dodging her attacks to take her anger. You won’t kill her but after a stretch of darkness like the falling curtains, Garcia will be back with the love of his life. Everything has to end well after all.

Общие сведения:

Сложность достижений: 4/10 (в зависимости от ваших навыков)

Оффлайн: 50 (1000 )

Приблизительное время до выбивания 1000: 20+ часов

Минимальное количество прохождений:3 (на каждом уровне сложности)

Достижения, которые можно пропустить:Нет выбора главы, так что все не сюжетные достижения сложно будет получить при первом прохождении. Например, для того чтобы получить достижение “High in Las Vegas” вам нужно будет собрать все драгоценные камни за 1 прохождение игры.

Блокируют ли чит-коды достижения?: Чит-кодов нет

Влияет ли сложность на достижения?: Нет

Глючные достижения: Нет, хотя у некоторых игроков возникают проблемы с получением достижения “High in Las Vegas”.

Не добываемые достижения: Нет

Дополнительные условия: Нет

Шаг 1. Пройдите игру на уровне сложности «Lemon Hunter» и соберите драгоценные красные камни.

На первый взгляд может показаться, что вы играете на самом тяжелом уровне сложности, однако, если вы пройдете игру на тяжелом уровне сложности, то соответственно вы получите больше достижений, чем при прохождении игры на легком и среднем уровне сложности. Таким образом, начинайте проходить игру на уровне сложности«Lemon Hunter», для тогочтобы сосредоточиться на сборе всех 80 красных камней. На этом уровне сложности вы сможете получить достижение "High in Las Vegas" и купить 42 красных камней у Кристофера.

Кроме этого, вы можете разблокировать все сюжетные достижения,а так же связанные с оружием. Не беспокойтесь о получении других достижений. Проходите игру на легком уровне сложности, чтобы сосредоточиться на получении каждого красного драгоценного камня, поскольку они облегчат ваше прохождение.

Шаг 2. Пройдите игру на уровне сложности «Legion Hunter», а так же получите достижения связанные с оружием.

От легкого к сложному - теперь серьезнее подойдите к получения достижений, связанных с оружием. При прохождении игры на легком уровне сложности вы получили все сюжетные достижения и собрали все драгоценные красные камни, так что теперь вы можете начать проходить игру на уровне сложности «Legion Hunter» и выполнять более сложные задачи.

Вы захотите, получить достижения, которые связанные с навыками, но стоит отметить, что легче будет выполнить некоторые задач на тяжелом уровне сложности. Например, для получения достижения “The Puppetee r”, вам потребуется оторвать ногу демона, а затем отстрелить его голову. На легком уроне сложности вы случайно можете убить демона с одного выстрела или же сделать слишком много выстрелов по нижней части тела.

Пройдите игру во второй раз, для того чтобы разблокировать достижения связанные с оружием (которые вы не получили во время первого прохождения игры).

Шаг 3. Пройдите игру на уровне сложности «Demon Hunter».

После этого, вы должны будете пройти игру в третий раз. Вам предстоит это сделать уровне сложности «Demon Hunter». Помните о том, что вы должны будете в состоянии пройти игру всего за несколько часов.

You Go To Hell 5

В первый раз выберите «Новая игра»в главном меню игры.

Описание достижения говорит само за себя. Просто выберите пункт «Новая игра»в главном меню игры.

An Ordinary Life 15

Пройдите первую главу в первом акте.

Это сюжетное достижение, получение которого нельзя пропустить. Достижение разблокируется после прохождения первой главы в первом акте.

Take Me To Hell 15

Пройдите первую главу во втором акте.

Adios George (Human Form) 20

Уничтожьте человеческую форму Джорджа.

Cannibal Carnival 15

Пройдите вторую главу во втором акте.

What a Wonderful World 15

Пройдите третью главу во втором акте.

Adios George (Beast Form) 20

Уничтожьте звериную форму Джорджа.

Riders of the Lost Heart 15

Пройдите четвертую главу во втором акте.

Это сюжетное достижение, получение которого нельзя пропустить. Достижение разблокируется после прохождения четвёртой главы во втором акте.

Don"t Fear the Reaper 1 20

Уничтожьте Мараш Грим.

Если вам нужна помощь в прохождении этого босса, то тогда взгляните на это видео:

It"s a Bughunt 15

Пройдите первую главу в третьем акте.

Это сюжетное достижение, получение которого нельзя пропустить. Достижение разблокируется после прохождения первой главы в третьем акте.

My Dying Concubine 15

Пройдите вторую главу в третьем акте.

Это сюжетное достижение, получение которого нельзя пропустить. Достижение разблокируется после прохождения второй главы в третьем акте.

Don"t Fear the Reaper 2 20

Уничтожьте Каулин Грим.

Если вам нужна помощь в прохождении этого босса, то тогда посмотрите это видео:

As Evil As Dead 15

Пройдите третью главу в третьем акте.

Annoying Mosquito 20

Уничтожьте звериную форму Элиота.

Если вам нужна помощь в прохождении этого босса, то тогда взгляните на это видео:

The Bird"s Nest 15

Пройдите четвертую главу в третьем акте.

Это сюжетное достижение, получение которого нельзя пропустить. Достижение разблокируется после прохождения четвёртой главы в третьем акте.

The Big Boner 15

Пройдите первую главу в четвертом акте.

Great Demon World Village 15

Пройдите вторую главу в четвертом акте.

Это сюжетное достижение, получение которого нельзя пропустить. Достижение разблокируется после прохождения второй главы в четвертом акте.

Don"t Fear the Reaper 3 20

Уничтожьте Гильтине Грим.

Ghost Hunter 15

Пройдите третью главу в четвертом акте.

Это сюжетное достижение, получение которого нельзя пропустить. Достижение разблокируется после прохождения третьей главы в четвертом акте.

Great Demon World Forest 15

Пройдите четвертую главу в четвертом акте.

Это сюжетное достижение, получение которого нельзя пропустить. Достижение разблокируется после прохождения четвёртой главы в четвертом акте.

Suburban Nightmares 15

Пройдите пятую главу в четвертом акте.

Flat Lust 20

Уничтожьте Жустин.

Justine For All 15

Пройдите шестую главу в четвертом акте.

Это сюжетное достижение, получение которого нельзя пропустить.Достижение разблокируется после прохождения шестой главы в четвертом акте.

Twelve Feet Under 15

Пройдите первую главу в пятом акте.

Different Perspective 15

Пройдите вторую главу в пятом акте.

Это сюжетное достижение, получение которого нельзя пропустить. Достижение разблокируется после прохождения второй главы в пятом акте.

The Castle of Hassle 15

Пройдите третью главу в пятом акте.

Это сюжетное достижение, получение которого нельзя пропустить. Достижение разблокируется после прохождения третьей главы в пятом акте.

I Defeated the Last Big Boss! 20

Убейте Флеминга.

Если вам понадобилась помощь в прохождении этого босса, то тогда посмотрите это видео:

The Final Chapter 15

Пройдите четвертую главу в пятом акте.

Это сюжетное достижение, получение которого нельзя пропустить. Достижение разблокируется после прохождения четвёртой главы в пятом акте.

Love Suicide 20

Убейте Паулу.

Если вам понадобилась помощь в прохождении этого босса, то тогда взгляните на это видео:

Till Death Do Us Part 15

Пройдите пятую главу в пятом акте.

Это сюжетное достижение, получение которого нельзя пропустить. Достижение разблокируется после прохождения пятой главы в пятом акте.

Lemon Hunter 20

Пройдите все главы на легком уровне сложности.

Просто пройдите все главы на сложности “Lemon Hunter”.

Demon Hunter 50

Пройдите все главы на нормальном уровне сложности.

Просто пройдите все главы на сложности “Demon Hunter”.

Legion Hunter 100

Пройдите все главы на тяжелом уровне сложности.

Просто пройдите все главы на сложности “Legion Hunter”.

Blood on the Dance Floor 15

Затопчите 10 врагов.

Отстреливайте демонам ноги, а затем подходите к ним нажимайте кнопку , для того чтобы добить их ногой. Проделайте это 10 раз в течение одного прохождения, и вы получите это достижение. Видео-гид:

A Hole In Your Head 20

Сделайте пять выстрелов в голову подряд из Big Boner.

Это достижение можно разблокировать только в 1 главе 4 акта. Вы должны будете сделать пять выстрелов в голову подряд в течение этого уровня. Стремитесь попадать в красное ядро на демонах Hammerkop и стреляйте только тогда, когда вы будете уверены в том, что сможете попасть. Выстрелы в голову должны быть последовательными. Видео-гид:

Nasty Headache 20

Сделайте пять выстрелов в голову подряд из любого оружия.

Без сомнения, это самое сложное достижение в игре. Вы должны будете сделать пять последовательных выстрелов голову, при этом не делать никаких действий между убийствами. Кроме того не забывайте о том, что вы всегда можете прицеливаться.

Для получения этого трудного достижения вы должны обладать внушительным количеством навыков. Лучшее всего это сделать в озере, где вы погрузитесь в воду, для того чтобы спасти Паулу в 3 акте 2 главы. Демоны будут бесконечно прибывать - это позволит вам попробовать делать выстрелы в голову до тех пор, пока это вам не надоест.

Держитесь от них подальше и не подходите близко к цели. Хотя это кажется парадоксальным, но в этом есть два своих преимущества. Во-первых, демоны не начнут вас атаковать, если вы будете держаться от них подальше. Во-вторых, вы сможете сосредоточиться на целях, пока на вас не будут нападать демоны. Будьте терпеливыми и вы обязательно получите это достижение.

Так же есть еще один действительно легкий способ. В 3 акте во 2 главе (болотный уровень), убейте малыша обезьяны (которого вы выпустите из клетки), прежде чем он задует огни. Стреляйте в его голову - повторите ещё четыре раза и достижение разблокируется. Видео-гид:

The Puppeteer 30

Выстрелите в голову врага сразу после того как отстрелите ему ногу, до того как он упадёт.

Это сложное достижение, хотя не такое уж сложное, как “Nasty Headache ”. Оно проще, так как вам необходимо сделать это все раз.

Сначала вам нужно будет отстрелить ногу демона, а затем быстро стрельнуть в его голову, когда он будет падать. Не существует никакого трюка с помощью которого можно это сделать - это чистый навык. Обратите внимание, что вы можете сделать это только с Hallow, Normal, Punkgut и Psychoram демонами. Будьте терпеливыми и вы достигните своей цели. Небольшой видео-гид:

Fire in the Hole! 15

Убейте одновременно трёх врагов при помощи одной бочки света.

Есть только несколько способов, для того чтобы открыть это достижение.

Первый шанс выпадет в 1 главе 2 акта, вскоре после того как вы узнаете о бочках света. Там есть небольшой дворик и несколько демонов, которые попытаются напасть на вас (тот же двор с колонной, за которой расположен драгоценный красный камень). Воспользуйтесь одной из световых бочек (которые находятся у стен), для того чтобы победить демонов.

Но лучше всего это сделать в 3 главе 2 акта, после первой встречи с Кристофером. Когда вы будете идти по темной пещере, то на вас нападут три демона. Выстрелите в них светом, когда они подойдут к вам.

Другое хорошее место для получения этого достижения находится в начале 1 главы 3 акта. Когда вы подойдете к колокольне, в которой удерживают в плену Паулу, на вас нападут демоны. Убейте с первого выстрела.Видео-гид:

Fiesta Callente! 30

Убейте одновременно пять противников при помощи Hot Boner.

На самом деле это легко сделать. Используйте бомбу-липучку, для того чтобы за один раз убить 5 врагов. Главное знать, где и когда это сделать. Вы сможете это сделать, когда будет большое количество врагов. Легче всего сделать при игре на уровне сложности Lemon Hunter и Demon Hunter, так как демоны будут слабее.

Есть одно хорошее место в конце 3 главы 3 акта. После случайной встречи с Эллиотом и полковником (чья жена была убита), демоны начнут выходить из пещеры. Выстрелите липучкой и подождите пока враги к ней подбегут, а затем взорвите её. Видео-гид:

Trash"em while they"re out! 15

Выполните все пять уникальных видов казни, пока враги будут заморожены от выстрела света.

Отстрелите ногу врагу, затем подойдите к нему и нажмите кнопку действия, для того чтобы выполнить специальное убийство (казнь). Это можно сделано только на земле с такими демонами: Normal , Punkgut и Psychoram .

По всей вероятности, вы должны будете сделать больше, чем пять казней. Есть пять различных казней, но всех их можно сделать только случайным образом: другими словами, нет никакого способа, для того чтобы выбрать определенный вид казни. Достижение откроется после того как вы казните более 5 врагов. Все виды казней:

The Talkative One 15

Убейте 20 врагов при помощи Teether.

Вы получите Teether после победы над человеческой формой Джорджа во 2 главе 2 акта. Убейте20 демонов, перед тем как оружие обновится до Teethgrinder в 3 акте 3 главы. После обновления, убийства не будут засчитываться за это достижение.

Meatballs Lover 15

Убейте 30 врагов при помощи Skullcussioner.

Вы получите Skullcussioner после уничтожения звериной формы Джорджа в 4 главе 2 акта. Убейте 30 демонов, перед тем как обновится оружие до Skullfest 9000 в 3 акте 3 главы. После обновления, убийства не будут засчитываться за это достижение.

That"s So Hot! 15

Убейте 20 врагов при помощи Hot Boner.

Вы получите улучшенную версию Hot Boner после победы над Мараш Грим в 1 главе 3 акта. Совершите 20 убийств до конца игры.

The Orthodontist 15

Убейте 30 врагов при помощи Teethgrinder.

После победы над Каулин Грим, и получением Teethgrinder в 3 акте 3 главы, убейте 30 врагов, покаоружие не обновится до The Dentist в 4 акте 3 главы. После обновления, убийства не будут засчитываться за это достижение.

Now That"s a Big Fuckin" Gun 15

Убейте 40 врагов с использованием Skullfest 9000.

Skullfest 9000 станет доступным в конце 3 главы 3 акта. Совершите 40 убийств, прежде чем дойдете до 4 акта 6 главы (оружие обновится до Skullblaster ). После обновления, убийства не будут засчитываться за это достижение.

Orthodontic Pleasure 15

Убейте 50 врагов с использованием The Dentist.

Вы получите The Dentist после победы над Гильтине Грим в 3 главе 4 акта. Вам нужно будет совершить 50 убийств до конца игры. Используйте его как можно чаще, для того чтобы убедиться в том, что вы убили не менее 50 демонов.

Skullblaster Master 15

Убейте 50 врагов с использованием Skullblaster.

Вы получите Skullblaster в 6 главе 4 акта, после чего вы должны будете сделать 50 убийств. Используйте его как можно чаще в 5 акте.

Drunk In Public 10

Выпейте три бутылки любого алкоголя за один раз.

Соберите три бутылки выпивки в 1 главе 2 акта, а затем выпейте 3 бутылки подряд. Это все что от вас потребуется, для того чтобы получить это простое достижение. Стоит отметить, что вы не должны быть ранеными при использовании алкоголя. Пейте так:

Stingy Bastard 10

Соберите более 300 белых камней.

Во время первого прохождения игры, не покупайте что-нибудь в торговых автоматах или у Кристофера, пока не соберете 300 драгоценных камней. Вы должны получить это достижение в конце 3 главы 2 акта, после первой встречи с Кристофером. Как только в вашем инвентаре будет находиться 300 белых камней, достижение разблокируется, и вы сможете их потратить по своему усмотрению.

High in Las Vegas 75

Соберите все красные драгоценные камни в игре.

В общей сложности в игре можно найти 80 красных драгоценных камней. Собирайте на локациях с респауном врагов как можно больше белых камней (на них вы сможете купить красные камни). Видео-гид по нахождению всех драгоценных камней:

Перевод - dedpyl. Редактирование - Madnfs