Описание мода All-U-Want Inventory Editor. Функциональные возможности мода All-U-Want Inventory Editor

All-U-Want Mod Minecraft is a mod that works like a very famous mod, .However, when you are looking for an inventory editor, All-U-Want Mod seems to be the better one. What can you do with this mod?

  • access any items in the game and give your player that item
  • allow you to create custom items
  • enchant a weapon up to any level you want.

Screenshots and Tutorials:

(TL;DR: open your inventory and push ‘r’ over an inventory slot to open the GUI)

First, put your mouse on the inventory slot you want items in, then push ‘r’ to open this GUI. You can use this to give yourself new items or change values on existing items. The slot you just selected is now at the top left of the screen.

Click on the item you want on the left to select it, and it will appear in the slot on the top left. To see the rest of the items click on the arrows in the bottom left. You can also search for items by typing their name in the “search” box. I clicked on the sponge block.

Now you can modify the sponge. Find out how to modify items in the other spoilers. Once you’re done modifying the sponge, click “save”. The sponge is now in your inventory! If you don’t like the changes you made to that slot, press “cancel” or the escape key and your inventory won’t change.

If you want to give yourself more (or less) sponges, type the number of sponges you want in the “stack count” box. The slot on the top left now has the amount of sponges you chose.

You can enter numbers less than 1 and more than 64, but the items might act weird.Certain attributes of items are controlled by their damage value, like wool color, tool and armor durability, and wood type. There are two ways to change the damage value of the item you want to give yourself. You can enter a number in the “damage” box or you can click on the buttons with numbers on them at the bottom of the screen. This is useful for potions. Here is select wool, than enter the number 14 for red.

If you want your item to have a custom name, just type they custom name into the “item name” box.

If you want your item to have text on multiple lines, you can use lore text. For the first line of lore text, type the text you want in the “lore line” box. If you want more lines click on the right arrow next to the “lore line” box and type more text. To go back to previous lines click the left arrow. To remove a line click “remove line”.

The repair cost controls how much it costs to rename or repair something in an anvil. It gets bigger every time you repair something. To change the repair cost, type it into the “repair cost” box. The repair cost won’t be visible on an item until you use it in an anvil.

If you put a piece of leather armor in the slot at the top left, a new text box will pop up called “armor color in hex”. To change the color of the armor put a hex color value in that box. Use google to find the color you want if you don’t know how hex colors work.

To give yourself player heads with player names, first give yourself a head. If you use the mod, they’re on the last page and named “head”. Once it’s in the slot at the top left, a new text box will appear called “player head name”. Type the exact name of the player you want to have the head of. The damage will change to 3 because it needs to for the player name to work.

If you have a written book and you want to change the author or name of the book, two text boxes will appear named “author” and “title”. Change these to change the author and name of the book.

To edit the contents of the book, either change the id in the “item id” box to 386 or pick “Book and Quill” from the item selection (second to last page). Then click “save” and you can edit the book again. When you want to sign it again re-enter the author and title.


To add enchantments to an item, select the item by putting it in the slot at the top left, then push the “enchantments” button. Select an enchantment from the list at the left, choose the enchantment’s level with the “enchant level” text box at the right, and click “add enchant”. The enchantment will be added to the list. You can add as many enchantments to the list as you want, because the list scrolls. To remove an enchantment, click on it, then click “remove enchant”. When you’ve added all the enchantments you want click “done”.

Enchantment levels can be between -32768 and 32767.

To get custom enchantment books, first give yourself a blank one (“Enchanted Book”, last page, id 403). A button will appear called “book enchants”. When you click on it you will see the same GUI for regular enchantments; it works the same way. Note: you can give yourself enchanted books with any enchantments but sometimes anvils will cap them

To get a potion with potion effects, just find the one you want on pages 6-8.If you want even better effects though, click on a potion then click the “custom potions” button. To add a potion effect, first select the effect you want on the left, then enter the potions level in the “strength” box and the potions duration in the “duration” box. The time is in ticks, where 20 ticks = 1 second (1000 ticks = 50 seconds). Then, click “add” to add the potion effect to the list. You can have unlimited potion effects, since the list scrolls. If you want to remove a potion effect, click on it then click “remove”.

If you want to modify something about a potion effect like it’s duration or level, click on it then click “edit”. The “edit” button now says “done”, and now the text boxes have the values of that effect and the effect that it uses is selected on the left. You can change the numbers in the text boxes and which effect on the left is selected then click “done” (NOT “save”) and the potion effect in the list will be changed. Here I change the 100 ticks to 1000 ticks.

Potion levels can go from -128 to 127 (what do negative ones do?) and durations can go up to 2,147,483,648.

Tutorial coming soon, until then click on the “Firework Rocket” (last page, id 401), click “fireworks”, and see what all the buttons do.

colored and formatted text:

In order to do formatted text, you need to type a §. On windows hold alt then type 0167 on the numeric keypad, on mac hold option then type 6. Or you can just push the “§” button in the GUI. Here are all the color and format codes, except use § instead of &: http://ess.khhq.net/mc/ For example, if I type §bBlue into the “item name” box, the items name will be blue. It will also show up blue in the text box.

If you make a really cool item with tons of enchantments and firework explosions and lore text, and you don’t want to have to make it over again every time you go into a new world or server, you can put it in the favorites list. To put an item in the favorites list, select it so it’s in the slot at the top left, then click “save favorite” in the middle of the screen. The item is now in your favorites list. You can add unlimited items to the favorites list, because the list scrolls. If you select the item from the favorite list and click “use”, the item in the slot at the top left will get replaced by the favorite item. If you click “delete”, the item will be removed from the favorite list. Here’s the best part: items you put in the favorites list stay there until you delete them, even after you quit minecraft! They are saved to a config file.


All-U-Want Mod Installation Guide:

  1. Make sure you have .
  2. Download All-U-Want Mod file from link(s) below
  3. Go to Start menu. Type: %appdata%/.minecraft. Press Enter to Run %appdata%/.minecraft
  4. Go to minecraft/modsfolder. If Mods folder does not exist, create one
  5. Put Mod file into the mods folder
  6. Launch Minecraft using Forge Profile, then Open Menu

Этот мод All-U-Want даст вам возможность получить в Майнкрафт практически все, что вам нужно включая такие вещи как фейерверки разных цветов, форм и количества залпов, зелья с 127 эффектами или зачарованные вещи с 32 000 чарами. Также вы сможете дать названия любым предметам, раскрасить их в любые цвета. Этот мод даст вам больше чем известный .

Особенности мода



Для того, чтобы получить желаемую вещь, наведите курсор мыши на нее и нажмите «R». Откроется интерфейс управления, с помощью которого можно получать интересующие вас вещи и менять количество уже имеющимся. Выбранная вами вещь будет отображаться в сером квадрате в левом верхнем углу экрана.

Для просмотра всех доступных вещей нажмите на стрелки внизу слева. Также можно найти, то что вам нужно набрав название в поле «search». В текущем примере вы выбрали «губку» «sponge block».

Теперь мы можем редактировать губку. Более подробно про возможности редактирования смотрите ниже. После окончания нажмите «save». И губка появиться в вашем инвентаре. Для отмены изменений нажмите «cancel» или ESC на вашей клавиатуре.

Урон и количество в стеке


Для того, чтобы получить нужное количество предмета набираете желаемое число в поле «stack count». Это количество отобразиться в сером квадрате слева вверху. Как видите мы хотим получить 42 губки.

Можно даже выбрать в качестве количества число меньше 1 и больше 64, но тогда данная вещь может повести себя странно в игре, так что лучше не стоит. Также здесь можно изменить показатель урона, наберите желаемое значение в поле «damage» или нажмите одну из кнопок внизу экрана.

Имя и тексты подсказок


Если вы хотите как то иначе назвать вашу вещь или предмет, наберите это в поле «item name».

В качестве подсказки к названию предмета можно вывести текст. Для этого есть поле «lore line». Есть текст в поле не помещается нажмите стрелку вправо и продолжите печатать следующую строку. Для навигации по строкам используйте стрелки влево и вправо. Для удаления строки нажмите «remove line».

Стоимость ремонта


Поле «repair cost» определяет сколько будет стоит переименование или ремонт вещи на наковальне. Для изменения стоимости введите желаемое значение в это поле. Стоимость ремонта нельзя будет увидеть на предмете, пока его не поместить на наковальню.

Цвет кожаной брони


Если поместить в наш активный слот слева вверху кожаную броню появится новое поле «armor color in hex». Это поле служит для изменения цвета брони. Введите туда HEX код цвета, который можно узнать в большинстве графических редакторов или просто найти в интернете. Это 6-ти значный код из букв и цифр.

Головы игроков


Несколько мрачное название раздела. Для получения головы с именем определенного игрока для начала помещаем голову в активный слот в левом верхнем углу. Как только вы это сделаете появится новое поле «player head name». Наберите точное имя игрока, голову которого вы хотели бы получить. Урон измениться на значение 3, ничего не меняйте, так и должно быть для корректной работы данной опции.


Для изменения содержания книги нужно изменить ID на 386 или выбрать «Book and Quil» из списка вещей. Затем нажать »save» и вы сможете редактировать книгу. Для того, чтобы снова подписать книгу введите имя автора и название.



Для того, чтобы добавить эффект зачарования на предмет, поместите его в активный слов (слева вверху) и нажмите кнопку «enchantments». Выберите эффект из списка слева, задайте уровень эффекта в поле «enchant level» и нажмите «add enchant». Зачарование будет добавлено в список в центре. Таким образом вы можете добавить бесконечное количество эффектов на один предмет. Для удаления ненужного для вас эффекта выделите его мышкой и нажмите «remove enchant». После того, как все желаемые эффекты зачарования будут добавлены нажмите кнопку внизу «done».

Зачарование книг


Для того, чтобы зачаровать книгу нужно поместить стандартную зачарованную книгу в активную ячейку (id 403) и на панели появится кнопка «book enchant». Интерфейс зачарования книги такой же как и зачарования вещей. Книгу можно зачаровать любым заклинанием, но не все будут работать наковальне.

Уникальные зелья


Для получения стандартного зелья перейдите на страницу 6-8. Для получения с улучшенным эффектом нажмите на этом зелье, а затем на кнопку «custom potions». Эффект зелья выбирается в списке слева. Уровень задается в поле «strenght», а длительность в «duration». Имейте ввиду, что время в Майнкрафт измеряется в «тиках». 20 тиков — 1 секунда. Затем нажмите «add» для того, чтобы добавить эффект в список в центре (все как в зачаровании). Таким образом можно добавить в одно зелье бесконечное количество эффектов. Для удаления эффекта нажмите на нем в центральном списке и затем кнопку «remove».

Видео по моду


  1. Скачиваем , т.к. он требуется для работы этого мода.
  2. Скачиваем этот мод, выбирайте в зависимости от вашей версии Minecraft.
  3. Переходим в папку на компьютере %appdata%\.minecraft\mods .
  4. Копируем туда только что скачанный файл.

Все файлы проверены Dr.Web: без вирусов

First, put your mouse on the inventory slot you want items in, then push ‘r’ to open this GUI. You can use this to give yourself new items or change values on existing items. The slot you just selected is now at the top left of the screen.

Click on the item you want on the left to select it, and it will appear in the slot on the top left. To see the rest of the items click on the arrows in the bottom left. You can also search for items by typing their name in the “search” box. I clicked on the sponge block.

Now you can modify the sponge. Find out how to modify items in the other spoilers. Once you’re done modifying the sponge, click “save”. The sponge is now in your inventory! If you don’t like the changes you made to that slot, press “cancel” or the escape key and your inventory won’t change.

Stack count and damage:

If you want to give yourself more (or less) sponges, type the number of sponges you want in the “stack count” box. The slot on the top left now has the amount of sponges you chose.

You can enter numbers less than 1 and more than 64, but the items might act weird.Certain attributes of items are controlled by their damage value, like wool color, tool and armor durability, and wood type. There are two ways to change the damage value of the item you want to give yourself. You can enter a number in the “damage” box or you can click on the buttons with numbers on them at the bottom of the screen. This is useful for potions. Here is select wool, than enter the number 14 for red.

Name and lore text:

If you want your item to have a custom name, just type they custom name into the “item name” box.

If you want your item to have text on multiple lines, you can use lore text. For the first line of lore text, type the text you want in the “lore line” box. If you want more lines click on the right arrow next to the “lore line” box and type more text. To go back to previous lines click the left arrow. To remove a line click “remove line”.

Repair cost:

The repair cost controls how much it costs to rename or repair something in an anvil. It gets bigger every time you repair something. To change the repair cost, type it into the “repair cost” box. The repair cost won’t be visible on an item until you use it in an anvil.

Leather armor color:

If you put a piece of leather armor in the slot at the top left, a new text box will pop up called “armor color in hex”. To change the color of the armor put a hex color value in that box. Use google to find the color you want if you don’t know how hex colors work.

Player heads:

To give yourself player heads with player names, first give yourself a head. If you use the mod, they’re on the last page and named “head”. Once it’s in the slot at the top left, a new text box will appear called “player head name”. Type the exact name of the player you want to have the head of. The damage will change to 3 because it needs to for the player name to work. If you have a written book and you want to change the author or name of the book, two text boxes will appear named “author” and “title”. Change these to change the author and name of the book.

To edit the contents of the book, either change the id in the “item id” box to 386 or pick “Book and Quill” from the item selection (second to last page). Then click “save” and you can edit the book again. When you want to sign it again re-enter the author and title.


To add enchantments to an item, select the item by putting it in the slot at the top left, then push the “enchantments” button. Select an enchantment from the list at the left, choose the enchantment’s level with the “enchant level” text box at the right, and click “add enchant”. The enchantment will be added to the list. You can add as many enchantments to the list as you want, because the list scrolls. To remove an enchantment, click on it, then click “remove enchant”. When you’ve added all the enchantments you want click “done”.

All-U-Want Mod 1.7.10 allows you to give yourself almost every possible item in the game, including: Fireworks with any amount of explosions and custom colors, potions with potion effects up to level 127, any enchantment on any item up to level 32767, and custom item names with colors and formatting. All-U-Want Mod can give you more items than can.

Screenshots and Tutorials:

(TL;DR: open your inventory and push ‘r’ over an inventory slot to open the GUI)

First, put your mouse on the inventory slot you want items in, then push ‘r’ to open this GUI. You can use this to give yourself new items or change values on existing items. The slot you just selected is now at the top left of the screen.

Click on the item you want on the left to select it, and it will appear in the slot on the top left. To see the rest of the items click on the arrows in the bottom left. You can also search for items by typing their name in the “search” box. I clicked on the sponge block.

Now you can modify the sponge. Find out how to modify items in the other spoilers. Once you’re done modifying the sponge, click “save”. The sponge is now in your inventory! If you don’t like the changes you made to that slot, press “cancel” or the escape key and your inventory won’t change.

If you want to give yourself more (or less) sponges, type the number of sponges you want in the “stack count” box. The slot on the top left now has the amount of sponges you chose.

You can enter numbers less than 1 and more than 64, but the items might act weird.Certain attributes of items are controlled by their damage value, like wool color, tool and armor durability, and wood type. There are two ways to change the damage value of the item you want to give yourself. You can enter a number in the “damage” box or you can click on the buttons with numbers on them at the bottom of the screen. This is useful for potions. Here is select wool, than enter the number 14 for red.

If you want your item to have a custom name, just type they custom name into the “item name” box.

If you want your item to have text on multiple lines, you can use lore text. For the first line of lore text, type the text you want in the “lore line” box. If you want more lines click on the right arrow next to the “lore line” box and type more text. To go back to previous lines click the left arrow. To remove a line click “remove line”.

The repair cost controls how much it costs to rename or repair something in an anvil. It gets bigger every time you repair something. To change the repair cost, type it into the “repair cost” box. The repair cost won’t be visible on an item until you use it in an anvil.

If you put a piece of leather armor in the slot at the top left, a new text box will pop up called “armor color in hex”. To change the color of the armor put a hex color value in that box. Use google to find the color you want if you don’t know how hex colors work.

To give yourself player heads with player names, first give yourself a head. If you use the mod, they’re on the last page and named “head”. Once it’s in the slot at the top left, a new text box will appear called “player head name”. Type the exact name of the player you want to have the head of. The damage will change to 3 because it needs to for the player name to work.

If you have a written book and you want to change the author or name of the book, two text boxes will appear named “author” and “title”. Change these to change the author and name of the book.

To edit the contents of the book, either change the id in the “item id” box to 386 or pick “Book and Quill” from the item selection (second to last page). Then click “save” and you can edit the book again. When you want to sign it again re-enter the author and title.

To add enchantments to an item, select the item by putting it in the slot at the top left, then push the “enchantments” button. Select an enchantment from the list at the left, choose the enchantment’s level with the “enchant level” text box at the right, and click “add enchant”. The enchantment will be added to the list. You can add as many enchantments to the list as you want, because the list scrolls. To remove an enchantment, click on it, then click “remove enchant”. When you’ve added all the enchantments you want click “done”.

Enchantment levels can be between -32768 and 32767.

To get custom enchantment books, first give yourself a blank one (“Enchanted Book”, last page, id 403). A button will appear called “book enchants”. When you click on it you will see the same GUI for regular enchantments; it works the same way. Note: you can give yourself enchanted books with any enchantments but sometimes anvils will cap them

To get a potion with potion effects, just find the one you want on pages 6-8.If you want even better effects though, click on a potion then click the “custom potions” button. To add a potion effect, first select the effect you want on the left, then enter the potions level in the “strength” box and the potions duration in the “duration” box. The time is in ticks, where 20 ticks = 1 second (1000 ticks = 50 seconds). Then, click “add” to add the potion effect to the list. You can have unlimited potion effects, since the list scrolls. If you want to remove a potion effect, click on it then click “remove”.

If you want to modify something about a potion effect like it’s duration or level, click on it then click “edit”. The “edit” button now says “done”, and now the text boxes have the values of that effect and the effect that it uses is selected on the left. You can change the numbers in the text boxes and which effect on the left is selected then click “done” (NOT “save”) and the potion effect in the list will be changed. Here I change the 100 ticks to 1000 ticks.

Potion levels can go from -128 to 127 (what do negative ones do?) and durations can go up to 2,147,483,648.

Tutorial coming soon, until then click on the “Firework Rocket” (last page, id 401), click “fireworks”, and see what all the buttons do.

colored and formatted text:

In order to do formatted text, you need to type a §. On windows hold alt then type 0167 on the numeric keypad, on mac hold option then type 6. Or you can just push the “§” button in the GUI. Here are all the color and format codes, except use § instead of &: http://ess.khhq.net/mc/ For example, if I type §bBlue into the “item name” box, the items name will be blue. It will also show up blue in the text box.

If you make a really cool item with tons of enchantments and firework explosions and lore text, and you don’t want to have to make it over again every time you go into a new world or server, you can put it in the favorites list. To put an item in the favorites list, select it so it’s in the slot at the top left, then click “save favorite” in the middle of the screen. The item is now in your favorites list. You can add unlimited items to the favorites list, because the list scrolls. If you select the item from the favorite list and click “use”, the item in the slot at the top left will get replaced by the favorite item. If you click “delete”, the item will be removed from the favorite list. Here’s the best part: items you put in the favorites list stay there until you delete them, even after you quit minecraft! They are saved to a config file.