Элвис пресли на английском с переводом. Элвис Пресли: биография, творчество, личная жизнь и интересные факты

Элвис Пресли, биография которого подробно описана в данной статье, считается мировым королем рок-н-ролла, а также создателем рокабилли (слияние таких музыкальных жанров, как блюз и кантри). Конечно, он был далеко не первым исполнителем рок-н-ролла, но все же стал самым знаменитым, узнаваемым и коммерчески успешным.

Певец остался очень популярным даже после своей смерти, что говорит о необычайном таланте и безумной энергетике.

Элвис Пресли: биография краткая

Знаменитый на весь мир певец родился в Америке, в штате Миссисипи, в 1935 году в городке Тьюпело. Мальчик вырос в очень небогатой семье. Папа Элвиса Вернон не имел профессии и занимался любой работой, которую мог найти в их небольшом городке. Денежная ситуация в семье очень сильно ухудшилась, когда его посадили в тюрьму на два года за мошенничество. Однако бытует мнение, что отца Элвиса в этой ситуации просто подставили.

Семья будущего музыканта была очень религиозной, поэтому маленький Пресли регулярно ходил в церковь и пел в церковном хоре. Его музыкальные таланты дали о себе знать очень рано. Малыш слушал и запоминал песни, которые крутили по радио, и после этого всегда их исполнял. Мама Элвиса Глэдис вовремя разглядела его талант и подарила ему первую в его жизни гитару.

Переезд в Мемфис

В 1948 году семья переезжает в город Мемфис, так как именно здесь была очень большая вероятность найти хорошую работу родителям будущего музыканта. Элвис Пресли, биография которого описана в этой статье, переехав в этот город, впервые смог прикоснуться к настоящей музыке и начать свою профессиональную карьеру. Здесь, гуляя по негритянским кварталам, он смог найти свое призвание.

Элвис Пресли (краткая биография и творчество описаны далее) не добился музыкального успеха моментально. По словам учительницы по пению, он не умел петь абсолютно. Но мальчик не расстраивался и упорно продолжал работать над собой. Элвис неплохо играл на гитаре и смог собрать свою собственную дворовую музыкальную команду. Первая неофициальная группа Пресли исполняла госпел и кантри. Сам Элвис в ней пел и играл на гитаре.

Первые попытки начать музыкальную карьеру

Элвис Пресли, биография которого интересует всех фанатов музыканта, однажды накопил восемь долларов и решил записать две собственные композиции в студии звукозаписи. В студии парень произвел неплохое впечатление, однако это ничем не закончилось. Никаких предложений по работе к нему не поступало. Придя же на прослушивание в клуб, музыкант провалился.

Элвис Пресли, биография которого интересует многих людей, не опускал руки и имел цель стать талантливым и знаменитым на весь мир музыкантом.

Студия Sun Records

Только через несколько лет после попытки записать первые песни в студии звукозаписи владелец студии Сэм Филлипс вспомнил о существовании молодого и талантливого исполнителя и пригласил его на прослушивание. Однако, исполняя песню «Без тебя», будущий артист снова не произвел хорошего впечатления. И только через неделю, во время перерыва между репетициями, Пресли начал играть старый блюз, но в совершенно новом исполнении, и произвел прекрасное впечатление на Филлипса.

После этой случайности к певцу начала приходить настоящая популярность. Элвис Пресли (биография на английском пользуется большой популярностью у читателей) записал первый хит That’s All Right, который крутился по радио по несколько раз за один час. Именно в это время о нем начал узнавать весь мир. Не упуская шанса, команда молодых музыкантов записала еще одну композицию, которая попала на четвертую ступеньку хит-парада.

Верный путь к успеху

Элвис Пресли, биография и творчество которого просто вдохновляют, наконец-то стал на настоящую тропу успеха. После записи нескольких песен молодого музыканта и его команду начали активно приглашать на радио и в клубы. Вскоре пластинки исполнителя стали самыми продаваемыми на юге Америки. О певце узнавало все больше людей, у него появлялось все больше поклонников. Об Элвисе Пресли писали во всех известных на то время журналах.

Вскоре исполнителя стал преследовать настоящий успех. Его песни занимали первые места в хит-парадах, а пластинки раскупались просто молниеносно. К тому же о певце узнали не только в Америке, но также и в Канаде, Англии, Африке и Италии. При этом в странах Советского Союза пластинки не продавались. Однако, несмотря на это, он стал очень популярным в Москве в 1957 году.

Биография Элвиса Пресли на английском языке появлялась во всех журналах и газетах Америки. Певец активно появлялся на телевидении, радио, постоянно давал концерты и записывал новые альбомы.

В 1956 году певца впервые назвали настоящим королем рок-н-ролла в журнале «Варьете». Конечно, данное музыкальное направление придумали задолго до самого Пресли, но именно талант певца и его стремление стать успешным и дарить людям радость привело к популяризации этого музыкального жанра.

Несколько слов о фильмах

Кроме мечты стать музыкантом, парень также имел намерение попробовать себя в роли актера. Фильм «Биография Элвиса Пресли» - одна из кинолент, в которой актер сыграл сам себя. Всего актер принял участие в девяти кинолентах, успевая при этом записывать и новые альбомы.

Кстати, именно для роли в фильме певец покрасил волосы в черный цвет, после чего решил остаться в таком образе.

Служба в армии

Биография Элвиса Пресли на английском с переводом сообщает также, что певец служил в армии в 1958 году. За время своей службы он не давал ни одного концерта. Служа в армии, певец потерял свою мать и нашел жену - Присциллу Бьюли. Служба не тяготила Элвиса, так как он снимал небольшой домик, где встречался со своими друзьями и куда поселил собственного отца после смерти матери.

Несмотря на то что концертов Элвис не давал, музыкой он все же увлекался. Во время пребывания в армии перец умудрялся записывать новые синглы и выпустил четыре новых альбома.

Переезд в Голливуд

Практически все фильмы, в которых принял участие Элвис Пресли, не имели особого зрительского успеха. Исключение составляет только картина «Голубые Гавайи». Однако это не играло роли, так как их целью было показать музыку исполнителя.

В это время на сцене появилось множество новых, не менее популярных исполнителей. При этом все музыкальные тенденции начали меняться под влиянием британской музыки.

В 1965 году перец познакомился с группой «Битлз», которая поменяла взгляды на музыкальные предпочтения Элвиса. После встречи с ними певец выпустил новые песни с религиозными нотками.

Элвис Пресли женился в 1967 году на прекрасной девушке Присцилле. От этого брака у него родилась дочь Лиза-Мария. Певец пробыл в браке недолго - пять лет, после чего жена забрала у него дочь и ушла. Причиной стала вечная и бесполезная борьба с вредными привычками мужа.

Факты о жизни певца

Элвис Пресли был очень щедрым человеком. Принимал активное участие в различных благотворительных организациях и очень часто дарил подарки. Король рок-н-ролла покупал дома своим друзьям и с радостью оплачивал их свадьбы. Однажды, зайдя в автомобильный салон, он купил четырнадцать лимузинов и подарил один из них продавцу-консультанту, продававшему их. На одном из концертов исполнитель подарил своему фанату золотой перстень стоимостью семь тысяч долларов.

Будучи маленьким ребенком, Элвис пообещал маме, что подарит ей кадиллак. И в 1955 году он исполнил свое обещание - купил ей розовую машину. Однако так как мать водить не умела, он сам сидел за рулем автомобиля.

Актер и певец также являлся важным сотрудником ФБР по борьбе с наркотиками.

Биография Элвиса Пресли: причина смерти

Король рок-н-ролла умер в два часа дня 16 августа 1977 года. При этом исполнителю было всего лишь сорок два года. Он был найден мертвым своей подругой в собственном поместье в Мемфисе. При проведении расследования смерти токсикологи обнаружили в крови певца четырнадцать различных наркотических веществ.

Уже после смерти личный врач «короля» дал показания на суде о том, что назначал ему огромные дозы снотворных и успокоительных веществ, от которых у него и образовалась зависимость.

Также Пресли принимал большое количество медикаментов против ожирения. К концу жизни вес певца составлял более двухсот килограммов. Он практически не передвигался и не покидал свой дом. Однако болезнь совершенно не повлияла на прекрасный голос исполнителя.

По словам медиков, главной причиной смерти является передозировка медикаментов. Именно они стали причиной внезапной остановки сердца.

Факты о жизни после смерти

Большинство поклонников артиста сомневались в его смерти. Многие американцы до сих пор в этом сомневаются. В Америке ходит легенда, что смерть певца была инсценировкой, а умер он на самом деле намного позже указанной даты.

Существует версия, что вместо самого исполнителя была похоронена его восковая копия. К тому же, как заметили люди, присутствующие на похоронах, у Элвиса была только одна бакенбарда, а вторая могла отклеиться, как от восковой фигуры.

Очень часто появляется информация из разных уголков планеты, что Элвис был замечен живым и абсолютно здоровым.

Однако вскоре после погребения кто-то решил убедиться, что Пресли действительно умер, раскопав при этом могилу.


Грейсленд - это главное поместье певца, находящееся в Мемфисе. Является посещаемым местом в Америке. Находится на втором месте по количеству туристов после Белого дома. Каждый год здесь бывает более полумиллиона человек, готовых заплатить за вход немалую сумму денег.

Каждый турист имеет право прогуляться по первому этажу и осмотреть достопримечательности. Также певец оставил после себя два реактивных самолета, гостиницу «Разбитое сердце», музей кадиллаков и ресторан, в котором подают любимые блюда артиста.

Певец был настолько популярным, что многие родители называют своих детей в его честь. При этом некоторые из них даже смогли стать знаменитыми.

Элвис Пресли считался и до сих пор считается королем рок-н-ролла. Даже после его смерти было продано огромное количество пластинок. Невероятный талант и уникальный образ оставили свой отпечаток в сердце каждого из нас. Такой талант планета не забудет никогда. Конечно, будет появляться много талантливых исполнителей, но Пресли навсегда останется легендой.

В разделе на вопрос Перевести текст с английского на русский. заданный автором Лерка-Агилерка лучший ответ это lvis Presley (1935-1977) Elvis Presley был известен как "Кing" рок-н-ролла. Не был bоrn в Миссиссипи в 1935. В возрасте 13 лет, Elvis и его семья переезжали в Мемфис, Теннесси. Там Elvis сделал запись его первой песни в 1954. Не продал миллионы отчетов, поданных в аrmу, перемещенном в Голливуд, и появился в 33 фильмах. Elvis примирял музыкальные звуки афроамериканца в Америке и страны реорlе. Его песни начали новый период а в американской музыке. Elvis был самым популярным репогтегof его день. В новостях о его смерти в 1977, тысячи людей ga¬thered вне его дома в Мемфисе. Песни Elvis" аге, все еще популярный сегодня. Реорlе любят к imi¬tate его. Есть даже аn Elvis Presley олицетворение So¬ciety. Имитаторы Elvis наряжаются как Elvis и поют на стадии. Некоторым из них фактически жаль, что они не были Elvis.

Ответ от Alexander Alenitsyn [гуру]
Элвис Пресли (1935-1977) .
Элвис Пресли известен как "Король рок-н-ролла"l.
Он родился в Миссисипи в 1935 году. Когда ему было 13 лет, Элвис и его семья переехали в Мемфис, штат Тенесси. Там в 1954 году Элвис записал свою первую песню. Он продал миллионы записей, служил в армии, переехал в Голливуд и снялся в 33 фильмах. Элвис свел воедино музыку чернокожих Америки и музыку деревенских людей ("кантри"). Его песни открыли новый период в американской музыке.
Элвис был самым популярным выразителем своего времени (букв: репортером своих дней) . При известии о его кончине в 1977 году тысячи людей собрались у его дома в Мемфисе.
Песни Элвиса популярны и сегодня. Ему любят подражать. Есть даже Общество Имитаторов Элвиса Пресли. Его имитаторы одеваются как Элвис и поют со сцены. Некоторые из них и в самом деле хотели бы быть Элвисом.

Ответ от Пользователь удален [гуру]
Элвис Пресли (1935-1977)
Элвис Пресли был известен как "Кing" из рок-н-ролл.
Не было bоrn в Миссисипи в 1935 году. В возрасте 13 лет Элвис и его семья переехала в Мемфис, штат Теннесси. Там Элвис зарегистрированные свою первую песню в 1954 году. Не продали миллионы записей, служил в аrmу, переехал в Голливуд, а в 33 фильмах. Элвис приняли участие музыкальные звуки черных в Америке, и страна реорlе. Его песни начался новый период, а в американской музыке.
Элвис стал самым популярным репогтегof его день. На новость о его смерти в 1977 году тысячи людей га ¬ thered за его доме в Мемфисе.
Elvis" песни аге-прежнему популярны и сегодня. Реорlе любовь к IMI ¬ Тэйта него. Существует даже Ан Elvis Presley имперсонации Так ¬ ciety. Элвис impersonators одеваются как Элвис и петь на сцене. Некоторые из них действительно хотят они Elvis

Elvis Presley (08.01.1935 - 16.08.1977) - American singer.

Elvis Aaron Presley was an American singer, musician and actor. He is a cultural icon, often known simply as Elvis; also "The King of Rock "n" Roll", or simply "The King".

Presley began his career as one of the first performers of rockabilly, an uptempo fusion of country and rhythm and blues with a strong back beat. His novel versions of existing songs, mixing "black" and "white" sounds, made him popular - and controversial - as did his uninhibited stage and television performances. He recorded songs in the rock and roll genre, with tracks like "Hound Dog" and "Jailhouse Rock" later embodying the style. Presley had a versatile voice and had unusually wide success encompassing other genres, including gospel, blues, ballads and pop. To date, he is the only performer to have been inducted into four separate music halls of fame.

In the sixties, Presley made the majority of his thirty-three movies - mainly poorly reviewed musicals. 1968 saw a critically-acclaimed return to live music, followed by performances in Las Vegas and across the U.S. Throughout his career, he set records for concert attendance, television ratings and recordings sales. He is one of the best-selling and most influential artists in the history of popular music. Though known to have health problems later in life, his death - aged 42 - shocked his fans worldwide.

Presley was born in a two-room house, built by his father, in Tupelo, Mississippi. He was the second of identical twins - his brother was stillborn and given the name Jesse Garon. He grew up as an only child and "was, everyone agreed, unusually close to his mother". The family lived just above the poverty line in East Tupelo and attended the Assembly of God church. Vernon Presley has been described as "taciturn to the point of sullenness"and as "a weakling, a malingerer, always averse to work and responsibility". In 1938 he was convicted and jailed for an eight-dollar check forgery. He was released after serving eight months, but this event deeply influenced the life of the young family. During her husband"s absence, Gladys, a wife who was "voluble, lively, full of spunk." lost the family home.Priscilla Presley describes her as "a surreptitious drinker and alcoholic."

At school, Presley was teased by his fellow classmates; they threw "things at him - rotten fruit and stuff - because he was different, because he was quiet and he stuttered and he was a mama"s boy".

Aged ten, he made his first public performance in a singing contest at the Mississippi-Alabama Fair and Dairy Show. Dressed as a cowboy, the young Presley had to stand on a chair to reach the microphone and sang Red Foley"s "Old Shep". He won second prize.

In 1946, Presley"s mother took Elvis to Tupelo Hardware to get him a birthday present. Although he wanted a rifle, he left the store with a $7.90 guitar. November 1948 saw the Presleys move to Memphis, allegedly because Vernon - as well as needing work - had to escape the law for transporting "bootlegger" liquor. In 1949, they lived at Lauderdale Courts - a public housing development - in one of Memphis, Tennessee"s poorer sections. Presley practiced guitar playing in the basement laundry room and also played in a five-piece band with other tenants. Another resident, Johnny Burnette, recalled: "Wherever Elvis went he"d have his guitar slung across his back... He used to go down to the fire station and sing to the boys there... [H]e"d go in to one of the cafes or bars... Then some folks would say: "Let"s hear you sing, boy.""

Presley attended L. C. Humes High school and occasionally worked evenings to boost the family income. He began to grow his sideburns longer and dress in the wild, flashy clothes of Lansky Brothers on Beale Street. Presley stood out, especially in the conservative Deep South of the 1950s and he was mocked and bullied for it. He enrolled in the school"s ROTC and Christmas, 1952 saw Presley perform in the "Annual Minstrel Show" sponsored by the Humes High Band. Presley received most applause - he sang "Cold Cold Icy Fingers" and gave an encore of "Till I Waltz Again With You"

After graduation, Presley was still a rather shy person, a "kid who had spent scarcely a night away from home". His third job was driving a truck for the Crown Electric Company. He began wearing his hair longer with a "ducktail" - the style of truck drivers at that time.

On July 18, 1953, Presley went to the Memphis Recording Service at the Sun Record Company (now commonly known as Sun Studios). He paid $3.98 to record the first of two double-sided "demo" acetates - "My Happiness" and "That"s When Your Heartaches Begin". Presley reportedly gave the acetate to his mother as a much-belated extra birthday present, though the Presleys didn"t own a record player at the time. Returning to Sun Studios on January 4, 1954, he recorded a second acetate, "I"ll Never Stand in Your Way"/"It Wouldn"t Be the Same Without You".

Sun Records founder Sam Phillips had already cut the first records by blues artists such as Howlin" Wolf and Junior Parker. He thought a combination of black blues and boogie-woogie music might become very popular among white people - if presented in the right way. In the spring, Presley auditioned for an amateur gospel quartet, The Songfellows, and a professional band. Both groups turned him down.

Phillips had acquired a demo record - "Without Love (There Is Nothing)". Unable to identify the demo"s vocalist, his assistant Marion Keisker reminded him about the young truck driver and she called him on June 26, 1954. Presley was not able to do justice to the song (though he would record it years later). Phillips did ask the young singer to perform some of the many other songs he knew and he invited local Western swing musicians Winfield "Scotty" Moore (electric guitar) and Bill Black (slap bass) to check Presley out. Scotty and Bill auditioned Presley on Sunday, July 4, 1954, at Moore"s house. Neither musician was overly impressed with the young singer, but they agreed a studio session would be useful to see what they had. During a break at the studios on July 5, Presley began "acting the fool" with Arthur Crudup"s "That"s All Right (Mama)", a blues song. When the other two musicians joined in, Phillips got them to restart and began recording. This was the bright, upbeat sound he had been looking out for. Black remarked, "Damn. Get that on the radio and they"ll run us out of town." The group recorded four songs during that session, including Bill Monroe"s Blue Moon of Kentucky, a bluegrass waltz. After an early take, Phillips can be heard on tape saying: "Fine, man. Hell, that"s different - that"s a pop song now, just about."

To gauge professional and public reaction, Phillips took several acetates of the session to DJ Dewey Phillips (no relation) at Memphis radio station WHBQ (The Red, Hot And Blue show). "That"s All Right" subsequently received its first play on July 8, 1954. A week later, Sun had received some 6,000 advanced orders for "That"s All Right"/"Blue Moon of Kentucky", which was released on July 19, 1954. From August 18 through December 8, "Blue Moon of Kentucky" was consistently higher in the charts, then both sides began to chart across the South, from Virginia to Texas.

Moore and Black left their band, The Starlight Wranglers, to work full-time with Presley. They began regular live performances in Memphis by promoting Presley"s first Sun single. They played at the Bon Air, a club used by hard-drinking lovers of hillbilly music. Johnny Cash later recalled Presley playing during breaks at the Eagle’s Nest club.

At the Overton Park Shell (July 30, 1954), Presley, Moore, and Black were billed as The Blue Moon Boys, with Slim Whitman headlining. Presley is said to have been so nervous during this show that his legs shook uncontrollably. His wide-legged pants emphasized his leg movements, apparently causing the young women in the audience to go "crazy". Though initially uncertain about what caused the fans to scream, Presley consciously incorporated similar movements into future shows. DJ and promoter Bob Neal, who had been approached by Sam Phillips to get Presley on the Overton Park bill, was now the trio"s manager (taking over from Scotty Moore).

Presley appeared at the Grand Ole Opry, Nashville, on October 2; Hank Snow introduced Presley on stage. He performed "Blue Moon of Kentucky" but received only a polite response. Afterwards, the singer was allegedly told: "Boy, you’d better keep driving that truck."

Country music promoter and manager Tillman Franks booked Presley"s first appearance on Louisiana Hayride (October 16, 1954). Before making the booking, Franks - never having seen Presley - referred to him as "that new black singer with the funny name". During the first set, the reaction was muted, but the second show had a younger audience and Franks advised Presley to "Let it all go!" House drummer D.J. Fontana, who had worked in strip clubs, was able to use beats to accentuate Presley"s movements and - along with Bill Black"s usual enthusiastic stage antics - the crowd was more responsive.

According to one source, "Audiences had never before heard music like Presley played, and they had never before seen anyone who performed like Presley either. The shy, polite, mumbling boy gained self-confidence with every appearance, which soon led to a transformation on stage. People watching the show were astounded and shocked, both by the ferocity of his performance, and the crowd’s reaction to it... Roy Orbison saw Presley for the first time in Odessa, Texas: "His energy was incredible, his instinct was just amazing... I just didn’t know what to make of it. There was just no reference point in the culture to compare it." "He’s the new rage," said a Louisiana radio executive... "Sings hillbilly in R&B time. Can you figure that out. He wears pink pants and a black coat."" Sam Phillips said Presley "put every ounce of emotion ... into every song, almost as if he was incapable of holding back". When he collapsed after a concert in Florida, a doctor warned him to slow down because he worked as hard in twenty minutes as the average laborer did in eight hours.

Presley"s sound was proving hard to categorize - he had been billed or labeled in the media as "The King of Western Bop", "The Hillbilly Cat", and "The Memphis Flash".

On August 15, 1955, he was signed to a one-year contract with "Hank Snow Attractions", a company owned by Hank Snow and "Colonel" Tom Parker. Parker became Presley"s manager thereafter. By August 1955, Sun Studios had released ten sides credited to "Elvis Presley, Scotty and Bill", all typical of the developing Presley style.

Several major record labels had shown interest in signing Presley. On November 21, 1955, Parker and Phillips negotiated a deal with RCA Victor Records to acquire Presley"s Sun contract for an unprecedented $35,000.

To increase the singer"s exposure, Parker finally brought Presley to television (In March 1955, Presley had failed a TV audition for Arthur Godfrey"s Talent Scouts). He had the singer booked for six of the Dorsey Brothers" Stage Show (CBS), beginning January 28, 1956, when he was introduced by Cleveland DJ Bill Randle. Parker also obtained a lucrative deal with Milton Berle (NBC) for two appearances.

On January 27, Presley"s first RCA single, "Heartbreak Hotel", was released. By April it reached number one in the U.S. and would sell a million copies. On March 23, RCA released the first Presley album: Elvis Presley. As with the Sun recordings, the majority of the tracks were songs by or from country artists.

From April 23, he had a two-week booking at the Venus Room of the New Frontier Hotel, Las Vegas - billed this time as "the Atomic Powered Singer". His performances were badly received, by critics and guests (it was an older, more conservative audience). However, Presley, Scotty and Bill saw Freddie Bell and the Bellboys live in Vegas, and liked their version of Leiber and Stoller"s "Hound Dog". By May 16, Presley had added the song to his own act.

Soon after an April 3 appearance for The Milton Berle Show, shot onboard an aircraft carrier in San Diego, Presley, Moore and Black took a chartered flight to Nashville for a recording session. The pilot got lost and further mishaps along the way left all three badly shaken. After more hectic touring, Presley returned to The Milton Berle Show on June 5 and performed "Hound Dog" (without his guitar). After singing it uptempo, he then began a slower version. His exaggerated, straight-legged shuffle around the microphone stand stirred the audience - as did his vigorous leg shaking and hip thrusts in time to the beat.

Presley"s "gyrations" created a storm of controversy - even eclipsing the "communist threat" head-lines prevalent at the time. The next day"s press used such words as "vulgar" and "obscene" because of the strong sexual content perceived in his act. Presley was obliged to explain himself on the local New York City TV show Hy Gardner Calling: "Rock and roll music, if you like it, and you feel it, you can"t help but move to it. That"s what happens to me. I have to move around. I can"t stand still. I"ve tried it, and I can"t do it".

The Milton Berle Show appearances drew such huge ratings that Steve Allen (NBC), not a fan of rock and roll, booked him for one appearance, in New York. Allen announced: "... We want to do a show the whole family can watch and enjoy. And that’s what we always do." After Allen introduced "the new Elvis" (in white bow tie and black tails), he remarked: "You are certainly being a good sport about the whole thing." Presley then sang "Hound Dog" to a top hat and bow tie-wearing Basset Hound sat on a pedestal (the performance lasted less than one minute). According to author Jake Austen, "the way Steve Allen treated Elvis Presley was his federal crime. Allen thought Presley was talentless and absurd... set things up so that Presley would show his contrition..." The day after (July 2), Presley, Scotty, and Bill recorded the single "Hound Dog", making thirty takes before Elvis was satisfied. Scotty Moore later said they were "all angry about their treatment the previous night". (Presley often referred to the Allen show as the most ridiculous performance of his career.) A few days later, Presley made a "triumphant" outdoor appearance in Memphis at which he announced: "You know, those people in New York are not gone change me none. I"m gonna show you what the real Elvis is like tonight."

Though Presley had been unhappy with the Steve Allen appearance, Allen"s show had, for the first time, beaten The Ed Sullivan Show in the Sunday night ratings, prompting a previously critical Sullivan (CBS) to book Presley for three appearances for an unprecedented $50,000.

Country vocalists The Jordanaires accompanied Presley on The Steve Allen Show and their first recording session with him was July 2, for the recording of "Any Way You Want Me". The Jordanaires would work with the singer through the 1960s.

Presley"s first Ed Sullivan appearance (September 9, 1956) was seen by an estimated 55-60 million viewers. During the second, Presley only had to shake his legs to get screams from the audience, which a bemused Sullivan didn"t notice him doing when stood next to the singer. On the third show, the family-minded Sullivan censored Presley"s "gyrations": he was shown only above the waist. According to the show"s director, Marlo Lewis, Sullivan told him that Presley was "hangin" some kind of device in the crotch of his pants" and that it was "waving back and forth" when the singer moved. Sullivan said: "We can"t have that on a Sunday night. That"s a church night". Although Lewis ordered camera two to film only Presley"s chest and head, he never believed the "device" was there at all. Despite his misgivings, Sullivan still declared at the end of the show: "This is a real decent, fine boy. We"ve never had a pleasanter experience on our show with a big name than we"ve had with you... you"re thoroughly all right."

On November 16, Presley"s first movie Love Me Tender was released. It was panned by the critics, but did well at the box office.

Presley"s decline continued. A journalist recalled: "Elvis Presley had become a grotesque caricature of his sleek, energetic former self... he was barely able to pull himself through his abbreviated concerts." In Alexandria, Louisiana, a journalist complained that the singer was on stage for less than an hour and "was impossible to understand". In Baton Rouge, Presley didn’t go on stage at all. He was unable to get out of his hotel bed and the rest of the tour was cancelled.

Fans, too, Guralnick relates, "were becoming increasingly voluble about their disappointment, but it all seemed to go right past Elvis, whose world was now confined almost entirely to his room and his books". In Knoxville, Tennessee (May 20), "there was no longer any pretense of keeping up appearances... The idea was simply to get Elvis out onstage and keep him upright for the hour he was scheduled to perform". Thereafter, Presley struggled through every show. Despite his obvious problems, appearances in Omaha, Nebraska and Rapid City, South Dakota were recorded for an upcoming album and a CBS-TV special: Elvis In Concert.

Rick Stanley (a step-brother) recalls that Presley was almost bedridden during his last year. "We"d fly into a city and he"d go right into bed as soon as we got there. We"d have to get him up to do the show." In Rapid City, "he was so nervous on stage that he could hardly talk... He was undoubtedly painfully aware of how he looked, and he knew that in his condition, he could not perform any significant movement. He looked, moved, and gestured like an overweight old man with crippling arthritis". A cousin, Billy Smith, recalled how Presley would sit in his room and chat, recounting things like his favourite Monty Python sketches and past japes, but "mostly there was a grim obsessiveness... a paranoia about people, germs... future events, that put Billy in mind on more than one occasion of Howard Hughes".

A book was published - the first expose to detail Presley"s years of drug misuse. Written with input from three of Presley"s "Memphis Mafia", the book was the authors" revenge for them being sacked and a plea to get Presley to face up to reality. The singer "was devastated by the book. Here were his close friends who had written serious stuff that would affect his life. He felt betrayed".

Presley"s final performance was in Indianapolis at the Market Square Arena, (June 26).

August 17, 1977, was to be the start of another tour. However, at "Graceland" the day before, Presley was found on the floor of his bathroom by his fiancee, Ginger Alden. According to the medical investigator, Presley had "stumbled or crawled several feet before he died". He was officially pronounced dead at 3:30 p.m. at the Baptist Memorial Hospital.

His funeral was a national media event. Hundreds of thousands of fans, the press and celebrities lined the streets hoping to see the open casket in "Graceland" or to witness the funeral. Amongst the mourners were Ann-Margret (who had remained close to Presley) and his ex-wife. U.S. President Jimmy Carter issued a statement.

Presley was buried at Forest Hill Cemetery, Memphis, next to his mother. After an attempt to steal the body, his - and his mother"s - remains were reburied at "Graceland" in the Meditation Gardens.

FAITH LAPIDUS: Welcome to PEOPLE IN AMERICA, a program in VOA Special English.

Добро пожаловать на программу "Люди Америки" по "Голосу Америки"

Today Rich Kleinfeldt and Steve Ember tell about one of America’s most popular singers, Elvis Presley.

Сегодня Рич Клайнфелдт и Стив Эмбер рассказывают об одном из самых популярных певцов Америки - Элвисе Пресли

RICH KLEINFELDT: That song, “Hound Dog,” was one of Elvis Presley’s most popular records.

Эта песня - "Гончая собака" - была одной из самых популярных записей Элвиса Пресли

It sold five million copies in nineteen fifty-six.

В 1956г. было продано 5млн. экземпляров записи этой песни

Music industry experts say more than one thousand million of Elvis’s recordings have sold throughout the world.

Эксперты по музыкальной индустрии говорят, что по всему миру продано более 1тыс. миллионов записей Элвиса Пресли

He was a success in many different kinds of music -- popular, country, religious, and rhythm and blues.

Он достиг успеха в разных музыкальных стилях - поп, кантри, религиозный и ритм и блюз

Elvis Presley won many awards from nations all over the world. Yet, he did not record in any language other than English.

Элвис Пресли завоевал много наград по всему миру. Однако записывался только на английском языке

He never performed outside the United States, except for three shows in Canada.

Он никогда не выступал за пределами США, кроме трёх концертов в Канаде

Yet, his recordings and films have been, and are still, enjoyed by people all over the world.

И всё же его (музыкальные) записи и фильмы любили и до сих пор любят люди по всему миру

STEVE EMBER: Elvis Aaron Presley was born in the southern town of Tupelo, Mississippi on January eighth, nineteen thirty-five.

His family was extremely poor. During his childhood, he sang in church with his parents.

Семья была чрезвычайно бедной. В детстве он пел в церкви вместе с родителями

He also listened to music that influenced his later singing, including country, rhythm and blues, and religious music.

Также слушал музыку, которая потом повлияла на его пение, включая кантри, ритм и блюз и религиозную

Elvis and his family moved to Memphis, Tennessee when he was thirteen.

Когда Элвису было 13 лет, семья переехала в г.Мемфис, Теннесси

After high school, he had several jobs, including driving a truck. In nineteen fifty-three, he made his first recording of this song, “My Happiness”:

После средней школы поменял несколько мест работы, в т.ч. был водителем грузовика. В 1953г. сделал первую запись песни "Моё счастье"

RICH KLEINFELDT: Elvis Presley recorded the song at the Memphis Recording Service.

Элвис Пресли записал эту песню в Центре звукозаписи в Мемфисе

The story is that he paid four dollars to make a recording for his mother.

Говорят, он заплатил 4 доллара, чтобы сделать эту запись для своей матери

A woman who worked at the public recording studio had another job with a local independent record company called Sun Records.

Женщина-сотрудница центра работала также в частной компании звукозаписи "Сан рекордс"

She made a second recording of Elvis’s songs because she thought the owner of Sun Records should hear him sing.

Она сделала вторую запись песен Элвиса, т.к. считала, что его должен послушать владелец компании "Сан рекордс"

STEVE EMBER: The owner of Sun Records, Sam Phillips, had been looking for a white performer who could sing black rhythm and blues.

Владелец "Сан рекордс", Сэм Филлипс, искал белого исполнителя в стиле ритм и блюз

He suggested Elvis work with a guitar player and a bass player.

Он предложил Элвису поработать в сопровождении гитары и контабаса

Several months later Mister Phillips agreed to have the group make a record.

Через несколько месяцев г-н Филлипс согласился, чтобы эта группы сделала запись

It was released on July nineteenth, nineteen fifty-four. One of the songs was “That’s All Right”:

The record sold well in Memphis, and was played a lot on local radio stations.

Запись хорошо продавалась в Мемфисе, часто исполнялась на местных радиостанциях

To let others hear Elvis, Sam Phillips organized a series of performances at country fairs in the area.

Чтобы познакомить публику с Элвисом, Сэм Филлипс организовал серию выступлений на местных ярмарках

One of the people who heard Elvis perform at these shows was Colonel Tom Parker.

Одним из тех, кто слышали выступления Элвиса в то время, был полковник Том Паркер

Elvis signed an agreement that Colonel Parker would organize his appearances.

Элвис подписал с полковником Паркером контракт на организацию выступлений

One of Elvis’ first new recordings became a huge hit, and led to his many appearances on television. It was “Heartbreak Hotel”:

Одна из первых новых записей Элвиса стала огромным хитом и привела к частым вытуплениям на телевидении. Это была песня "Отель разбитых сердец"

RICH KLEINFELDT: By the middle of the nineteen fifties, Elvis Presley was known around the world as the young man who moved his hips in a sexual way as he sang rock and roll music.

К середине 1950-ых годов Элвис Пресли стал известен по всему мироу как молодой человек, который сексуально двигал бёдрами и пел рок-н-ролл

Many adults said he and his music were bad influences on young people.

Многие (взрослые) считали, что его музыка плохо влияет на молодёжь

Young women loved him. Huge crowds attended his performances.

Молодые жещины его любили. Огромные толпы приходили на его выступления

He made his first movie in nineteen fifty-six. It was “Love Me Tender.” The title song was a big hit.

В 1956г. он впервые снялся в кино. Это был фильм "Люби меня нежно". Песня из него с тем же названием стала большим хитом

STEVE EMBER: Elvis Presley was one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood for a number of years in the nineteen fifties.

В 50-ых годах Элвис Пресли несколько лет был одним их самых высокооплачиваемых актёровГолливуда

He acted in thirty-one movies.

Он снялся в 31 фильме

In nineteen fifty-eight, just as he finished making the movie “King Creole,” Elvis received notice that he had to serve in the United States Army.

В 1958г., только что закончив съёмки в фильме "Король Креол", Элвис получил повестку на службу в армии США

He was stationed in Germany where he lived in a large house and dated a lot of beautiful women.

Он служил в Германии, где жил в большом доме и встречался со многими красивыми женщинами

One young girl he met in Germany was Priscilla Beaulieu, the daughter of an Army officer.

Одной из девушек, с которыми он позакомился в Германии, была Присцилла Больё, дочь армейского офицера

She was fourteen years old. Later, after Elvis had finished his army service, she came to live with him in Memphis.

Ей было 14 лет. Позднее, когда Элвис отслужил в армии, она переехала жить к нему в Мемфис

They married in nineteen sixty-seven, when she was twenty-one years old. He was thirty-two.

В 1967г. они поженились, когда её был 21 год. Ему было 32.

They became parents nine months later of a baby girl, Lisa Marie.

Через 9 месяцев они стали родителями девочки, Лизы Мари

RICH KLEINFELDT: Colonel Parker made sure that songs Elvis had recorded earlier were released during the years he was in the army.

Полковник Паркер позаботился, чтобы записи старых песен Элвиса продолжали выходить во время его службы в армии

So Elvis was just as popular after his military service as he was before it.

Так что и после службы в армии Элвис оставался таким же популярным, как до неё

Elvis Presley won three of the music industry’s highest award, the Grammy.

Элвис Пресли получил три Грэмми - высших награды в области музыки (музыкальной индустрии)

He received the first one in nineteen sixty-seven. It was for “How Great Thou Art,” an album of religious music.

Первую Грэмми он получил в 1967г. за альбом религиозной музыки "Как Ты Велик"

STEVE EMBER: Elvis returned to performing live shows in nineteen sixty-nine, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

В 1969г. Элвис вновь начал давать концерты в Лас-Вегасе, Невада

He then traveled around the country performing before huge crowds.

Затем гастролировал по всей стране, выступая перед огромными толпами

He began to take drugs to help him sleep. He gained a lot of weight so he took drugs to help control his weight.

Чтобы избавиться от бессоницы, стал принимать транквилизаторы. Он сильно поправился и для контроля веса также принимал таблетки

And he took extremely strong drugs to reduce pain.

Также он пил очень сильные таблетки, чтобы снять боль

Elvis also suffered from the emotional sickness, depression.

Элвис также страдал от психического заболевания, депрессии

It became worse after his marriage ended. Elvis never permitted Priscilla to stay with him in Las Vegas or travel with him around the country.

Депрессия усилилась, когда распался его брак. Элвис никогда не разрешал Присцилле жить с ним в Лас-Вегасе или путешествовать с ним по стране

He also did not want Priscilla to see other people when he was away from home.

Также он не хотел, чтобы Присцилла встречалась с кем-либо, когда его не было дома

And he spent time with other women. Priscilla finally left him in nineteen seventy-two for another man.

А сам проводил время с другими женщинами. Наконец, в 1974г. Присцилла ушла от него к другому мужчине

RICH KLEINFELDT: Elvis Presley released many recordings of his performances during the nineteen seventies.

В 1970-ых годах Элвис Пресли выпустил много записей своих выступлений

He also enjoyed great success on television.

Он также пользовался большим успехом на телевидении

His nineteen seventy-three television show from Hawaii was seen in forty countries by more than one thousand million people.

В 1973г. телешоу с его выступлением на Гавайях смотрели в 40 странах более 1 тыс. миллионов человек

His last record album was called “Moody Blue.” He recorded it in nineteen seventy-six. One of its hit songs was called “Way Down”:

Его последний альбом назывался "Moody Blue". Он записал его в 1976г. Один из хитов в нём назывался "Путь вниз"

STEVE EMBER: Elvis Presley died on August sixteenth, nineteen seventy-seven.

First reports said he had a heart attack, but later tests showed many drugs in his body.

Первые сообщения говорили о сердечном приступе, но позже анализы показали наличие в организме наркотиков (сильных лекарств)

Experts agree that these drugs probably caused his death.

Специалисты соглашаются, что эти наркотики могли вызвать его смерть

Hundreds of thousands of people still visit his home, Graceland, in Memphis every year.

Сотни тысяч людей ппродолжают ежегодно посещать его дом в Грейсленде, Мемфис

Fans continue to buy his music, making him the most popular recording artist ever.

Фанаты продолжают покупать его записи. Записи Элвиса - самые популярные за всю историю звукозаписи

Elvis Presley remains the undisputed King of Rock and Roll.

Элвис Пресли остаётся неоспоримым Королём Рок-н-Ролла

FAITH LAPIDUS: This program was written by Nancy Steinbach. Rich Kleinfeldt and Steve Ember were the narrators. The producer was Paul Thompson. I’m Faith Lapidus. Listen again next week for another PEOPLE IN AMERICA program in VOA Special English.

Elvis Aron Presley (January 8, 1935 - August 16, 1977), also known as The King of Rock and Roll or The King, was an American singer and actor. Early in his career he was referred to as The Hillbilly Cat. Later, his friends referred to him as "E".

Rolling Stone magazine said "Elvis Presley is rock "n" roll" and called his body of work "acres of perfect material". During an active recording career that lasted more than two decades, Presley set and broke many sales records with over 100 top 40 hit singles including 18 number ones.

Elvis Presley is widely credited with bringing rock and roll into mainstream culture. According to Rolling Stone magazine "it was Elvis who made rock "n" roll the international language of pop". A PBS documentary once described Presley as "an American music giant of the 20th century who singlehandedly changed the course of music and culture in the mid-1950s". His recordings, dance moves, attitude and clothing came to be seen as embodiments of rock and roll. Presley sang both hard driving rockabilly and rock and roll dance songs and ballads, laying a commercial foundation upon which other rock and roll musicians would build. African-American performers like Little Richard and Chuck Berry came to national prominence after Presley"s acceptance among mass audiences of white teenagers. Singers like Jerry Lee Lewis, the Everly Brothers, Buddy Holly, Roy Orbison and others immediately followed in his wake, leading John Lennon to later observe, "Before Elvis, there was nothing".

Teenagers came to Presley"s concerts in unprecedented numbers. When he performed at the Mississippi-Alabama Fair in 1956 a hundred National Guardsmen surrounded the stage to control crowds of excited fans. When municipal politicians began denying permits for Presley appearances teens piled into cars and traveled elsewhere to see him perform. It seemed as if the more adults tried to stop it, the more teenagers across North America insisted on having what they wanted. When adult programmers announced they would not play Presley"s music on their radio stations (some because God told them it was sexually suggestive Devil music, others saying it was southern "nigger" music) the economic power of that generation became evident when they tuned in any radio station playing Elvis records. In an industry already shifting to all-music formats in reaction to television, profit-conscious radio station owners learned hard lessons when sponsors bought advertising time on new rock and roll stations reaching enormous markets at night with clear channel signals from AM broadcasts.

During the 1950s post-WWII economic boom in the United States, many parents were able to give their teenaged children much higher weekly allowances, signalling a shift in the buying power and purchasing habits of teens. During the 1940s bobby soxers had idolized Frank Sinatra but the buyers of his records were mostly between the ages of eighteen and twenty-two. Presley triggered a juggernaut of demand for his records by near-teens and early teens aged ten, twelve, thirteen and up.

Presley"s overwhelming appeal was to girls. Many boys adapted his look to attract them. Along with Elvis" ducktail haircut, the demand for black slacks and loose, open-necked shirts resulted in new lines of clothing for teenaged boys. In 1956 America, birthday and Christmas gifts were often music or even Elvis related. A girl might get a pink portable 45 rpm record player for her bedroom. Meanwhile American teenagers began buying newly available portable transistor radios and listened to rock "n" roll on them (helping to propel that fledgling industry from an estimated 100,000 units sold in 1955 to 5,000,000 units by the end of 1958). Teens were asserting more independence and Elvis Presley became a national symbol of their parents" consternation.

Presley"s impact on the American youth consumer market was noted on the front page of The Wall Street Journal on December 31, 1956 when future Pulitzer Prize-winning business journalist Louis M. Kohlmeier wrote, "Elvis Presley today is a business" and reported on the singer"s record and merchandise sales (this may have been the first time a journalist described an entertainer as a business). Half a century later, historian Ian Brailsford (University of Auckland, New Zealand) commented, "The phenomenal success of Elvis Presley in 1956 convinced many doubters of the financial opportunities existing in the youth market".

Birth & Childhood.

Elvis Aaron Presley was born in a two-room house in East Tupelo, Mississippi to Vernon Elvis Presley and Gladys Love Smith Presley. He was raised both in East Tupelo (which merged with Tupelo in 1948) and later in Memphis, Tennessee, where his family moved when he was 13. Elvis had a twin brother (Jesse Garon Presley) who died at birth. In 1949 the family moved to Lauderdale Courts public housing development which was near musical and cultural influences like Beale Street, Ellis Auditorium and the Poplar Tunes record store along with the Sun Studio about a mile away.

In her book, Elvis and Gladys author Elaine Dundy wrote that those close to Elvis as a boy say he was a fan of comic book superhero Captain Marvel, Jr. and would later model his trademark hairstyle and some of his stage costumes on the comic book character.

Elvis took up the guitar at 11 and practiced in the basement laundry room at Lauderdale Courts. He played gigs in the malls and courtyards of the Courts with other musicians who lived there. After high school he worked at Precision Tool Company, then drove a truck for the Crown Electric Company.

The Sun recordings.

In the summer of 1953 Presley paid $4 to record the first of two double-sided demo acetates at Sun Studios, "My Happiness" and "That"s When Your Heartaches Begin" which were popular ballads at the time. While Presley claimed to have recorded the demo as a birthday present for his mother this is sometimes disputed since Gladys Presley"s birthday was in April and he recorded the acetate in July. Sun Records founder Sam Phillips and assistant Marion Keisker heard the discs and called him in June 1954 to fill in for a missing ballad singer. Although that session was not productive, Sam Phillips put Elvis together with local musicians Scotty Moore and Bill Black to see what might develop. During a rehearsal break on July 5, 1954 Elvis began singing a blues song written by Arthur Crudup called "That"s All Right". Philips liked the resulting record and released it as a 78RPM single backed with Elvis" hopped-up version of Bill Monroe"s bluegrass song "Blue Moon Of Kentucky". Memphis radio station WHBQ began airing it two days later, the record became a local hit and Elvis began a regular touring schedule which expanded his fame beyond Tennessee.

Presley was booked on Nashville"s Grand Ole Opry but in a bitter disappointment his performance was not well received. He continued to tour the U.S. South and on October 16, 1954 he made his first appearance on Louisiana Hayride, a radio broadcast of live country music in Shreveport, Louisiana and was a hit with a large audience accustomed to mostly pure country music sounds. Following this Presley was signed to a one-year contract for a weekly performance and he was soon introduced to Colonel Tom Parker.

The influence of Colonel Tom Parker.

Parker took over Presley"s career by contract on August 18, 1955. The colonel established two recording companies for Presley and demanded that composers share their royalties with the singer. He wasted no time in marketing his new product to the hilt, pushing Elvis buttons and trinkets, and even lipstick and cookware. According to Marty Lacker, a member of the Memphis Mafia, Elvis had no business savvy or skills and he relied on his manager Parker for anything to do with contracts and deals. Lacker says he thought of Parker as a "hustler and scam artist" who abused Elvis"s reliance on him".If Parker ever thought Elvis was going to be around somebody who would (influence) him, Parker did his utmost to end that relationship". At Parker"s urging Presley also shifted his focus from music to Hollywood. For instance, under his manager"s influence Elvis was forced to take the chief part in some low-budget standard musical comedies (see "Movies" section below). With money seemingly being at the forefront of all decisions made by the Colonel, his management contract with Elvis was even renegotiated to an even 50/50 split between the two.

On August 15, 1955 Elvis Presley was signed by Hank Snow Attractions, a management company jointly owned by singer Hank Snow and Colonel Parker, who negotitated Presley"s signing with RCA Records on November 21, 1955. On January 27, 1956 Elvis" sixth single and his first on RCA, "Heartbreak Hotel" / "I Was the One", was released and made the pop charts (it reached #1 in April). The next day Presley"s national television debut on The Dorsey Brothers Stage Show marked the beginning of his transition into a teen idol. On June 5, 1956 Presley scandalized the audience of the The Milton Berle Show with suggestive hip movements while performing his second RCA single "Hound Dog". Television critics across the country slammed the performance for its "appalling lack of musicality" "vulgarity" and "animalism". The reaction was so severe, Presley was obliged to explain himself on a local New York City TV show (Hy Gardner Calling). Shortly thereafter he appeared on The Steve Allen Show dressed in a tuxedo, billed as "the new Elvis Presley" and singing "Hound Dog" to a basset hound, an experience Presley later said he found humiliating.

After a string of other TV appearances Presley made his first performance on the top-rated Ed Sullivan Show on September 9, earning the broadcast a record 52 - 60 million viewers (82.6% of the viewership that night). By the time of his second Sullivan appearance on October 28 Presley had dyed his sandy blond hair jet black. Opposition gathered against him and even more so against his gyrations on stage. The December 1956 issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine described Presley as behaving like "a sex maniac in public". On his third and final Sullivan appearance (January 6, 1957) Sullivan bowed to pressure from "moralists" and ordered that Presley be televised from the waist up to avoid showing his controversial hip movements. Meanwhile the press had taken to calling him Elvis the Pelvis, a nickname he is said to have thoroughly disliked.

"Don"t Be Cruel" and "Hound Dog" topped the pop, black and country charts in 1956 and many more hit records followed. Over the next twenty-one years (until his death in 1977) Elvis had 146 Hot 100 hits, 112 top 40 hits, 72 top 20 hits and 40 top 10 hits, an achievement that has never been matched by any solo artist.

Ironically, for all the controversy surrounding his early career, Elvis Presley"s roots in religious music ran deep. In Tupelo, Mississippi Vernon and Gladys Presley were what was disparagingly referred to as poor white trash from the "wrong side of the tracks" at the east end of town. Their Depression-era home (where Elvis was born in 1935) was a two-room shack on one of several dirt tracks forming a small community off Old Saltillo Road. They belonged to a local Assembly of God Pentecostal church which played an important role in their lives. For Elvis Presley it provided an environment from which he would instinctively adopt the music, sound and accompanying body movements in his later rock and roll singing performances. The African American form of music that became known as Rhythm & Blues (which also evolved from gospel songs) was also a part of Presley"s childhood world and he probably heard it on a regular basis in the black section of Tupelo known as "Shakerag" (which was between Tupelo and East Tupelo, and was demolished in the 1960s as part of an urban renewal project). The church is said to have brought the Presleys, along with the rest of its desperately poor congregation, a message of hope wrapped around "Hell, fire, and brimstone" sermons. For nearly a quarter century the Pentecostal movement was interracial and during the 1930s and 1940s many of these poor churches did not adopt the growing policy of racial segregation.

Although Vernon Presley"s family was Pentecostal and his sister Nash Presley became a minister, his wife Gladys was Elvis"s devoutly religious parent. Her uncle Gains Mansell was also a Pentecostal preacher in East Tupelo whose interracial church services began with revival meetings held in a tent. Pentecostal church services started, centered and ended with music and everyone was encouraged to "make a joyous noise unto the Lord". According to Presley biographer Peter Guralnick, Gladys Presley said that by the age of two her son was already trying to sing along in the church. A Pentecostal preacher would typically lead the congregation in prayer and both singing and prayer were accompanied by the waving of hands, the swaying of bodies and dancing about in the Holy Spirit. As it almost always did in those settings, "when the Spirit strikes" the body would jerk as though hit by a bolt of lightning and frequently the worshipper would fall to the floor, rolling around and praying aloud (this is why outsiders referred to church members as "Holy Rollers" and their services as a "religious frenzy"). For instrumentation, these church services used a guitar, a tambourine or two and if they could afford one, a well-worn piano and perhaps a used piano accordion. Church services lasting three hours and held several times a week were filled with music as Pentecostals gyrated their hips, shook their legs, clapped and waved their arms while belting out pounding, rhythmic songs such as Down By the Riverside, When The Saints Go Marching In and Standing On The Promises. There were also more serene songs sung with great emotion like Old Rugged Cross and Softly and Tenderly (Jesus is calling).

In 1948 the Presley family left Tupelo, moving 110 miles northwest to Memphis, Tennessee. Here too, thirteen-year-old Elvis lived in the city"s slums and attended a Pentecostal church where he could not have escaped the influence of the Memphis blues.

While Elvis Presley was a teen cataclysm with millions of American girls screaming at the sight of him, his own church viewed Presley"s gyrations on stage as an affront, labelling it the Devil"s work and a mocking of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Presley records were condemned as wicked and Pentecostal preachers thumped their pulpits with Bibles, warning congregations to keep heathen rock and roll music out of their homes and away from their children"s ears (especially the music of "that backslidden Pentecostal pup, Elvis Presley"). People who decades later would be considered part of the religious right spoke out vigorously against Presley including Cardinal Spellman. In its weekly periodical, the Roman Catholic Church added to the criticism in an article titled "Beware Elvis Presley".

In August, 1956 in Jacksonville, Florida a local Juvenile Court judge called Presley a "savage" and threatened to arrest him if he shook his body while performing at Jacksonville"s Florida Theatre, justifying the restrictions by saying his music was undermining the youth of America. Throughout the performance Presley stood still as ordered but poked fun at the judge by wiggling a finger. Similar attempts to stop his "sinful gyrations" continued for more than a year and included his often noted January 6, 1957 appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show when he was seen only from the waist up.

His Hand In Mine (1960) was the title of Elvis" first gospel album. During his "68 Comeback Special Elvis said his music came from gospel. Despite his church"s attitude, gospel music was a prominent part of Presley"s repertoire throughout his life. From 1971 to his death in 1977 Presley employed the Stamps Quartet, a gospel group, for his backup vocals. He recorded several gospel albums, earning three Grammy Awards for his gospel music. In his later years Presley"s live stage performances almost always included a rendition of "How Great Thou Art" the 19th century gospel song made famous by George Beverly Shea. More than forty-five years later (and twenty-four years after his death) the Gospel Music Association finally inducted him into their Gospel Music Hall of Fame (2001).

Military service.

On December 20, 1957, Presley received his draft notice for the then compulsory 2-year service with the United States Army. On March 24, 1958, he was inducted into the Army at the Memphis Draft Board. He received no special treatment and was widely praised for not doing what many wealthy and influential people did to avoid service or to serve part time in easy domestic positions such as the Special Services where he could have sung and continued to maintain a public profile. His military service received massive media coverage with much speculation whether or not two years out of the limelight at the height of his popularity would do irreparable damage to his career. Presley sailed to Europe on the USS General George M. Randall, and served in Germany as an ordinary soldier.

Elvis Presley returned to the United States on March 2, 1960, and was honorably discharged on March 5th. While in the army, he received a black belt in Kempo and attained the rank of Sergeant.

The musical Bye Bye Birdie satirizes the events of the draft of Elvis Presley, placing fictional superstar Conrad Birdie in the position of Elvis.

Many observers (including John Lennon) later claimed that following Presley"s return from military service the quality of his recorded output dropped, although others thought he was still capable of creating records equal to his best (and did so on the infrequent occasions where he was presented with "decent" material at his movie recording sessions). Presley himself became deeply dissatisfied with the direction his career would take over the ensuing seven years, notably the film contract with a demanding schedule that eliminated creative recording and giving public concerts. In 1960 the album Elvis is Back was recorded. This, like his first two albums, Elvis Presley and Elvis, are considered by many of his fans to be his best work. With this drop-off, and in the face of the social upheaval of the 1960s and the British Invasion spearheaded by The Beatles, Presley"s star faded slightly before a triumphant televised performance later dubbed the Comeback Special. Aired on the NBC network on December 3, 1968, the show saw him return to his rock and roll roots. His 1969 return to live performances, first in Las Vegas and then across the country, was noted for the constant stream of sold-out shows, with many setting attendance records in the venues where he performed.

Death and burial.

Elvis died at his home Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee on August 16, 1977. He was found on the floor of his bedroom"s bathroom ensuite by girlfriend Ginger Alden who had been asleep in his bed. He was transported to Baptist Memorial Hospital where doctors pronounced him dead at 3.30pm. He was 42 years old.