Правильный registration form html. Тег и его атрибуты

Online Signup and registration form s, are important aspects of almost every web design. If your website needs active contribution from the visitors, then you should have provisions so that they can register or signup to open an account with your site. Users register with a site to download files or post articles, to purchase something & son depending on the theme of a site. The registration forms, are pretty elaborate, asking for a wide range of personal and contact details from the users- like age, name, gender, job, brief biography and so on. But the most important aspect of all HTML5 Signup & Registration Forms are name, username, password, gender and account creation button.

XtraForm – Bootstrap 3 Xtra Animated Form HTML5 Format

This bootstrap registration form template is coded based on jQuery mobile JavaScript which makes it compatible across many platforms and also make it very customizable. The html5 form template is available for free download here.

Multi-Step Signup Form With CSS3 and jQuery

This kind of registration form in html with CSS3 helps in sectioning of various parts of a long sign up form, thus making it easy to maintain records whereas jQuery ensures that these forms can work on a wide number of platforms. Download the sign up page template from here to build a form for your own site today.

Authentix – Ready to Integrate User System HTML Format

This kind of html5 form template is created by simple PHP script for signing up, logging in or authenticating users. This kind of login and registration form templates can also provide the feature of secure sessions. Download one from here to implement one of these in your own site.

This kind of registration form template uses CSS for registration form and is very helpful in creating sign up forms meant for the android platform. This kind of html registration form template is available for download below.

Codepen Sign Up Form in HTML Format Download

With its revamped fresh design and very simple interface, this kind of html5 form templates have been carefully optimized for creating new user registration forms. With its utility in various fields, these signup form templates are really handy and can be downloaded right from the link below.

Formplexy – CSS Forms with Validation & WP Support HTML Format

This kind of html registration form is very neat and customizable for any developer. It is extremely fast due to CSS form with jQuery. It also has WordPress support, social buttons and an option of forgotten password handling. Download the form from here to use it in your own site.

Download Login & Registration Form with HTML5

This kind of registration form template is used for login and signup due to the fact that it is very simple and uses very simple coding. This kind of html5 form templates find a wide number of uses due to their light structure and can be downloaded right from here.

Tab Login & Sign Up Forms HTML Download

This kind of signup form templates are widely used due to their tab oriented look which is very helpful in categorizing thing. This type of html5 form templates can be downloaded here to be used for long sign up forms with many fields for taking information.

Signup Form Flat Template Download

With its minimalistic look , this kind of registration form template is widely used due to their simple and clean look and due to the fact that this kind of html5 signup template can work on many platforms. You can get one of these forms here for download.

Flat Look HTML5 & CSS3 Signup Form Template Free Download

Equipped with the simplicity and cleanliness of an html5 coding coupled up with the security of a CSS3 signup security with jQuery, this kind of signup form template is one of the best options you can find for your site. Want to know how will it look for your site? Just quickly download it from the link below to check it out.

How to Create Registration Page?

A registration page on a website consists of registration form that lets website users to get registered with the website and get access to applicable facilities, services or products. A registration page is considered to be the most important aspect of a website as it gives you a way to be more interactive with your users. For creating a registration page, first you just need to add a new page through your CMS and then add the and registration form to it. You can find a large number of registration form templates online for easy and quick installation on to your page.

Awesome Design HTML5 and CSS3 Login & Sign Up Forms

This HTML5 and CSS3 login and signup form comes with an awesome design with perfectly sectioned fields. The form is handy and easy to install. Just download the form and you can customize it as per your preferences.

Simple, Highly Functional and Effective HTML5 Register Form

HTML5 based registration form ideal for all kinds of website like college, medical, shopping, school and even more. Comes with an optimized design to provide best call to action to a website user.Registration and Login form templates online that you can hardly create yourself. The best part with these templates is that along with their standard use, you can customize the fields, size as well as color of the form elements quite easily in minutes. Whether you need a student registration form, ecommerce registration form, event registration form or more, you can find template forms for all kinds of your sign-up form needs. There are numerous such registration and login templates that offer you a secure, effortless and elegant forms to be added to your websites. You just need to get these downloaded in a few clicks and do minor customizations is necessary.

Most companies and businesses want to expand their marketing reach by providing membership subscriptions to patrons while others simply want to have a database that lists down members and loyal clients. Whatever the reason might be, some, if not most, businesses and organizations require sign-ups or registrations.

A registration form is a form containing a variety of fields that require a registrant to be filled out by supplying the information that is needed in the form. The form is then submitted to an individual, a company, a group, or an organization. You can download our sample registration form templates online. We offer a wide array of registration form options ranging from student registration forms to teacher registration forms.

Student Registration Form Templates

New Student Registration Form

Simple Student Registration Form

College Student Registration Form

Free Registration Form Templates

Free Car Show Registration Form

Free Summer Camp Registration Form

Patient Registration Form Templates

New Patient Registration Form

Dental Patient Registration Form

Pediatric Patient Registration Form

Conference Registration Form Templates

Sample Conference Registration Form

Youth Conference Registration Form

Free Conference Registration Form

Church Conference Registration Form

The usages of registration forms can benefit a lot of organizations. As an example, here are some entities that can make use of the specified tool:

  • Businesses and establishments can provide a registration form to the people who would like to subscribe to the business’ offerings may they be interested on products, programs or services.
  • Organizations can also give out registration forms to people who are interested to participate in a program, plan, or activity that they have organized.
  • Schools and other academic institutions can make use of registration forms to gather information about their students.

Using a registration form is a highly efficient method of collecting data that is important to a group or an organization. Below are some key benefits that a registration form offers:

Helps to Quicken the Process of Sorting Things Out – Registration forms help organizers, businesses, or companies save or store information about a participant and properly sort out the data that they are able to collect from participants. This will help them get the details that are necessary to be known if the previous information about a program, a participant’s profile or an event is needed as a reference.

Aids in Developing Customer Support – A registration form allows organizers to store records of a member or a participant on their database or in files. This enables providers to make sure that all necessary information or questions that a member might have are being answered quickly, accurately, and efficiently.

Allows Accurate and Up-to-Date Reporting – The usage of registration forms can affect the safe keeping of information a lot. Having a single document that contains all the registration details can make it easier for establishments to create a database which they may use for a variety of purposes. This way, notification to members or subscribers can easily be given. More so, updates and changes can also be applied in a more efficient manner.

Helps to Alert and Notify Members Easily – Because of the quick development of technology, companies are now known to send out discount and promo alerts to members and subscribers online. Imagine if notifications will be given manually or delivered in the doorsteps of each member. Being able to get the e-mail address and/or contact numbers of members and placing them in a single document can allow establishments to have a message blast that can disseminate information the fastest way possible.

Aids in Broadening Marketing Techniques – Now that companies are able to connect with members and subscribers with just a click of a button, they will also be able to send out advertisements that could help promote their product. Sending out promo codes and special offers is one other way to increase sales and bank on subscribers’ word of mouth to help spread the details about their company.

Provides Flexible Options for Users – This is especially true for registration forms online where they can can easily offer various options for fundraising and donations in connection with an online provider. You can also set up online surveys to help you cater to your members’ preferences. This helps to give you an edge among other groups or companies.

Better Acquainted – Registration forms allow subscribers to share details about them that will help you get to know your members better.

Printable Registration Form Templates

Printable Race Registration Form

Printable Camp Registration Form

Printable Conference Registration Form Word

Vendor Registration Form Template

New Vendor Registration Form

Free Vendor Registration Form

Event Registration Form Templates

Sport Event Registration Form

Church Event Registration Form

Free Event Registration Form Word

Travel Registration Form Templates

Travel Agency Registration Form

Travel Baseball Registration Form

Group Travel Registration Form

Job Registration Form Templates

Job Seeker Registration Form

Job Portal Registration Form

Job Fair Registration Form

How Do I Construct a Registration Form?

Registration forms are not the most complicated forms to create on this planet; however, the way your registration forms are designed can create a psychological effect among your registrants. As ridiculous as it may sound, registration forms are especially vital in companies that wish to market their products through memberships and subscriptions or any type of business that wants to maintain a relationship with a customer.

The effectiveness of a registration form depends on how the entirety of the document has been constructed. It is important to assure that the format, layout, and content of the registration form is easy to understand so people will not lose the interest or desire to fill the information that they are asked to provide. People just do not want to have to answer twenty different questions or fill out a whole personal information form just so they can buy a book online. Gone are the days when people can sit patiently long enough for something – even one-second lags on mobile phones are considered inefficient. Having said that, below are some tips to help you hit two birds with one stone wherein you still get to establish rapport with your clients without them having to lose interest in you or your product:

1. Let Them Understand Why They Need to Register

Let your clients feel and understand how important it is for them to take the time to fill out your registration form. If you are a product or a service provider, you need to let your users thoroughly grasp the concept behind having to spend at least five to ten minutes of their time just to register or sign up with you. A great suggestion that you may incorporate in using a registration form is to give the benefits of filling the document. People tend to provide their information if there are freebies or discounts that will be given to them after the registration. This way, you can get more people who will be interested to get your offer while you get the registration information that you need. One example is how an online photo editor lists down the perks of being a member, such as added editing tools, no pop-up ads, and no watermarks on your photos.

2. Strike Out Unnecessary Fields

One major reason why many people are discouraged to join something that requires registration is because of the long queue – and the even longer amount of data that it takes just to fill out the form. This is especially true for manual registrations wherein the information needs to be provided by hand.

Filling out long forms can be tedious and off-putting that it lowers your chances of bagging subscribers and puts off interested registrants. Forget about all those qualitative date acquisitions that are meant for marketing campaigns. When registering a new user, go for the essential and much-needed information. Focus on the details that you immediately need and then ask for further information down the line. For example, in online registrations, you do not really need to let registrants encode their passwords twice to capture typos or wrong inputs; you can simply add an option for the user to make his password visible to make signing up quicker and hassle-free.

3. Provide Clear Instructions

Studies show that labels positioned above the input fields take less time to fill compared to labels which are left-aligned in input forms. Other studies also argue that inline top-aligned labels are the best method to minimize visual fixations. However, I have found labels placed above each input to be easier to fill out because they have fewer visual fixations, have no visual vagueness, and offer a cleaner and clearer set of directions for the registrant.

A registration form can only be deemed effective and comprehensive if there is an appropriate and understandable instruction that can guide the participants or registrants to easily provide the details that they are asked of. Instructions can make or break the effectiveness of a registration form as inappropriate placement of details can result to misunderstandings or inappropriate use of data.

4. Use Other Options to Thwart Spam

It is essential for registration forms to be precise and concise as people want to have a fast time when answering the tool. Do not make it hard for them to provide their information as it can affect the completion of the content of the registration form. Captcha is sometimes used by companies to ensure that there will be no machine input when registering to their site. This can be irritating to some people especially if the captcha box repetitively appears. You need to make sure that the program or system that you will use to validate a human’s manual input is not that hard to assess and answer. More so, find possible ways to fight spam without getting a lot of your registrant’s time. As an example, instead of using captcha you may use other alternatives that will not put off interested registrants from completely subscribing, such as reCaptcha.

5. Provide Social Media Log In Options

Nowadays, it is already possible for people to log in to their social media accounts in one click. If you will use a registration form that can be answered online, have a setting where your registrants can connect to their social media accounts so filling necessary information will be easier. Your registration process is expected to be faster and easier when it is done online. Hence, you need to make sure that you will give that experience of ease to our registrants.

Registration forms may not seem to be a complex and complicated piece of form or paperwork; however, if you are a business owner, it is one way to improve your sales and marketing strategy and is one way to liven up a group or an organization that you are heading by being able to provide updates and perks.

Business Registration Form Templates

Food Business Registration Form

Sample Business Registration Form

Teacher Registration Form Templates

Teacher Council Registration Form

Teacher Training Registration Form

Teacher Registration Renewal Form

Teacher Registration Application Form

Team Registration Form Templates

Soccer Team Registration Form

Free Team Registration Form

Sports Team Registration Form

Car Registration Form Templates

Car Show Registration Form

Car Club Registration Form

Customer Registration Form Templates

New Customer Registration Form

Free Customer Registration Form

Student Registration Forms

Student registration forms are usually used when a student applies for a new school, a college, or a university. The form usually requires the student to provide his personal information such as his name, address, the names of his previous schools, their addresses, contact information, the number of years the student studied there, as well as emergency contact details. You can choose from our wide array of student registration forms to download here.

Car Show Registration Forms

If you are planning to hold a car show event, you will need to provide registration forms to those who wish to be a part of the show. You can print or download our car show registration form to let interested applicants register themselves. Our sample forms come in Doc format for your easy access.

New Patient Registration Forms

If you are a doctor or a dentist who has a private clinic, you will want to create a database with your patients’ names and medical backgrounds. Using a registration form for new patients can help you properly organize your patient database and lets you accurately manage their information so that you can use these as references for medical conditions, ailments, or other diagnoses. Medical health is a serious issue and anything related to it should be thoroughly and properly documented.

Creating an open communication with your members through the usage of registration forms will help you promote a lasting professional relationship. It is essential for you to identify first whether a member would like to be updated whenever you release new offerings or deals. This way, the process of updating them will not be irritating on their part. May it be a manual registration form or an electronic registration form that you will need, using templates to guide you in formatting the document can provide you an easier time to get an effective and highly-usable registration tool.

With the revolution in the concept of web page design and maintaining, to develop a closer relationship with one visiting your page is important. The viewer may be in need of using it other times, on the other hand you get active visitors for your web page. Here the concept of sign in form and registration form pups up. Firstly, after having a look over the importance, we will approach with better way to insert some Beautiful HTML CSS Sign Up and Registration Form over your web page.

While surfing over internet, you come across the ready to use sign up forms. These forms ask the details of user like name, address, email Id, Photo, gender, job including biography. The sign up forms includes username and password as basic elements. Some of these components may vary as per the form you select but basic idea is to verify the identity of your user and develop better link with them.

Among many HTML, CSS forms over internet we have listed down some best one in terms of their compatibility, flexibility and space occupied. These will be of great help for you.

This full page, responsive CodePen is the creation of Dany Santos. The login forms only contain email and password whereas sign in form contains email, username and password. In addition these components only appear once you choose whether to log in or sign up. With the background animation this one looks attractive.

Similar to the first one this is also the CodePen by Eric whereas the component of forms is also similar. But, here the component appears in the same page so you don’t have to initially select to view the components. But admit the fact that with the plain background this one is less attractive but is flexible and light weighted.

This is simple looking registration form including plenty of examples. It is easily compatible with windows and androids as well. Moreover, designers himself have separated the forms in different categories like mini, labels in top, validity and so on. This is interactive and user friendly form example by tutorialzine.
Download and Demo

Jose Carnerioover made this simple and light weighted form by Jose over CodePen featuring to collect large number of information. It includes gender, date of birth and payment option including credit card number beside the basic one i.e. email and password. So this is best designed for online shopping and marketing.
Code and Demo

This compatible user friendly code for sign in and sign up form is the design of Josh Sorosky. It has a simple look and coded with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Sign up Screen Animation only contain the basic things like username and password including email for sign up form.
Code and Demo

This attractive and beautiful log in and registration form is the creation of Grandvincvcent Marion. With the beautiful background picture and just basic component on forms this is actually popular with thousands of views. This is well flexible allowing easy modification and is a attractive one.

Material design log in sin up form is simple and extremely light weighted form by Brawada over CodePen. This composes of HTML, CSS and JavaScript codes and looks simple and beautiful. It just includes the basic component of forms and uses less space of your web page.
Download and Code

This is interactive, beautiful code by Kyle Lavery. Its simplicity makes it popular with, many thousand of view. Furthermore material Design Signup Interaction contains just basic component of forms but you can easily add up newer one as this is highly flexible. This is simple registration form over CodePen.
Code and Demo

Martin Machycek is popular developer in CodePen. He designed this very simple and good looking sign up and login form through HTML, CSS and JavaScript. In addition it is compatible and light weighted which is the best aspect of this form. It just included email and Password so better useful for simple WebPages then commercial one.
View Code and Demo

Sign in and Sign up – Single Form

This is interactive light weighted sign in and sign up forms by Dany Santos over CodePen. It is simple with just email and password so not well designed for commercial purpose. Because of its less weight and simple nature it has collected few thousand of view making it the attractive one.

This is interactive sign up form by Matthew Largent. Not only email and password but it also includes other personal information like age interest and biography. So this is useful for commercial sites and job searching sites. Moreover it has only HTML and CSS code, however is the useful one.
Code and Demo

This is the attractive sign up form by Kov Jonas. Moreover it provides with easy linkage with social media used by viewers. Furthermore this facility makes a frequent link u with viewers and furthermore even helps in advertisement of pages over social media. With the beautiful background image in addition to flexibility, it is well preferred.
View Code and Demo

This is extremely simple and light login form coded with HTML5 and CSS3. This is design of Aigars Silkans. It only included username and password so best designed for informative personal blogs and small websites. Fact that this has maximum number of views unlike some other CodePen is convincing.
Live Demo and Code

This beautiful sign up form is the creation of Momciloo Popov. Along with the simple components of a form it furthermore has an image side by that moves with the touch. It included all HTML, CSS and JavaScript codes.

Last but not the least, Sign up Daily UI is best login form for mobile phone by Gabrielle wee over CodePen. Moreover, it looks attractive with the background image and animation can easily replace that image. It just includes name, email and password.

Initially we know, among many aspects of your web page, registration and sign up follows the first order. This creates the profile of each user and moreover leads to better user management systems. In the first pace, HTML is the building block of everything and CSS makes things look attractive. So, HTML and CSS sums up making a beautiful HTML CSS Sign Up and Registration Form for your web page.

Для обмена данными между компьютером пользователя и сервером в HTML применяются формы . Обычно обмен данными происходит следующим образом: пользователь вводит требуемые данные в поля формы, после чего они отправляются на сервер, где обрабатываются соответствующей программой. Если это, например, регистрационные данные пользователя, то они проверяются на соответствие предъявляемым требованиям и, в случае успешной проверки, заносятся в базу данных. Пользователю при этом возвращается ответ, в котором либо сообщается об успешном завершении регистрации, либо предлагается возможность исправить ошибки, допущенные в ходе заполнения полей формы. Конечно, применение форм не ограничивается только лишь сбором данных от пользователей и передачей их на сервер для обработки, однако данное предназначение следует считать основным.

и его атрибуты

Формируется элемент "form" при помощи парного тега и представляет собой контейнер, в котором расположены элементы формы: поля ввода, кнопки и т.д., которые мы подробно рассмотрим в следующих пунктах. Сейчас же перечислим атрибуты элемента "form" .

  • name - определяет уникальное имя формы, которое в основном используется для доступа к ней через скрипты.
  • action - в качестве значения принимает полный или относительный путь к серверной программе-обработчику, которой будут передаваться данные формы после отправки на сервер.
  • target - принимает в качестве значения имя окна или фрейма, в который будет загружаться html -страница, возвращаемая серверной программой-обработчиком после обработки пользовательских данных. Напомним, что в качестве зарезервированных имен атрибут target может принимать ряд значений, которые уже перечислялись ранее .
  • enctype - устанавливает способ кодирования отправляемых данных. Может принимать значения:
    • "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" - применяется по умолчанию и подходит для большинства случаев, поэтому сам атрибут enctype обычно не указывается;
    • "multipart/form-data" - следует использовать при отправке файлов;
    • "text/plain" - кодирует данные в виде простого текста, только заменяя пробелы знаком "+" ; требуется редко, например, может быть полезен при отправке данных формы по электронной почте.
  • novalidate - отменяет встроенную проверку данных вводимых пользователем в поля формы на ошибки. Значений не принимает и по умолчанию выключен.
  • autocomplete - позволяет отключать автозаполнение полей формы, которое происходит при повторном вводе одинаковых данных. Принимает два значения "on" (по умолчанию) и "off" . При этом, если автозаполнение отключено в настройках самого браузера, то данный атрибут игнорируется. Кроме того, значение атрибута может быть переопределено таким же атрибутом autocomplete , но у конкретных элементов формы, например, в случае необходимости не сохранять важные данные вроде паролей, номеров банковских карт и т.д.
  • accept-charset - указывает кодировку символов передаваемых данных, например, "utf-8" . Если атрибут не указан, то указывается кодировка, установленная для страницы.
  • method - принимает значения "GET" или "POST" , которые определяют метод отправки данных формы на сервер. По умолчанию применяется "GET" .

Чтобы иметь визуальное представление о форме, давайте посмотрим на пример 6.1.


Пример 6.1. Использование элемента "form"

Here is an example of Registration form using HTML. Here a programmer can display as many "Text Field" as he/she wants. The name in front of Text Field is called "Label". At the end of the registration form their is a "ADD" button behnd which any desired link can be used. Once clicked it will redirect to that particular destination.

Here is an example of Registration form using HTML. Here a programmer can display as many "Text Field" as he/she wants. The name in front of Text Field is called "Label". At the end of the registration form their is a "ADD" button behnd which any desired link can be used. Once clicked it will redirect to that particular destination.

HTML Code for registration form

Here is an example of Registration form using HTML. Here a programmer can display as many "Text Field" as he/she wants. The name in front of Text Field is called "Label". At the end of the registration form their is a "ADD" button behnd which any desired link can be used. Once clicked it will redirect to that particular destination.

In this example we have shown 9 "Text Field". Size of the Text Box can also be changed as per the requirement.


registration form

Registration form